
Dragon Ball: Interdimensional Saiyan Goku

After a fight with mysterious enemy Goku finds himself in another world, where he finds new people who could become his friends and rivals. Goku wants to return to his own world and meet his family, on that quest he finds something more sinister

Xerionn · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Visiting U.A High

Goku's arrival at U.A. High School sent ripples of excitement and curiosity throughout the campus. Students whispered in hushed tones, speculating about the mysterious newcomer and the extent of his powers. Among them, Midoriya Izuku couldn't contain his enthusiasm, his mind racing with questions and possibilities.

Eager to welcome Goku into their midst, Principal Nezu arranged a special assembly in the school auditorium. As Goku entered the room, he was met with a thunderous applause from the students, their excitement palpable in the air.

Standing beside All Might, Goku felt a sense of camaraderie with the heroes-in-training. Their bright eyes sparkled with admiration and determination, mirroring his own unwavering resolve to protect the innocent and uphold justice.

Principal Nezu stepped forward, his voice echoing through the hall. "Students of U.A. High, today we welcome a distinguished guest. Please give a warm welcome to Goku!"

The applause intensified as Goku waved to the crowd, his infectious smile spreading joy to all who beheld it. Midoriya watched in awe, his heart pounding with anticipation at the prospect of meeting a true hero.

After the assembly, Midoriya approached Goku, his eyes shining with excitement. "Um, hi Goku-san! I'm Midoriya Izuku, but you can call me Deku. It's an honor to meet you!"

Goku returned the greeting with a friendly grin. "Nice to meet you, Deku! Say, you seem pretty excited. What's on your mind?"

Deku's cheeks flushed with excitement as he spoke. "I've always admired heroes like All Might, and now that you're here, I can't help but feel inspired! I-I was wondering if you could maybe... show me some of your moves? I want to learn as much as I can from you!"

Goku chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Sure thing, Deku! Let's head to the training grounds and see what we can do."

As they made their way to the training grounds, Goku couldn't help but marvel at the advanced technology and state-of-the-art facilities of U.A. High. Everywhere he looked, students were honing their quirks, pushing themselves to the limit in pursuit of their dreams.

Arriving at the training grounds, Goku and Deku wasted no time in getting down to business. Goku demonstrated his signature techniques, showcasing his incredible speed, strength, and agility. Deku watched in awe, his determination burning brighter with each passing moment.

Inspired by Goku's display of power, Deku unleashed One For All, channeling its immense energy through his body. Together, they sparred with all their might, their blows sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

Goku was holding back as much as he can, he didn't want to injure a boy who is the same age as his son goten.

As the sun began to set on the horizon, Goku and Deku stood side by side, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. Sweat glistened on their brows as they exchanged a knowing glance, a silent promise of friendship and camaraderie.

In that moment, Goku knew that his journey in this new world was just beginning. With allies like Deku by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that together, they would rise to the occasion and emerge victorious.