
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 134

Chapter 134 The Revolutionary Army Is Not Good At Words

["Is Mr. Roja taking action again? I must grow up quickly." Seeing Senor in action, Belo Betty on the side couldn't help but clenched her fist. ]

[She was once rescued by Roja in the Oykot Kingdom and followed Roja for a long time, but now, because of her age, she is of no use. ]

[This is really unacceptable for Betty, who has experienced a lot and is relatively precocious. ]

[Karasu seemed to have seen Belo Betty's movements, and smiled and touched the latter's little head. ]

[The gentle voice, amplified by the loudspeaker on the mouth, becomes loud and clear. ]

["Don't be too anxious, Betty, you will become an excellent revolutionary warrior sooner or later," Karasu comforted. ]

[Inspiring others with devil fruit ability, Betty's future is limitless and she will definitely become the mainstay of the revolutionary army and lead the people forward. No one will doubt this. ]

[Her ability is a trump card for the revolutionary army. ]

[North Blue, white town Flevance. ]

[This country that was saved by Roja from the large Buster Call has now received orders from Roja. ]

[The soldiers of the revolutionary army who stayed in Flevance quickly connected with the people of Flevance just like what happened a few months ago. ]

[They do not have strong power, but they have strong faith. ]

[They decided to conduct a general strike to force the two neighboring countries, which have already reaped the Amber-lead dividends, to put political pressure on the world government. ]

[On the Scientific Research Base No. 1. ]

[Rosinante looked at the hurried expressions of everyone, and knew in his heart that something must have happened to Mr. Roja. ]

[Since Dr. Vegapunk left in a hurry a few days ago, he has known a little bit about the news that Mr. Roja is in the Sabaody Archipelago at the moment. ]

[As for Sabaody Archipelago, Rosinante still has some memories of this place. He also went to Sabaody Archipelago during the period when he was a Celestial Dragon. ]

[It's just that the memory of that period seems a little disgusting to him who has now joined the revolutionary army. ]

[Rosinante actually has the same troubles as Belo Betty, but even worse. ]

[He knows very well that his physical talents, average fighting talent, and no god-level abilities like Belo Betty's, mean that he cannot help Mr. Roja in important places. ]

["Mr. Roja wants to collect information about the Celestial Dragons?" Rosinante murmured in a low voice, his eyes becoming firm. ]

[His steps became hurried and he boarded the sea train at the last moment. ]

[A moment later, he appeared in a prison. ]

[In the dark cell, Doflamingo heard familiar footsteps. ]

["Hey hey hey, my dear brother, he's here again."]

[ Doflamingo raised his head and saw his younger brother with a determined look on his face, standing in front of him and speaking. ]

["I want to know the secret of the Celestial Dragons, brother."]

[Sabaody Archipelago. ]

["We are comrades. All of us in the revolutionary army are comrades. What we have is a common ambition to fight for the proletariat of the world."]

["We work together and strive for this goal. We put aside the barriers between countries, races, and statuses, and face our common enemy together, the backward class represented by the World Government."]

["This kind of subjective initiative that can be exerted by unity is absolutely incomparable to world government and the backward and decadent aristocratic class. Each of us can even completely dedicate all our efforts." ]

[It is night at this moment, and a soldier of the Revolutionary Army is giving lessons to the soldiers of The Fish Men Island. ]

[At first, only Fisher Tiger and Jinbe were mentioned, but because of Tiger's reputation, he brought all the Fishmen here. ]

[At this moment, the revolutionary army soldiers spoke with enthusiasm. ]

[With this kind of enthusiasm, both Tiger and Jinbe, fishmen with little prejudice against humans, can clearly feel the power in his words. ]

[However, only Arlong is sitting on a chair with his feet crossed directly on the table, with a look of disdain on his face. ]

["What are you talking about, regardless of the national and racial barriers? Haha, it's really ridiculous. If I just open my mouth, I can say 10,000 such nice words."]

[Fisher Tiger already regrets taking Arlong with him. If it weren't for his good strength and his great reputation in Fishmen Street when he was on The Fish Men Island, he really wouldn't have taken this bastard with him. ]

[He wanted to scold Arlong with his eyes, but the Revolutionary Army soldier in charge of the lecture had already stepped down from the podium and walked in front of Arlong. ]

[His name is Kesar, and he is not young. His actual age is about forty years old. He cannot remember the details clearly. ]

[As for the appearance of age, he looks like he is in his fifties or sixties. His dark face is criss-crossed with ravines, and his somewhat dim eyes are full of vicissitudes of life. He looks like a man in clothes. ]

[What makes Arlong most unhappy is that this middle-aged man has a temperament very similar to that of the man named Roja. ]

[Firm, open, peaceful, inclusive, broad and far-reaching. ]

[This kind of temperament makes Arlong disgusted and extremely disgusted, but he cannot become extremely angry like he did when he faced human beings before. ]

["Mr. Arlong, I think you have a misunderstanding about the Revolutionary Army. We are not an organization that is very good at words. On the contrary, we believe in actual actions more than words."]

[Kesar spoke neither hastily nor slowly. He was not angry, excited, or had other bad emotions because of Arlong's ridicule. His rich experience and accepting thoughts made him.]

["You may not know my experience. I was once a person who grew up in a garbage dump. It was a beautiful country in the East Blue, but the beauty there had nothing to do with me."]

["I was thrown into the garbage dump when I was very young, because an orphan like me with no money is just a garbage that will pollute the country."]

["I grew up in a garbage dump. I fought hard to survive. As I grew older, I gradually decayed. Gradually, I became the older person in the garbage dump."]

["I'm close to forty years old, and I'm called Old Kesar. There are indeed very few people in that garbage dump who can live to be forty. Of course, it has something to do with my face." Old Kesar smiled and said. ]

["I once resented that country. The nobles who made the law that threw me into the garbage dump later completely rotted all my ideas in the dirty garbage dump. Until Mr. Roja and Mr. Issho appeared." Old Kesar's always calm tone also became agitated and high-spirited. ]

[It seems to recall the moment when he was reborn. ]

["Mr. Roja provided us with food, built a camp, and made new rules. He led us to transform the garbage dump and told us that you are not garbage, but living people, no different from those nobles."]

["He told us a lot of things, classes, ideas, a lot. He told us that what the proletariat will lose will only be the shackles around their necks, but what we will gain is the whole world. "]

["You may not even be able to imagine how shocking this kind of words are to people who have been denied by the whole world, and even we ourselves have admitted that we are garbage."]

["We trust Mr. Roja not only because he saved us, but also because he told us to fight for the cause of the proletariat around the world. We are unswerving. We believe that what he said is correct. He is our mentor." ]

["We firmly believe in and implement this ideal. We overthrew the decadent aristocracy, we planted the flag of the revolutionary army, we left the motherland where we grew up, and came to another country to fight for the same poor and oppressed people. "]

["I left East Blue, I came to North Blue, Lvneel Kingdom, which was full of oppressed workers and slaves. I ate and lived with the workers there. I was on the land of the Lvneel Kingdom, Charge with the oppressed workers and face the repression of the Marine elite."]

["Under the Buster Call, I came to Flevance, which was on the verge of destruction. I went to the front line and resisted the attacks of hostile countries. I went deep into the people of Flevance and fought against the so-called infection with a 100% fatality rate. We stood together with the people even though we were ill, and in the end we won."]

["Now, I followed Mr. Roja to the Sabaody Archipelago, and I am fighting to liberate the slaves on the island, regardless of their identity or race."]

["It is difficult for people who have not experienced these people to imagine the weight of the word comrade in the mouth of our revolutionary army."]

[Old Kesar looked at Arlong seriously and said: "I am not saying this to show off anything like showing off glory. For a person like me who comes from the garbage dump, this does not mean anything to me. I am just saying to tell you, Mr. Arlong."]

["I have already put aside national barriers and fought for a stranger in another country and another sea. Now, I am in the Sabaody Archipelago, putting aside racial barriers and fighting for the cause of liberating slaves. In the revolution, There are many people like me."]

["Now, do you still think that what I said is just beautiful words?" Old Kesar said calmly. ]

[ Arlong opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but even for a man as unruly and cruel as he was, he couldn't say anything when facing the calm-eyed old Kesar. ]

[This middle-aged man who looks like an old farmer, every word he speaks is calm and contains the history of the district]

[As he said, he is not that good at words. He is better at actions than words. These words only appear so powerful because they are integrated into past actions. ]

[ Arlong stared blankly at this man. This middle-aged man, whom he had been full of hostility and disdain for before, contained such profound will and spiritual power that it was shocking. ]

[Compared with this kind of power, his so-called actions and his unwavering hostility towards all human beings seem so small. ]

[At this moment, he finally understood why he hated Roja so much and people like Kesar...]

[Their words and deeds are consistent. He has never seen the greed and discrimination of humans against fish-men in the eyes of these people. They definitely deserve the word noble. ]

[And this is unacceptable to Arlong, who has always believed that all humans are bastards. This seems to be destroying the foundation of his hostility towards all humans. ]

[But he couldn't face these people and felt completely angry. ]

[ Arlong clenched his fist. He even had a dark thought at this moment. He had murderous intentions towards the man in front of him. He even wanted to kill Kesar. ]

[Killing people like Kesar can strengthen his belief that humans are absolutely untrustworthy. ]

[However, at this moment, a powerful and heavy fist hit Arlong directly in the face, knocking him directly to the ground. ]

[This punch was indeed very hard, and it knocked Arlong to the ground. Several broken teeth flowed on the ground along with blood. ]

[ Arlong looked up and saw an angry Tiger. ]

["Arlong, if you do this again, go back to Fishman Street." Tiger said loudly. ]

[Kesar's words impacted not only Arlong, but also Tiger, Jinbe and others. ]

[Some words, Roja did not say that much, but the words of Kesar, an ordinary revolutionary army soldier, gave him a deeper understanding of the revolutionary army. ]

[Accompanied by shame, they can resent the humans who discriminate against them and persecute them. ]

[But these noble revolutionary soldiers should not be subjected to the hostility and insults of the fish-men. ]

[Garbage dump and Fishman Street, the experience of being abandoned by the world, the miserable childhood, Tiger and Jinbe, and even more fishmen, deeply felt it. ]

[The vicissitudes of life in front of the middle-aged man, apart from race, there is no difference between them. ]

["Brother Tiger." Arlong wiped the wounds on his face vigorously. ]

[I didn't say something back as hard as before, but stood up silently, walked to my seat and sat down, silent. ]

[Old Kesar smiled and smoothed things over. He didn't care too much about Arlong's provocation. What's more, he could already feel some changes in Arlong. ]

[The revolutionary army has never been good at words. They just integrated the power of action into language. ]

[As he said, every comrade in the revolutionary army will work hard for a common ideal. Everyone is taking action to transform the revolutionary army. ]

chat room.

Everyone was shocked by what Old Kesar said at this moment.

This is an ordinary soldier of the revolutionary army, but he is the epitome of all soldiers of the revolutionary army.

Moreover, what he said may be the reason why the cohesion of the soldiers in the revolutionary army is so strong.

"If back then, when my hometown became a lawless zone, a person like Roja would have come to save me, I might have been willing to save others like this old Kesar. Fight for this ideal and strive for everything. "

Whitebeard couldn't help but sigh.

His feelings were very deep.

Although his status in the world is very high now because of his strength, his background and starting point are actually the lowest.

He is actually very similar to Roja.

He has basically experienced everything Roja has experienced, even more difficult.

Orphans, war, and after the hometown became a lawless zone, it was gradually destroyed by pirates and human traffickers.

When he was young, he never met a strong person like Fujitora.

Of course, he did not end up in the garbage dump like old Kesar, but left his hometown by fighting.

However, after so many years of sailing, he has never forgotten his destroyed hometown, so he can understand the mood of old Kesar.

Garp: I remember that this old Kesar appeared in the previous movie viewing of Goa Kingdom. He joined Roja's camp later and has now become an excellent warrior.

Zephyr: From the Gray Terminal, to the Kingdom of Lvneel, to Flevance, and finally in the Sabaody Archipelago, putting aside national barriers and fighting for an ideal is worth it.

Aokiji: Isn't this what we originally thought about justice when we joined the Marines? Two teachers.

Garp and Zephyr were both stunned.

Yes, in the beginning, they, Marines, were such people. Their tragic origins and kind character made them abandon the constraints of country and region at first, and wanted to do something for those who were suffering.

The persecuted person holds an umbrella.

This is the beginning and the simplest justice.

Justice has always been there, but they have gradually blurred it in the battle.

Old Kesar, the revolutionary army, and that very important title of comrade.

Can they, Marines, also call each other comrade? It seemed possible in the past, but now?

Garp thought of Zephyr, Sengoku, and Tsuru. Even these people who had been together day and night seemed to only be called old friends. Could they be called comrades?