
Dragon Ball GB

As one of only a few Saiyans that escaped the destruction of Planet Vegeta with his life, Baezel, a young Saiyan, heads to Planet Earth with the hopes of finding salvation. He encounters his younger brother, Gangal, on the planet. After the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai and defeating the Centurion Army, Gangal is brutally killed by the army's leader, and resents Baezel for the rest of his life. He was never the same... Join Baezel and his best friend, Radichio, as they go on an adventure that spans generations. From the cold and calculating Pepkorn, the misguided cyborg Draft, the return of Gangal, Parakress' revenge, Baezel Yami's creation, Zendoria's arrival, the destruction of the very Earth that Baezel and friends stood on - even meeting a warrior from another world that required godly power to best - the story of Dragon Ball GB is one hell of a saga, full of twists and turns that will leave you wondering what will happen next.

DBGB_Official · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Primal Power, Controlled

Parakress fires a massive blast of ki energy at Baezel, but he is quick enough to dodge it. Parakress is at a slight disadvantage, but he doesn't give up. He fires a beam of ki at Parakress's eyes, and he hits it, but it only stings him.

"Damn it, Super Saiyan can only match him, but not surpass him?! What can I do?!"

Baezel chuckles, and turns his aura on, proceeding to land heavy blows towards Parakress's vitals. A punch to the gut, an elbow to the ribs and a karate chop to the head do a number on him, ending it with a ki-infused sledgehammer to the head.


Parakress laughs at the joke, but he isn't phased by it.

Baezel decides it's time to end this. He grabs Parakress's leg and throws him away, sending him flying into a rock formation and destroying it.

Parakress gets back up.

"You can't kill me," he laughs. "I'll just escape and grow stronger!"

Baezel fires a barrage of ki blasts at him followed up with a Wild Cannon aimed at his face, and Parakress has a hard time dodging them. The Wild Cannon singes his face, and he has to take a couple steps back to catch himself.

"Looks like the prodigy has lost his edge," Baezel says. Parakress doesn't respond.

"Your time in the limelight is over, Baezel. Now it's time to put an end to you for good, just like you did to my right-hand man!" He shoots up into the sky and his aura flares up, becoming purple and circular with sparks of electricity. He [uts forth his hands and coils them back, charging up the strongest Galick Cannon he could. As he charges this attack, the Earth begins to shake and purple lightning strikes all around. Clouds block out the sun, and turn the area dark as night. Rocks tear out of the ground and explode.

Radichio, Lemogras and Draft can barely stand on the rock formation they're on, as it's starting to show cracks from the sheer amount of power being output. Knowing that Parakress's attack would end the planet if it so much as touched its surface, Baezel charges up a Super Kamehameha to counter the attack.

"EARTH-SHATTERING...." Parakress screams.




Baezel fires a Super Kamehameha while Parakress fires the Earth-Shattering Galick Cannon. The blue and purple beams clash with each other, entering each other into a beam clash. Neither beam is able to fully dominate the other, and both are doing damage.

Baezel is slowly losing his advantage, and Parakress has the slight upper hand. Unfortunately, while he normally wins beam struggles, this time he's losing.


Baezel was going to use the Kaioken x20 to ensure a kill, but because he wanted to not die immediately after, he instead stacks the Kaioken x3 on top of his Super Saiyan 3 form, making his beam bigger and overwhelming Parakress, blasting him into outer space.

Baezel powers down from Super Saiyan 3 Kaioken, and his muscles painfully bulge out and contract as he collapses to the floor, near death from the exhaustion. Turns out that Kaioken mixed with the Super Saiyan forms is suicide.

"I...can't move...everything hurts..." The last thing he sees is the ground on which he lied before he passed out from the pain and exhaustion.

A voice calls out to him, seemingly coming from outside of his head.


"WAKE UP, DUMBASS!" Radichio kicks Baezel in his side, jolting him awake.

"What....what happened?" Baezel groaned. "The last thing I felt before passing out was intense pain."

"I guess you won, but you passed out after combining Super Saiyan 3 with the Kaioken," Radichio says. "Promise me that you'll never again combine Super Saiyan with the Kaioken."

"You have my word," he says.

"Good," Radichio replies.

Parakress is floating above the Earth, wondering just what he can do now. His strongest attack failed to give him the edge. That's when he gets an idea to use his secret weapon - the power of a Great Ape turned Super Saiyan. He charges up an enormous white ki sphere with yellow wisps in one hand, and throws it into the sky. The ball grows in size, eventually becoming over 150 feet wide. It's an incredible sight for everyone involved.

Parakress looks straight at it and then starts to grow in size. He starts to look less like a humanoid and more like a giant monkey. His tail changes from brown to gold. His pupils, irises and sclera become completely red. His once black hair then turns golden, and finally, he grows to the size of a ten-story tall building. Parakress has become a Golden Great Ape, and has far surpassed Baezel's Super Saiyan 3 form. His power is astronomical, as he towers over you and everyone else.

"I'm gonna enjoy breaking your individual bones," Parakress says, looking directly at him.

He grabs Baezel with his giant hand and starts to crush his bones with his huge fingers. He screamed in pain as his rib cage was crushed.

"I warned you, didn't I?" Parakress says, with a smirk on his face. "I warned you, that fighting me would be the WORST MISTAKE OF YOUR PATHETIC LIFE!"

He squeezes Baezel once more, popping more bones, then slams him into the ground. Draft, Radichio and Lemogras go off to fight him, while Baezel lies there on the floor, too exhausted and hurt to move.

"I'm going to make sure to extinguish your life, like a candle that's been burning a little too long," Parakress says.

"I DON'T THINK SO!" Lemogras fires a yellow energy wave at Parakress's eye, but he moves his tail in the way, tanking the blast.

"Hahahaha! I may be a little hurt, but I'm not out for the count yet!" Parakress tries to use his giant fist to crush Lemogras, but Draft fires a purple ball of ki in his eye, making blood squirt out of it and blinding him.


Meanwhile, Baezel's on the ground, beaten and tired, looking at the solar eclipse Parakress created. At first, he doesn't think much of it, then he feels something. A familiar feeling, which he hadn't felt since he was a child. He feels a loud heartbeat only audible to him. He closes his eyes, then opens them, red as blood. He begins to twitch, and his rather normal looking teeth begin to turn sharp, like a monkey's. His tail pulsates, and he begins to breathe heavily. He feels his muscles and organs beginning to grow exponentially in size, and much more mass than what should be allowed by a humanoid form. His body is morphing at an alarming rate, and he can't stop it.

His hair spikes up and turns gold, as do his eyes, then for some reason he goes Super Saiyan against your will, and not out of anger. He starts to grow in size and his clothes are torn off, and he makes sounds as if he's roaring. He begins to grow giant and look more like an ape, and grows fur all over his body except his face, hands and feet.

He finally transforms into a Golden Great Ape, and he can't control himself at all. Baezel stomps all around the place and shoots energy beams out of his mouth at random intervals.

Lemogras and Radichio are freaking the hell out while they're still recovering from their stuns.

"What the hell's wrong with you?! Stop doing whatever it is you're doing!" Draft shouts.

"Dad! Please, try to control yourself! We can't have you lose control like this!" Lemogras shouts.

"Why not?" asks Radichio. "This might be our only chance outside of Godzilla vs King Kong to see two giant kaiju fight each other! Don't you think that'd be cool?!"

"That'd be really cool," Lemogras says. "but as cool as that would be, we can't let Dad stay like this or else he might accidentally kill everyone!"

"Yeah, or accidentally let everyone else die for failing to stop him!" adds Radichio, while looking over at him.

While Baezel has no self-control, he at least knows that Parakress is his main enemy. He runs over to him and punches him in the face. He uppercuts him and tries to perform a ki beam with his mouth, but Parakress strikes him in the gut then jabs him. Parakress kicks him in the gut and shoots out a ki blast from his mouth.

"DAD! PLEASE STOP THIS! We know you're in there, and we need you!" Lemogras shouted while crying.

Baezel looks at his son pleading for him to stop, and you do. You turn around and look at your hands, as you try to control yourself and realize what's going on around you.

He looks at his hands, and takes a moment to try and understand what he's done. Baezel turned his head to his son and friends. Lemogras was still teary-eyed. Radichio was pissed off. Draft had a worried look.

"Wha - hey! Stop talking to your friends and get over here and fight me!" Parakress shouts out.

Baezel smirks and turns over to him, chuckling. "I…will…fight," he utters. He clenches his fist and tries to gain focus, then speaks clearly in his loud, deep voice. "I'm gonna fight you, and I swear I'll win!"

Baezel powers up, roaring out as loud as he could. His aura flared up, and his body glowed golden. He starts to decrease in size, as his fur and tail start to turn more of a red color. He becomes more humanoid again, and the fringes of hair on his head as a Golden Great Ape start to change shape, starting to resemble his spiked up hair as a Super Saiyan. He also suddenly regrows pants, belt, boots and wristbands from his fur, but not a shirt. The fur then moves away to show his chest. His hair reverts back to black, and he closes his eyes. He opens them again, and they start to resemble normal eyes, but his irises are yellow and you have a crimson trim around his eyes.

Baezel's Super Saiyan hair has lengthened, but not as long as Super Saiyan 3, and had become wilder, with his hair reaching down to the middle of his back, while two long pointed bangs of hair appear on both sides of his neck. He becomes a bit larger in height and muscularity and his voice is a bit deeper and raspier. Lemogras and Radichio notice the drastic change in your appearance, and are astonished. At the moment, nobody, not even Baezel, knows what the hell just happened to him.


Lemogras anxiously walks over to him, being a bit weary of his unfamiliar form factor. "Dad?" he asks. "Is that...really you in there? Are you still on the good side?"

Baezel looks at Lemogras with a straight face, then smiles and goes down on one knee to wipe his tears off his face.

"I'll always be on the good side, my son." While still bent down, Baezel gives Lemogras a reassuring hug. Lemogras falls to his knees and hugs him back.

"Aww...so anyway, what do we call this form?" Radichio asks.

"Yeah," Lemogras replies. "This is nothing like the other three Super Saiyan forms."

"Hold on now," Radichio says. "Could this be the Super Saiyan of Legend? You know, the children's tale our parents told us as kids?"

"That's just a stupid kids' tale," Baezel chimes in. "There's no such thing as the Super Saiyan of Legend."

"And besides, even if the Super Saiyan of Legend was real, we already have access to Super Saiyan. I think I have an appropriate name for this form. I'll call it...Super Saiyan 4," he says.

"Super Saiyan 4, huh?" Lemogras says, cringing a little. "Hm..."

"So, what are you going to do now?" Radichio asks.

"I'm gonna go and fight Parakress. You two have to be my support, alright?"

Lemogras and Radichio nod.