

A story about a soldier who know as ANCIENT SWORD died from destroying a SPECIAL FORCED that can be a threat to world.Why he was know as ANCIENT SWORD?You need to check it yourself.....

Eclipse_Moon25 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


After Feng Jian,Yuechen,Tang San and Xiao Wu pass the first test from the Shrek Academy,the teacher who act as the tester of the first test then looked at the long line

before he saying something.

"Who have thier spirit powers already at rank 20 and above and not old then 12 years old can came forward and go along with these four to the next test."The teacher said in calm tone.

As soon as the teacher said that,one girl with bluish green colour hair and a pair of emerland colour eyes then came forward and after the girl with emerland colour eyes out, a girl with jet black colour hair and a pair of black eyes then came forward.

When Mubai see the black hair girl,his eyes flicker in strange light and was looking at the girl with sharp eyes.

'Who is she? How can I feel like I know her but if I know her, I won't be easily forget this kind of beauty! 'Mubai thought in confusion.

"My name is Ning Rongrong,Spirit rank at 24 spirit master and I am support type spirit master."Rongrong said with arrogant tone because even thought she is a support spirit master she still at rank 24 Spirit Master.

"Zhu Zhuqing,spirit rank at 26 spirit master and I am an agility type spirit master."Zhuqing said with cold tone.

"Alright,are there only just these two?"The teacher said while looking at the long line and when he see no one came forward, he then said

"Then the first test to join the Shrek Academy end here and Mubai you can brought these six for the next test."The teacher said in calm tone and after the teacher said that,the people who line for the test just let out a sigh but also slightly happy because they do not have to waste thier money meanwhile Mubai just nod his head before he brought Feng Jian,Xia Qingyue,Tang San,Xiao Wu,Rongrong and Zhuqing to the next test.

As Mubai brought them to the next test,Mubai then suddenly start talking.

"Since you all have a high spirit power and the lowest just at rank 24 i will brought you all to the last test."Mubai said calmly and after Mubai said that,the six of them just said yes and continue walking behind Mubai.

But not long after they start walking,the six of them then saw 5 youngester are making a line infront a table with behind the table, stood a man that look around 40 years or something standing there with a blue crystal ball in his hand.

"This is the place where the second test located and here the teacher will test your spirit powers and if you all are wondering to why you all need to reveal your spirit power at the first test is because I personally introduce you all there.But since you all already at Rank 24 and above,we will skip this test and directly go to the last test."Mubai said to the six of them when he saw the six of them are standing still there.

After Mubai said that,they then continue walking toward the next test but not long after they start walking once again,a boy with brown hair with a pair of brown eyes and have a chubby body suddenly start talking.

"What is this?!I never thought a student from Shrek Academy who have motto that only monster can join will use a back door for thier people to join!"The boy said loudly.

After the boy said the other four teenagers and even the teacher turn thier head toward Feng Jian and Mubai and the other.Meanwhile Mubai got a tick mark on his forehead when he heard what the boy said but before he can said anything,Tang San suddenly get infront of him.

"I'm sorry if you saw us using a back door but actually we all here have spirit power more than rank 20."Tang San said in calm tone.

When the brown hair boy heard that,he suddenly start laughing loudly and the laughing last for a while and even the other four kids who was waiting in the line together with him join the brown hair boy.

"Did you all heard that?!He said that all six of them have spirit powers more than rank 20!Are you taking me as a stupid kid?!"The brown hair boy said before chuckling.

This time even Tang San get angry and not enough with that, Xiao Wu and the other also get angry except Feng Jian and Qingyue who was just looking at the brown hair boy with cold eyes.After Tang San heard what the brown hair boy said he did not talking this time but a blue silver grass suddenly appear under him and start moving with fast speed toward the crystal blue ball.

But this time the brown hair boy start laughing loudly once again when he saw Tang San spirit.

"Is that your spirit?A blue silver grass?A trash spirit?And you want to make us believe that you and the other five have spirit rank more than 20?"The brown hair boy said in jesting tone before he start laughing loudly and the others kids also follow him and start laughing loudly.

But Tang San did not do anything when he heard what the boy said but he just insert his spirit power into the blue crystal orb that have been brought by his spirit and after Tang San done inserting his spirit power inside the orb the blue orb suddenly glow in white light before a number of 29 appear on the orb.

"This is a spirit power by a master with a trash spirit."Tang San said while smirking.

The brown hair boy and four other boys and even the teacher have thier mouth wide open when they saw the number appear on the orb.But before the brown hair boy can start speaking again the orb on Tang San hand suddenly dissapper and appear on Xiao Wu's hand and without wasting time,Xiao Wu start inserting her spirit power into the orb and a number of 27 appear on the orb.

Once again the five boys have thier mouth open and stun there,while they five boys still in the stun state Xiao Wu then give the orb to Rongrong.Rongrong when she saw this,she smiling slightly before she also inserting her spirit power inside the orb and a number of 24 appear on the orb.The five boys almost have thier eyes out from eye's socket but before they can say anything, the orb once again disapper in dark flash and suddenly the orb and Zhuqing appear on the left side of Rongrong.

After taking the orb in her hand, Zhuqing then inserting her spirit power inside the orb and not long after that a number of 26 appear on the ball and after Zhuqing done showing her spirit power,the orb the suddenly floating in the air before it slowly moving directly toward Yuechen's hand.

When the crystal blue orb appear on Yuechen's hand,Yuechen then insert her spirit power inside the ball and not long after that a number of 36 appear on the orb.

This time the five boys were close to having the heart stop beating when they saw the number and even the teacher is shock when he saw the number but while the teacher is still in shock state and the five boys who almost fainting can do anything,Yuechen with a little smile hiding behind her veil give the orb to Feng Jian and seeing this, Feng Jian just accept the ball with a little smile before he also start inserting his spirit power inside the orb.

Not long after Feng Jian inserting his spirit power into the orb,a number of forty suddenly appear in the middle of the ball and this time the five boys really fall on the ground while having thier eyes closed and breathing haggardly meanwhile the teacher was shock beyond the world.