

Anime & Comics
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  • 23 Chs
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Read ‘DOULUO: FIST OF CHAOS’ Online for Free, written by the author Masked_Warrior_, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ANIME Fanfiction, SUPERNATURAL Fan Fiction, Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Huang Yong crossed in Douluo Dalu and became a war orphan.After knowing that, this was still too early for the plot, and...


Huang Yong crossed in Douluo Dalu and became a war orphan. After knowing that, this was still too early for the plot, and spirit Hall had not yet started to awaken civilian's spirit for free he had lost almost all hope. The system, which gave him the last hope also had a harsh condition to awaken his martial soul first to activate the system, which made him desperate again. See how Huang Yong an ordinary young man from Earth will survive in a fantastic world like the Douluo continent How will he awaken his martial soul? ……. Will he support the Empire, Soul Hall, Sherk Seven Devils, or create his force? ……. What adventures the future awaits? ……. Will he have any rival? …… MC IS A FIGHTING MADMAN BUT HAS CLEAR THINKING. THINKS WITH HIS BRAIN NOT DI*K Join Huang Yong on his Amazing Journey of Fantasy World ~ DOULUO CONTINENT #douluo #fanfiction #doupo #action ****************************************** SUPPORT ME BY ADDING TO COLLECTION. THANK YOU

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Amber Sinclair

She carefully observed her surroundings and snuck past the hallway, hiding in a locker's shadow just in time to remain undiscovered. Once her pursuer left the hallway, she slowly stepped out from her hiding place and cautiously made her way to her destination. She checked her surroundings once again before finally dashing out of the entrance at top speed. As soon as she made it out, she took a left turn and hid before she could be spotted. She crouched there, breathing out in short gasps as she slowly peeked around the corner to see if her pursuer was closeby. Not seeing the presence of a single being, she let out a sigh of relief. She turned her back to the building trying to get as far from it as she could. She finally felt some hope when the gate was in sight. Almost there. Once she crossed that gate, they wouldn't be able to catch her. She was just a few more steps from it when her heart suddenly chilled. She turned around and a tall shadow loomed above her. "Are you trying to escape?" The shadow asked. The setting sun's rays fell upon her and she squinted her eyes, unable to see the shadow's face. However, she had no need to (see). The voice made chills run down her spine. She could recognize it anywhere... ........... Most novels begin with a normal MC living a normal life when everything takes a turn and all hell breaks loose... Before things all began, Amber was... mostly normal. Her life was... it barely made it into the quota, but it was still normal. How did it all begin? Just a phone call. Yes, ONE phone call. Who called? Just an acquaintance... Then why are we sharing her story, you ask? Because her life changed. No, no, it didn't take a turn. It just veered off the path it was going on. And I'm here to share with you the story of Amber Sinclair. P.S: This is NOT a horror story. NO NEED to proceed at your own risk. XXX The cover page is NOT my own. It was taken from the internet and the source names 'Kushinov Ilya' as the rightful owner of the art. If there is an issue with my usage of the image, please let me know and I will remove it. I just felt like the woman in the art was extremely similar to my idea of Amber XXX

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वरदान एक चमत्कार

जैसे ही उसने आखिरी निवाला उस फकीर ने खाया ,वो फकीर एक चमत्कारी देवता के रूप में बदल गया । उसने राजा को आशीर्वाद दिया हे, "राजन मैं तुम्हारे राज्य में तुम्हारे धर्म की परीक्षा लेने आया था ।" "तुम अपने धर्म में खरे उतरे इसलिए मैं तुम्हें आशीर्वाद देता हूं, कि तुम्हें पुत्र प्रदान हो ।" "क्योंकि तुम्हारे भाग्य में संतान का सुख नहीं है , इसलिए पुत्र के जन्म के कुछ समय बाद तुम्हारी मृत्यु हो जाएगी।" " क्योंकि तुम्हारे राज्य की प्रजा ने मुझे देख कर घड़ा की और मुझ पर पत्थरों से बार किया ,इसके परिणाम तुम्हें भुगतना होगा।" "क्योंकि तुम प्रजा के पालनहार हो और इसीलिए तुम्हारी प्रजा जो भी कार्य करेगी उसका उसका फल या अशुभ फल तुम्हें यह तुम्हारे पुत्र को भुगतना पड़ेगा ।" और हां राजन तुम्हारा पुत्र बहुत ही पराक्रमी योद्धा होगा ।" " उसके सामने मनुष्य क्या देव दानव भी नहीं खड़े रहे सकेंगे। इतना बोल कर वह देवता अदृश्य हो गया।" कुछ दिनों बाद रानी के गर्भवती होने की सूचना पूरे राज्य में आप की लपटों की तरह फैल गई। महाराजा राजकुमार के आगमन के लिए बेसब्री से इंतजार करने लगे । धीरे-धीरे समय गुजरता गया और 9 महीने बाद राजकुमार का जन्म हुआ। वह बच्चा सूर्य के समान चमक रहा था, और चंद्रमा के समान उसके मुख पर तेज था। राजकुमार के जन्म पर खुशियों की हर तरफ उत्सव का माहौल था। राजा बहुत खुश था। उन्होंने बड़े बड़े पंडित को राजकुमार के नाम की नामकरण की विधि की। क्योंकि उनको राजकुमार फकीर के वरदान से मिला था, इसीलिए उन्होंने उसका नाम वरदान रखा । उसका नाम राजकुमार वरदान रखा गया गया। और दूसरी तरफ राजा के मंत्री और विद्रोही वरदान के जन्म से खुश नहीं थे। वह बच्चे को मारना चाहते थे। बच्चे को मारने की चालें चलने लगे। जब भी वे लोग राजकुमार के उसके आसपास जाते, कोई अदृश्य शक्ति उनको अपने इरादों में सफल नहीं होने देती थी। वरदान की सुरक्षा कवच बन कर उसकी रक्षा करती थी । वरदान 5 साल का होने वाला था । और राजा उसको युवराज घोषित करना चाहते थे। इससे पहले राजा ऐसा कर पाता, विद्रोहीऔ ने राजा की हत्या कर दी , और वो रानी और वरदान को भी मारने के लिए निकल गए । जैसे ही रानी को यह सब पता चला , रानी ने अपने बच्चे के साथ भेस बदल कर राज्य से भाग गई।

Renu_Chaurasiya_0803 · History
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Primordial Evil Cultivator

The world has many faces, Some shine bright, While others hide in the dark. No one shows their true face, Coz to do that would be dangerous, For what is seen can also be known~ A gash of radiant light broke throughout the cauldron black sky, warm molten red blood squirting from the open wounds carried horror in it, the clattering sound of the swords that were going neat on each other's throats, The screams of agony and whimpers of pain were eye pleasing to the man that stood tall on the smoking ruins that were littered with bodies, calmly walking through the mountain of the brutally mascaraed corpse the man stared down the pesky creatures with a gaze akin to that of a lord of wrath. "Justice shall be served" the vanquishing voice echoed through the battlefield wavering the arrows zipping through the air and the clashing swords, dead silence hung over the ruins, Miserable humans gazed with a last ray of hope in their eyes "Indeed justice shall be served……… For myself!!" His maniac laugh destroyed every bit of hope the creatures carried "And for the rest of you? There will not be any tranquillity! I shall have no mercy" Raising his hands into the air he formed a sphere of pitch black and scarlet red energy. "This is the day humans will regret their birth, and heavens, their existence" Nothing but ashes remain on that fateful day……….. This went par to the patience of the heavens, Close at hand to claim his never-ending revenge with humans, he fought over to the end destroying every place and every soul. The heavens couldn't allow it, the only choice was to enter the battle with this being to prevent the disaster for the entire mankind. What now?? After all, the being was but a mere human who was overpowered by demonic energy and evil cultivation. "A war between a raging evil cultivator and the heavens!!!" _______________________________ The beginning of the story is slow-paced, As it focuses on the detailed back story, character development, tragic twists and turns, The story might get dark from time to time, so please bear with it. Disclaimer: I recently came across some comment that said it's been a while since they tasted pure fantasy novels as the system and reincarnation are in trend so here I'm trying my best to avoid it all and keep this as just a cult fantasy novel. This is a story free from the system, and the concept of transmigration and reincarnation, ML here solely levels up by working on his skills and gaining knowledge and improving his wisdom. If you are willing to continue with the story then reading prologues is a must for you…. But this doesn't mean I might not write systems or reincarnation novels …..in the future I might write novels that involve systems, reincarnation and transmigration…. But that has nothing to do with this one … Please stop by and give it a try….. Honest critics would be appreciated…… ps; cover picture doesn't belong to me, credit goes to the owner......

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