
Doulou Dalu:The Forgotten Legend

The disappearance of the Divine Kingdom of the Doulo Continent affected the course of the history of their world, which headed into an unknown direction. Shenglin, a boy who should never have appeared in this world, imperceptibly influenced him. But as it turned out, his connection to the world is much stronger and deeper than that of others. Will he be able to ascend to the top of the world, becoming a god and write his name into history, becoming a legend. We will find out in this story.

Rasul_Baratov · Book&Literature
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54 Chs

A comprehensive inspection of the Shrek Academy.

All the children were brought to the Shrek Academy Medical Center. There were many corridors inside the building that led to no one knew where.

-To save time, you will be divided into 3 groups of ten people. Whose names I will name, take a step forward. Lan Shengling, Qian Lei, Lan Xuanyu...

Lin Yi said one name after another, then led a group of ten children down one of the corridors.

- For the first examination, only 10 milliliters of blood will be taken from you, so do not worry.

Lan Shengling stiffened slightly at her words.

-What happens if they find out that my blood is special? They won't let me do experiments, will they? ≫

Walking forward, they found themselves in a wide room, in which there was only one girl dressed in a white medical gown.

When Lin Yi saw her, she smiled broadly and opened her arms and hugged her tightly.

- Honey, here I am!

The purple-haired girl looked at her helplessly and sighed.

- Yes, yes. Let's not waste any time. Having said that, she freed herself from Lin Yi's embrace.

"This is Dr. Zhang Cheng Yu. She is a graduate of Shrek Academy. She will take blood for tests.

Zhang Cheng Yu called one of the students and asked him for the name and place of study. She also gave him a gold bracelet that was needed for scoring points and the results of other checks. She quickly took the blood and soon called the next student.

The queue quickly reached Lan Shengling.

- Name, school.

"Lan Shengling, Heavenly Luo Academy from Heavenly Luo Planet.

Lan Shengling was very worried, but did not show it. Zhang Cheng Yu handed him a gold bracelet and then prepared a metal syringe for taking blood.

Lan Shengling gave his left hand. Zhang Cheng Yu felt that the needle could not pierce his skin. Without continuing, she took another needle that was different from the last one, this needle was able to pierce his skin. After taking ten milliliters of blood, she released Lan Shenglin.

- I didn't think I was using a spiritual needle on a child.Zhang Cheng Yu took a vial of Lan Shenglin's blood and signed it, then called Lan Xuanyu.

Unnoticed by everyone, a very small and inconspicuous cloud consisting of two colors came out of Lan Shenglin's blood test tube, which flew to its owner and was absorbed by his body.

When Zhang Cheng Yu began to sign the test tube with Lan Xuanyu's blood, it seemed to her that the blood in the test tube was spinning like a whirlwind, and there was a strange light around it.

-≪Blood anomaly! This happens when the bloodline is very strong. Zhang Cheng Yu was surprised by this, but did not focus on it. Shrek Academy had enough geniuses with strong bloodlines.

After all the children's blood was taken, Lin took the children into the next room. There were all kinds of devices in the room to measure height, weight, etc.

- Oh! I'll be able to find out my height. Lan Shenglin thought

After all the checks, his height was 1.71, but what surprised Lan Shenglin the most was his weight of 180 kilograms. It was a weight out of proportion to his body.

After the second check, they entered the third room. This room was larger than the two rooms combined before. With bulky equipment, the purpose of which has yet to be found out.

-Your mental strength, spiritual strength, physical strength and speed will be tested here. Lin Yi announced

Lan Shengling, Lan Xuanyu and Qian Lei let out a helpless sigh.

- In terms of spiritual power, we are complete trash. Lan Shenglin said frankly.

His two friends nodded sadly.

The equipment at Shrek Academy was different from the equipment at Heavenly Luo Academy. Each piece of equipment was a separate room. With an entrance on one side and an exit on the other.

After nine people entered the room, the queue reached Lan Shenglin.

As soon as he entered, a mechanical voice sounded inside.

- Grab the handles with both hands.

Lan Shengling took a few steps forward and grabbed two handles similar to door handles.

- Pour in your spiritual power.

Lan Shengling poured in some spiritual power. After which, a mechanical voice sounded.

- The test is over. Name: Lan Shenglin. Bone age: 11 years old. Spiritual power: Rank 29.

The metal doors opened on the other side and he got out. The next device was a chair. Lan Shengling walked over and sat on it.

- Please remain calm.

After the words of the mechanical voice, his arms, torso and legs were clamped with metal hoops, and a metal helmet fell on his head.

Suddenly, Lan Shengling felt a numbness in his head, his Mental power was automatically released.

Suddenly, an alarming sound rang out.

- Dee! - Dee! - Dee! Attention! Attention! Mistake! The equipment is faulty! Get out of the device as soon as possible, otherwise your life will be in danger!

Lan Shengling was stunned and shouted in anger.

- What a *peep*. How can the equipment at Shrek Academy break down, they are *PiP* what rich people!

Lan Shenglin sensed some kind of trick. He wanted to release his Martial Soul, but he couldn't do it.

-≪*PiP* there is clearly something wrong here!≫

Lan Shenglin's skin turned slightly red and he began to struggle with the chair with his physical strength.

- The end of the test, please do not panic.

The metal hoops automatically unfastened and the helmet lifted.

- I knew there was something fishy here. Lan Shengling said, slightly annoyed.

- The name is Lan Shenglin. Mental Strength Level: 594. Resistance Strength: 1743 kilograms.

Lan Shengling was satisfied with his performance, after leaving the room, he entered the third room. It was very dark in it, but the blue color appeared in the room, which was replaced by green, then red, and then pink. The colors were constantly changing each other, which made him feel slightly dizzy.

It was at this moment that Lan Shenglin felt his body soar into the air, he felt as if he was floating through the air.

"Is this an anti-gravity cabin?"

He instinctively waved his arms and legs to keep his balance. He managed to keep his balance, but it looks like the device had its own plans.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind hit from all sides. The force of the wind was so strong that Lan Shengling lost his balance. His body began to spin in space like a leaf in the wind. The constantly changing colors made his eyes blink, and because he was thrown from one side to the other and was spinning nonstop, he felt a wave of nausea.

Two minutes later, the machine finally stopped, restraining nausea, he left the room. From the outside, he looked like a drunk man. When Lan Shenglin came out, he found Lin Yi and the rest of the participants. Everyone except Lan Xuanyu threw up in buckets.

Lin Yi walked over to the pale Lan Shenglin and handed over the bucket.

- Do you need this?

Lan Shengling grabbed the bucket.

- Yes, indeed.

Lan Shenglin joined the rest of the guys.

Seeing this, Lan Xuanyu laughed and entered the fourth room. Lan Shengling recovered the fastest and followed him.

Lan Shenglin had a target in front of him.

- A test of strength. Hit twice with all your strength. The first time using only physical force. Using the power of the fighting spirit for the second time.

Lan Shengling did not use the power of the bloodline for the first strike. He stood in a fighting stance, his eyes tightly focused on the target.

-You need to hit with the force of your whole body.≫

Lan Shengling raised his right hand to strike, instantly all the muscles of his body tensed to the maximum and he struck.

There was a sound like an explosion.

- * Bang! *

Lan Shenglin was surprised that the target only trembled a little.

- Get ready for the second strike!

Lan Shengling smiled, a white tiara wrapped around his head, and two spiritual rings rose from under his feet. The first ring shone and his body was filled with energy, his thoughts accelerated, and all his senses sharpened. At the same time, his bloodline came into action. The nails on both hands instantly sharpened and became longer. Dark purple scales surrounded his right hand, and golden scales surrounded his left.

Both of his eyes changed their color, and the pupils became shaped like a four-pointed star. The right eye turned dark purple with a black pupil. While the left one is golden with a white pupil.

The purple and Golden vortex in his body began to accelerate. The blood began to boil.

-≪How strong will my strike be using the power of the bloodline?≫

Lan Shengling raised his right hand to strike again, his arm was surrounded by barely visible purple energy up to the elbow. Without preparing for long, he struck.

- * BOOM! *- the target trembled. This blow was several orders of magnitude stronger than the last one.

This time, the mechanical voice did not notify him of the results. Lan Shengling was upset.

- Of all the indicators, I was most interested in finding out my strength, and it was her level that I was not told.

Complaining to himself about Shrek Academy, he left the room. When he came out, he found Lan Xuanyu meditating.

- Has the examination come to an end? Lan Shengling went to the next door but it was locked.He didn't want to disturb Lan Xuanyu, so he sat down on the floor not far from him.

Half an hour has passed and everyone has passed the strength test.

Qian Lei was lying on the ground with a green face. His physical condition was too weak. Therefore, the balance test became a torture for him, he lasted only 18 seconds, after which he lost consciousness. When he came to, he immediately threw up.

- You are given a 30-minute break. Then you will take a general physical fitness test, during which your spiritual power will be sealed. Bracelets on your hands will record the results.

- Ah! Qian Lei almost cried. For him, the physical fitness test was a living hell.

- I'm doomed....

Lan Xuanyu patted him on the shoulder.

- Don't worry so much. After all, we were told that the results of the physical examination would not affect the final assessment.

Qian Lei's face brightened, and he completely forgot about it.

- Exactly!


The Shrek Academy Medical Examination Center.

A beautiful woman was holding a vial of Lan Xuanyu's blood. Zhang Cheng Yu was standing behind her.

- Cheng Yu, give me all the documents and videos that Lan Xuanyu participated in. Tell Lin Yi to keep a close eye on him, let her keep me informed of all events.

- All right, Dean. Zhang Cheng Yu replied.

When the dean left the Shrek Academy Medical Examination Center, a smile appeared on her face, and her gaze was full of anticipation.

-≪Lan Xuanyu....Does he have the bloodline of a God? But how is this possible? Finally, something interesting.≫


At the moment, the Heavenly Luo Academy trio was undergoing an endurance test.

The endurance test was very simple. This is a special room that can rotate independently. The height is about fifty meters, and the angle of inclination is thirty degrees. They need to continuously climb up, while the ground under their feet will change the angle of inclination. But as soon as at least one team member falls to the ground, the test ends.

Although their Spiritual Power was sealed, no one forbade them from helping each other. They were also wearing weights of 20 kilograms.

Lan Shengling was dragging Qian Lei on his back. Even with Qian Lei and two weights, he showed no signs of fatigue.

Ten minutes later, they reached the top the very first, the trio did not feel any fatigue. Qian Lei didn't show it, but he was very unhappy with himself, he was a burden to them.

-This can't go on, I have to become stronger, so strong that I could stand next to them. Qian Lei promised himself.

Within an hour, all the remaining students came, each of them looked at Lan Shenglin differently, they saw him carrying Qian Lei. She was very jealous of the Fat Man because he had such a reliable teammate.

Lin Yi gave them a 30-minute break again, before the last test.

The last test was interesting, it tested the reaction speed. Everyone was led into a room where there were five large and identical cars.

Qian Lei was among the first participants. He was able to hold out for half a minute.

- It was damn fast, I didn't even have time to react. Attacks are pouring in from all sides, so be careful.

Lan Shengling and Lan Xuanyu nodded. Finally, it was the turn of the second group, which included Lan Shengling and Lan Xuanyu.

He was in a spacious and rounded room. Qian Lei also said that the attacks were not real, I was a ray of light.

- Let's get started.- a mechanical voice announced the start of the test.

After that, a ray of light immediately shot at Lan Shenglin from the right side, he took a step back and then immediately made a U-turn due to the second ray.

Lan Shenglin's reaction and perception speed far surpasses his peers. Due to his constant sparring with Li Changshou, he was used to a fast and huge number of attacks from different sides. Using Heavenly Steps in a leisurely manner and a bored expression, he dodged the rays. In the end, he got tired of it and in the fifth minute he allowed himself to be hit.

-≪It was the easiest test.≫

Lan Shengling left the room and sat down next to Lan Xuanyu and Qian Lei.

- How did it go? Lan Xuanyu asked.

- It was very simple, I would even say that it was boring. Qian Lei almost vomited blood at these words.

Lan Xuanyu hadn't given it much thought before, but after they arrived on the Mother Planet, he felt the vortex of the bloodline in his chest react very strangely to his brother. But he decided to postpone this issue until he entered Shrek.

A comprehensive inspection has been completed.

Lan Xuanyu approached Lin Yi.

"Miss Lin, can we get our grades?"

Lin Yi looked at him thoughtfully. She had just received a notification that Lan Xuanyu had attracted the attention of the dean of the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy and asked her to focus on watching him.

Lin Yi knew that Lan Xuanyu's strength was not very great, but he was very smart for his age. But it's not enough to be smart at Shrek Academy, you can't do without strength and talent.

Lin Yi is not very optimistic about him, who only has spiritual strength at the beginning of the twentieth level. To enter Shrek Academy, you must have at least level 30. Or have something special.

Despite today's comprehensive examination of Qian Lei, it can be described as terrible. His Fighting Soul was very special. Although Lan Xuanyu is not bad, he still does not have the characteristics of Qian Lei.

As for Lan Shenglin, she didn't know what to think of him, even though he had a mediocre Fighting Soul, but his physical indicators were monstrous.

- We will not inform you about the grades for the test.

Lan Xuanyu nodded and returned to his companions. After the exam, they were all taken back to the hotel. As soon as they returned, Ji Hongbin took Lan Xuanyu away for individual training.

Unexpectedly for Lan Shenglin, Qian Lei did not rest, but began to cultivate.

I wonder if the teacher has a way to increase Qian Lei's physical strength? But for some reason he hasn't been in touch with me lately.Lan Shengling felt out of place after Li Changshou went to sleep, he was too used to him always being around.

Shaking his head and throwing away all the unnecessary ones, he sat down on the bed. During the test, he noticed that it had become more difficult for him to control his strength and body, but so far he had not had time to solve this problem.

Therefore, four black bracelets with strange patterns inscribed on them appeared in his hands. These bracelets and a few other things were given to him by Mo Fan before he left. Each of them weighed 250 kilograms, thanks to the outlines, his weight will remain the same for the environment, but he himself will feel it. After putting on the bracelets, Lan Shenglin instantly felt like he had become slower, but it was still an acceptable weight.

Standing in a fighting stance, he struck several blows and tried out the Heavenly Steps.

-Just right, 1000 kilograms won't slow me down much. After I have reached the second level of the Overcoming the Law of Heaven technique, it seems to me that I will be able to cope with a four-ring spiritual master. Lan Shenglin went to the dining room to eat, today he has to move a lot to fully get used to the extra weight.