
Doulou Dalu: The Power of a Book

Su Wen, traversed to the Douluo Continent and witnessed the helplessness of being unable to control his own destiny as he saw his newfound family perish as mere collateral in the clash of two powerful Titled Douluo. He vowed to avenge the two individuals who had given him a fresh start in life. However, life did not favor him, as he only awakened an ordinary Book Martial Spirit. Undeterred, he refused to be disheartened and, leveraging his unique perception talent, embarked on the journey to transform his martial spirit. An ordinary book martial spirit? No! I will evolve it to an extraordinary Heavenly Book Martial Spirit!

JohanLT · Anime & Comics
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160 Chs

Chapter 116: Double Breakthrough

For Su Wen, absorbing two Spirit Bones naturally wasn't easy.

If Su Wen had heard about the possibility of increasing the lifespan of Spirit Rings, he hadn't heard of increasing the lifespan of Spirit Bones.

Therefore, he approached the absorption of each Spirit Bone with great caution.

The reason he kept the two Spirit Bones was also because he intended to start researching Spirit Bones.

During the night, while resting, Su Wen condensed a Flame Clone and once again attempted to integrate the three thousand-year-old Phantom Light Beast Spirit Bone into it. This time, he still didn't succeed, but there seemed to be some reaction.

"It seems feasible to temporarily fuse Spirit Bones using a clone to perform Spirit Skills contained within them. However, the Flame Clone clearly doesn't fully align with this idea, and the higher the lifespan of the Spirit Bone, the greater the demands on the clone." Su Wen tentatively concluded.

After attempting to fuse the Phantom Light Beast Spirit Bone with the Flame Clone, he withdrew the clone.

The Heaven's Book Martial Spirit appeared in his hand, and page after page flew out, merging into the Phantom Light Beast Spirit Bone in front of him.

The Fourth Spirit Skill was activated.

Su Wen had already attempted to use the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, but there was no progress. However, the initial attempt made Su Wen feel that his approach was correct; it was just that his Replication talent wasn't fully developed yet.

Or rather, the combination of Replication talent with the Engrave ability of the Book Martial Spirit was not yet perfected, and his analysis ability of Spirit Bone Spirit Skills was insufficient.

Now, with only the three thousand-year-old Phantom Light Beast Spirit Bone being replicated by Su Wen using the Fourth Spirit Skill, Su Wen quickly made progress.

The Replication Spirit Skill from the Mirror Image Beast couldn't replicate Spirit Bones. The most basic ability was to replicate Spirit Beasts or Martial Spirits.

Spirit Bones fused by Spirit Masters cannot be replicated, nor can the skills of Spirit Bones be replicated.

However, replication is ultimately a process.

As Su Wen initiated this process, the behavior of replication had actually begun, but the Fourth Spirit Skill itself did not provide a template for replicating Spirit Bones.

At this moment, Su Wen used his own pages as a substitute for the template, implementing the analysis and replication actions onto his own pages.

Progress was made, albeit slowly.

At this rate, Su Wen estimated that even three days of continuous replication might not be enough to fully replicate.

"It's still a good start," Su Wen thought.

He didn't find the speed slow.

At least his speculation was correct.

Once this replication was completed, it meant that Su Wen's development of the Replication Spirit Skill had taken a step forward, and the scope of replication had expanded.

With more experience accumulated, perhaps he would be able to replicate the Spirit Skill of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone as well.

Of course, the greatest significance of this development for Su Wen is not actually the replication of Spirit Bones.

Rather, it lies in the modification of the template for the Replication Spirit Skill.

Using the Replication of Spirit Bones as an opportunity, Su Wen realized that he could rely solely on the analysis and replication abilities of Spirit Skills, combined with the engraving of his own Martial Spirit as a template.

"By understanding this process, perhaps I can achieve my idea of permanently engraving those replicated Martial Spirits onto my Martial Spirit," he thought.

By then, the issue of the burden of the Replication Spirit Skill would also be resolved.

After Elephant City, Su Wen's opportunities diminished.

He didn't gain as much as he did from the three major elemental Academies in Blazing City, Godwind City, and Elephant City at the beginning.

However, it provided Su Wen with many experiences and insights.

Meanwhile, in between his duties as a Spirit Fighter, Su Wen continued to repeat the replication of the Spirit Skill of the Phantom Light Beast Spirit Bone.

After succeeding, he chose to erase the engraved information on his Martial Spirit and then replicate it again.

Repeatedly, Su Wen also recorded the changes in his Martial Spirit after each replication of the Spirit Bone.

In this way, after traveling through three major cities, Su Wen spent a month repeating the process. Finally, he completely engraved the Spirit Skill of the Phantom Light Beast Spirit Bone.

What troubled Su Wen the most was that the information on his Martial Spirit also required him to maintain it with Soul Power. Whether it was the handwriting or the patterns displayed above, they would gradually dissipate after Su Wen cut off the supply of Soul Power.

The Spirit Skill was the same.

Therefore, when he permanently engraved the Spirit Skill, he actually engraved it into his own mental visualization.

He reflected on the changes each time he engraved the Spirit Skill onto his Martial Spirit in his mental visualization and permanently engraved it onto the pages of his mental visualization.

As Su Wen engaged his mental visualization, the Phantom Light Beast pattern reflected on his Martial Spirit, and under the consumption of Soul Power, a ball of light condensed in Su Wen's palm.

"I truly am a genius." Su Wen smiled as he looked at the ball of light in his palm.

Next, he needed to enhance the efficiency of the engraving process, which would solve the burden issue of the Replication Spirit Skill.

"The lifespan of this Phantom Light Beast Spirit Bone is too low for me, but its contained Spirit Skill, Phantom Light, is still usable."

Su Wen invoked Phantom Light, and the ball of light in his hand transformed.

At the same time, his Phantom Eye appeared on his forehead, but it was concealed, invisible to outsiders.

Even when exploring alone, he was as discreet as possible, turning caution into habit.

Su Wen's Phantom Eye had undergone multiple evolutions since its fusion, especially after Su Wen initially consumed Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew, resulting in one evolution of the Phantom Eye.

However, even so, Su Wen was aware that he hadn't completely integrated this Phantom Eye.

The greatest difference between External Spirit Bones and regular Spirit Bones is that they won't drop upon the death of the Spirit Master.

However, this characteristic only appears after the Spirit Master has fully integrated it.

Su Wen had never been able to completely integrate the Phantom Eye.

He thought it was due to insufficient pressure.

However, the perfect integration of the Phantom Eye is not about pressure.

A month ago, Huyan Zhen did help him achieve perfect integration with the Phantom Eye, but it wasn't due to Huyan Zhen's pressure; it was when Su Wen initially perceived a significant threat and thus achieved perfect integration with the Phantom Eye.

At that moment, with the warning from the Phantom Eye, Su Wen had also prepared to escape in advance.

With the stimulation from the Phantom Eye, Su Wen's spiritual power merged into the ball of light, as if there was a world slowly forming within it.

Su Wen perceived the immense space within the small ball of light through his spiritual power.

Although this month had been relatively quiet for Su Wen, it had still been quite fulfilling for the other eight people.

Especially for Ning Rongrong, who faced opponents Su Wen brought in every day and engaged in battles with them.

Under such frequent battles, she finally broke through her bottleneck and reached level thirty.

Twelve years old, level thirty.

At the same time, Su Wen also made a breakthrough and reached level forty-nine, just one level away from being able to absorb the fifth Spirit Ring and become a Spirit King. In the eyes of Qin Ming and the others, Su Wen had broken through to level forty.

"Xiaowen, have you decided on the Fourth Spirit Ring?" Qin Ming asked as they prepared to head to the final destination and then lead the seven of them to the Star Dou Great Forest to help the other two obtain their Spirit Rings.

"I've already decided, but Qin Ming, after the expedition ends, you can return to the Academy," Su Wen replied.

Upon hearing Su Wen's words, Qin Ming frowned directly.

What did that mean?


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