
Doulou Dalu:The Forgotten Legend

The disappearance of the Divine Kingdom of the Doulo Continent affected the course of the history of their world, which headed into an unknown direction. Shenglin, a boy who should never have appeared in this world, imperceptibly influenced him. But as it turned out, his connection to the world is much stronger and deeper than that of others. Will he be able to ascend to the top of the world, becoming a god and write his name into history, becoming a legend. We will find out in this story.

Rasul_Baratov · Book&Literature
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54 Chs

Welcome to Shrek!

Four people left Tian Luo Academy, these are Lan Xuanyu, Qian Lei, Lan Shengling and Ji Hongbing.

The three children were enjoying a sweet sleep. Ji Hongbin had squeezed all the juices out of them, so the spaceship became a paradise for them.

Ji Hongbin stared out the window with a slightly dejected look.

-≪I'm going to go back there.... where I would like to stay forever.≫


Lan Shengling opened his eyes and looked at Qian Lei who woke him up.

"Lan Shenglin, look, this is the Mother Planet!

He looked out the window and saw a planet, most of which was covered with water, the three continents of the Mother Planet stood out the most.

- So this is the planet from which the history of the whole world of Doulo began. Lan Shengling whispered.


The spaceship slowly landed on the Mother Planet, namely the Continent of Doulo.

A large number of plants could be seen through the porthole, even the steel city was covered with all kinds of greenery.

- The doors will open soon. Since the life energy of the Mother Planet is very dense and rich, it takes time to get used to it. The seat belts will be automatically removed after ten minutes. So please stay calm. - the stewardess gave them messages.

The doors opened and fresh air filled the ship, everyone was enveloped in warmth that spread through their bodies, it was a very pleasant feeling, it was even slightly intoxicating.

Is This The Life Energy Of The Mother Planet? Lan Shenglin thought in shock.

The life force of the Heavenly Luo planet was incomparable, Lan Shengling felt his body greedily absorbing the life energy.

-The vital Energy of this planet is really great, there is even a chance of becoming a Divine Star.Li Changshou spoke out, slightly surprised.

Ten minutes later, the seat belts were unbuckled and the children were able to leave the ship. Ji Hongbin, who was walking behind the trio, was very surprised at how the two brothers absorbed the life force, as if it absorbed itself into their bodies.

-≪Nature's favorites? Or should I say Baptized with life? ≫

The Ming City they were in was not a place with a lot of vitality. Therefore, it was well suited for people to get used to abundant vital energy.

Vital energy was extremely useful for all beings, it could even extend the life span if a person stayed on the Mother Planet for a long time. That is why the main headquarters of the Federation, the Tang Sect, the Spirit Weather, the Blacksmith Association and many others were located here.

But there is a limit to the people that the Mother Planet could endure. If the number of people exceeds the permissible limit, then the quality and quantity of vital energy will drop sharply. That was why the Federation strictly controlled the number of people on the Mother Planet. Only outstanding geniuses, scientists, elite soul masters and people like them could live on the Mother Planet.


The azure lake was covered with ripples. Right in the center of this lake, an incredible tree towered, it reached the skies and clouds. A green-gold liquid flowed like blood on the tree trunk.

Compared to this tree, the 10,000 thousand year old Demonic Tree, 3,000 thousand meters tall, was an ant.

Suddenly, a huge wave of green vital energy swept out of this tree in all directions, which stirred up the lake.

More than a dozen people instantly appeared in the air, next to the tree.

- What's going on? - they were confused.

A gloomy old man in a gray robe stood in the air, he closed his eyes, and a green halo surrounded him.

- What happened to the Tree of Eternity? Why did it release such a huge amount of life energy?

- This has never happened before! Did something bad happen?

The old man in the gray robe opened his eyes, a puzzled expression appeared on his face.

- I communicated with the spirit of life. He conveyed that something good had happened to the Tree of Eternity. This should not affect the Mother Planet. So it's all good. But contact the Federation headquarters, we need satellite images.

- Yes, Elder!


Qian Lei, Lan Shengling and Lan Xuanyu followed Ji Hongbin. According to the instructions, they would not stop in Ming City, but go straight to Shrek City, where Shrek Academy was located.

Bing Tianlian approached Lan Shenglin and asked.

- How are you feeling? The vital energy here is very strong, it is a very good place to cultivate.

Lan Shengling nodded his head.

- I feel great. This place will soon become my permanent place of residence.

- You look very confident in yourself.

Lan Shenglin looked at him and smiled.

- I am confident in my strength.

- I'll dispel your confidence. Last year, not a single student from the Heavenly Luo Planet was able to enroll in Shrek. This applies only to those who have not received special invitations. The last time someone entered Shrek Academy after passing all the tests was three years ago.

Lan Shengling grinned and slapped Bing Tianlian on the back.

- Don't worry, we're not them.

After these words, Lan Shenglin boarded another spaceship.


Lan Shengling sat and cultivated, although his bloodline vortex did everything for him, but passive cultivation was very slow, when he focused on cultivation himself, this process became several times faster.

He was enjoying the vitality. But his enjoyment was destined to stop because of the sudden screams

- Bing Tianlian, look, it's Shrek! Liang Shushi screamed

- Here he is Shrek. Lan Xuanyu said.

Lan Shengling leaned against the porthole. His gaze was immediately attracted by a giant tree, it was so big that it reached the clouds, it was surrounded by a huge blue lake, there were many buildings around the lake. These buildings formed a ring and surrounded the blue lake. The empty space was covered with a variety of vegetation, and a huge forest could also be seen.

- So this is the famous Tree of Eternity.

The Tree of Eternity in the center was the vital core of the entire Mother Planet.

It was a ring-shaped city. In addition, it was there that the number one academy in the entire Federation with its 30 thousand year history was located, it was also a sacred place for all spiritual masters, this is the Shrek Academy!

The ring-shaped city was called Shrek City. And the huge lake in the middle was called the Lake of the God of the Sea, in honor of the first person from the Shrek Academy who became a god, Tang San.

Ji Hongbin was also looking at Shrek City. Although his expression did not change in any way, his eyes were full of various emotions.

-After all these years, I'm back.≫

Lan Xuanyu stared fixedly at the Tree of Eternity, as soon as they arrived here, he immediately felt the changes in his bloodline vortex, he no longer absorbed spiritual energy, instead he absorbed the energy of life.


The ship slowly landed and everyone was back on the ground.

When they left the landing site, the soul bus was already waiting for them. The bus was dark green, the most striking image of an unknown creature consisting of golden lines on the body of the bus, it was the emblem of the Shrek Academy.

Lan Shenglin's eyebrow twitched slightly.

Although this emblem is part of the history of Shrek Academy, it is simply terrible.

The bus door opened and Lin Yi came out smiling.

- Welcome. I am the employee in charge of the students from the Planet Tian Lo. I ask all of you to get on the bus.

The children boarded the bus one by one. The Shrek Academy bus was very luxurious, every seat was like a sofa.

After everyone boarded the bus, it immediately started moving. The children were eager to see the legendary city. Many buildings could be seen from the windows of the bus.

Lan Shenglin's eyes were attracted by a building that was different from the others. It was a spherical building with an arch in front with the inscription "Tang Sect"

"This is the Tang Sect!

The cries of children echoed through the bus.

"Wow, the Tang Sect! Qian Lei gasped and pressed himself against the glass.

The Tang Sect and Shrek Academy have a very deep history. They ran the city of Shrek together.

Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect could be said to have existed separately from the Federation. None of them got into the politics of the Federation. The Tang Sect was focused on their research, while Shrek Academy was a place to nurture talents from all over the Federation.

After 20 minutes, they arrived at their destination. Shrek Academy was a cluster of simple and uncomplicated buildings that formed a circle. The academy itself was surrounded by huge dark green walls, making it impossible to see what was happening inside.

Lin Yi stood up and looked at everyone present.

"We will arrive at Shrek Academy very soon. After that, you will go to the hotel. The first exam starts tomorrow morning. This will be a comprehensive inspection, so have a good rest.

Is it that simple? A simple inspection? The children did not expect that the first exam would be so simple.

The bus continued to move and drove into the opened gate. Ji Hongbin slowly looked around.

After entering the gate, the bus immediately turned left, a tall building that was the guest house of the Shrek Academy appeared nearby.

Finally, they left the bus and entered the guest house. They saw a world of gold and greenery in front of them. There were no extravagant decorations, everything looked neat and elegant.

-The vital energy here is much richer. Lan Shenglin was very happy, because the more vital energy there is, the faster he will cultivate.

The living room has allocated one room for two people. Lan Shengling and Qian Lei shared a room, while Lan Xuanyu was supposed to live with Ji Hongbin.

-Meals at the guest house are free, so you can go to the dining room of the guest house and have lunch there. I'll be here at eight tomorrow morning to pick you up. After saying that, Lin Yi turned around and left.

Lan Shengling and Qian Lei, like all the other children, ran to inspect the guest house. It was very spacious, it would not be a problem to accommodate 1000 people here.

Ji Hongbing patted Lan Xuanyu's shoulder.

— let's go.

Lan Xuanyu also wanted to look around, but after hearing Ji Hongbin's words, he obediently followed him.


Qian Lei and Lan Shengling were wandering around the guest house, it had already been twenty minutes since they arrived here.

- I thought we were going to see something interesting. Qian Lei grumbled.

- And what did you want to see at the hotel?

- Anything! Everything is the same on every floor.

While they were talking, they entered the dining room, it was very spacious, but there was no one in it.

- * Whistling* It looks like no one else wanted to eat.

Lan Shenglin nodded and walked over to the food trays. There was a very large selection of food and drinks.

- What are you going to eat?

Qian Lei thought a little.

- I think I'll take rice with chicken, noodles and soda as well.

Lan Shengling nodded and began to inspect the dishes while Qian Lei put the food on the tray.

-The quality of the products is really good, there is even a spiritual energy in the food.Lan Shenglin decided to eat pilaf and washed down with soda.

After they put the food down, they went to the nearest table and sat down.

- Bon appetit!

- Have a nice day!

Ten minutes later, they finished and entered their room, which was on the second floor. The room was small, about 50 square meters, with two beds, two bedside tables and a large mirror.

Qian Lei flopped onto the bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

-* Yawn* I feel sleepy after eating.

- Fatty, get a good rest.After saying that, Lan Shengling sat down on the bed in the lotus position and closed his eyes. All thoughts instantly left his mind.

At that moment, the suction force of the vortex intensified and the vital energy began to be absorbed much faster.

Qian Lei, seeing that Lan Shengling was cultivating, also sat on the bed and began to cultivate.

-If I don't want to stay behind Xuanyu and Shenglin and become a burden to them, I need to try my best.≫

The black and White vortex was spinning so fast that Lan Shengling couldn't control it. The power of the bloodline and spiritual power instantly filled Lan Shenglin's entire body. Black and White patterns appeared on Lan Shengling's skin, they were like snakes roaming over his body

Lan Shengling felt that he was about to break down, but he understood that if he was going to die, Li Changshou would stop him.

At the same time, Li Changshou was watching him, a bitter smile appeared on his face.

- I did not think that his growth would be so fast.≫

Li Changshou's figure became slightly illusory, but then returned to normal.

The black and White vortex, which had been in harmony before, began to collide with each other. Lan Shengling felt as if he was being torn apart from the inside, each collision generated a wave of vitality and spiritual energy that was absorbed by his blood, bones, tendons, meridians.

Lan Shengling felt unimaginable pain not only because of the collision of the vortex, but also because of the unimaginable amount of energy that was absorbed by his body, he felt his bones crack, muscles began to tear, blood boil and even the expanded meridians showed signs of destruction.

He felt like he was losing consciousness, but at that moment the Black and White patterns disappeared from his body and the vortex stopped colliding, he was instantly filled with a wave of relief.

His body began to faintly shine with two colors, broken bones, meridians, muscles and all other organs began to recover.

Lan Shengling felt as if something had broken in his body, at that moment, a roar sounded from the depths of his body, as if he was announcing something important.

Lan Shenglin's body was no longer covered with patterns, instead the nails on his right hand turned black and on his left white and began to resemble the claws of a beast.

Gradually, pointed diamond-shaped scales began to appear on his hands, covering his arm up to the elbow, they stopped spreading. He stared at his hands in shock, his right hand was covered with dark purple scales, and his left hand was covered with golden scales.

-≪Scales? It looks like the scales of a dragon.≫

Lan Shengling looked into his vortex of bloodline without thinking twice. When he saw it, he was amazed.

Before that, the vortex consisted of black and white parts. But this time they changed their color, now the vortex consisted of dark purple and gold parts. The aura of the vortex became stronger, but the most important thing that changed was the amount of energy that they could take in at a time and recycle, increased by one and a half times.

At that moment, Lan Shenglin was forcibly transferred to his Spiritual World. Li Changshou was standing in front of him, clapping for him.

- Congratulations on the transition to the second rank of the Technique of Overcoming the Law of Heaven.

Lan Shengling stared blankly at his teacher, too many events had happened in a very short period of time and he had a lot of questions. What are these scales? Why has the vortex of the bloodline changed?

Li Changshou sat down on the ground.

- Come on, ask your questions.

Lan Shengling sighed and exhaled.

- What happened to me?

Li Changshou stroked his chin.

"Due to the abundant life energy, your bloodline, under the influence of the Law of Heaven Overcoming Technique, has finally been completely replaced by my bloodline.

-The technique of Overcoming the Law of Heaven consists of four levels. You've moved on to the second one. The first level is the absorption and Change of energy. The second level is Purification and Growth. The third level is Fusion and Control. Fourth level: Devouring. Based on the names, you should have understood everything, well, except for Devouring, let's leave that aside for now. At the moment you are at the stage of purification and growth, this is the longest stage, it will take a lot of vital energy and time to move to the next one. In the second stage, your body and bloodline have been purified, growth remains, this is a very painful stage, cultivation will be accompanied by "minor" pains. It will also accelerate the growth of your spiritual energy.

Lan Shenglin nodded.

- I see, Teacher, can you tell me what your family tree is?

- Since you've moved on to the second stage, I'll tell you. I do not know how I was born, but I know that I belonged to such a species as a Chimera and you and I are the only representatives of this race. Thanks to my travels, I was able to find out that Chimeras were the ancestors of Dragons.

"The Chimeras were too perfect, even more perfect than the humans themselves. Humans are also one of the most powerful species in the entire universe. My bloodline stands above the dragon bloodlines and the bloodlines of other creatures.Although my Brother circumvents this rule. Originally, my bloodline consisted only of the purple part, because of this, I was short-tempered and could not control my anger. Initially, I thought that my power was only needed to destroy and wreak havoc, but then I realized that this was not the case. I won't go into details, but during my travels, I was able to find a technique that is able to absorb other bloodlines. Thanks to this, I was able to create a counterweight to my purple bloodline by creating a fusion of many kinds of bloodlines and so the golden part of my bloodline appeared.

Lan Shengling felt his Spiritual Sea tremble because of his words. Li Changshou frowned.

- You need to rest.

After these words, Lan Shengling fell asleep instantly. Left alone in the Spiritual World, Li Changshou chuckled.

- It seems I forgot to warn him that his control over his power will decrease. Li Changshou looked at his hand.

- I think I need to rest too.

Before he fell asleep, he left a little message.

[Boy, I won't be available for a few days.]


Lan Shengling opened his eyes and then looked at the time.

-It's only 5 a.m.

Lan Shengling slowly got out of bed, he felt that he was full of energy. But he also felt that his clothes had become too small for him. When he went to the mirror, he noticed that he had become much taller, his skin had lightened a little, and his hair had grown a little

-I haven't changed much in appearance, but at the moment I'm completely taller than Lan Xuanyu. I wonder what Mei Wu's reaction will be when she sees me? After all, this will be our first meeting in the real world.He was grinning. Then, a large amount of clothes came out of the spatial ring.

- It looks like almost everything will have to be thrown out, I hope there is something for me.Lan Shenglin began to measure one set after another, and only one set of clothes fit perfectly.

Lan Shenglin looked at himself in the mirror and smiled broadly, he was wearing an ordinary black sweat shirt and black sneakers, but because of his face, these clothes looked good on him.

- How beautiful I am! Ha-ha. He laughed at his narcissism.

- The time is only 5:40, two more hours before the exam starts. What should I do? Because of the teacher's words that cultivation will be accompanied by "minor" pains, I don't want to cultivate, I'll probably get some fresh air. There is no point in checking at the moment how much my strength has increased, I will not be able to determine it exactly. I'm lucky that I'm going to take a comprehensive test today.

Lan Shengling left the hotel to get some fresh air.

- * Sigh* What a clean air. Lan Shengling suppressed his bloodline so that it would not absorb vital energy.

After getting some fresh air, he went back into the hotel. Lying on his bed, he watched movies on his soul communicator.


At 7:00, Qian Lei woke up.

- Good morning.

- * Yawn* About? You're already up, usually Xuanyu and I will be waiting for you.Qian Lei said in surprise.

- Today is a special day.

Qian Lei nodded his head.

- That's right. Let's go to Lan Xuanyu, he probably got up too.

Lan Shengling smiled and got out of bed.

- Wh-what! Qian Lei shouted.

Lan Shengling looked into his eyes with a smile.

- What's the matter with you? Why are you so tall? Qian Lei stared up at him.

- It seems that the vital energy has affected me so much.- "honestly' Lan Shengling replied.

Qian Lei sighed bitterly.

- *PiP* The world is unfair. You are handsome, strong, before that you had a normal height, but now… When will I grow up!

Lan Shengling patted him on the shoulder.

- You won't grow up. You are forever doomed to be a dwarf, just accept and accept it.

A vein instantly popped up on Qian Lei's forehead.

- Oh, you * PiP, so that you * PiP*.

- Ha ha ha. Don't get so mad, you'd better go to Lan Xuanyu.

The cheerful Lan Shengling and the sullen Qian Lei entered Ji Hongbin and Lan Xuanyu's room. When the two of them saw Lan Shengling, they bombarded him with questions, which he deftly waved away.

Finally, the time reached 8:00. And all the participants from the Heavenly Lo planet were gathered in the lobby of the hotel.

Lin Yi stood in front of them.

- A comprehensive examination will take place at the Shrek Academy. The results of this test will not be included in the final assessment. So you can consider this as a physical examination.

Hearing her words, most of the children breathed a sigh of relief. Especially the three of us, because their level of Spiritual Power was low, none of them had yet reached the level of the three rings.

Although Lan Shenglin felt that he was about to break through and reach the realm of the three rings by becoming a Soul Elder (3).

- Super! We were very lucky. Qian Lei smiled.

Lan Shengling and Lan Xuanyu nodded. Lan Shengling looked at Lan Xuanyu and said.

"Xuanyu, it seems you've grown up a bit too.

- Yes, but I still can't match your leap.

Qian Lei looked at Lan Xuanyu and tears appeared at the corner of his eyes.

- I told you this world is unfair!

"So teachers, please stay here, the rest of you follow me." Lin Yi said.

Ji Hongbin looked at the trio and said in an uncharacteristic voice.

- You've already come this far, you have to go through. Remember, Shrek Academy will never turn away from you because you are special. They reject other participants because they are mediocre. So don't worry, do everything as usual and you will definitely pass.

The three of them nodded together.

- We understand.

Ji Hongbin smiled.

- Go ahead, I believe in you.

- Yes!