

Huang Yong crossed in Douluo Dalu and became a war orphan. After knowing that, this was still too early for the plot, and spirit Hall had not yet started to awaken civilian's spirit for free he had lost almost all hope. The system, which gave him the last hope also had a harsh condition to awaken his martial soul first to activate the system, which made him desperate again. See how Huang Yong an ordinary young man from Earth will survive in a fantastic world like the Douluo continent How will he awaken his martial soul? ……. Will he support the Empire, Soul Hall, Sherk Seven Devils, or create his force? ……. What adventures the future awaits? ……. Will he have any rival? …… MC IS A FIGHTING MADMAN BUT HAS CLEAR THINKING. THINKS WITH HIS BRAIN NOT DI*K Join Huang Yong on his Amazing Journey of Fantasy World ~ DOULUO CONTINENT #douluo #fanfiction #doupo #action ****************************************** SUPPORT ME BY ADDING TO COLLECTION. THANK YOU

Masked_Warrior_ · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Haima city hotel

"Young master please forgive me for my mistake last night"

The strong man, Huang Yong though was here to cause trouble bowed his head in front of him and said loudly.

"Please spit your anger and forgive our boss young master."

The few people around the strong man also bowed 

People around started to look at Huang Yong with weird looks 

"Get up and don't cause unnecessary trouble, did I not ask you not to appear in front of me again."

"Young master I had eyes but couldn't see and offended you even asked for protection fees, please forgive me."

The strong man also saw the strange look on the faces of the crowd around them and specified the reason.

'This guy must have heard about my fight in the spirit fighting arena or have seen me there.'

Huang Yong was sure that this big guy was here only after he knew that Huang Yong was a strong spirit master and offending him may cause death.

In the era when spirit masters are rare and are looked up to, they kill civilians like chickens much more than a person who dares to offend them.

"Okay I have accepted your apology now go away, I do not like too many people around me."

Huang Yong tried to send them away.

"Young master please tell us if you have anything you need to get done in Haima city we brothers have a good connection here."

"Yes, young master."

"Well I do have a job for you guys, I want to get a house in this city help me find one."

"Young master you can stay at my place it is very clean and near the city centre." 

"First of all stop calling me young master and second I want a separate house for myself where I can train so find me a house with a big courtyard."

"Yes, young master it will be done within a day."

"I ask you not to call me young master you can call me by my spirit arena name."

"Yes, young master."

"Aah leave it, do as you wish."

Huang Yong returned to his room

'These people should be able to find me a good house where I can stay for a few years.' 

Fighting in the spirit arena gave him a lot of ideas on how to create his soul skills.

Real combat is far better than training alone.


There was a knock on the door and this time it was the big man standing there

"Young master we have already found the type of house you were looking for."

'They did it within a day'

"Take me to the landlord I would like to talk to him."

"Young master he is downstairs in the hotel lobby waiting for you, we have brought him with us."

'Is this how gangsters work, quite efficient.'

"Well, lead the way."

Going down stairs Huang Yong saw a wealthy man in the hotel lobby sitting on a sofa surrounded by men.

You could see from his eyes that he was scared.

Huang Yong guessed that he was the landlord.

Coming and sitting opposite him, Huang Yong asked 

"Are you the landlord of the house I am looking to buy?"

"If you wanted to buy a house you could have met my manager, what is the meaning of kidnapping me from my home and bringing me here?"

'Did they kidnap him from his house.'

Huang Yong looked at the big man.

"Let's talk about the house, what is the amount at which you are willing to sell it?"

"The type of house these people have mentioned to me is more expensive than usual houses as it has a big courtyard with strong reinforcements very suitable for training."

"A house made just for a soul master."

The landlord started to talk about the advantages of the house and how it was hard to get as a lot of soul masters wanted to get one.

"Specify the price."

"100 gold coins no one coin-less no one coin more."


Huang Yong bought the house and signed a contract with the landlord.

"Let's go and see the house you guys have selected."

"Yes, young master."

"One person is enough rest of you should leave."

Huang Yong commanded.

The gang members started to look at each other and their boss for an answer.

"Don't you hear what the young master said, from today forward knife gang will be disbanded."

I have left some money at my place, divide it equally among yourselves and start a new life."

"But boss."

"Enough, if you all see me as your boss then do as I say."

"We promise to live an honest life and follow your last order well."

They all left after saying this.

'Well, that was quite emotional.'

Huang Yong thought while looking at the leaving people.

"You are quite decisive in your actions. By the way, what is your name?"

"The name of this humble servant is Xiao Feng."

Huang Yong came to the new house with Xiao Feng.

The house was very big about 600 square metres with a housing area of about 200 square metres and about 400 square metres of courtyard, with ground paved with hard stones.

After looking around the house Huang Yong was very satisfied.

"Xiao Feng let's go and buy some necessary things from the market, we also need to hire a cook."

"Yes young master but as for hiring a cook it is better to leave it to me."

"Oh, are you a cook?"

"Young master although I can't say that I am the best but I am far better than those cooks you will find at the market."

"My martial spirit is a knife and I have spent my early childhood working at a hotel in the capital city."

Saying so he extended his hand and a knife was rotating in it although it was not various strong looking it was still a decent knife.

"I thought that you were some big beast-type soul master."

"Tell me, how did you get your martial soul awakened."

Huang Yong got curious.

"Young master as I said earlier I used to work at a hotel in the capital city and the cook there was a food type great soul master"

"He awakened my martial soul when I was 6 years old. Also taught me a lot of cooking skills."

"You got some luck, so how much was your initial soul power."

"My initial soul power was two levels and right now I am level 10 and 14 years old."

"Are you sure you are 14 years old?"

Huang Yong asked with some doubt as it was hard to believe.

Xiao Feng looked like someone in his early twenties.

"I dare not lie to you, young master. I am 14 years old, it is just that I have grown a bit more than others."

"Yes, a bit too much."

Huang Yong joked as Xiao Feng was almost 2 meters tall.

"So why did you leave the capital city."

"I offended a noble, thanks to the old cook I was able to save my life but lost my job."

"You said earlier that you are level 10, why do I not see a soul ring on your martial spirit."

"I want to get a 100-year-old soul ring, not a 10-year-old soul ring."

"So is this the reason you want to follow me."

Xiao Feng rubbed the back of his with a shy smile as his plan was exposed.

"Stop trying to act cute it looks disgusting."

Huang Yong said with disgust after all the one acting all cute right now was not a beautiful woman but a rough man.

"If you are a good cook I don't mind helping you get your first soul ring."

Xiao Feng's face bloomed with a smile as soon he heard this.

"Don't worry young master the food is cooked are top level."

"We will see about that."

'System use identification on Xiao Feng.'

Huang Yong used the identification of Xiao Feng 






Seeing the information Huang Yong was sure that Xiao Feng was not lying to him at least about his martial soul and soul power.

'He has a clear reason behind following me, which is far better than someone following me without a reason as I don't know what his real purpose is.'

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