
Chapter 434: Song Xiaoxiao who overslept

In the early morning, with the white fish belly on the horizon, countless freshmen left the dormitory, rushing towards the assessment area like the rising sun.

After the dark night that was destined to be hard to sleep, the shock in people's hearts did not diminish in the slightest. Entering Shrek, everyone's subconscious thinks that they are exceptionally talented, but until today, they understand that they are between themselves and true geniuses. , What a huge gap exists.

Leaving aside Ye Chen, a single Ye Yu was like a mountain that was difficult to climb across everyone's hearts.

But in general, the mental state of this group of new students is not bad. The mediocre people continue to be mediocre after being hit to their self-confidence. The truly ambitious people, after the stimulation of last night, the fighting spirit is completely aroused.

A goal appeared in their hearts almost at the same time, and one day, like Ye Chen, standing on the high platform incomparably shining, everyone's attention.

But at present, the assessment of freshmen is still going on. They need to pass today's formal placement assessment to determine the final placement situation.

But the seven who passed the assessment yesterday and became reserve players no longer need to worry about these things.

The female dormitory area belongs to the area for first-year freshmen. Song Xiaoxiao lay on the bed in the dormitory, wrapped up tightly in the furry quilt.

There was a slight smile on the little girl's face, and she didn't know what happy things she had dreamed of. Since entering Shrek Academy, she has never slept so steadily as she is today.

Another girl in the same dormitory went to the assessment area early. According to Chen Bing's arrangement yesterday, after today, she will move out from here and become a roommate with Mu Yiyi, who is also a reserve player.

Therefore, before leaving, the girl saw Song Xiaoxiao sleeping soundly, so she didn't bother her, so she seemed to have overslept...

"Boom boom boom~"

In the room, there was a sudden knock on the door. Song Xiaoxiao rubbed her small nose with her little hand, turned over and asked, "Who is it?"

It's a pity that she forgot that the soundproofing effect of Shrek Academy's dormitory is not covered, not to mention that her voice can't be heard by people outside, and she can't detect the sound outside.

After another knock on the door, when no one responded, Song Xiaoxiao pouted, got up sleepily, and walked towards the door.

Pale pink pajamas, milky white slippers, full of girlish air, indescribably cute.

"Who is it?" Song Xiaoxiao opened the door, rubbing his wistful eyes while yawning.

But when she saw the appearance of the incoming person, she suddenly became sober and completely awake.

"Little, why haven't you gotten up yet? Did you forget that Teacher Chen Bing asked us to gather in the new classroom early this morning?" Mu Yiyi said helplessly, standing at the door.

After the contact yesterday afternoon, the two girls gradually became acquainted with each other. In Mu Yiyi's eyes, Song Xiaoxiao was like a little sister. Even if the two people's real ages are almost the same, she still has a strong desire for protection. .

What's more, the two women are similar in personality, as if they have countless topics in common, it is naturally easy to get along with each other.

Song Xiaoxiao shivered abruptly, and returned to his dormitory despite Mu Yiyi's amused look.

She almost had a big deal: "Sister Yiyi, what time is it now, are we late, ah, ah, when it's over, we'll be late on the first day, will Teacher Chen Bing not beat me?"

Mu Yiyi said with a smile: "How come we are not late, and even if we are late, it's nothing. Teacher Chen Bing is very gentle, how could it be possible to beat you."

In fact, she originally wanted to say that Chen Bing was much better than Ye Chen's senior, but then she thought about it. If her opponent was not affected by the momentum released by Ye Chen yesterday, she might not have been able to win.

After all, Ye Chen also helped her indirectly.

This girl remembered what embarrassed Ye Chen during the entrance examination. If Mu Yiyi knew that the person who rescued her group from the Star Dou Great Forest and used a token to get her back to school is Ye Chen, It is estimated that there will be a 180 degree change in attitude.

It's a pity that Ye Chen wouldn't say this, and Mu Yiyi wouldn't know either.


Song Xiaoxiao wore the same white school uniform as Mu Yiyi and came to the classroom in a panic.

The new classroom is located in the most conspicuous position on the first floor of the teaching building. The reason for this arrangement is unavoidable to encourage other students.

Although he was not late, except for the two of them, everyone who should have arrived, including the head teacher Chen Bing.

In the classroom, Ye Yu sat in the last corner on the right. Qin Mo and An Xia sat not far from her. Although they looked at her secretly from time to time, An Xia was more in awe, and Qin Mo, Hidden in the look is deep admiration and joy.

Now, he finally became a member of the reserve team, taking the first step towards Ye Yu, and the most important step.

As for the young couple Zhu Mengying and Yuan Feng, of course they sat next to each other, waiting for Chen Bing to speak.

Mu Yiyi apologized and pulled Song Xiaoxiaochong from the podium with a deep bow, and tiptoedly walked towards the room. In the classroom of Nuo University, he casually found two adjacent places to sit down.

Chen Bing smiled slightly, and did not blame them. I have to say that in terms of personality, she and Zhou Yi are the two extremes of the teachers in the outer courtyard...

Different from Ye Chen's session, the seven members of the Shrek Seven Monsters reserve team were assigned to the same class with independent classrooms.

Of course, these are the most basic. Becoming a reserve team will get countless privileges in the academy, and all resources will be tilted towards them.

Seeing that everyone was here, Chen Bing left the podium and walked to a position very close to the seven: "I believe everyone already knows me. Starting today, I will be your head teacher until you graduate from the sixth grade. ."

Having said this, Chen Bing suddenly changed his tone and showed a warm smile: "Of course, unless you can enter the inner courtyard for advanced studies like the previous reserve players."

"Teacher, that's for sure!" As soon as the voice fell, Qin Mo suddenly got up and said carelessly, while still taking a peek at Ye Yu in the corner.

Although it is unavoidable that there is a sense of grandstanding, anyone who knows him understands that he has such a personality. During the previous assessment, even Ye Chen felt that he was very similar to Xu Sanshi in some respects.

Not to mention, after his interruption, the originally tense atmosphere in the classroom has been relaxed. Needless to say, Mu Yiyi and Song Xiaoxiao have lively characters. Although Zhu Mengying, Yuanfeng and An Xia are more stable, they are not. Introverted.

Even Ye Yu's complexion reflected the appearance of ten thousand years of ice, and this night was also a sleepless night for her.