

Huang Yong crossed in Douluo Dalu and became a war orphan. After knowing that, this was still too early for the plot, and spirit Hall had not yet started to awaken civilian's spirit for free he had lost almost all hope. The system, which gave him the last hope also had a harsh condition to awaken his martial soul first to activate the system, which made him desperate again. See how Huang Yong an ordinary young man from Earth will survive in a fantastic world like the Douluo continent How will he awaken his martial soul? ……. Will he support the Empire, Soul Hall, Sherk Seven Devils, or create his force? ……. What adventures the future awaits? ……. Will he have any rival? …… MC IS A FIGHTING MADMAN BUT HAS CLEAR THINKING. THINKS WITH HIS BRAIN NOT DI*K Join Huang Yong on his Amazing Journey of Fantasy World ~ DOULUO CONTINENT #douluo #fanfiction #doupo #action ****************************************** SUPPORT ME BY ADDING TO COLLECTION. THANK YOU

Masked_Warrior_ · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs




The demon dog soul master lost his focus for a second due to poisoning and the lizard soul master used his ultimate technique on him.

"The victor has been decided."

The demon dog soul master fell unconscious with a bang.

"After 3 continuous losses, Kyu Ruo has finally made his comeback."

"I announce the winner of this battle is Kyo Ryo - the lizard man."

The host shouted from a hanging platform.

"The next battle will be between Axe Master and Black Fist."

"You guys should be aware of Axe Master but I will repeat their information."





"The one fighting against him is a new name."





"This battle will happen in 15 minutes, WHAT ARE YOU WATING FOR, go and place your money on whom you think will win."

"The mentioned soul masters should also prepare to enter the arena."

Huang Yong was a little surprised that he got his battle so soon but, it was also good so as not to waste time. 

"I am placing my money on Axe Master."

"Yes, they are both tool-type soul masters but the gap in their soul power level is huge."

"Yes, this black fist is also a new-be."

"What a simple name - Black Fist."

Huang Yong heard whispering in the crowd as he moved toward the back of the arena.

The crowd was discussing whom to place their money on.

At the back of the arena 

"Sir, are you the black fist soul master?"

Huang Yong showed his iron badge and said nothing.

"Sir your battle will start in 10 minutes and you will enter from gate number 2 when your name is called."

Huang Yong nodded and stood there while waiting for the time to come.

10 minutes later

"All the bets have been placed and now it is time for what you guys are waiting for."

"On the left side of the arena, we have Axe master Yao Tian with a fighting record of 32 wins 28 losses and 2 draws.

The crowd started to cheer


A big man in battle clothes entered from the left side.

He was about 1.9 metres tall with a simple face and a cold look in his eyes.

(People in Douluo continent are taller due to the exposure to soul power, mainly soul masters.)

"On the right side of the arena, we have the new battle soul master - Black Fist."

Huang Yong entered from the left side


"Is this black fist sole master blind."

"Must be otherwise why would anyone wear a blindfold."

"The decision of not placing my money on him was correct."

"There is no way he will win."

Yao Tian looked at Huang Yong and said 

"You better step down from the arena and admit defeat my axe will not show mercy even if you are a blind person."

Huang Yong smiled and said nothing in response 

"Humph, arrogance."

"I will teach you that soul master arena is not a place for children to play."

"Please take positions and release your martial soul."

The host instructed 

Axe Master Yao Tian activated his martial soul.

He had a bronze battle axe in his hand and two light yellow soul rings rotating around him.


Huang Yong did nothing in response 

"Are you not even going to release your martial soul."

Yao Tian said with deep anger in his voice

Huang Yong showed both his hands to him and they had black gauntlets on them

"What about the soul ring?"

"No need for a soul ring."

"Boy, you know how to piss people off."

"Host announced the start of the match as soon as possible."

"I am going to beat the crap out of this arrogant kid."

"Boy, be ready for a beating, I had thought to go easy on you because you were blind, but your arrogance had made me angry."

"Before the start of the match, I would like to announce the rules of this battle soul arena."

"As long as one of the battle soul masters steps out of the arena, lose the ability to fight any longer or lose consciousness. They would lose the match."

"Use of weapons, other than your material soul, and killing is not allowed."

"Now I announce the battle begins."

"Come, boy, let me see if you are as strong as your arrogance."

Saying so Yao Tian sprinted toward MC with his axe, ready to attack.

His first light yellow soul ring brightened.


Yao Tian used his Soul Skill as soon as the match started

The Battle Axe in his hand grew twice as large as before and fell toward the head of Huang Yong.

Huang Yong took a right step and avoided the attack while clinching his fist and striking hard on the side of the Battle Axe


Yao Tian took three or four steps to the left before stabilising himself

Huang Yong also fell a little numb in his fist.

Yao Tian attacked Huang Yong again with continuous strikes

Huang Yong struggled a little to defend but soon adapted and started to avoid the attack smoothly.

After more than 30 seconds of continuous attacks, Yao Tian finally stopped and looked at Huang Yong.

"So you do have some strength."

"Now, I don't have to worry about killing you while fighting."

Huang Yong made a calling movement with his fingers

"Come again, is this all you have got?."

"Good good."

"Let me show you my true strength."

"Let's fight."

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