
Douluo Dalu 3: Fire and Steel[Dropped]

Xiu Ye, a young man who lived an ordinary life, unfortunately died at the hands of truck-kun and gets reincarnated into the Douluo Planet, more specifically, the Glorybound City's Orphanage. He lived a carefree and lazy second life, well, that is until he awakened his martial soul that everything went 180. A deserted lifeless land that had countless weapons from old legendary heroes and villains embedded into its earth. A blade whose flames equals the sun's. A talent in blacksmithing that no one can equal to. This is Xiu Ye's story of fire and steel. ==================================================== *I do not own anything except for this story. *Vote your power stones, comment, review and share this story with your friends! Visit my patreon and help support my hobby: https://www.patreon.com/FroztDouluo Wanna be my friend and be up to date with my stories? Here's my discord link: https://discord.gg/aBH6KvtfAB

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 117: Na Nali, Darkness Bell Douluo

Xiu Ye stood still at the stairway of the hotel building 45th floor, his eyes narrowing for a moment then turned towards the stairs heading to the lower floors.

'If all the floors in the hotel are out and the roof as well, then there could only be one possible conclusion....' Xiu Ye shifted his feet around in a position facing towards the lower stairwell and used Flash Step.

He moved like a phantom, disappearing and reappearing, weaving through anyone in his path, he was unstoppable.

40th floor. Xiu Ye decapitated a couple of evil soul masters and ghouls heads with Yamato for a moment coming from below, probably ones that had escaped from Tang Wulin and Wu Zhangkong's team, before he continued down.

35th floor. He paused for a moment when he sensed a couple of strong presence in the floor before dismissing them when he felt that neither had the feeling he felt from Na Nali.

30th floor. He continued down further.

20th, 10th, 3rd, 2nd, and finally the 1st floor and the lobby, where dozens of the allied forces of both the Federation military and Tang Sect Battle Hall agents had gathered.

Xiu Ye went by them like the wind, making everyone in the lobby startled and immediately activated their martial souls and pulled out Black Keys in their hands to attack but they hesitated as the quickly moving person didn't seem like he was about to attack anyone.

One of the Tang Sect agents recognized Xiu Ye, who was now standing still and staring intently at a steeled door, and said, "Stand down! I know this guy, he's one of ours. In fact, he's one leading fighters in this war."

Whispers and murmurs from the shocked allied force soup masters erupted within themselves.

"No way! He's one of the leading fighters?"

"But he's so young. He looks like he can't he older than my youngest kid."

"Is he the rumored next Yun Ming? But one who wields the sword than a spear? I thought it was just a joke..."

Xiu Ye ignored their remarks and turned to the agent who recognized him and said, "Hey, have you guys entered the basement already?"

The agent shook his head, "No. We've tried entering it with everything that we could, but the door and walls around it just wouldn't budge for some reason. Even when Guo Jiu, a Attack Power System Soul King, used his strongest soul skill, it only left small cracks on the door."

Xiu Ye narrowed his eyes, not liking what the agent had said, "And you people didn't report the strangeness of it?"

"We...." The agent looked at the others and they all shared a very confused expression. "We....wait, why didn't we report this again? I–I don't, understand....huh? Proper protocols suggest that we do but, for some, we didn't do such a thing."

Someone, wearing a military uniform, smacked his lips with his hand and said, "I remember that I was about to report this phenomenon to the captain, but a sudden drowsiness overcame my line of thought and I forgot all about the basement, and ignored it until you showed up kid."

Xiu Ye frowned, knowing something was wrong with them but it couldn't be seen by the naked eye, he used his spiritual power to scan the soldiers and agents' their spiritual minds in front of him.

It only took a moment for him to find out what was wrong.

"You've all been affected by some type of hypnotic ability–a spiritual attack that influences your mind; it makes anyone who gets anywhere near the basement door either ignore it or unable to spread its strangeness to anyone else." Xiu Ye explained to the pale faced soul masters as he swiped his hand towards them, cutting dispelling the hypnotic curse that was put into their psych.

"No way..."

"How did I not notice it...?"

"Damn it! We've been had?! But how? We would've noticed something was wrong with us!"

'That's because the one who put the hypnosis is someone with a Spiritual Domain, none of you would be able to notice it.' Xiu Ye only knew one person who had this level of spiritual power, Na Nali.

He had noticed strange inscriptions, hidden under the surface of the walls and the door, that would affect anyone who comes near the area heading towards the basement. What's more, those affected by the hypnotic spell would be turned into carriers and further stack the hypnotic affect on anyone who stumbles into the entrance of the basement.

It was like the zombie epidemic.

After getting rid of their afflicted state, Xiu Ye turned his attention back towards the door that led to the basement and held the hilt of the Yamato–entering a Iaido stance.

He stood motionless as he held the handle of his sword silently, when the sound of a sword being drawn from its scabbard was heard and the door to the basement was cut in half.

There was a moment of silence before the the two parts of the door fell back down, creating a loud noise.

Everyone in the lobby were gobsmacked and stared wide-eyed at the back of the red haired boy, who, in but a moment, sliced a door that can withstand the blow of a Soul King with just but a single slash of his martial soul, utterly dumbfounded.

But if anyone knew the true nature of the sword, they wouldn't be as surprised.

The Yamato is far sharper than ordinary blades, and is imbued with tremendous demonic power. The sword is said to be able to cut through anything, even the very fabric of space itself. Cutting through a durable door with it is just as easy as cutting paper with a scissor.

Xiu Ye took a looked inside and saw another staircase that goes a very long way down.

"Teacher Wu, I think I found the location of where Na Nali and the core of the Blood Suppression Formation are. I need the help of you and Soul Sage people here, now."

"...copy that Xiu Ye. We'll be heading out way there, as soon as after we take care of a little problem here." Wu Zhangkong responded with a more stiffer tone than usual.

"Is something wrong?" Xiu Ye furrowed his brows in worry.


Wu Zhangkong huffed as his Skyfrost Sword collided against a large iron horn, about a meter long and as thick as an arm, and deflected it away, effectively sending the owner of the horn skidding back

"Grrr! Handsome human strong!" Standing in front of the cold faced teacher was a large muscled body man, around thirty years old, with a bald shaven head and bushy black moustache under his nose. But the most eyecatching about him was his height, being about four meters tall, and his Battle Armor; which made him look like a rhinoceros with the large iron horn on his forehead. Six soul rings floated up and down his body.

"Don't worry about it and just wait for us." Wu Zhangkong muttered, in reply to Xiu Ye.

"Raaaaa! Handsome man, stop ignoring this great general!" The rhino let out a enraged roar and stomped on the floor, shattering it, and began sprinting towards Wu Zhangkong. "Grrr! You must pay for killing my brothers and sisters! Aaaaaahhhhh!"

Wu Zhangkong clicked his tongue, doning his own Battle Armor, his seven soul rings appearing, and entered into his combat stance. He momentarily spared a glance to the side to see Tang Wulin, with his spear in hand, used his second martial soul; transforming his right arm into a golden scales, and a strange malevolent energy enveloped around him to block the double talon strike of a green-eyed young man, a Soul King, with a bird like appearance: a yellow beak had replaced his mouth and his hair turned into black feathers with a single strand of hair bang being red and stood erect.

He looked more like a chicken than any other bird in anyone's eyes.

As Tang Wulin blocked and parried combo attacks the young man was unleashing onto him, they were very powerful, judging by how the floor beneath the boy had shatter and his feet were digging deeper into it.

Suddenly, there was a flash besides the young dragon king, and Mu Xi appears right besides him and with her katana's blood-edged blade swinging towards the young man's neck, the flames covering blade also had black smoke coming out.

"Sun Breathing: Sixth Form...."

Unfortunately however, the young man notices her and promptly used both of his the chest of Tang Wulin as a spring and backflipped away from them.

The young man landed perfectly across from them. He took a step forward, preparing to charge back at them, when he widened his eyes and started gurgling–blood started dripped from a horizontal cut on his throat, with steam started rising from his wound, before it spurted out his blood like a fountain.

"Tsk! You fucking brats, you'll pay for that!" Unfortunately, a second later, the wound on his throat was completely healed and one of the five soul rings on the young man started glowing.

'This might take a little while longer,' Wu Zhangkong thought as he raised his sword up, and with a loud short yell, he brought the blade down onto the horn of the rhino.


"Teacher Wu? Hello? Teacher Wu!" Xiu Ye narrowed his eyes when he heard no further response from his school teacher.

He was worried that something dangerous had happened and it was something that the ice-cold teacher couldn't handle. It was even more worrying since his friends would be near Wu Zhangkong.

"I'm going in, you all follow behind me." Not wanting to waste any more time and let another tragedy happen, Xiu Ye used Flash Step once more down the stairway down the basement.

In just a few seconds, Xiu Ye arrived at the bottom of the stairs of which he found out that the way to the basement was about twenty floors of stairs long. He had already passed the door to the parking lot just from the entrance.

A hotel shouldn't have such a long staircase, as well as a large basement floor: that was about twenty meters high and twelve meters wide, that stretches as far as about fifty meters. It was enough to start a literal underground motorcade. What's more, the entire basement was made entirely of hundred refined metal materials that even a famous hotel like the Black Orchid shouldn't be able to afford building.

Xiu Ye noticed that there were only a few things that were in basement, though it was more of a large hall, with dozens of corpses and a giant sacrificial alter built in the middle of the room....which was glowing bright red, it was why he was able to see much of the area.

The alter looked to be made of concrete and was shaped like a hexagon, mysterious symbols or a forgotten language were engraved on the surface of the alter in a strange formation. The mysterious engravings was glowing as red as the blood that was soaked around it, it was moreso for the blood red orb floating in the middle of the alter.

It was giving off a dark chilling feeling, like one would feel when they were in a dark cold space that you couldn't find any light or hope.

What's even worse, was that it was giving off a... demonic feeling that Xiu Ye had only felt in Yamato and other similar weapons in his armory.

'Yeeeeaaah, that's bad.' He didn't even think twice to run towards the alter, who had a very familiar figure and spiritual signature–Na Nali, sitting in the middle of it.

She was sitting cross-legged, her back to Xiu Ye, but she looked to be the same with her red blood hair tied into twin tails and her youthful beauty.

But Xiu Ye could feel it, the power radiating off of her. It was different compared to before when he first met her, right now she was more....powerful.

"Can you feel it?" The sweet and innocent voice of Na Nali echoed in the large basement, reaching the ears of Xiu Ye.

Before the red haired boy could summon out Ryūjin Jakka to end this entire bullshit once and for all, he froze.

Xiu Ye couldn't move, an oppressive pressure unlike anything he's ever felt before descended on him; freezing him in place like a statue.

'This power...' Cold sweat dripped down out of the corner of Xiu Ye's forehead. He gritted his teeth, his muscles, bones and organs felt like they were about to explode!

'Its nothing compared to before. Before, it was like carrying a mountain; bearing the weight of unsurmountable dominance and authority that no other could possess. But, a mountain could be climbed. It was how I was able to shrug off the momentary feeling of fear and helplessness, because I had faced other bigger mountains than Na Nali–Ryūjin Jakka and Tianguo.'

'But now, its like....the entire sky's weight is on my shoulders!' Xiu Ye stared at the culprit of his state, in shock. He knew what this means....

Na Nali had became a Titled Douluo, the Darkness Bell Douluo.

He underestimated her cultivation speed. He thought it would at least take her a couple of days and a few hours from now at best. But not now!

He knew that Na Nali would be strong, Titled Douluo strong even without her breakthrough since she would most certainly would have a Battle Armor to augment her overall power....but he didn't expect her to be this strong!

'Xiu Ye, be careful. Her power isn't just at the level of an average Titled Douluo, even without that hax you call Battle Armor.' He widened his eyes to hear the words Tianguo had spoken in a serious tone of voice. 'Her power, it's unnatural. Although her attribute is aligned with evil, with how much negative karma I'm sensing around her, there's another energy different to soul power in sensing inside of her.'

'This power....it's divinity!'

"Good evening, little red. It's been a while hasn't it?" Na Nali turned her head around to the right and stared at the younger red head over her shoulder with a strange gleam in her eyes.

Xiu Ye felt a shiver run down his spine when he stared right at her eyes.

Because, in the center of Na Nali's red ruby eyes–her pupils, was not the normal black dot pupil that everyone has.... but it was a strange bell symbol.

'Oh. My. God. Holy, shit! She has a fucking Mangekyou Sharingan!'


Join my pa treon to support me and read 7 advance unedited chapters! Pa treon/FroztDouluo

Also, its just a few chapters away and this arc finally ends! Thank fucking god! I am purely motivated by praise and interaction, as well as power stones and I'll probably write faster.