

A story about a soldier who know as ANCIENT SWORD died from destroying a SPECIAL FORCED that can be a threat to world.Why he was know as ANCIENT SWORD?You need to check it yourself.....

Eclipse_Moon25 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


After the meeting with Oscar,Feng Jian and the other have been following Mubai to the last test and while they were walking Mubai told them that the last test is about a fight between the six of them versus him but at the last moment Mubai got a message from a teacher.

The teacher told him that the one who going to test them for the last test will be the teacher because the current Mubai is too weak to fight against six of them,Mubai when he heard that he want to fight back but he can't find a word to fight back and just like that the teacher will be the one who test Feng Jian and the other.The teacher who going to test them is currently unknown but Mubai got info that the Teacher who going to fight them will be waiting at the field where the last test is going to test.

Xiao Wu,Rongrong and Zhuqing when they heard that the last test is going to be the six of them against the teacher who at last a spirit emperor they were shock,because the four of them is below rank spirit elder while one of them is at rank spirit elder and the last one is at rank of spirit ancestor.Even thought Feng Jian still don't have the ring for the 4th slot he can still be label as rank spirit ancestor.

While Feng Jian,Qingyue and Tang San just silent when they heard that but at the same time, they also did not even feel fear but in reverse they feel excited.While they still in thier own thought about the last test,Mubai told them that they already reach at the field where the last test is going to be test.

The field is really big with some small warehouse distributed at the corner of the field and at the middle of the field there was a man with big buff body,the man have a black colour short hair with pair of black eyes,the men also have a fierce face and that even make him more fierce with him wearing a blood stain fur jacket and soldier like pants and a big boot.

"Shit!"Mubai suddenly said with scared tone when he saw who is going to test Feng Jian and the other five.

The other were confused when they saw Mubai expression and being as normal as Xiao Wu is,she then ask Mubai what's wrong.

"I never thought your guys luck will be this bad."Mubai said while shocking his head and smile in pity after he heard Xiao Wu question.

"What are you talking about brother Mubai?"Xiao Wu asked in confusion.

"Did you see the guy who is standing in the middle of field?"Mubai said while pointed at the man with body of bear and when the six of them heard what Mubai said, Feng Jian and the other just nod thier head.

"The guy who is standing in the middle of the field is know as Zhao Wuji or also know as the Motionless Bright King."Mubai

said in low tone.But just after Mubai said that,a loud screaming of Rongrong can he heard.


The other when they heard Rongrong loud voice they ask what happen and when Rongrong heard what the other asked her, she then start explaining.

"Zhao Wuji also know with his aliases Motionless Bright King is one of the most powerful figure among the spirit emperor five years ago.Five years ago there was a huge fight between Spirit Halls and Motionless Bright King and this fight happen because of a disaggrement,Spirit Hall want Motionless Bright King to join them and they also want Zhao Wuji to pledge his life toward the spirit hall and Spirit Hall also said that if Zhao Wuji did not want to pledge his life toward the Spirit Hall,Spirit Hall will sent thier spirit king and spirit emperor forces to kill Zhao Wuji but the aliases of Zhao Wuji as Motionless Bright King is not just a beautiful name but the true might of Zhao Wuji strength.Zhao Wuji have a beast spirit of Vigorous Vajra Bear and using this spirit Zhao Wuji succesfull kill around 100 spirit king from spirit hall and around 70 spirit emperor from spirit hall.Since that day Zhao Wuji gone completly and many believe that he already dead at the hand of title Douluo from spirit hall but even though he gone completly, that day his aliases as Motionless Bright King is still the name of person with great power."Rongrong said in low tone.

Yuechen,Tang San,Xiao Wu and Zhuqing was completly speechless after they heard the story of Zhao Wuji,the men who will they fight for the last test meanwhile Mubai who only know a little about story of Zhao Wuji also stun because he never thought that the Vice Dean of the shrek academy is this powerfull.

"Well....that is a lot of information from you Ning Rongrong but what you said is a story about five years ago.Now Zhao Wuji is almost fifty fold stronger that 5 years ago,right now Zhao Wuji is already at rank 75 spirit sage and his spirit rings combination also powerful."Mubai said in deep tone.

This time Tang San and the other except Feng Jian are pale when they heard that Zhao Wuji's strength have increase more that forty fold.

While the six of them and Mubai was completly in story,Zhao Wuji already know that they were talking about him and that make him smirk a little before he slowly walking toward them.As soon as he reach at the place of Feng Jian and the other he did not wasting time and start talking immediately and that make them shock when they heard Zhao Wuji rough voice and at the same time, they also froze a little and even Feng Jian froze a little because they can feel how strong Zhao Wuji is through the heavy pressure that he letting out.

"You do not need to fear me.I will not use my full strength to fight against you all,i will just only use one third of my strength to fight you all and i also will limited myself to only use my first and second spirit ring ability."Zhao Wuji said in deep tone and when they six of them heard that they were glad and they also saw a hope to pass the test.

"Alright that is enough talking now i will give you all an incense time to plan your teamwork and attack."Zhao Wuji said before he shot the incense that suddenly appear at his hand toward the ground near the six of them before he walked away from there while bringing Mubai together with him.

(1 incense is the same as 15 minutes)

"Alright let's start our planning but to make our plan succesfull we need to tell each other about our spirit,abilities and what role you play.Let me talk about myself first,My spirit is know as Blue Silver Grass,my spirit ring abilities give me ability to catch and poison enemy.I play role of Control Spirit master."Tang San said while activate his spirit and a bluish almost black spirit grass appear on top of his palm and at the same time, two yellow colour rings also appear around him.

"My spirit is call Soft Bone Rabbit,my spirit ring abilities give me abilities to attack with very strong abilities and i also have a soft and strong bones that can make me move with great dextrebility and can crush my enemies and I also have very fast speed.I play a role of Agility type spirit master."Xiao Wu said while intergrating with her spirit and that make her have a pair of white pinkish rabbit's ears and she also have a white rabbit's tail and there also two yellow colour ring around her.

"I have a spirit of Ning Clan,the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile,my first spirit ring give me ability to boost the strength of my teammates to 30% while my second right give me ability to boost my teammates agility to 30%.I play the role of support."Rongrong said before activate her spirit and Seven tile pagoda that emerland in colour appear on top of her hand with two yellow colour rings appear around her.

"The spirit I have is call Hell Civet,the abilities my spirit give me is immense speed and the control over my bone.My first ring give me ability call Hell Claw,this ability give me increase in attack power while my second ring give me ability call Hell Stab,this ability give me increase in piercing power.I am an agility type Spirit Master."Zhuqing said while her spirit slowly intergrating with her and that make her have black cat ears and yellow slit cat like eyes and she also have black cat tail with two yellow colour rings appear around her.

"My spirit soul is call Frost Fox,the abilities i got from my spirit is Ice and frost control.My spirit also give me more strength and speed and other than that my nine tails also can be use as weapon.The ability that I got from the first ring is call Frost Field and when I use this skill,the 100 meter area around me will be froze in ice and at this place, I can caught or attack my enemies,my second ring give me an ability to use Ice Rain,an crowd attack using the rains of ice,while my third ring give me ability to use Ice Flame.I am a Control and Assault type spirit master."Yuechen said while intergrating with her spirit and when she done,a snow white colour tail which is nine In number with icy blue tattoo like flame appear behind her and a pair of snow white colour fox ear with blue flame mark also appear on her head and Yuechen's eyes also change into icy blue with purple silt like pupils.

"My spirit is this sword.(Feng Jian said before he take out the sword that have been strapped on his back)The sword is call The Cursed Sword Saikuru.With my sword spirit i have ability to weild the power of time and space.I also have high attack power and speed,i am an agility and assault type spirit master."Feng Jian said while three rings that have be made by purple colour suddenly appear around the sword before it move toward Feng Jian's back.

"Did you really said you have time and space elements?"Rongrong asked in shock.

"Yes"Feng Jian said calmly.

"What the!...Whaoaa i never thought that i will meet with spirit master that wield space and time elements!"Rongrong said with amaze.

"Why your reaction is so strong Rongrong?"Xiao Wu ask when she saw how suprise Rongrong is.

"Let's talk about it later,right now we need plan how to fight Zhao Wuji and we only have small amounts time."Yuechen said when she saw that Rongrong want to said something.

"Sister Yuechen is right,we need to plan our plan carefully.As Me and sister Qingyue is Contol Type Spirit Master, we will control the flow of the games together and as Rongrong is support type Spirit Master,she need to stay at the back and someone need to protect her.So who want to stay at the back?"Tang San asked in calm tone.

"I will"Zhuqing said in cold tone and when the others heard that, they just nod their head.

"I will stay at the front and will be the main attacker while Xiao Wu will support me.Is it okay with you?"Feng Jian asked Xiao Wu.

"I'm okay with that."Xiao Wu said while nodding her head.

"We will stay in Y formation where i will stay at the front with Xiao Wu will staying at the other side meanwhile Tang San and Qingyue will stay at the middle and you two need to stood side by side.Zhuqing will stay at the back of Tang San and Qingyue where he can support both the controler and the supporter and you Ning Rongrong will stay at least fifty meters away from Zhuqing where you will give us boost.Are you all clear?"Feng Jian asked in calm tone and hearing that they all just nod their head without saying anything but the other except Qingyue have thier mouth open in shocked when they heard Feng Jian's plan because with just short time he can already make a whole plan and that too with backup plan.