
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 145

Chapter 145 Whitebeard, Roger

[On an island not far from Red Line. ]

[Crack. ]

[A crisp sound, like the sound of ice and glass breaking, sounded in this sea area. ]

[In the shocked eyes of the Marine soldiers, they saw thick cracks emitting faint white light, spreading into the air from where Whitebeard's fist touched. ]

[The atmosphere seemed to be torn to pieces and collapsed, and fine cracks instantly filled half of the sky. ]

["The atmosphere was shattered?" This was the first time for some Marine soldiers to fight against the legendary pirate. Seeing this scene, it was as if they had seen a ghost. No matter how strong their fighting skills were, they could not stand up to the terrifying power of that man. ]

["Don't be too embarrassed, just calm down."]

[The leader Sengoku couldn't help but yelled loudly. ]

[With the appearance of cracks that tore through the sky, a powerful concussive force formed a shock wave, tearing apart the ground and impacting towards the huge warship of Marine in the port. ]

[Sengoku stood on the bow of the ship, facing the oncoming waves, his expression was serious, and a golden light flashed across his face. ]

[He jumped high from the warship, and the golden light in mid-air was so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at him. ]

[boom. ]

[The golden light dissipated, and a golden Buddha was seen falling from the sky. He struck out with a palm, and the golden shock wave instantly radiated with light. ]

[The golden shock wave steadily offset Whitebeard's air shock. The ground was shaking violently, but it was unable to shake the huge and solid body of the golden Buddha. ]

["No matter how many times I see it, I still feel that the Marine Admiral is a monster." Marco waved his wings of burning blue flames and exclaimed. ]

[Since the establishment of the Whitebeard Pirates, they have been chased by Marine Admiral Sengoku and his team many times, and they are considered familiar old opponents. ]

["How many times has it happened, Sengoku? How long have you been stuck together with us?" Whitebeard looked a little helpless. ]

[He doesn't like fighting that much, especially this kind of meaningless battle in his opinion. He is more like sailing with a group of sons. ]

["If you didn't make such a big noise, we wouldn't have followed you every day." Sengoku was shrouded in golden light, with a majestic appearance, and said in a loud voice. ]

["It's just a meeting with Roger. I didn't expect it to be so troublesome." Whitebeard covered his forehead helplessly, but he was a legendary pirate after all, and he was not afraid of Marine Admiral like ordinary pirates. ]

[The helpless look on Whitebeard's face instantly dissipated you, he laughed heroically, held the Murakumogiri and rushed directly towards Sengoku at an extremely fast speed. ]

["Sengoku." Whitebeard roared with a smile. ]

[ Murakumogiri is raised high in the hand, and a halo of light waves like water waves condenses on the sharp blade Murakumogiri. ]

["Whitebeard." Sengoku also roared, and his huge golden palm struck down with a dazzling shock wave. ]

[boom. ]

[The collision of golden shock waves and silver cracks tearing the sky apart. ]

[First, a terrifying shock wave swept around like a storm, and people close to the battlefield were directly swept away high into the sky. ]

[Then the earth shook violently, breaking into pieces like building blocks. ]

[Finally, there is the ocean. With the turbulent waves, even Marine's super-large warships cannot hold on and may be capsized at any time. ]

["Dad and Sengoku are fighting, get out of here quickly." Marco flew into the air and shouted loudly, with a panic look on his face. ]

[The battle between the legendary pirates and the Admiral level is simply not something they can bear. ]

["These pirates are as strong as monsters. They are making a lot of noise." Kizaru stood on the warship, his face did not show any panic, but he scratched his face helplessly. ]

[Given his character, he doesn't want to fight a legendary pirate. ]

[Even though he was called a monster during his Marine recruit days, he didn't want to face an enemy of this level directly. ]

["Gurarara, is this the only level of your strength? Sengoku." Whitebeard laughed. ]

[His body is extremely tall compared to ordinary people. In front of the Sengoku Buddha, he is just like a baby facing a tall and strong adult. ]

[However, at this moment, Whitebeard used the supremely fast sword Murakumogiri to forcefully hold Sengoku's huge palm. This kind of terrifying wrist strength was simply frightening. ]

["Stop talking nonsense, Whitebeard." Sengoku's eyes suddenly sharpened, and his whole body was filled with golden light. ]

[The huge palm was like pressing a nail, pressing half of Whitebeard's body into the ground. ]

["It's really strong." Whitebeard's arm muscles flexed. ]

[Bang, click, click. ]

[The vibration wave at close range erupted instantly, shaking Sengoku's huge body. ]

[ Whitebeard also took the opportunity to pull his body out of the ground, his face still relaxed, and he did not receive any damage. ]

[And Sengoku also immediately stabilized his body, using the terrifying weight and power of the Buddha and the powerful Haki to create a bright golden shock wave. ]

[Whitebeard also laughed and clenched his fist. The white shock halo turned into a ball shape and enveloped his hand. When he raised his hand, there was a powerful air shock. ]

[The golden shock wave collides with the air shock wave that tears apart the atmosphere one after another. ]

[It was like a huge war drum was beating in this world. The astonishing shock wave and violent sound caused by the collision were the sound of the drum and the aftershocks. ]

[Whitebeard and Sengoku's attacks are not that fast, but every blow is a release of pure power and destructive power. ]

[There is no extremely fast movement, nor superb fighting skills, just a head-to-head confrontation between force and force. ]

[Pure Haki's coating, pure release of fruit power. ]

[Every blow shakes the heaven and earth, and every blow makes people feel as if a natural disaster is coming. ]

[The battle between human being and ancient god Buddha seems to have a mythical and epic beauty. ]

[However, the ancient god Buddha did not suppress human, but were beaten back by smaller human. ]


[ Sengoku yelled loudly, he wanted to vent the anger he had been holding back against the revolutionary army. ]

[The result is that the more I fight, the more surprised I become. ]

[Whitebeard seems to be stronger. This man disappeared for a while after leaving the Rocks Pirate after the Valley of Gods incident. ]

[When he appeared again as the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, in addition to more and more young pirates around him, it was his increasingly terrifying strength. ]

[Every time he fights with all his strength, Sengoku can feel the power that seems to never end growing in this man's body. ]

[The last time they played against each other was a year ago. At that time, Sengoku could still compete with Whitebeard reliably. ]

[And a year later, he actually felt tired. ]

["This monster." Sengoku gritted his teeth and cursed secretly in his heart. ]

[boom. ]

[Another full-force collision. ]

[ Whitebeard laughed loudly and only took a step back, while Sengoku staggered and made a deep footprint behind. ]

["Mr. Sengoku is at a disadvantage." Kizaru's eyes narrowed. ]

[His strength is already very close to the Admiral level. Naturally, it can be seen that there is already some gap between Mr. Sengoku and Whitebeard. ]

["Whitebeard, what a monster-like man." Kizaru said, but his actions showed no dissatisfaction. ]

[His body turned into light and disappeared from the warship in an instant. ]

[It's just that he did not directly join the battlefield, because it is obvious that with his current strength, even if he fights Whitebeard with Mr. Sengoku, he will not be able to defeat him in a short time. ]

[So his choice is the commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates. ]

[Although I don't know why, the difficult Kozuki Oden did not appear in the Whitebeard Pirates, but this is indeed a good opportunity for Marine. ]

[Kizaru's body turned into light and was behind Marco in an instant. ]

[Kizaru follows Sengoku, and he can be regarded as the Marine who has fought against the Whitebeard Pirates more often. ]

[In the entire Whitebeard Pirates, except for the captain Whitebeard and the second team captain Kozuki Oden, the other members are too young and their strength is relatively average. ]

["The first one." Kizaru's feet turned into light and kicked Marco's head very fast. ]

[With his control of Marco's strength, he can kick him away from the battlefield with one kick. ]

["Phoenix Seal."]

[Marco seemed to have caught Kizaru's movements in advance, waving his wings, spraying blue flames, and raised his foot, turning into a huge phoenix claw. ]

[Zi. ]

[The claws wrapped around the tyrannical Armament Haki directly smashed Kizaru's light-speed kick, and streams of light splashed on the ground, erupting in an orange-yellow explosion shock wave. ]

[However, Marco didn't feel comfortable either. The powerful impact directly knocked him away and smashed him into a boulder in the distance. ]

[He is still too young, less than twenty years old. Although his talent is extremely high, he is still far from reaching his peak. ]

["Sparkling impact."]

["Rose blooms."]

[It was also during the moment when Kizaru's figure paused slightly that lights shone on both sides of him at the same time. ]

[One is the reflection of the sharp blade, and the other is the light reflected by the diamond. ]

[Capturing the sight, Kizaru stretched out his hands on both sides, and a bright light appeared on his palms, blocking the attacks of the flower sword and diamond. ]

[Then there were waves of attacks from several division captains, forcing Kizaru to retreat. ]

["This kind of strength."]

[The stream of light condensed in the distance, and Kizaru looked solemnly at the commander of the Whitebeard Pirates in front of him. ]

[It is not only Whitebeard who has improved in strength, but also his group of young pirates. In the battle a year ago, Kizaru was able to deal with these extremely young captains while facing Kozuki Oden. ]

[And now, he actually feels pressure from these squad leaders. ]

["Marco, Jozu, and Vista, these three people." Kizaru frowned slightly. ]

[Perhaps it was because of their age and strength that Marines ignored the strength of these people before, but looking at it now, the potential of these three people is simply terrifying. If Given time, They will definitely become a famous pirates on the sea. ]

[Previously, Marine judged that the threat of the Whitebeard Pirates was not too high. Except for Whitebeard and Kozuki Oden, there were no very strong people. But now it seems that in a few years, these young commanders got stronger.]

["What's wrong, borsalino, don't you dare to take action?" Marco flew back from a short distance away. The minor injuries on his body were instantly restored to their original state with a roll of blue flames. ]

["I have a headache." Kizaru tilted his mouth and looked slightly solemn. ]

[The battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and Marine lasted from noon to evening, and then both sides gathered their troops in a tacit agreement and returned to their respective ships to rest. ]

[It is worth mentioning that, in this battle, neither side took advantage. ]

[Marine's side is strong with Sengoku and Kizaru, an Admiral and a strong person close to the Admiral, and several Vice Admiral experts from the headquarters. ]

[As for the Whitebeard Pirates, although Kozuki Oden has left an important combat force, the young captains Marco, Vista, and Jozu have gradually grown up and become extraordinary in strength. ]

[Of course, more importantly, there is the monster Whitebeard. ]

[This peak state can basically aspire to be the strongest man in the world. Later, while fighting Sengoku, he was also able to occasionally help Marco and the others. He is a monster.]

["What a bother, these Marine bastards."]

[On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard took a big sip of wine and said angrily. ]

[Beside him, Marco is using the immortal blue flame to treat his injured companions. ]

["Do you want to continue playing tomorrow? Dad." Marco asked. ]

["There's no point in continuing the fight. When it gets completely dark, we'll take the opportunity to leave." Whitebeard looked at his bandaged sons on the deck and his eyes narrowed. ]

[He was still injured quite a lot, although he also knew that Marine's side would only be worse than him. ]

[But Sengoku will not feel sorry for those soldiers, but he will feel sorry for his own son. Every crew member is like a family member to him, and he does not want them to die in a meaningless battle. ]

["Huh? Newspaper bird? Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't seen the news for several days."]

[Whitebeard watched a group of white newspaper birds flying past in the sky. One of the newspaper birds flew down and landed on the Moby Dick. ]

[A member of the Whitebeard Pirates threw a Berry coin into the newspaper bird's pocket, and then took out several newspapers from it. ]

[A newspaper is handed to Whitebeard. ]

["I wonder if anything interesting has happened recently." Whitebeard held a huge wine bottle in one hand and opened the newspaper with the other. ]

[There are very few entertainment activities at sea, especially for pirates. World Economic News has become a daily pastime. ]

[However, as soon as he opened the newspaper, Whitebeard's expression changed from casual to serious. ]

[He even put down the wine bottle in his hand, held the newspaper in his hand, and read it carefully. ]

[At the same time, in another sea area that is not very far away. ]

[The Roger Pirates are escaping Garp's pursuit. ]

[After the Valley of the Gods incident, Roger and Garp already had some tacit understanding. Although their positions were opposite, they had a friendship with each other. ]

[Faced with Garp's pursuit, even though the strength of the Roger Pirates was enough to completely overturn Garp's Marine, they did not have much fighting. ]

["Roger, take a look at today's newspaper." Rayleigh was raising the newspaper in his hand and shouted to Roger: "Something big has happened. The revolutionary army has appeared in Sabaody."

["Sabaody?" Roger was stunned for a moment, then quickly took the newspaper from Rayleigh's hand. ]

[What catches the eye is the extremely conspicuous title. ]

["Oppressed people all over the world unite to resist the evil system of slavery."]

["We have no retreat from our rear. If we retreat any further, our last human rights will disappear."]

[The entire newspaper is full, and the first page contains photos and detailed information written down one after another. These are real photos of slaves taken in Sabaody. ]

[Slaves are imprisoned in iron cages one by one, tied with iron chains. ]

[The following is a piece of information. There are more than 10,000 slaves in Sabaody. According to the surveyed data, in ten years, the number of slaves sold through Sabaody has exceeded 100,000. ]

[Following this is a picture of several slaves, some from participating countries and some from non-joining countries. Some were caught by slave traders, and some were simply captured and sold by nobles using their power. ]

["When slave traders captured people as slaves, I knew it was unjust, but I didn't say anything because I was not being captured."

["When the nobles use their power to buy and oppress slaves unscrupulously, I know it is unfair, but I was not born because I have not been crushed by power."]

["Finally, when I was turned into a slave, I knew that everyone knew that they were unjust, but no one spoke up."]

["Because no one is me, just like I am not the slaves who were captured before."]