
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 133

Chapter 133 Mobilization Of The Entire Revolutionary Army

[The fishmen must unite. ]

[When Roja learned about the history of the Sandians from the Sky Island trip, he had an idea of an important strategic direction for the future of the revolutionary army. ]

[That is to unite these humanoid races, such as the fishmen, giants, Sandians and Sky Islanders, as well as the legendary Mink Tribe. ]

[The history of these races is all related to the huge kingdom that was once destroyed by the World Government. ]

[They were once the targets that the World government wanted to eliminate. After all, they were probably also the backbone left by that huge kingdom. ]

[These are the natural allies of the revolutionary army, and they are also the staunchest allies. They are the product of the special racial situation in this strange world. ]

["The fish men island, Ryugu Kingdom, Princess Otohime." Roja wrote down some things in his notes. ]

[Fisher Tiger told him a lot about The fish men island. ]

[This intelligence information gave Roja a basic understanding of The fish men island, an island located under 10,000 meters deep in the sea, and a country of fish men~. ]

[There are also many problems in itself. ]

[Although I joined the World Government two hundred years ago, human beings have never stopped discriminating against mermaids. On the contrary, since the so-called friendship contract between humans and murlocs was concluded, the number of mermaids disappearing every year has increased. ]

[This is why, during the two hundred years since Ryugu Kingdom joined the World Government, Ryugu Kingdom rarely participated in World Summit. ]

[Including Fisher Tiger himself, he firmly insisted on breaking with mankind before embarking on a world voyage. ]

[His transformation came after his world adventure. ]

[The appearance of Fisher Tiger was actually a surprise for Roja. ]

[The fishmen are a very powerful force. Their wrist strength is more than ten times that of humans, and they can move freely in the ocean. Their power is no less powerful than that of the temple men. ]

[Just as Tiger regards Roja and the Revolutionary Army as a link between fish men and humans, Roja also regards Tiger as an important link between the Revolutionary Army and The fish men island. ]

["And Jinbei." Roja also values Jinbei, a calm fish-man. ]

[His observation haki is becoming more and more acute. At the same time, he is awakened to listen to the voice of all things. He can see many things in Jinbei. This man is not that simple. Whether it is character or ability, he is not inferior to Fisher Tiger. ]

[What he lacks now is some accumulation of experience. The biggest difference between him and Tiger is that he has just come out of The Fish Men Island. ]

[That's it for the time being with regard to the fishmen. ]

[After the slave liberation movement, it is time for the revolutionary army to officially go to The Fish Men Island. Everything now must serve the slave liberation movement. ]

[ Roja sets up a board next to the map on the wall again. ]

[Roja picked up the pen and wrote down the forces and characters that could have an impact on the slave liberation movement. ]

[The middle one is the huge number of slaves on the Sabaody Archipelago. This part of the information is still under investigation and is not detailed at the moment. ]

[Next to the slave is Morgans. Yes, Morgans is Roja's powerful weapon in this campaign. ]

[Next to Morgans is powerful pirates like Shakky and Mihawk who can be won over, but their effect is not very great. ]

[Then inside the hostile forces on the other side. ]

[One is Naval Headquarters. Roja actually knows a lot about Marine. ]

[Because he has dealt with a lot of people, among the top management alone, he has dealt with Sengoku and Garp, and even captured a series of headquarters Vice Admirals such as Akainu and Kizaru. ]

[Actually, after capturing so many Marines last time, the Revolutionary Army had basically established a detailed intelligence system on Marines. ]

[From the Fleet-Admiral Kong at the top, to the two Admiral Sengoku and Zephyr at the bottom, to the hero Garp, the staff officer Tsuru, these Marine senior officials, and a series of Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals such as Kizaru and Akainu. ]

[Even those large and small headquarters Rear Admiral, well-known officers, basically have an intelligence database. ]

[Roja attached great importance to intelligence from the very beginning when he formed the revolutionary army. ]

[Not to mention that after the revolutionary army has grown, the information about the headquarters told by the more than 10,000 elite Naval Headquarters is enough to analyze the Naval Headquarters from top to bottom.]

[In addition, Aokiji has joined the Revolutionary Army. It can be said that except for some top secrets that only high-level officials can master, the Revolutionary Army basically has all the other basic information. ]

[Roja can now clearly know the standing strength of the Naval Headquarters, the sailing speed of the warships, etc. ]

[Even because of the reason why spies were planted in Marine last time, he basically knows which Admiral is currently in charge of the headquarters and how many senior officials there are. ]

["Just, Five Elders, Celestial Dragons, Mary Geoise." Roja drew several circles on Mary Geoise. ]

[Not only is the Naval Headquarters very close to Sabaody, the Holy Land Mary Geoise is also so, and Roja basically has no understanding of the Five Elders. ]

[Are they just politicians, or are they powerful men with powerful force like Admiral? ]

[What is their thinking logic? What is their bottom line? Does Celestial Dragons secretly have other forces besides the CP organization and Marine? ]

[If the revolutionary army really launched a slave liberation movement, would the Five Elders personally take action at such a close distance? ]

[Roja doesn't know any of this. ]

[ "What a headache. Information about the Five Elders." Roja couldn't help but frown. ]

[It is very difficult to collect information on the Celestial Dragons, let alone the Five Elders. These five old men have basically never been out Mary Geoise. ]

Outside the chat room at the moment.

Many people saw Roja recording on the board.

"I have you, Shakky." Sabaody Archipelago, Rayleigh couldn't help but smile and said: "It's great to be able to hook up with the revolutionary army so early."

"That's trouble, right? Rayleigh."

Shakky exhaled slightly.

"This slave liberation movement is a big trouble no matter how you look at it. Anyone involved will face the most powerful enemy."

"So, would you refuse at that time?" Rayleigh asked with a smile.

Shakky was silent for a moment, and then said with an elegant smile.

"Who knows?"

Kraikana Island, the ruins of a destroyed kingdom and the territory of Hawkaye Mihawk, one of the Shichibukai.

"The Slave Liberation Movement." Hawkeye's eyes were sharp and the expression on his face remained calm.

He has no interest in this kind of thing.

As a lonely man, he did not have the enthusiasm for this kind of thing like the revolutionary army, nor did he have the noble ideals of the revolutionary army.

What he pursues is just swordsmanship.

He had no interest in joining the revolutionary army.

"I always feel like you will get involved." Perona, who was floating in the air, couldn't help but say as she looked at Hawkeye.

"Oh?" Hawkeye looked at her with sharp eyes.

"Because I always feel like you are more like a person who kills nobles than a slave."

Perona's words made Hawkeye show a rare smile, but he quickly regained his composure.

"What you said is not accurate. I only like to kill people I hate. It just happens that among the nobles, there are more people worth hating."

Compared with some pirates who are already planning to get involved in this slave liberation movement.

The Marine people are more concerned about another point.

"Hey, hey, does he really want to hit Mary Geoise?"

In Naval Headquarters, Garp couldn't help shouting.

"Those five old men are not simple characters."

In a sea area of New World, on the NEO Marine warship, Zephyr said with a solemn face.

"Teacher Zephyr, do you know much about the Five Elders? Who are they?"

Ain on the other side asked curiously.

As a sailor, although her strength is good, Ain's military rank is not high.

Regarding the Five Elders, I am afraid that there is only one title called the world's highest power, and the others are unknown.

"No, I don't know much about those five old men." Zephyr just shook his head and looked at the sea in the distance.

"World government is like this sea. Whether it is Marine or CP, they are just islands on this sea. Five Elders, Celestial Dragons, these are the powerful people who have controlled the world for eight hundred years."

"The power they hide is this deep and wide sea, which makes it impossible for people to see the whole picture."

Even as an Admiral, Zephyr did not dare to lie about his knowledge of Celestial Dragons.

Ordinary Celestial Dragons are indeed like pigs, but from the clues he learned, Mary Geoise is not that simple at all.

The evil-doing Celestial Dragons outside are just a disguise.

Although he didn't know why the Five Elders allowed so many Celestial Dragons to be trained like pigs, Zephyr knew very well that there were real elites among the Celestial Dragons.

"Five Elders are very strong."

Sengoku said with a solemn expression.

"How strong?" Garp asked.

"Their strength is definitely not weaker than ours."

Sengoku replied: "Even stronger, they seem to be hiding something."

Garp and Akainu on the side were a little surprised when they heard this, and then they were thoughtful.

They did not doubt Sengoku's words. Sengoku was the one who had the most contact with the Five Elders among the three people present.

The number of times he has come into contact with Five Elders is far beyond what Garp and Akainu can compare with.

Although Garp and Akainu had sensed something from their few meetings, they were definitely not as sure as Sengoku.

"If Roja really chooses to attack Mary Geoise, I can only say that this may be the biggest wrong choice he has made so far."

Sengoku looked at the scene on the giant screen, his face as sinking as water.

"They're absolutely going to die."

Sengoku's words could not reach Roja's ears through time and space, through the giant screen. Within the giant screen, he was still preparing for the slave liberation movement.

[The slave liberation movement mobilized not only the revolutionary army in Sabaody. ]

[This movement is not just as simple as an island, but a resistance to the system of this world. ]

[To eliminate this world-level backward system, what needs to be mobilized will definitely be the power of the whole world. ]

[One after another information instructions have been transmitted to all parts of the world through the advanced communication phones across the sea through the revolutionary army of Sabaody Archipelago. ]

[East Blue Goa Kingdom. ]

["Gomon, Mr. Roja's order has arrived." The middle-aged man Salo happily rushed into the palace in the center of the Kingdom of Goa. ]

[This used to be the most luxurious palace in the Kingdom of Goa, but it has now been transformed into a war conference room. ]

["What order?" Gomon was also a little excited. ]

[They haven't received orders from Roja for a long time. ]

[In other words, since Roja left, apart from supporting the Lvneel Kingdom, they basically quietly developed in East Blue. ]

[Later, the workers of the Lvneel Kingdom were liberated, and Flevance fought against Buster Call. They basically had nothing to do with them. ]

[This is very frustrating for the old people who consider themselves to be the origin of the revolutionary army. They also want a fierce struggle. ]

[But again, although they are a little suffocated, leaders like Gomon still know very well that East Blue Roja has always attached great importance to its special situation, which is also their special situation. An important reason for not being able to take action. ]

["Is it still an order to hibernate this time? Or is it an order to support?" After getting excited, Gomon asked. ]

["No, it is a coordinated action. Mr. Roja is now in Sabaody. He wants to carry out a slave liberation movement. There is great resistance to this movement. Celestial Dragons and those backward and decadent nobles will definitely stop it. "]

["Mr. Roja means that let us mobilize the power of the people as much as possible to promote the abolition of the aristocratic slavery system." Salo said. ]

[Saro said, handing the information from Roja to Gomon. ]

["However, Mr. Roja also said that this operation is best based on the premise of not exposing our strategy and layout in East Blue." Salo was still talking. ]

[Gemon here has finished reading the information sent by Sabaody Archipelago. ]

["Mr. Roja is indeed Mr. Roja, he is still so courageous. "Gomon put down the materials in his hands and couldn't help but admired. ]

[Even in Sabaody Archipelago, a place so close to the world government, he still dared to take such action as liberating slaves. This kind of courage is really impressive. ]

["Free the slaves, this is indeed something Mr. Roja can do." Gomon couldn't help but laugh. ]

[Mr. Roja is such a person. Even rubbish like them, he can lend a helping hand and restore them from rubbish to adults. ]

["Yes." Salo sighed: "We must live up to Mr. Roja's expectations."]

["Mobilize the masses, we East Blue do not have strong military force and soldiers, but in terms of the power of the masses, we have absolute confidence." Gomon looked at the East Blue chart in front of him, His face was full of confidence and he smiled. ]

[This East Blue chart is extremely detailed and perfect compared to when Roja was there. ]

[Those islands, no matter how small, are clearly drawn on this chart at this moment. ]

[And on this detailed chart, there are a large number of small islands that are highlighted. ]

[The key marks on each small island represent the development and extension of each revolutionary army. ]

[It has been more than a year since Roja left the Kingdom of Goa. A lot of things can happen in more than a year. ]

[For example, a single spark can start a prairie fire. ]

[East Blue, this peaceful sea area that was the first to hibernate and the first to start the development of revolutionary forces, now, with the firm implementation of the Roja strategic policy, the Kingdom of Goa, As the center, the revolutionary forces have already been thoroughly spread out. ]

[South Blue, Sorbet Kingdom. ]

["Mr. Roja's order? I will definitely find a way to create momentum." Kuma looked at the action instructions in his hand and said gently. ]

[The strength of the revolutionary army in South Blue is not bad at all. After all, the Self-Volunteer Army gave countless speeches here at the beginning. Although the effect was not great, it planted the seeds. ]

[In the past few months since Kuma returned to South Blue, he has used the methods of the revolutionary army to carry out new struggles, with great results. ]

[West Blue, Jimmy and Koshiro have received instructions from Sabaody. ]

[Their strength is the weakest, but fortunately, West Blue has the help of Ohara scholars. ]

[Ohara scholars have a very strong influence in West Blue, not only West Blue but the entire world. ]

[North Blue, the Far North Kingdom. ]

[Karasu has received the order. ]

["Any information about Celestial Dragons? I remember that here in the Far North Kingdom, there are many people who were persecuted by Celestial Dragons and escaped. They may know more or less some information. Senor, please lead some comrades to inquire. " Karasu said.]

["Understood." Senor was wearing a suit and leather tie, but his face no longer had the confused look on his face. ]

[Beside him, there is a girl with a calm face standing, her name is "Russian."]