
Dragon Ball a cold existence

What if Frieza had a younger brother that was just as cruel and talented as himself how will that change the story

Ranks_Blex_2955 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: A Tyrants birth

Location: cold Planet 169 year 700 (37 years before planet Vegeta was destroyed )

"Well tell me up front why is it that the finest medical equipment in the galaxy is failing to help my son fully develop?

King Cold road in rage as he watched the alien doctors scurry around trying to fix the medical room, Cold got so impatient he picked up a small alien in a lab coat to answer him directly,Cold was already a frightening creature when he wasn't trying to be violent but when he was angered he seemed even more frightening.

The alien doctor struggled to speak "W-well you see my lord the child's power is difficult to keep under control we haven't had this much trouble since the birth of Lord Freeza

This caused the old tyrant's eyes to widen in shock Freeza was his most powerful child and to have another son o the same level or greater the thought excited him to the point he threw the alien and rushed into the room to see the miniature Frost demon in his true form floating inside the container as alien doctors rushed around trying to keep the equipment from breaking any further and suddenly they stopped as everything calmed down, but little did they know that this was only the beginning

suddenly the eyes of the little frost demon opened revealing the signature red eyes of the species and as he did a large burst of power appeared as it blew all the doctors away, it was so intense that the earth began to shake and all over the palace soldiers scouters began to break due to the overwhelming power

He was currently in his fourth and true form but it seemed like his body was unable to handle the power fo it began to mutate to try and suppress it.

King Cold realised this and yelled "Quickly bring out the advanced scouter now!!!

The remaining doctors quickly rushed to get the same scouter they had used to scan both Freeza and cooler for their power levels at birth King Cold grabbed it and began scanning his new son and he gasped upon birth alone he had a tremendous power level of 100 million just upon birth.

The glass continued to shatter until all the liquid inside began to pour out and out stepped a small figure with three toes and although the creature was humanoid it still had some reptilian features to it with two long black horns on a helmet-like structure with a purple-like ember and a long reptilian tail, the frost demon had entered his first form as a way to control and limit his power he had no armour on other than the natural one his race possed

The Frost demon looked around with irritation and confusion until his gaze landed on King Cold ,the young tyrant smiled "So you must be my Father correct?

He then pointed a finger at King Cold then he began to charge a death beam meanwhile the old tyrant readied himself but the beam didn't reach him but rather an unfortunate alien doctor.

"ohhohoho That was fun indeed again"

The young tyrant began to fire death beams at every alien in the room as they scurried away to avoid death but alas it was futile throughout the whole ordeal Cold watched in amazement as the young tyrant laughed as he slaughtered the innocent.

king old smiled an evil smile "truly tremendous indeed, never would I have thought I would have another offspring on the same level as Frieza HAHAHA truly wonderful!!

Cold walked over to his new son with a smile "very good very good Arctic splendid work"

Arctic turned his head to look up at the older tyrant "Arctic is that my name?

"If it's not yours who else dose it belong to hmm?

Arctic thought for a while then smiled "I like it a splendid name for I a splendid being ohhohoho"

"Yes indeed but come"

"Where are we going, papa?

"To introduce you to your brothers of course and I'm sure you will love them"

"oh goodie"

the two began to walk out of the lad not even considering the dead in their wake,

A new frost demon has appeared and has already proven to be just as heartless as the rest of them but now he moves on to meet the rest of his vile siblings will he prove to be just as much of a menace as all of them or will he be worse

Find out next time on Dragon Ball cold existence!!

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