
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 111

Chapter 111 Strategic Policy, Go Underground

[Not long after Roja wrote these big words, soon, the core cadres of the revolutionary army had arrived. ]

[Some of them are people who have followed from the Goa Kingdom, such as Jimmy, and there are also trade union cadres who have performed well in the Lvneel Kingdom. ]

[There are more people who are very powerful in their own right and join midway. ]

[ Roja looks at the core cadres of the revolutionary army below. ]

[Issho, Naguri, Dragon, Kuma, Ivankov, Koshiro, and the newly added Aokiji. ]

[There is also Karasu far in the north, Senor, and Mori who is still hiding underground in the Lvneel Kingdom. ]

[Vegapunk at Scientific Research Base No. 1, Mr. Tom. ]

[Unconsciously, the revolutionary army has grown so strong. ]

[He remember that when he first went to sea, he only had Mr. Issho by his side, but now, he can barely be called a strong man. ]

[Moreover, most of his cadres are still very young. If given enough time to develop, they can reach higher level. ]

[Seeing that all the cadres were seated, Roja did not go around in circles and spoke directly and neatly. ]

["This time I called this meeting, the purpose is to focus on the future development of our revolutionary army."]

["I believe that this Flevance incident should have a great impact on you. If you have any ideas, you can tell me, whether it is a problem or a development." Roja said with a smile. ]

[No one spoke immediately. After thinking for a while, it was Ivankov who spoke first. ]

["During this period, I followed the doctors in Flevance to treat patients with Amber lead disease, and hormones could only alleviate the symptoms of Amber lead disease."]

["The progress of research on specific drugs is not optimistic. Even if there is data support, the research and development of drugs and the research of treatment methods will take time."]

["As for the two surrounding countries, the effect of propaganda is average, and the people are more inclined to believe the information of the World Government and the royal family. The problem of Amber lead disease will not be solved for a day, and the problem of Flevance will always exist here." Ivankov said . ]

[ Roja nodded and wrote the three characters "Amber Lead Disease" on the blackboard behind him. ]

["Then let me talk about the second one. The ideological work of the captured Marine soldiers did not go smoothly." Dragon said. ]

[This issue has already been mentioned by Roja when analyzing the Marine issue before. Those who were orphans were fine, but more of them were adults and had families, and they were still quite resistant. ]

[In this case, these ten thousand, plus the thousands of Marine soldiers captured previously, are a big burden for the revolutionary army, and it is also a trouble. ]

["Problems with the disposal of Marine prisoners." Roja continued to write. ]

["The mass work in Flevance has been very good recently. I feel that our revolutionary army should increase its energy investment among the masses instead of blindly pursuing arms." Jimmy said. ]

["That's very well said." Roja praised Jimmy's point of view and wrote it on the blackboard, reaching out to the masses. ]

["We were able to win the war this time. The effect of mobile warfare was very good." Fujitora mentioned mobile warfare and insights from guerrilla warfare. ]

[Roja also continued to write. As each individual spoke, the entries on the blackboard became more and more comprehensive. ]

[This is the first time Aokiji feels the atmosphere of a revolutionary army meeting. ]

[To be honest, his impression was completely opposite to Marine's. They were very open to discussions and were not afraid of making mistakes. ]

[In the revolutionary army, although there are concepts of superiors and subordinates, they are not absolutely unanimous. Everyone's ideas will be respected, and after discussion, the correct point of view will be determined. ]

[At Marine, the orders of the Five Elders are absolutely unquestionable, as are the orders of Marine senior officials. The Vice Admiral level even has the power of life and death over the soldiers under his command, not to mention the commander of the branch base. ]

[Furthermore, Aokiji learned that the revolutionary army likes to hold meetings because the core cadres determine the development strategy of the revolutionary army. ]

[Every matter as small as determining tactics within the combat team below will be resolved through meetings. ]

["Then let me say one too." Aokiji couldn't hold back and finally blended in. ]

[It's just that what he wants to say is not so nice. ]

["This war is far from over. Although many of Marine's elite soldiers and non-commissioned officers were captured in the last battle, for Marine, it is far from over."]

["Marine's standing troops in each sea area of the four seas are at least more than 300,000, and the same is true for North Blue. If they are really determined to fight decisively, the troops they mobilize will be enough to surround us."]

["At that time, we will still be very passive, so we must make plans as soon as possible." Aokiji analyzed seriously. ]

[These words were not pleasant to hear. They were cold water. As soon as Aokiji said these words, the atmosphere instantly turned cold. ]

[However, Roja agrees with Aokiji's point of view: "You are right, Kuzan, the power gap between us and the World government is still very big, and we must plan for this in advance.]

[After a while, many keywords were written on the blackboard. ]

[Some of these are the problems currently faced by the revolutionary army, and some are the results achieved by the revolutionary army, which can be promoted and learned. ]

[In general, it basically revolves around mobilizing the masses, the problem of prisoners, the current situation of Flevance, and the next step of the current war. ]

["There are a lot of things here, including macro-level strategies, routes, and development issues, as well as specific things that need to be solved. In my opinion, it is not difficult to solve these problems.]

[Roja looked at the keywords on the blackboard and said, "You all have your own thoughts and answers."]

["However, before exploring ways to solve these problems, I would like to conduct a large-scale analysis first, which is the abbreviation above, the characteristics of world revolutionary war."]

[ Roja said unhurriedly. ]

["These are some of my experiences after the Flevance War. I would like to share them with you here."]

[Roja said, everyone present became serious. ]

["In my opinion, the characteristics of world revolutionary war can be divided into three points."]

["The first point lies in the particularity of the world situation. This world is composed of many islands, and is divided into six parts by the Red Line and the Calm Belt. There are two halves of the Four Seas and the Grand Line, plus the Red Line. If you look at the Celestial Dragons above the Red Line, that's seven parts."]

["These seven parts are relatively closed and not circulated. The same is true for various countries, including the mobilization of personnel and materials, which are not so convenient."]

["This is why our mobile warfare can play a major role. The world is very big. If the east is not bright, the west is bright. We have a lot of room for maneuver, even when facing the world government."]

["The second point lies in the strength of the enemy. Our main enemy is undoubtedly the Celestial Dragons, followed by the secondary enemies, which are the corrupt nobles of various countries."]

["World government is very powerful, there is no doubt about it. It has ruled the world for eight hundred years, and its background is unfathomable. The Marine established by one hand has a standing force of millions, whether it is the number of warships, weapons and equipment, or Or the level of material abundance is beyond our comparison."]

["But at the same time, we should not ignore its internal complexity. World Government can be divided into Celestial Dragons and franchised countries, as well as other subordinate agencies. The interests of each part and Celestial Dragons are not absolutely consistent. There are many Things can be operated."]

["When necessary, we can unite all our forces to attack our main enemy, the Celestial Dragons."]

[The third point is the weakness of the revolutionary army. The power we have is not enough. Even though we have won several victories despite the contempt of the world government, we must recognize this. ]

["We lack strong material supplies, such as food. The Goa Kingdom is too small and the Far North Kingdom has not yet developed. The islands in the Calm Belt are only suitable for operation as a base." ]

["We have a small number of soldiers. We have only been developing for more than a year. We have no more than 100,000 soldiers. We are under great logistical pressure on weapons. These are all problems we have compared to our enemies."]

["But we also have advantages. We represent the broad proletariat and the oppressed people. We can mobilize the people, but the World Government is against mobilizing the people. We will eventually gain the support of the people. This is our advantage. ."]

[Roja's analysis made everyone present thoughtful. ]

[The analysis of the characteristics of world revolutionary wars is an analysis from a macro perspective, which is enough to allow people to have a clear judgment on the world revolutionary situation at a glance. ]

[The world is huge, and the correct way to fight is not to stick to a deadlock, but to make flexible maneuvers. ]

[The enemy is strong but has many factions, which can be divided and exploited. We are weak, but we can mobilize the masses and the team will be more united. ]

["Starting from the overall characteristics, we can think about what is the most suitable method for us to solve the problem." Roja said with a smile. ]

["For example, for lead-Amber disease, the specific medicine for Amber-lead disease is obviously not available urgently, so we have to use other means." Roja said with a smile: "For example, political means." ]

["Political means?" Everyone was puzzled. ]

["Yes, politics, war can help achieve some political goals. To win this war, the chips we currently have are enough. If we want to completely solve the Amber lead disease, it will be difficult in a short time." Roja said. ]

["But treating the Amber-lead disease is originally to solve the crisis of annihilation of Flevance, so finding another political approach can achieve the same goal. For example, we can destroy Flevance politically before the World Government." ]

["Destroy Flevance." Naguri was even more confused. ]

[On the contrary, Dragon, Fujitora, Jimmy and the others on the side seemed to have some understanding. ]

["This method is due to the particularity of Losec Island. Losec Island is a large island, and it is very obvious that there are three joining countries."]

["At first, the crisis of national annihilation in Flevance came from the Chek Kingdom and the Saloto Kingdom on both sides. Now it comes from the Buster Call launched by Marine and World Government."]

["So now our main enemy is the World government that launched the Buster Call, and its main purpose is to protect Flevance."]

["The World Government is to destroy Flevance, but the kingdoms on both sides are different. Their purpose of destroying Flevance is for the land of Flevance and the Amber-lead mines that contain huge profits."]

["In order to deal with the main enemy World Government, we can completely cooperate with the Chek Kingdom and Saloto, let Flevance merge into the two countries, and declare to the outside world that Flevance has been annexed by the two countries."]

["Unless the World Government wants to break the political rules that have been established for eight hundred years and launch a Buster Call against Flevance, a subordinate of Chek and Saloto." Roja said. ]

["Yes, the interests of the world government and the participating countries are not always consistent. If the purpose is to keep Flevance, then the two neighboring countries can be united to fight against the World Government."]

["That's it." Naguri understood. ]

[This is the so-called political destruction of Flevance. The Buster Call bombardment is Flevance who colluded with the revolutionary army and broke away from the World Government. It is impossible to attack Chek and Saloto.]

[If World Government takes action against chek and saloto, it will cause panic to all the allied countries. ]

["With the problem of Flevance resolved, this war is basically over." Roja said relaxedly. ]

["Our only passivity in this battle is to defend Flevance. If Flevance is not threatened by Buster Call, we will naturally turn to full initiative, even if Marine mobilizes the entire North Blue force, it will not have much impact on us. "]

[With the paddle-wheel battleships here, can Marines still catch up with us?]

["As for the issue of Marine prisoners." Roja looked at Aokiji: " Kuzan, go and tell them that I will release them all within five days."]

["Huh?" Aokiji was startled. ]

[The same is true for other revolutionary army cadres. They know that the reason why they were able to capture so many Marine soldiers this time is simply because Marines have never fought this kind of battle. If they do it again, I'm afraid it will be very difficult. ]

["Didn't you just say that these prisoners have become a burden?" Roja didn't care much about these prisoners. ]

["Remember that our main enemy is not the Marines, but the Celestial Dragons. There is no need for us to have such a quarrel with Marines. The interests of the Marines and World Government are not completely consistent."]

["Besides, who said that the captives released are not good for us." Roja smiled, looked at Dragon and asked: "Dragon, during this period, Has marine prisoners turn into our comrades?"]

["Yes, but not many in number. Most of them are Marines who were orphans." Dragon said. ]

["That's enough." Roja said calmly: "I want to use these prisoners to return to the Marines to tell them clearly what kind of organization our revolutionary army is."]

["We need to make them put down their hostility to us from a sensory perspective, and then develop our own power within the Marine."]

["Inside Marine?"]

["Yes, not just within Marine, we want to establish our own organizations around the world."]

["First Lvneel, then Flevance, our actions on the surface became more and more grand every time, but at the same time, the enemy's combat force also became more and more powerful every time."]

["This time we were actually in a very dangerous situation. Next time, I'm afraid the force we face will be beyond our ability to bear."]

["Our development time is too short and our strength is too weak. It will definitely not work if we continue to engage in open confrontation."]

["For a long time in the future, the business center of the world government will be all over the world, and the suppression we face will become more and more serious, so we have to give up fighting stupid wars. Instead of confront the enemy head-on. "]

[ Roja said seriously: "When I was at East Blue, I said that a single spark can start a prairie fire. Starting from those neglected small villages, small towns, and small islands, we will eventually Surround each of the participating countries. "]

["Now, my view remains unchanged. We don't need to think about fierce confrontation. We should develop underground first, develop the mass base, develop the Marine base, and develop it all over the world. Lay out an intelligence network of our own. "]

["Just like Flevance this time, once the mass base is established, no matter what you do, you will get twice the result with half the effort."]

["This is the development direction based on the previously analyzed strategic characteristics."]

["In other words, we are the underground revolutionary army?"]

["You can say that." Roja said calmly: "Accumulate strength underground and take root deeply, and then the day will come when it explodes."]