
Chapter 315: Exactly the same situation

Although Ye Chen's speed is fast, it is unrealistic to want to get rid of the three people behind him in a short time. After all, the other party has the cultivation base of eight rings.

Moreover, he didn't want to really throw the opponent away.

In this way, the two groups of people went one after the other, Ye Chen's speed was faster than the other, but he couldn't really pull the distance.

After the two sides saw it for a long time, they finally left the downtown area.

While Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, he swooped down to a construction site not far ahead.

Since his mental power was always in a state of disbursement, Ye Chen clearly remembered his future route. The reason for coming here was for the plan that he had suddenly thought of before.

Soon, Ye Chen landed on top of a pile of building materials. After putting down Xu Tianchen, he turned and looked at the direction when he came: "You return to the college first. Those people are evil spirit masters. I need to make certain things."

After all, the next thing involves his hole cards and cannot be seen by the other party.

"No, if I want to go together, how can I escape for my life alone?" Xu Tianchen vetoed it. At this time, he was quite loyal.

Ye Chen grabbed the opponent's arm, and threw it backwards without thinking about it: "You can only drag me back here, don't worry, I will go back to the college to meet you in a short time. By the way, this is a must. Don't tell anyone, especially the leaders of the academy."

Ye Chen controlled well with strength, and threw Xu Tianchen out for more than a hundred meters, but he didn't hurt the opponent.

Seeing this, Xu Tianchen hesitated for a while, and finally decided to leave first. He also saw the speed of Ye Chen just now. If he didn't bring himself, it would be no problem to escape.

Xu Tianchen also understood Ye Chen's meaning, and was willing to keep it secret for him.


It didn't take long for the target to finally appear in Ye Chen's field of vision.

The three of them wore black cloaks. The wide brim of the hat blocked the entire face from the shadows. Only those eyes were shining with scarlet light.

Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment. For some reason, he had a faintly familiar feeling. It seemed that he had seen these scarlet eyes somewhere.

But because there have been so many recent events, I can't remember it for a while.

After the three of them arrived here, they started a charge without saying anything. Ye Chen originally wanted to ask something, but it was obvious that he could only take action.

Before he knew it, the wings behind Ye Chen had disappeared, and the four circles of spirit rings slowly rose from under his feet.

When the three black and one red spirit ring matching appeared, the extremely terrifying energy spread out instantly with his body as the center.

On the blood-red spirit ring on the top layer, the dark green lines disappeared quickly, leaving only a shining blood-red light.

At the same time, the eyes of the three evil spirit masters developed with horror, and the surrounding environment changed rapidly. It was night before, but it was like day in the blink of an eye.

Within a kilometer of a radius, only a piece of gold remained, as if it had turned into an ocean of light. In addition, ten sun-like light clusters appeared in the extremely high position above the head, exuding the ultimate sacred and bright atmosphere.

At this moment, accompanied by a hot breath, the three evil spirit masters screamed screams in unison, and the scarlet eyes instantly became clear, and they instinctively revealed a look of fear.

I saw ten suns in the sky, and the first four sparkled immediately, and flames of color poured out from them, enveloping the three of them.

What Ye Chen displayed was exactly one of the two domain skills he currently possessed: the domain of Burning Heaven.

As I said before, if it is a normal three eight-ringed spirit Douluo, Ye Chen's best choice is to run away, but if he is replaced by an evil spirit master, even if it is an eight-ringed spirit Douluo, he will have 70% of the results. I can kill it.

Any kind of origin flame is the nemesis of time evil, let alone now in the realm of Burning Heaven, Ye Chen can use four origin fires.

In that endless sacred flame, these evil spirit masters struggled madly, trying to escape from Ye Chen's domain.

But soon, they discovered that the evil energy that was usually like an arm's finger had been completely out of control, and it had evaporated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A lot of black smoke emerged from the three of them with babbles. As soon as the smoke touched the original fire, it disappeared without a trace.

The three of them at this time, even if they wanted to blew themselves up, they didn't have that chance.

On the other side, the spirit power in Ye Chen's body was also rapidly consuming. Even if these three eight-ringed evil spirit masters were severely restrained, their cultivation bases were real.

Moreover, the Burning Heaven Realm itself needs a lot of soul power support.

Seeing that the three of them were about to be burned to death soon, but Ye Chen's spirit power had already been consumed almost, there was no way.

This is much better than the last time it was used. That time it only burned a little fur of the Titan Snow Demon, and could no longer bear the terrifying consumption.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen suddenly understood something: "Titan Snow Demon King? Yes, the conditions of these three evil spirit masters are exactly the same as those found in the Titan Snow Demon clan!"

Ye Chen hurriedly controlled his spirit power and planned to withdraw the domain, but just halfway through the process, suddenly found something was wrong and quickly left the area.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

At the same time that Ye Chen left the realm of Burning Heaven, three huge roars rang out one after another. After all, those evil spirit masters did not endure the huge pain and chose to blew themselves when the realm was weak.

After Ye Chen was blasted a hundred meters away by the strong shock wave, he stabilized his figure, his face pale for a while.

The consumption just now was too great, plus the self-detonation of the three eight-ring evil spirit masters, after all, it caused a certain amount of trauma to him.

"Oh, it's a pity." Ye Chen shook his head. He had just discovered an amazing thing. He wanted to catch someone to ask about it, but he didn't expect these people to be so decisive.

With the same scarlet eyes, the same evil aura and craziness, Ye Chen has reason to believe that these evil spirit masters and the situation in the Far North should be the same person.

There is no way, after the fire of the four origins, they can't even have their souls left, and it's meaningless to stay here.

After adjusting his breathing, his back wings spread out and flew towards the Sun Moon Royal Soul Instructor Academy.

The cause of such a big movement, if nothing else, has definitely attracted the attention of the Sun-Moon Empire official.

This place is no better than Shrek City. There are many people who want him to die. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is better to retreat quickly.

These three evil spirit masters can cultivate to the eighth ring, so they should undoubtedly come from the Holy Spirit Cult.

In Ye Chen's impression, the Holy Spirit Cult had great ambitions. Even if he could behead Xu Tianran, the other party would find other opportunities to attack him if he did not keep it together.

After all, there are not a few careerists on the mainland. Without Xu Tianran, the other party can still find other partners.

Therefore, it is imperative to eradicate the Holy Spirit.

It's a pity that although the three of them stayed here, they didn't get what they wanted in the end.