
Chapter 432: Put on the agenda

"Don't worry, Xiaochen, I understand, and everyone is worried." After a brief silence, Beibei let out a deep breath, and her scarlet eyes returned to their original look.

In any case, there was news and hope at last, and there was no need to bump into the headless flies like before.

"It's okay." Xu Sanshi walked to Beibei and patted him on the shoulder: "As long as you find someone, my brothers will definitely come with you."


"Yes, big brother."

Everyone also understood, and they all agreed.

This time, even Jiang Nannan didn't refute him, and couldn't help but nodded from the side, including Wang Donger, who temporarily forgot those careful thoughts. After all, the relationship between the second daughter and Tang Ya was not generally good.

Especially Huo Yuhao, thinking that with the help of Ye Chen, Bei Bei, and Tang Ya, he used the Tang Sect quota to get the opportunity to study in Shrek Academy. Tang Ya, the Tang Sect master, was the key.

Coupled with Tang Ya's care for him during that time, in Huo Yuhao's heart, he had already regarded him as a relative.

Tang Ya was missing, he was equally distressed, but he didn't dare to show it easily in front of Beibei, stimulating the other party again.

Now that he has the news, how could he fail to do his part?

Beibei's mood has calmed down, but seeing the comforting words of the group of brothers and sisters around him, as well as those firm gazes, there is still a warm current in her heart: "Thank you, and Xiaochen, if it weren't for him Deep into the danger, I haven't got any news about Xiaoya so far."

Ye Chen waved his hand nonchalantly. This is the end of the matter. He intends to talk about another thing: "Thank you, no need. Since we first need to confirm Tang Ya's specific location, then we have to talk about the second person who came to you today. Thing."

Because he had already explained that there were two things to say today, everyone was not too surprised, and after calming down their excitement, they refocused their scattered eyes on Ye Chen.

Moreover, according to what he said, this second matter was related to confirming Tang Ya's location.

Ye Chen picked up the wine jar and began to pour the wine one by one for everyone: "I don't know if you've heard of it. There are three treasure basins on our continent, each of which is the essence of the exchange rate world. There are countless of them. At the same time it is dangerous, it also contains unparalleled opportunities. Some of those opportunities are even vital for our human soul masters to break through the limits of known cultivation bases."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes have changed, especially Bei Bei and Xu Sanshi. Based on their backgrounds, they have never heard of these three treasure basins, let alone Huo Yuhao, Xiao Xiao, Jiang Nannan and others. .

Breaking through the limit of the known cultivation base of mankind, you have already touched the level of "God"!

In their impressions, for tens of thousands of years in Douluo Continent, it seemed that only the first generation of Shrek 10,000 years ago had done it strangely.

Of course, that is just a legend. It is impossible to verify the facts because the age is too old.

It is conceivable that the opportunity that can give mankind the opportunity to break through the limit is so great that even the people present can be regarded as well-informed, and they can't help but gush out a strong interest.

Of course, among the people present, besides Ye Chen, there was still one person who knew this.

When Wang Dong'er saw everyone looked shocked and puzzled, she was somewhat puzzled: "What's wrong, haven't you heard of those three places?"

She had seen records about the three treasure-gathering basins in Haotianzong's study. At the beginning, the book was placed in a very remote corner. She thought it was a worthless commodity.

But looking at everyone's reactions now, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Xu Sanshi shook his head abruptly, saying that he had never heard of it before, Huo Yuhao looked blank, and He Caitou was spreading his hands, obviously they didn't know.

Without waiting for Ye Chen to continue speaking, Wang Donger, based on his own memory, brought the things he saw in that book to everyone one by one: "The three treasure-gathering basins, as the name suggests, are three places where the essence of heaven and earth gathers."

"I saw an ancient book at home before. It said that the ancestor of the Tang Sect, Tang San's ancestor once found one, and brought back countless fairy grasses from it, and finally helped the Shrek Seven Devils reborn. This has laid the foundation for them to break through their limits in the future."

Ye Chen looked at Wang Dong'er who was serious about introducing everyone, and he was amused. This girl might not know that the ancestor in her mouth was not her Laozi...

Of course, Wang Dong'er at this time did not know these things for various reasons: "The place where Tang San's ancestors went was called Binghuo Liangyiyan. I don't know where he is. There is no record in the books of the other two places, but there are One thing is certain, they are all places where great opportunities are hidden."

Ye Chen nodded secretly. It is rare for Wang Dong'er to know this. After all, Tang San had only been to Binghuo Liangyiyan ten thousand years ago.

"Well, if there is such a good place, why don't we know?" Xu Sanshi said startled, already surprised by what Wang Donger said.

"There are so many things you haven't heard of, which can only prove that you are short-sighted." Jiang Nannan said grimly, and didn't forget to give him a look.

Beibei smiled helplessly, his own brother wanted to hug a beautiful woman, and I was afraid it would take a lot of work.

But having said that, although they hadn't heard of the Three Treasure Gathering Basins, they had heard one or two things about Tang San's ancestor looking for Immortal Grass to help their partners improve their talents ten thousand years ago.

Moreover, Ye Chen mentioned it first, and no one doubted the authenticity of the news.

"Xiaochen, what are you trying to say?" Beibei said solemnly, among the crowd, he took the lead in grasping the point of the problem.

Let's not say whether these three treasure-gathering basins really happened. Since Ye Chen raised this question, it means that he has probably obtained the exact information about these places with great opportunities.

Ye Chen smiled and shook his head. After talking for so long, he finally said the topic: "My point is very simple. During this Sun-Moon Empire visit, I got news about one of the treasure basins, and the accuracy is more than 90%!"

"That place is called Dragon Valley. At the beginning, Sun Moon Empire Mingde Hall Master Jing Hongchen asked me. In exchange, he had no choice but to tell me the news there. I don't need to say, I believe everyone. I have a rough judgment in my mind."

Speaking of this, even Ye Chen couldn't help being a little excited in his heart. After all, he had been coveting Dragon Valley for a day or two. Now the Dragon Valley expedition is finally on the agenda.