
Chapter 316: Be careful of your brother

After Ye Chen left, a faint energy fluctuation emerged in the shadow of the southwest corner of the construction site.

It didn't take long for a person wearing a black long-distance racer to appear there, his eyes showed an unusual dark red color, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his gestures and feet exuded an evil atmosphere.

This boy, isn't it the one that Ye Chen met at the Sun Moon Royal Soul Teacher Academy yesterday?

"It is ignorant that a group of rubbish, with such a heterogeneous evil power, also wants to deal with the most extreme light in the world." The young man looked at the position where the three evil spirit masters blew up, and his expression was full of contempt and disdain.

"But you didn't disappoint me. If you can't deal with these little fishes and shrimps, why make me surrender?"

I don't know who said this sentence. Before the words fell, the young man's body slowly faded, and soon he did not leave a trace as it appeared when he appeared.


After leaving the construction site, Ye Chen began to think about what he said after going back.

This kind of thing happened in Mingdu, where the law is strict, and it has definitely attracted the attention of the bigwigs from all sides, especially the prince Xu Tianran, who is the most suspected leader of this assassination.

Ye Chen was just an exchange student in the Sun-Moon Royal Soul Master Academy, from the Shrek Academy, the biggest rival of the Sun-Moon Empire.

As long as the official is not stupid, one can find out that Ye Chen did not stay in the academy during the incident, so he must be questioned.

Ye Chen's speed was very fast, and within a few minutes, he saw the hexagonal building complex representing Sun Moon College from a distance.

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared in his sight. After seeing the other party beckoning, Ye Chen walked over quickly.

"Your actions are too big, you have already alarmed the senior academy." The master of this voice is Xu Tianchen, who had just separated from Ye Chen not long ago.

Ten minutes ago, he had just left the construction site, and the kilometer-round area behind him had completely turned into a golden ocean.

As the prince of the Sun-Moon Empire, if he couldn't tell that it was Ye Chen's movement in this way, then he would have never known how many times he died.

Earlier, Xu Tianchen only knew that he was far from this young man in martial arts, but until today, he didn't understand how big he was.

Xu Tianchen himself possesses the attributes of light, and the momentum created by Ye Chen just now can be suppressed by the strong soul power a few kilometers apart.

He still has common sense, knowing that this is a situation that only occurs when the attribute levels differ greatly.

Ye Chen looked a little embarrassed, knowing that his rare movement was indeed a bit big, but he had only met Xu Tianchen for a few days, and he had not yet reached the point where he had to explain everything.

Xu Tianchen obviously understands this, and no longer entangled with this sudden situation, and explained: "Ye Chen, now that this kind of thing has happened, it must have attracted the attention of the college. Although there will be no interrogation, it will definitely be investigated secretly."

Ye Chen nodded, this is also a troublesome thing. If Jing Hongchen grabs his handle, he will be greatly restricted in doing things in the future.

Xu Tianchen changed the conversation and continued: "However, as long as we go back together, it will be fine. I must be aware of my identity. This has often happened in the past few years. Once the college sees that it is me, it will be the first. Time to block news, not to investigate secretly."

Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment. It seemed that Xu Tianchen knew that Jing Hongchen was related to his brother, and Jing Hongchen represented the entire Sun Moon Academy. Therefore, if something goes wrong, those college leaders will choose to calm down.

Putting aside these things, as long as you know that Xu Tianran is targeting Xu Tianchen, no one dares to take care of this nosy.

Regarding the character of the Prince's Royal Highness, most people are like Mingjing in their hearts and dare not easily provoke them.

These Ye Chen all understood that the reason for the surprise was that he didn't expect the other party to think about it for himself. You know, the two have only known each other for three days.

Xu Tianchen saw Ye Chen's doubts and explained: "Don't think too much about it, I just don't want to lose your friend. To be honest, I have lived in intrigues since I was a child, and friends are too precious to me."

Ye Chen nodded, understanding what the other party meant. In contrast, his childhood in Shrek Academy couldn't be better.

"Well, since you choose to help me, I would also like to remind you that your brother is very ambitious. Based on my understanding of him, he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, and as long as he thinks he will treat himself People or things that pose a threat will be completely erased." Ye Chen reminded with a solemn expression.

"So, no matter what you do in the future, be careful. During this period of time as an exchange student, I can help whenever I encounter any problems."

Xu Tianchen's pupils shrank, and he didn't expect Ye Chen to know so much about the affairs of the Sun and Moon Royal Family: "Can I ask why?"

Ye Chen pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "I don't want to let the mainland fall into war because of a careerist."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Xu Tianchen was completely stunned. He already understood the meaning of the words, but he didn't say anything.

The two did not directly point out anything, not only Ye Chen, but Xu Tianchen was also extremely cautious in this regard.


Soon, the two successfully entered the Sun Moon Royal Soul Teacher Academy.

Although the main entrance was checked, as Xu Tianchen said earlier, after seeing him, the teachers let them go without saying anything.

If it involves matters within the imperial house, who would dare to talk nonsense unless it is because you don't want to get involved in the Sun-Moon Empire?

"Don't worry, I have already sent someone to buy food. I wanted to take you around today, but I didn't expect it..." Xu Tianchen said apologetically on the campus.

Ye Chen sighed softly and patted Xu Tianchen on the shoulder: "Thank you, as for the money to buy food, I will give you a lot of money at that time."

Xu Tianchen waved his hand and said, "No, do you think I am someone who lacks that little money? Besides, I really want to make a friend of you."

The attitude of the other party can be said to be very sincere. Ye Chen thought about it, and insisted: "Because we are friends, I can't take it for nothing, and give you more. Don't forget your current situation. You can't be arrested. Hold any handle."

Xu Tianchen paused, after all, he said nothing. The advantage of getting along with smart people is that you can understand what the other person means by just mentioning a lot of things.

Normal business contacts are naturally no problem. If it is a gift, Xu Tianran is likely to grab the handle and attack Xu Tianchen in an open and honest manner.

Now the other party has already made many small moves secretly, once the fight is directly exposed, it will definitely bring a serious blow to Xu Tianchen.