
Doulou Dalu:The Forgotten Legend

The disappearance of the Divine Kingdom of the Doulo Continent affected the course of the history of their world, which headed into an unknown direction. Shenglin, a boy who should never have appeared in this world, imperceptibly influenced him. But as it turned out, his connection to the world is much stronger and deeper than that of others. Will he be able to ascend to the top of the world, becoming a god and write his name into history, becoming a legend. We will find out in this story.

Rasul_Baratov · Book&Literature
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54 Chs

The meeting and the beginning of the exam.

Early the next morning, everyone received an alert that the next exam would be held in the afternoon and it would be a team exam.

In total, about 300 people came to take the exam at Shrek Academy, 100 teams of three people will take this test. No one knew yet what kind of exam it would be.

Lan Xuanyu was sitting in the main lobby of the hotel and was waiting for Qian Lei and Lan Shenglin to go to the dining room with them.

- Lan Xuanyu. When he heard that voice, he immediately realized who it belonged to, the person he wanted to meet the most.

In front of him stood Dong Qianqiu in a white uniform, she was taller than him, because girls develop faster than boys, her height was 1.68 meters, which made her taller than Lan Xuanyu by three centimeters. Her eyes betrayed a hint of joy and shyness.

- Hi, when did you arrive? Lan Xuanyu was happy to meet her.

- The day before yesterday.

Lan Shengling and Qian Lei had just come down and noticed that Lan Xuanyu was talking to Dong Qianqiu. A fox-like grin instantly appeared on Lan Shenglin's face, making Qian Lei uneasy.

"Shanlin, I'm not going to make fun of them. Like in the past, we won't be able to push Dong Qianqiu into the portal or escape. I don't want to die young.

Lan Shengling looked at him in a puzzled way.

- Are you scared? We had such a great opportunity. Well, if you don't want to, just stand next to me.

- OK.

Hearing his friend's reply, Lan Shengling smiled even harder, revealing his white teeth.

- There is! The scapegoat will be next to me.≫

Lan Shengling and Qian Lei went towards Lan Xuanyu and Dong Qianqiu. Lan Shengling wanted to call his "sister-in-law" but saw a familiar girl behind her.

She had long, absolutely white, graceful legs that were a delight to the eyes. Her features are just as elegant. Elegant upturned nose, long and thick eyelashes, snow-white skin. Long silky silver-colored hair reached her waist.

It was all quite mesmerizing, but it was her eyes that were really etched into his mind.

The pupils were scarlet, and they gave off an inexpressible feeling of purity, but her gaze was rather cold.

Lan Shengling blushed slightly without realizing it.

-What happened to her, why does she look like this.... Grown up? Is this really her? He quickly pulled himself together and returned to his usual expression, but the desire to joke diminished when he looked at her again, their gazes met each other.

When she saw him, the girl's face brightened, she smiled broadly and walked towards him.

- Hi, it's been a while. Lan Shenglin looked into her eyes and said.

Mei Wu looked him up and down.

- Yes, a long time ago.How was the physical exam?

- Great, the test was simple. What about you?

- The same thing.

Lan Shengling and Mei Wu looked at each other awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

At that moment, Lan Xuanyu and Dong Qianqiu came up to them, who were looking at them strangely.

"Do you know him?" Dong Qianqiu said, very surprised, pointing at Lan Shenglin.

- When did you get to know each other? Lan Xuanyu asked in surprise.

Lan Shengling wanted to answer, but a girl's voice interrupted him.

"Qianqiu, is this your boyfriend?" Lan Xuanyu and Lan Shengling looked at the one who said those words. It was a young girl who looked about their age. She had lush white hair, which was decorated with a snowflake ornament.

There was a strange aura around her that gave her a special, incomparable appearance, like an orchid in a snowy valley.

Her pair of large icy blue eyes were full of curiosity.

Dong Qianqiu's face turned red at her words.

"Sister Qin, don't talk nonsense, we're just friends.

"Sister-in-law, don't say that. My brother is very vulnerable, because of your words, he will cry all night today. Lan Shengling said, stroking Lan Xuanyu's head, which was flushed with embarrassment and anger.

- Who is this daughter-in-law! Dong Qianqiu shouted angrily.

The girl named Qin rolled her eyes, showing her character, which was different from the first impression.

- You've already become a daughter-in-law. I can believe it, they were talking all over the school about how you and him held hands, kissed and even flirted. We're sisters, why didn't you even bother to introduce my son-in-law to me?

Dong Qianqiu's face turned even redder. Qin stared at Lan Shenglin.

- Now you are. How do you know Sister May?

Lan Shengling smiled and extended his hand forward.

"I'm Lan Shenglin, your brother-in-law's brother and his teammate.

Qin stared at him intently, then laughed and shook his hand.

"Lan Mengqin, Qianqiu, Mei, and I are good sisters and teammates.

After Lan Mengqin stretched out her hand towards Lan Xuanyu, as soon as he shook it, he felt a slight coolness.

"I'm Lan Xuanyu, please take care of me."

"Hi, and I'm Qian Lei, their teammate. Qian Lei, who was standing behind Lan Shenglin, jumped forward, extending his hand to Lan Mengqin.

After glancing at Qian Lei, her smile instantly disappeared, and her gaze turned cold.

Qian Lei's face turned white and he hid behind Lan Shenglin.

"Hee hee, little fatty, you don't have the guts. Lan Mengqin's cold gaze disappeared and her smile returned.

Lan Xuanyu grabbed Lan Shenglin and Qian Lei.

- It's time for us to leave.

Finally, Lan Shenglin glanced at Mei Wu and sighed bitterly.

- I didn't think our meeting would be so awkward.≫


All the participants were put on buses, immediately after the bus started moving, Qian Lei could no longer hold back.

"Lan Mengqin is so beautiful! She has a character and temperament that no one else has.

"And what do you mean?" The non-stupefying Lan Xuanyu asked.

Lan Shengling grinned.

-Xuanyu, spring has begun for him.

Qian Lei smiled broadly.

- I just feel like we're connected by fate.

The two brothers rolled their eyes, but didn't say anything.

The bus didn't take too long, in general it took ten minutes before they stopped at a huge square.

There were many statues in the huge square, there were ten of them in total, in the center stood a golden statue of a man dressed in golden armor with dragon wings on his back, in his hands he held a golden trident. There was a faint but unique aura hovering around this statue.

-<<I wonder if Tang Le comes to Shrek Academy, will he be able regain his memories?>> Lan Shenglin thought.

Following the instructions of Lin Yi and the other members of the Shrek Academy, all the participants were quickly integrated into the formation of thirty people.

A tall red-haired man climbed onto the platform, followed by the examiners and teachers of Shrek Academy.

The man's eyes flashed and an invisible aura appeared, which attracted everyone's attention.

- First of all, on behalf of the Shrek Academy, I welcome you all. I'm a teacher from the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy. My name is Xiao Qi. Starting from this day, your exam has officially started. Only a small part of you will be able to stay, and the rest will have to leave us. I will not torment you and will immediately move on to the main topic of today. Today there will be a team assessment, the most brutal of all tests, because half of you will not be able to pass further.

When this statement was made, a hundred teams raised an uproar.

- You probably think it's cruel. This is true, in today's exam you will need both strength and teamwork. But for me, the most important thing is luck. Xiao Qi said lightly.

- Now I will announce how the exam will be conducted. You have come across this method very often and participated in it, there is nothing easier. A single-elimination tournament! All of you will fight in the arena. Opponents are chosen randomly, so luck plays an important role in this exam. The winners will move on, and the losers will have to leave.

Lan Xuanyu frowned and fell into deep thought.

-≪This exam can be called a head-on collision. Without knowing the abilities of the opponents, it will be impossible to come up with an effective strategy against them. I can only assume that each of the contestants will be at the level of a Soul Elder (3).≫

Lan Shengling noticed that Bing Tianlian's face was twisted. Lan Shengling understood perfectly well that he was not worried about his team, but about Liang Shushi's team.

- Another thing I didn't say is that the battles will be fought in the real world. That is, the injuries and injuries will be real. The Academy will provide treatment, but it cannot guarantee that it will be able to return the severed limbs to you. You must remember that the situation in the arena is constantly changing and no one can guarantee that unforeseen circumstances will not arise. You should think about it, you still have time to opt out.

Lan Shengling looked slightly puzzled.

Is he trying to intimidate us? There are people in Shrek Academy who are so strong that one glance from them is enough to stop our childish fights. He looked around and noticed that most of the children were really scared and nervous. - Uh... did it really work? ≫

But even so, no one let go, no one even wanted to think that all their efforts would go down the drain.

- We are starting the draw.- after these words, a huge five-meter screen, 10 meters wide, rose from the ground. Hundreds of names appeared on it, half of which were white and the other half were red.

- The exam is officially open!