

Huang Yong crossed in Douluo Dalu and became a war orphan. After knowing that, this was still too early for the plot, and spirit Hall had not yet started to awaken civilian's spirit for free he had lost almost all hope. The system, which gave him the last hope also had a harsh condition to awaken his martial soul first to activate the system, which made him desperate again. See how Huang Yong an ordinary young man from Earth will survive in a fantastic world like the Douluo continent How will he awaken his martial soul? ……. Will he support the Empire, Soul Hall, Sherk Seven Devils, or create his force? ……. What adventures the future awaits? ……. Will he have any rival? …… MC IS A FIGHTING MADMAN BUT HAS CLEAR THINKING. THINKS WITH HIS BRAIN NOT DI*K Join Huang Yong on his Amazing Journey of Fantasy World ~ DOULUO CONTINENT #douluo #fanfiction #doupo #action ****************************************** SUPPORT ME BY ADDING TO COLLECTION. THANK YOU

Masked_Warrior_ · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Haima City Market 

Two men one in black with a blindfold and the other in light blue with a rough look.

Both were making their way and visiting different shops and coming out with bags of different sizes

"These raw supplies are more than enough for 10 days, buying more will go to waste."

Huang Yong said while estimating the supplies with his eyes.

"All these vegetables and rice will last for at least 15 days in my opinion."

Xiao Feng commented 

"I am a big eater and the estimate I gave was only for myself."

"What! Young Master, how can a human possibly eat that much."

Xiao Feng said in a surprised tone.

Everyone around also heard him and started staring at Huang Yong, some with weird looks, some praising his appetite.

"Sorry Young Master I was not paying attention."

Xiao Feng apologised

"What are you guys staring at, don't you have any business to attend to?"

Xiao Feng shouted at the crowd 

"Leave it, let us go get some soul beast meat."

Huang Yong really can't do anything about his appetite, due to his intense training sessions he has to eat more to fuel himself.

After getting some soul beast meat which was expensive, 2 silver soul coins for a catty (600 grams).

"Take these things with you and prepare for dinner. I need to deal with some unfinished businesses."

Huang Yong commanded Xiao Feng 

"Don't worry Young Master the food I will prepare will be to your liking."

"Prepare more meat and lotus shoots."

Saying so Huang Yong left the market.


Soul Battle Arena,

Battle registration window.

"Sorry, Mr Black Fist we will not be able to arrange a soul battle for you."

"May I ask the reason?"

"Your last battle has created a lot of questions in the audience as it seemed fake to them and they are questioning the Soul battle arena."

"We will not be able to arrange a battle for you till the questioning settles."

Huang Yong left the battle registration window with a disappointed look, last battle gave him a lot of inspiration on how to create soul skills.


A voice came from the side, and Huang Yong looked at the source of the voice.

"Axe Master."

"Were you also rejected from the soul battle arena?"

"Our soul battle has created a lot of disapprovals in the audience. Seriously the way you knocked me out, no one will believe that the match between us was not fixed."

"It is better to go home and rest early or you could go to other city spirit arena where no one knows you."

Walking outside the Spirit arena building Axe master suggested.

'If I am not able to fight what is the use of staying in this city'

As Huang Yong was feeling low and thinking of other solutions he got a great idea.

"Axe Master. Wait for a moment."


"I have an offer for you If you would like to listen."


"Fight me for one hour every day regularly for 30 days and I will pay you 60 gold coins."

"Do you think I'll work at a wage this low, even dogs earn better."

'I would like to know which dog has such good luck.'

Although Huang Yong had a lot of money he didn't want to expose it to the world and make unknown enemies.

"Say, how much do you want so not to feel like a dog."

"At least 200 gold soul coins."

"Ok, deal."

'I should have asked for more.'

Axe master thought as Huang Yong agreed to the wage he quoted.

"OK, start tomorrow morning, this is my house address."

Huang Yong left after giving the axe master a piece of paper with his house address on it.


Huang Yong's Haima City Residence,

"You were not lying when you said you were taught by a food-type soul master."

Huang Yong said while eating the food Xiao Feng had prepared.

"Well, Young master."

"Call me boss from now on, I don't like being called young master."

"Well, boss about my soul ring."

Xiao Feng asked while rubbing his hands.

"Hum, from today onwards exercise and exhaust yourself as much as possible and soak in these medicines, your body is still too weak for a hundred-year soul ring."

Huang Yong gave him a slip with a few recovery medicine names on it.

"I will do as you say, boss."

"From tomorrow onwards Axe Master will come here every day make sure to prepare extra lunch."

"Axe Master Yao Tian!"

"Yes he will come here to practice, any problem."

"No boss I was just surprised, I'll prepare as you say."

Xiao Feng was surprised that a well-known great soul master would come here every day from tomorrow onward.

'Didn't the boss defeat him in the soul battle, means the boss is more powerful than him and as the boss's right-hand man (cook) I need to have some face and not lose my cool in front of him.'

Next morning 

Huang Yong's resident training ground 

Huang Yong and Axe master were fighting each other only using physical strength no soul power or soul skill.

Xiao Feng was looking at the battle by the side of the ground.

'Is this the physical strength great soul masters possess, I am really weak and may die if try to absorb a 100-year-soul ring.'

After about 40 minutes of continuous fighting, they stopped.

"This is it for today Let rest and eat something."

Huang Yong stopped the fight as Axe master was getting tired and was not able to give him a challenge even at his 10% strength.

Axe Master had also realised this and was a bit disappointed in himself.

"I'll take my leave, and you can call me by my name Axe Master is just a title people gave me in the fighting arena."

Yao Tian left after speaking.

"Seems he is not happy as he was not able to fight me for an hour and got exhausted in the middle."

Huang Yong looked at Xiao Feng

"Xiao Feng come here, let me train you a little in combat."

"Yes, Thank you, boss."

Xiao Feng was happy to get a chance to be trained by Huang Yong but he had no idea what short of disaster he had gotten himself into.

After training(beating) Xiao Feng for 20 minutes Huang Yong asked him to go and soak in medicines.

This continued for the next 30 days.

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