
Chapter 317: Before leaving

On the way back to the dormitory, Ye Chen kept thinking about what happened today.

Those evil spirit masters, no matter they have scarlet eyes or in a crazy state, they are all so familiar. Moreover, I didn't want to understand that when the three people arrived, Xu Tianchen had already left, but they still attacked without hesitation.

Even if you are controlled by someone, you shouldn't be confused about who the target is.

'Could it be that the other party's goal is not Xu Tianchen, but himself? Ye Chen thought with a flash of inspiration.

If the Holy Spirit Cult finds out about himself, it is not incomprehensible that he wants to get rid of it. After all, Ye Chen's extreme light and flame attributes are the absolute nemesis of the Evil Soul Master.

Since they took the risk in Mingdu, they should make a good plan, but the three evil spirit masters that Ye Chen encountered only had the eighth ring cultivation base.

Isn't he Ye Chen unworthy of letting the other party send Title Douluo? In today's situation, as long as there is a Title Douluo, Ye Chen can't handle it.

No matter how strong the Burning Heaven Realm is, it still needs the support of soul power. Ye Chen's current situation can't bear the terrifying consumption at all.

"But if it wasn't for this reason, what could it be?" Ye Chen murmured.

The three evil spirit masters were exactly the same as the situation of the Titan Snow Demon before, Ye Chen grasped this line and began to think back, the situation in the Far North flashed through his mind quickly like a movie.

Suddenly, Ye Chen found a clue.

At that time, in the core circle of the Far North, before Bing Bi Xie Bi Er offered sacrifices to him, he once said one thing to the Ice Emperor.

Among the controlled ethnic groups in the Far North, I once saw a boy in a black robe.

Now the same situation appeared again, Ye Chen also found a black robe boy in the Sun Moon Academy. And only one day later, there was an attack.

Such a coincidence can't tolerate Ye Chen's thoughts: "Is it him?"

If the teenager he met was the same person that Dang Bier met, then based on the original judgment, the other party should undoubtedly be the sealed thing.

But as for why the other party appeared in the Sun Moon Empire, Ye Chen couldn't understand it anyway.

It seems that the water here is still deep, no matter what you do in the future, you should be more cautious.

Ye Chen believed that since the other party had surfaced, he would definitely reappear in the future, and it was impossible for him to remain silent like this.

This trip to the sun and the moon is right, and it is very possible to uncover the mystery of the far north and the true face of the suppressed thing in the Secret Realm of Laurel.


After returning to the dormitory, Ye Chen first came to Fanyu's room and reported to him about the itinerary in two days.

In order to prevent the other party from worrying, he just said that Yinfan had started a scientific research project and asked him to go with a few classmates, without mentioning the Starry Night Mountains.

In Fan Yu's eyes, this was a good thing, and he readily agreed, and told Ye Chen that Huo Yuhao also temporarily left the college because of the scientific research project, on the grounds that he had offended a royal child.

Ye Chen didn't worry at all, he was already happy in his heart. Maybe this time out will become a beautiful marriage for Huo Yuhao.

After returning to his room, Ye Chen stopped thinking about it and recorded what he had learned during the day. When he returned to Shrek in the future, the content written by Ye Chen would become the most precious information.

The next day, Ye Chen came to the laboratory early as usual.

In the past three days, all the books in the room have been memorized by him, and Yinfan's character has been almost touched by him.

So today, he intends to formally begin to study the production of soul guides. After all, optical theory is useless if it can't be practiced.

What he didn't expect was that after he entered the laboratory, he found that the door of the first room on the left was open, and Yin Fan was sitting in front of the production table, working on several complicated parts.

"Come in, I happen to have something to explain to you." After hearing the movement, Yin Fan said without raising his head.

Ye Chen put aside the surprise in his heart and planned to go in and listen to what the other party had to say.

"Teacher Yinfan." Ye Chen respectfully greeted.

While polishing the parts in his hands, Yin Fan said without hesitation: "I will be here all day today. I will ask any questions quickly. I will be doing research in Mingde Hall for the next week, so I won't have time to teach you tomorrow."

Ye Chen felt warm in his heart. If he changed to another tutor, he might not explain anything and would just play missing for you.

Yinfan was already very responsible if he could explain it specially.

"Also, the boy Tianchen told me that in two days, the four of you will go out together to conduct research on the subject, but you should pay attention to it. You must come back at most half a month, because you are the last week of each month. The day when exchange students enter Mingde Hall to study." Yin Fan continued.

Ye Chenjian frowned slightly, but nodded in agreement.

He didn't expect that four people would go out together on this trip, so Xu Tianchen and Liu Yaxuan didn't care about it. The point was that cold moon, which really caused him a headache.

Moreover, according to Xu Tianchen's description, the Starry Night Mountain Range is located in the westernmost position of the Sun-Moon Empire facing the sea, and it takes four days to go back and forth at the fastest. In other words, they only have about ten days to complete what they want to do.

But, if you hurry up, ten days will be enough.

"You take this, and when you meet the ignorant, you will blind them. As a student of my Yinfan, naturally you can't lose face to me. If you suffer a loss in the college, then you don't have to come back. "Yin Fan just said a few words seriously, and then returned to the appearance of jumping off.

After all, he threw a peculiar token directly into Ye Chen's hand.

Ye Chen's eyelids jumped suddenly, and a warm current emerged in his heart.

He discovered another characteristic of Yinfan, protecting the calf.

Seeing that the other party was not talking, Ye Chen respectfully bent over to signal, and silently exited the room.

Time is in a hurry, he must seize all the time to study.


When Shen Xin does something, time always flies quickly.

In the early morning two days later, on the edge of the building on the west side of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Master Academy, four young figures arrived here one after another.

They are the Yechen four who are about to leave for the Starry Night Mountain Range.

Xu Tianchen had given the food to Ye Chen, and he had to say that he was really reliable in doing things.

But as for making wine, Ye Chen plans to come back and talk about it. Anyway, he has to stay here for two years, so he is not in a hurry.

"Presumably everyone is clear. Teacher Yinfan did not arrange any scientific research tasks on this trip. The main purpose is to go to the Starry Night Mountains on the west side of the empire to check the exact situation." Before leaving, Ye Chen did it. Final explanation.

Xu Tianchen and Liu Yaxuan knew these things for a long time, and they nodded to express their understanding.

As for the beautiful girl month, there was no agreement, but there was nothing to refute.

In the past few days, Ye Chen met her from time to time, and I could feel it. It seemed that because of becoming more and more familiar, the girl's attitude towards him had gradually softened a lot.

Another point is that after knowing the purpose of this trip, Yue took the initiative to ask for participation. I don't know what the girl is thinking about.