
Douluo Dalu 3: Fire and Steel[Dropped]

Xiu Ye, a young man who lived an ordinary life, unfortunately died at the hands of truck-kun and gets reincarnated into the Douluo Planet, more specifically, the Glorybound City's Orphanage. He lived a carefree and lazy second life, well, that is until he awakened his martial soul that everything went 180. A deserted lifeless land that had countless weapons from old legendary heroes and villains embedded into its earth. A blade whose flames equals the sun's. A talent in blacksmithing that no one can equal to. This is Xiu Ye's story of fire and steel. ==================================================== *I do not own anything except for this story. *Vote your power stones, comment, review and share this story with your friends! Visit my patreon and help support my hobby: https://www.patreon.com/FroztDouluo Wanna be my friend and be up to date with my stories? Here's my discord link: https://discord.gg/aBH6KvtfAB

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 118: What is a cult?

"Hm? What's with that look?" Na Nali said with a giggle at Xiu Ye over her shoulder, as she found the expression on his face incredibly amusing.

Her demeanor, if you ignore the blood, the alter and the strange pupils of her eyes, she was like a girl at the peak of her youth; naive and full of innocence. She looked like a girl that was sheltered from all the evils in the world.

But that was wrong, so, so wrong. Because this seemingly innocent girl, is the culprit of a genocide that had taken over hundreds of thousands of lives, in a single day, and the death count was still increasing.

Xiu Ye gritted his teeth as the nails of his fingers digging deeper into the flesh of his palm–drawing blood. He continued on glaring angrily at the amused looking young girl sitting cross-legged with her back facing him.

"Ah~ You're mad." Na Nali's lips widened even more, the red glow in the alter grew even brighter and pulsed out more power with every minute passing by. "Oh? You managed to raise your cultivation base to four rings already? My, did you use pills or other external help to increase your cultivation? But judging by the stable flow of your soul power, that doesn't seem to be the case and...oh! Your soul power is already forming a cyclone? My, you're more talented than I first expected and it's already showing."

Her smile widened even further, a sinister gleam in her eyes, as she let out a maniacal laugh, "Good. This makes it much more pleasing. Seeing you, on your knees, helpless and miserable, despite the new powers you acquired in order to stop me...how pathetic."

"Na. Nali!" He spat out those words with a venomous tone of voice, spraying a mouthful of blood onto the ground–his lung ruptured for moment from the soul power pressure before his healing factor kicked in, healing it and others more–his eyes stayed on her figure.

His bright golden eyes glowed intensely like the sun, with golden flames swimming within; containing the anger, grief, resentment and fury he had at the evil soul master.

He had spent years in the Battle Hall's space-time training room, teaching and training his friends to get stronger; to survive and help in the effort to take back the city while also improving himself as well through a series of hellish training exercises and tempering that can make even a seasoned soul master expert cry.

It because of two reasons, one, saving the city and everyone in it from the undead and the evil soul master cultists. For the other....it was to kill Na Nali.

Not only because she was the reason for the deaths of so many innocent lives, almost killed his friends in the process of taking over the city and starting a zombie apocalypse.

Xiu Ye was pissed off of her because the red haired evil girl had almost killed him.

He was given a second chance in life, understood what having a family and friends, and was given the potential to forge his own fate unlike his previous life.

But all of that would have disappeared, if the bitch in front him had either successfully kidnapped him, to make him as her slave, or outright killed him on the spot.

Call him a selfish bastard for caring more of himself of getting revenge on the bitch, but it is the undeniable truth that he, Xiu Ye, is someone who values bonds with someone more than anything in the world.

Family. Friends. The people he came to love and care about, he would do anything for them.

But, despite that, he values his life more.

Because he didn't want to die alone. Not again.

Na Nali let out a short chuckle before turning her head back upfront, "As much as I want to get my revenge on your for burning me, I've got something really important to do here that requires my full attention. You're lucky that you managed to get to Soul Ancestor realm, plus strengthening your physique, or just using my soul power would have been enough to squash you to meat paste."

Xiu Ye's eyes widened for a moment and narrowed, 'For her to leave herself so wide open to me....ahh, who am I kidding. She's achieved Titled Douluo and has a hint of divinity in her soul power; making her more powerful than normal Titled Douluos, she's got enough to back up her arrogance.'

'The only way for me to kill her is, by catching her off guard and kill her instantly. But the pressure of her soul power on me is making it hard for me to move, even with Unlimited Sword Body, and that's without accounting her either dodging or blocking my attack.'

Tianguo spoke up, 'That's not your only problem Ye. The small amount of divinity, or divine conscience, present in her is a big problem for you and everyone in this city.'

'And why is that?'

'Its because that girl has not fulfilled the necessary requirements to create her own divine conscience and this world doesn't have a Divine Realm to make humans into gods anymore; making it extremely hard for anyone to have a hint of divine power in them so they can ascend. And the very few people in this world who has a hint of divinity, this little girl in front of you is not one of them.'

'....Ye,' Ryūjin Jakka transmitted, incredibly serious and grim. 'you know what this means.'

'Yeah. The mysterious backers that Ghoul Sage was talking about.' Xiu Ye channelled his soul power throughout his entire body, prepared on using Reinforcement, and was ready to summon Ryūjin Jakka.

He was prepared to bet everything he had into stopping Na Nali right now.

Because with how the current timeline is, and the war between the city and the evil soul masters and the undead, there was no way anyone was going to survive an attack from a god.

Suddenly, just as Xiu Ye was about to make his move, the entire alter and the entire basement began to shake.

The red glow in the alter began to condensed together around the orb, releasing a shockwave of unknown power that almost thrown Xiu Ye. It flashed red for a moment before a bright red pillar of light shot up from the center of alter, with the orb still intact, and into and out of the ceiling of the basement.

The red pillar of light easily brokethrough the floors of the hotel building, surprising anyone who saw it and killing those who unknowingly got hit by it, before it burst through the roof of the hotel and it stopped when it hit the barrier in the sky of Skysea City. But the red light pillar still remained.

Xiu Ye stared, wide-eyed in fear, at the pulsing energy power coming out of the alter and Na Nali, who now stood up from her sitting position, with her arms apart and her head facing up towards the pillar of red light.

"You.... What have you done?" Xiu Ye muttered out in a whispered voice. He was frozen, not in soul power or spiritual power suppression, but in fear.

There was something in that pillar of red light, something that brought out his inner fears and negative emotions, something that forcibly ripped his control over his emotions, it was something...inhuman.

Never have something, even with the memories of Genryūsai Yamamoto's thousand years of strife as well as looking through the history of the heroes and villains who wielded the weapons in his inner world, can bring out such primal fear out of him except for looking at the glowing red light pillar in front of him.

"Little red, tell me something, do you know what a cult is?" Na Nali spoke up, excitement and joy clear in her voice.

"I belonged to an organization called the Holy Spirit Cult, an organization that no one has ever figured out its true purpose for ten thousand years except for the Sea God Pavilion members from Shrek, but they didn't tell anyone about it because they didn't want to spread the knowledge about our true purpose–for it'll end badly for everyone in the world."

"We would try spreading the knowledge on our own, but no one would believe about 'their' existence! Because no one would trust on the words of evil soul masters! But now, now....with the help of the zombie virus and over a hundred thousand sacrifice, I would be able to bring them, or one of them, into this plane of existence!"

She let our short and loud laugh before turning her head back towards a frozen Xiu Ye, her black-colored bell symbol pupils in her red eyes made a chilling image.

"Let me ask you again, what is a cult?" Xiu Ye was quiet, cold sweat dripping down his face, as he stared at her with a scowl.

Na Nali rolled her eyes, "Oh I'm just gonna answer it for you, since your frozen in fear and all, but anyway."

"There are more than one term for a cult but the one common thing about it, is that it is a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious. A religion. You know what a religion is, right? A religion is something that we give our commitment or devotion to a God or something supernatural. Just like the church of the seven devas, a religion that worships the first and second generation god seven monsters."

"Yet, despite being called the Holy Spirit Cult, or the Holy Spirit Church, we were never clear where we give our devotion to. Throughout history, you've known us, though our predecessor, as evil soul masters who wanted obtain power, specifically godhood, and destroy all life."

Na Nali put both of her hand behind her back and twirled around, "You're not wrong, we would like absolute power and destroy the entire world who hate and shun us just because of the nature of our martial souls, but we wouldn't name our organization with the words 'church' and 'cult' in it with such a simple main objective. Oh no, that would be too cliche! Hahahaha!"

She tilted her head, her eyes eerily glowed red as her wide cheeky grin inhumanly stretched out her face, "Little red, have you ever heard....about the outer gods?"


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Also, its just a few chapters away and this arc finally ends! Thank fucking god! I am purely motivated by praise and interaction, as well as power stones and I'll probably write faster.