
Chapter 433: Someone is going to be unlucky again...

Ye Chen's words, like a nine-level fixed-installed soul-guided cannonball, blasted in everyone's hearts.

"This, is the other party's news credible?" Beibei's heart was equally hot, and the shock of this news even made him temporarily forget about looking for Tang Ya.

However, the cautious character developed over the years still made Beibei unable to help but ask questions.

Ye Chen understands the other party's concerns, and he has also had such concerns, but considering the situation of the parties at the time of the transaction, he Jing Hongchen has no reason to deceive him unless he does not care about the life and death of his grandchildren.

"Don't worry, if I'm not sure of this, I won't mention it to you. The situation at the beginning was very complicated, and I couldn't explain a word or a sentence. You can't believe that he is normal, but at least since we met, my judgment has never appeared. Mistakes." Ye Chen explained that the matter about laughter and Meng Hongchen was too complicated and involved Aurora. He didn't want Beibei and the others to be involved as a last resort.

"As for why I want to say these things, it is because after discussing with Mr. Mu, we decided to go together this time. One is that the opportunity there is enough for each of us to gain something, and the two can take care of each other. , I can also take the opportunity to go deep into the Sun-Moon Empire Forte and investigate Tang Ya's news."

"But the location of Dragon Valley is in the Sun-Moon Empire, after all, there is always a certain degree of danger, so whether to go depends on everyone's own wishes."

Having said that, the words are already very clear.

Beibei, Xu Sanshi and others are all old oil, how can they not know Ye Chen's intentions?

It is to ask for their opinions. In fact, it is a formality. Based on their personalities, they know that there is a huge opportunity in a place, but there is no reason not to go.

As for the danger, as a soul master, if you want to gain a foothold on this continent, you will face various challenges and dangers. Only the weak will choose to withdraw from the group, and facing up to difficulties is what the strong must experience.

Besides, there is a saying that Ye Chen said right, they could just take this opportunity to go to the Sun-Moon Empire to look for clues to Tang Ya, even if there is no such thing, they will find a chance to go there.

In that case, why not do it?

"Don't talk about Brother Chen, I have to count me anyway." What people didn't expect was that Huo Yuhao, who hadn't expressed his opinion before, was the first to express his stance.

Ye Chen understood what he meant, and it was certain to get the chance, and part of the reason was that this kid was probably thinking about the beauty who was far away in Mingdu.

When the incident happened suddenly, after evacuating from the imperial city, the group left Mingdu for the first time, and Huo Yuhao didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to the orange.

Speaking of this, it was Ye Chen's reason, after all, everything was controlled by him in secret.

"Whoever doesn't do such a good thing is a fool, do you think Beibei?" Xu Sanshi said cursingly, and at the same time turned his gaze to Beibei.

Beibei slowly got up, looked at the gazes of her brothers and sisters, and said to Ye Chen: "Xiaochen, thank you for sharing this opportunity with us. Since you have brought it up, it would seem that our brotherhood is too emotional if you shirk it. Dan, if we want to go, let's not stay alone, and we will all be dispatched."

Beibei's decisive voice once again reminded everyone that Ye Chen has always helped them in various ways for a long time. Over the years, they have gradually become accustomed to this kind of help, and even feel that it should be.

But in fact, these were all Ye Chen took great risks and went deep into danger in exchange for them, and they should be grateful.

Although Ye Chen didn't expect anything in return, everyone secretly made a decision. As long as Ye Chen needed it, even if they were enemies of the whole continent, they would stand beside him without hesitation.

I have to say that this is a true leader, all the cohesion used.

"Okay." Ye Chen smiled and nodded: "If that's the case, then it's settled. According to the news I got, the entrance of Dragon Valley will be opened for two and a half months, and there are restrictions on cultivation level, only the Seven Rings. Only the following young soul masters can enter."

Having said that, Ye Chen looked up at the direction Mingdu was located, and continued: "Although the news is true, I guess that Hall Master Hongchen will never let us take the chance. There may be other younger generations entering. among them."

"Don't worry, Xiaochen, if we can't compare with people of age, what face do we dare to call ourselves the Shrek Seven Devils?" Beibei said proudly, and several others looked in agreement.

They are all true geniuses. Although they will not be proud of their talents, they still need to have the least confidence.

Ye Chen sighed softly and shook his head secretly.

He thought of a person who he didn't know about others, but that person would definitely appear in Dragon Valley at that time.

Moreover, from the perspective of talent alone, Ye Chen considered that in addition to himself, the other party could crush everyone on the mainland, including Han Yue and Ye Yu among the freshmen.

Ye Chen planned to go to Mingdu to find Gu Yuena in two and a half months, and put her by her side to avoid unexpected situations.

All that should be said, the next step is to finalize some details. Ye Chen expelled the messy thoughts from his mind, picked up the wine glass in front of him, and sprinkled the wine on the ground under everyone's burning eyes.

For this first glass of wine, Ye Chen would like to respect the capable people of previous lives. Without them, how could he drink such fine wine in this life?

Beibei and the others looked at each other and didn't understand what Ye Chen was. The only silent Han Yue, her pale pink eyes blinked, seemed to understand something.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Ye Chen took the lead in filling the wine glass, and said: "The rest, let's talk about it slowly from now on. Today, no one is allowed to use spirit power to offset the wine power, otherwise we will look for opportunities and let him Stay and see home!"

"Yes, all the troubles are going away, let's just two words tonight, happy!" Xu Sanshi has long wanted to taste the wine in front of him, the ultimate fragrance, all the time, no longer seduce his taste buds. .

But let's say it or not, with his atmosphere regulator, everyone gradually let go of what was in their minds, and their attention was all focused on the harmony of the moment.

Today, it is destined to be another sleepless night.

Ye Chen had fun in his heart. He had already seen the power of white wine in the past life, but Beibei and the others didn't have it. Drinking it with this momentum will be considered light by tomorrow afternoon.

When they wake up, there will be other things that need their help.

Wang Dong'er took a sip of the wine and looked at Ye Chen with a blushing face.

She couldn't be more familiar with Ye Chen's eyes. Wang Dong'er had a bad premonition. Tomorrow, someone would definitely be unlucky...