

A story about a soldier who know as ANCIENT SWORD died from destroying a SPECIAL FORCED that can be a threat to world.Why he was know as ANCIENT SWORD?You need to check it yourself.....

Eclipse_Moon25 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


After all the drama at the second test over,Mubai then continue brought Feng Jian,Qingyue and the other to the last test and while they were walking toward the last test.Feng Jian,Qingyue,Tang San,Xiao Wu,Zhuqing and Rongrong get stop by a stall that sell sausage.

The man who sell the sausage have white colour hair with small amount and short white colour beard,he also have a pair of golden honey eyes making him look handsome even thought his full appearance was hid by the white beard.

But what make them all stop is not because of the man but because of the writing that write at the shop,the writing is saying'Awsome Sausage!!!Came get for your health!!!'

When Mubai see them looking at the sausage stall,Mubai make a low chuckling sound before he looked at Feng Jian and the other with funny eyes.

"I hope seeing that sausage stall will not wake you all hungry cause if you know how he done the sausage I guarantee that you all will want to kill yourself.."Mubai said before he start laughing.

"That can't be that bad right?!You are just joking with us right?!"Xiao Wu

said in suspicion.

"Then if you don't trust what I said,why don't you see it yourself."Mubai said before he call the name of Oscar,the seller of the sausage.

Oscar when he heard his name got call,he then turn his head to see who call him and when he see Mubai call him he then smile widely before he run toward Mubai,Feng Jian and the other five.

"What is it Boss Dai?"Oscar ask Mubai in loud tone.

"I want you to show them how you make the sausage."Mubai told Oscar with a little smirk,Oscar when he heard this he was shock and a little shy and was blushing heavyly.

"This....this....Boss Dai how can you told me to show this six how I make my sausage?You yourself also know how I make my sausage and now you want me to embarassing myself infront of my future juniors."Oscar told Mubai while his face is fully red from embarrassment.

Feng Jian,Yuechen and the other were confused when they heard what Oscar said because its just making sausage,there is no need to shy himself from making sausage infront of other.

"Well....brother Oscar you do not need to shy yourself to make a sausage infront of us.Its just a sausage right?"Xiao Wu said while the other just nod thier head,agrees.

Mubai when he heard what Xiao Wu said he was left laughing loudly,while Oscar face become more than red than before and there also imaginary smoke out from his ears and nose.

Xiao Wu and the other was speechless when they saw that and that make them more confused than before and while Xiao Wu and the other still in confused,Mubai then add some speach.

"Well....Oscar you already heard from our little sister here,so there is no need for you to be shy."Mubai said before he again laughing loudly.

"Okay.... if you said so,but promise the guys won't laugh and the ladies won't get mad!"Oscar said before he suddenly start chanting in vulgar words.

Feng Jian and Tang San when they heard the vulgar chatting they were astounded because they never heard a spirit master need to chatting a vulgar words to summon thier spirit but the shocked can't compare with thier shock when they saw that Oscar have a rare spirit food which is a special spirit tool for a support type spirit master.

Meanwhile Yuechen,Xiao Wu,Rongrong and Zhuqing were fuming red when they heard the vulgar chatting but they can't do nothing because they already promise Oscar not to get mad and because of that, they all just stood still there while glaring at Oscar.

Not long after a short vulgar chantting,a big red sausage suddenly appear between Oscar palms and following that, a surge of small spirit power also gushing out from the small sausage.

"This is my first spirit ability[Big Recovery Sausage]if someone eat this sausage,they can healed thier physical injuries and restore thier health."Oscar said with a little smirk cause even thought to summon his spirit skill he need to use a vulgar words,this skill still have high healing effect.

Feng Jian,Yuechen and the other 4 was shock when they heard the ability of Oscar first spirit ring.They never thought that Oscar have a powerful support spirit ability and of course the one who most shock among them is none other than Rongrong because even thought she came from the famous number one support spirit clan,no one among thier clansmen have an ability to recover physical injuries and restorations of health as thier spirit ring abilities because thier spirit,the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda just can only give abilities to increase the power,speed or defense,thier spirit did not give ability to heal someone.

"This is how Oscar summon his spirit and his ability and even I can said that even thought Oscar have to use Vulgar words to use his ability,his ability is still powerful and in the future maybe Oscar can be a number one person with support spirit,this is what our headmaster said."Mubai said with a small smirk while glancing at Rongrong.

Rongrong when she heard that Oscar will became a number one spirit master with support spirit she just snort because for her no one can fight against her clan for a support type spirit.

The other just look at Rongrong when they heard she snort but they just let it go because they just thought that as Rongrong too have Support spirit she of course will act mighty when she heard that the other person who have support spirit will become number one instead of her.

"Anyways let's continue our way for your next test...so let's go."Mubai said before he start walking.

The other just nod thier head before they follow Mubai to the next test while Oscar go back toward his sausage stall.