
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 144

Chapter 144 Zephyr Joins, The Battle In New World

[Does the Revolutionary Army need veterans? When these words came out of Zephyr's mouth, everyone present had a look of shock on their faces. ]

[Even Dragon who had sensed Zephyr's kindness before, and even Roja who had already made some guesses, couldn't help but have a look of shock on their faces at this moment. Let alone Fujitora, Naguri, and Ivankov. The shocked look on Ivankov's big face was unusually clear and obvious. ]

[The mouth is extremely big, the eyes are as wide as bells, and a wisp of mucus flows out of the nostrils. ]

[The Marine Admiral whom we met for the first time actually said that he wanted to join the revolutionary army? ]

[No one in the world can remain calm after hearing such words. ]

[What is Admiral? The highest combat power of the World Government, the absolute top management of Marine. He has the power and strength to destroy a small country. He truly stands at the top of the world, second only to Celestial Dragons and Fleet-Admiral. ]

[The theoretical status of Marine Admiral is even higher than that of the kings of most of the participating countries. ]

[Such a person actually wants to join the Revolutionary Army? To be honest, the Revolutionary Army is basically equivalent to a large pirate group in today's world, excluding its potential. ]

[And it cannot be considered the top one. It cannot compare with the Whitebeard Pirates, Roger Pirates, or even the BIGMOM Pirates. ]

[ Zephyr joining the Revolutionary Army is tantamount to Marine Admiral giving up his position and becoming a pirate in the pirate group. ]

["This is not a joke right?." Even the calm Dragon and Fujitora couldn't help but raise questions at this moment. ]

[Roja was the first to calm down. He has the ability to listen to the voice of all things. He could tell that what Zephyr said at this moment was undoubtedly serious. ]

[This Marine Admiral, Marine veteran, is actually real and sincerely wants to join the revolutionary army. ]

["The Revolutionary Army has great ideals and will not refuse any comrade to join." Roja looked at Zephyr, smiled and extended his hand: "Welcome to the Revolutionary Army, Comrade Zephyr."]

["Comrade, no matter how many times I hear this title, I always feel very friendly. It's really a good title." Zephyr also showed a gentle smile, stretched out his right hand and "squeezed it."]

[ Ivankov and the others just stared at the two shaking hands in a daze. ]

[The handshake between the leader of the Revolutionary Army and Marine Admiral seemed to herald the arrival of a new era in this world, the era of the Revolutionary Army. ]

["Chin, chin, chin is dislocated, hehe." Ivankov raised his chin forcefully, making a crunching sound, and then acted weirdly stupid in front of everyone. ]

[But he also did this to cover up the shock and weird feeling in his heart. ]

[A few months ago in Flevance, they had a huge headache because of Admiral. Now, they actually have their own Admiral, "One of the Marines admiral just joined them by chance."]

[To be honest, some are too simple. ]

[Especially Naguri, who was born as a pirate, is standing next to the Marine Admiral. Looking at Marine Admiral who has become a comrade, there is always a sense of tension in his heart, like a mouse meeting a cat. ]

["Mr. Zephyr, you just said, have you heard the term "comrade" many times?" Fujitora asked curiously. ]

[From the beginning, Zephyr seemed to be very familiar with their revolutionary army. ]

["Hahaha, actually, I already joined the revolutionary army before I came to Sabaody." Zephyr suddenly laughed. ]

["Huh?" At this time, even Roja didn't hold back. ]

[Zephyr had already joined the Revolutionary Army before he came to Sabaody? How is that possible? ]

["Are you surprised?" Zephyr looked at the expressions of Roja and the others and felt very amused: "Actually, my understanding of the revolutionary army is far greater than your imagination."]

[After saying that, he did not continue to tease Roja and the others, but opened his mouth to explain. ]

["I am from the North Blue, but my wife is from the East Blue." Talking about his wife, "The expression on his face became obviously sentimental."]

[ Roja's eyes moved. This information was something he had never investigated before, but after hearing East Blue, he had already guessed something. ]

["Since the death of my wife, I have rarely been to East Blue." Zephyr looked at Roja and said: "It wasn't until the uprising in the Lvneel Kingdom broke out that I paid attention to your revolutionary army for the first time."]

["You give me a very different feeling. You are not pirates. I know this very well. I have been paying attention to you since the incident in the Lvneel Kingdom until the incident in Flevance."]

["I have always opposed the use of Buster Calls on people other than pirates. Your ability to resist the World Government's large-scale Buster Calls has made me have a strong impression of you. To be honest, I took the trained recruits with me to Flevance."]

["Is it because of Flevance?" Ivankov nodded. ]

[Flevance is extremely supportive of the Revolutionary Army. If Zephyr goes to Flevance, he will basically only hear the local people's words about the Revolutionary Army, which leads to the idea of joining the Revolutionary Army. It's also natural. ]

[They also have lofty ideals and want to do something for the people at the bottom of this world. Ivankov and the others are very aware of the attraction of the revolutionary army to people like them. ]

[Just like noble people spontaneously gather under the banner of justice and justice, they also spontaneously integrate into the large group of the revolutionary army. ]

["Indeed, I saw a lot in Lvneel, I saw a lot in Flevance, things that the arrogant people in power cannot see because they cannot bend down." ]

["I did have some ideas at that time, but what really solidified my ideas was in East Blue. "]

["Six years since my wife and children were killed, I once again set foot in my wife's hometown, alone. It is a small island that deviates from the mainstream route, but is occasionally attacked by some pirates." Zephyr clenched his fists and unclenched them, and breathed out gently. Every time he talked about his wife and children, he couldn't control his emotions. ]

["Only this time I set foot on the island, but I found a huge difference. The villagers on the island are conducting combat training under the leadership of a man in his thirties."]

["The men in the village spontaneously formed a guard to protect the village. After a certain amount of training, coupled with the guns they mastered, they actually had the power to resist the pirates."]

["The man's name was Gotto. He didn't know my identity. I observed him for many days, and then talked a lot with him. We became friends, and I also learned a lot about the Revolutionary Army from him." Zephyr looked at Roja and said with a gentle smile. ]

["To be honest, I was really touched. It was not because of the big commotion your revolutionary army made, how they saved Flevance, or how they launched the uprising in the Lvneel Kingdom."]

["It's because I saw your dedication to the civilians that many people didn't pay attention to. I saw the revolutionary soldiers with lofty ideals coming to remote islands one after another." ]

["Use their power to save the civilians who have been attacked by pirates as much as possible. I don't see hope in you cadres. I see hope in Gotto and more people like Gotto.."]

[Zephyr was a little moved at this moment: "I have insisted on justice since I was a child. When I grew up, I joined the Marines. I have upheld justice for decades, but I became more and more confused about justice. Until I met Gotto, I saw real justice."]

["That day, I made up my mind in front of the graves of my wife and children. I wanted to join the revolutionary army. I had nothing left to worry about, only justice."]

[ Zephyr finished speaking. He also knew how bizarre it was for an Admiral to suddenly join the revolutionary army. These words were more like the self-narration of a veteran who insisted on justice and his thoughts. ]

[Everyone will be moved by what he said. Zephyr is a true Marine who insists on true justice. He is pure and simple about justice. ]

[As he said before, he is the kind of Admiral who can bend down, not a powerful animal who stands on the top of a mountain and overlooks the world. ]

["Teacher Zephyr." Aokiji couldn't help but murmur. ]

[At this moment, he realized that when he was in the recruitment training camp, he never seemed to see through ghey teacher, and the teacher had too many things hidden in his heart. ]

[However, he is also sincerely happy for the teacher. He can feel that the current teacher Zephyr is completely different from the previous training state at Marine recruit. ]

[At that time, Teacher Zephyr had a strong sense of twilight, but now, he seems to be alive again, with justice and ideals injecting new power into him. ]

["The spark of East Blue has developed to this extent." Roja was also a little pleased. ]

[He did not expect that after leaving East Blue for more than a year, it had been completely spread out. Just as he expected, the ideas of the revolutionary army were spread in every village. ]

[Like an undercurrent, it will disturb the entire East Blue at any time. ]

[This is the power of the revolutionary army. This power is not that powerful, but it moisturizes things silently and changes the world subtly. ]

[Only with the support of such comrades can Roja be confident that he can overthrow the World government. ]

["A single spark can start a prairie fire." Fujitora couldn't help but say. ]

[He once left East Blue with Roja, and now, the spark that once dispersed from the Kingdom of Goa has now become a prairie fire. ]

[Even Marine Admiral Zephyr chose to join their revolutionary army because of this. ]

["So, what are we going to do if we add more? The force we have to face to liberate the slaves in Sabaody is very strong." Zephyr said: "Even if I join, we may not be able to withstand the force that follows."]

[As a senior member of Marine, Zephyr still has a lot of secrets even though he has withdrawn from the front line, and he knows more than Vice Admirals like Aokiji. ]

[Close to Sabaody, there is not only the power of Naval Headquarters, but also the power of CPO. This power is also very powerful. ]

["It's okay. Your joining, to be honest, has already made our plan more than half successful..." Roja had a relaxed smile on his face. ]

[Their biggest problem before was to deal with Marine Admiral-level combat power. Now, Admiral has directly become one of their own. ]

[This time back and forth is equivalent to the combat power of two less Admirals they faced. ]

["Our current purpose is just to delay these two days." Roja smiled and said: "As for what we need to do now, it is to delay and wait."]


["Yes." Roja looked at the sky, and there happened to be a white bird flying in the sky: "Let the newspaper bird fly a little longer."]

[Naval Headquarters, Marineford. ]

[Half a day has passed since Zephyr led the team to leave Naval Headquarters. ]

[I originally thought it would be a crushing victory, but what Kong didn't expect was that he got bad news an hour ago. ]

[Zephyr is fighting a battle with the cadres of the Revolutionary Army. The three Vice Admirals of his headquarters have been defeated by the cadres of the Revolutionary Army. ]

[At this moment, they have rushed to the battlefield of Admiral Zephyr, and they have no way to intervene. ]

[To be honest, if it weren't for my trust in Zephyr's strength, I would have gone to support him a long time ago. ]

[But if there is still no news from Zephyr, he will go there in person. ]

[Finally, Kong couldn't hold back and arranged for soldiers to contact the starfish of Sabaody Archipelago. ]

["How is the war situation now? Is there still no news about Zephyr?" Kong asked loudly. ]

["Yes." The Marine soldier's answer gave Kong a bad feeling. ]

[But the next moment, there was an exclamation from the phone bug, followed by a calm voice. ]

["I am Zephyr."]

[Hearing this familiar voice, Kong felt relieved. What he was most afraid of was losing contact with the Zephyr. ]

[The Revolutionary Army is a very strange organization. Every time it appears, its strength will increase a lot, and many Marines have overturned here, such as borsalino and Sakazuki. If Admiral also overturns, then Marine will be really embarrassed. ]

["How's the battle going?" Kong breathed a sigh of relief and asked. ]

["I have basically suppressed the situation and arrested the revolutionary army cadre Monkey D. Dragon. I am afraid it will take another day to completely suppress the revolutionary army on the island." Zephyr calm voice came, making Kong very relieved. ]

["Should Monkey·D·Dragon be sent back to the headquarters first? Or should he be just sent to impel down?"]

[It's just that the person Zephyr caught gave Kong a headache. ]

[Monkey·D·Dragon, Garp's biological son, happened to be the one caught. He couldn't just be sent up as a revolutionary army cadre, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain to Garp. ]

["You can keep it for now." In the end, Kong did not choose to send Dragon directly to impel down. At least he had to calm down Garp before talking. ]

["One more thing, the slaves have basically escaped."]

["Forget it, don't worry about this. I will tell the Five Elders personally, just give priority to suppressing the revolutionary army." Kong said. ]

["I see."]

["By the way, do you still need reinforcements? I heard that Duke's situation is not very good." Kong asked at Inquiry


[If all the cadres of the revolutionary army are here, the pressure on Zephyr should be quite high. ]

["No, no need, just leave it to me. Whitebeard and Roger in New World must have also made a lot of noise. Sending ordinary people here won't be of much use." Zephyr directly rejected Kong's reinforcements. ]

[But to be honest, the current Naval Headquarters does not have much reinforcements. It is not necessary to conduct a Buster Call. It is useless to have too many warships and soldiers. The Vice Admirals currently staying in the headquarters are not many. ]

["I understand, then I'll leave it to you." Kong didn't doubt anything. After all, that was Zephyr, the Marine Admiral who had devoted decades to Marine. ]

[As long as Kong's brain circuit is normal, it is impossible for him to suspect Zephyr's rebellion. ]

[At Sabaody Archipelago, Zephyr also hung up the phone. ]

[His upper body is naked, revealing his majestic muscles. At this moment, he is holding a man who seems to have passed out in his hand, it is Dragon. ]

[ Zephyr threw Dragon to the ground and said to the admiring Marine soldiers around him: "Lock him with seastone handcuffs and imprison him on the ship. ]

["Yes, Zephyr Admiral."]

[The core cadre of the revolutionary army was captured as soon as he took action. Zephyr's performance instantly gave these soldiers a reassurance. ]

["I'm sorry, Teacher Zephyr." Duke supported his seriously injured body and apologized to Zephyr. ]

[Zephyr, on the other hand, waved his hand, indicating that he did not need to blame himself. ]

["Marine." Zephyr boarded his warship and sighed. ]

[This may be the last time he boards this warship. ]

[Of course, if he can overthrow the World Government in his lifetime, he may have the opportunity to set foot on this warship again. ]

[When Zephyr joined the Revolutionary Army. ]

[At the same time, somewhere in the waters of the New World, a battle between the legendary pirates and the Marine Admiral was also taking place. ]