
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 110

Chapter 110 Aokiji Joins, Revolutionary Army Development Strategy

["Kuzan has come to Flevance?" Roja was a little surprised when he heard the news. ]

[Because he knew very well that if Aokiji came to Flevance at this time, he would definitely not be sent by the Marines to inquire about information and infiltrate spies. This is not how it works. ]

[Not to mention, from Marine's perspective, Flevance is now suffering from an infectious disease with a 100% fatality rate. How could they send a Marine star with unlimited potential to the front? ]

[So there is only one possibility, Aokiji came by his own will. ]

[With Marine showing such self-expression at such a critical moment, Roja has already guessed what might happen to Aokiji. ]

[Contacting the previous phone call again, basically some things have been confirmed. ]

["What did he do after he came to Flevance?" Roja looked at the soldier and asked. ]

["He didn't do anything extraordinary, he was just talking to some people, and the content was roughly about us and the Amber-lead disease." The revolutionary soldier named Sisak said. ]

[He even prepared some information, including photos of Aokiji and content of his exchanges with the people of Flevance. ]

[The current Flevance is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. It looks very peaceful and there are no sentries. ]

[But in fact, by now, Flevance is basically a piece of iron. Every citizen of Flevance is an informant of the revolutionary army. Any stranger who comes to Flevance will be under the watch of the revolutionary army. ]

[This is a manifestation of having achieved the ultimate in mass work. The masses have great faith in the revolutionary army, and the revolutionary army is also closely connected with the masses. ]

[It seems that there is no revolutionary army on the street, but in fact everyone is a revolutionary army. ]

[Not to mention Aokiji, Flevance has uncovered fifty-three CP spies in just a few days. ]

[Roja previously thought that the Cp was troublesome to clean up and was too lazy to expend effort to clean up these CP spies. No matter how advanced their lurking skills were, they were still seen through by the people of Flevance. ]

[After all, no matter how brilliant a spy is, if he eats, drinks, or urinates, any abnormal behavior may be discovered by the public, and no one can stop him. ]

["Sure enough." Roja looked through the information in his hand and said with a smile. ]

["Do you want to control him, Mr. Roja?" Sisak asked. ]

[As the future star of Marine and the top Vice Admiral, Kuzan's strength cannot be underestimated. Sisak was once a worker in the coal and iron city, participated in the workers' uprising, and saw Aokiji's strength. ]

[Although he was once defeated by Mr. Issho, he was only slightly worse. A person like him walking in Flevance is tantamount to a bomb. ]

["No need." Roja smiled and waved his hand and said: "He is not here to fight, but to find his own way."]

["Just follow him casually. Let him investigate some things. There is no need to hide it. The more he investigates, the more he will recognize us. Now, he just lacks a reason to convince himself. Flevance is a very good place for him to find the reason."]

["Oh." Sisak looked at Roja, a little confused, but he knew that Mr. Roja's judgments were generally not wrong. ]

["Thank you for your hard work, Sisak." Roja said to Sisak who was about to leave. ]

["No, you are the one. You need to rest more." Sisak said from the bottom of his heart. ]

[When he left the room and was about to close the door, he found that Roja was still writing something at the desk as when he came. ]

[Every time he sees Roja, he can always feel a sense of power and belief, which can be transferred from Roja to himself. ]

[Early the next morning. ]

[Roja got up early as usual, found an open space and started exercising. ]

[Although after going to sea, the revolutionary army had to deal with many things, but he has always adhered to the good habits he developed during his year of training in the Kingdom of Krojashi. ]

[After all, this is a world with a power system. Single-person martial arts training is still necessary. The body is the capital of revolution. ]

[If you always need someone to protect you, then many things will not be so convenient. ]

[First the physical training, then the physical skills, fists, kicks, and sword skills, until the whole body is hot and sweating. ]

[The last is haki practice, which is mainly the practice of Observation Haki. ]

[Roja sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and the Observation Haki continued to extend, carefully sensing everything around him, people's breath of life, movement trajectories, emotions, etc. ]

["You haven't come out after watching it for so long? Kuzan." Roja finished Observation Haki's practice, opened his eyes, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said with a smile. ]

["Your perception is really sharp. Although you are very young, your knowledge and strength are like a monster." Aokiji jumped down from a tree not far away and walked towards Roja. ]

[He was not wearing Marine justice clothes. He was wearing a dark green coat with a white lining, round sunglasses, a bluish-white turban on his head, and a dark gray singlet on his shoulder. ]

[At this moment, Aokiji does not have the confusion and low pressure that he had when he was in Coal Iron City, and he looks much more free and relaxed. ]

["Long time no see, Roja." Aokiji walked up to Roja and greeted him as familiar as a friend. ]

["After quitting Marine, your clothes have improved a lot." Roja looked Aokiji up and down and joked: "Even this testoscope is still too ugly."]

["Hahaha, these sunglasses are my favorite." Aokiji couldn't help laughing. ]

["You know I quit Marine?"]

["I can roughly guess a little." Roja nodded. ]

["To be honest, I never thought that after joining Marine for such a short period of time, I would quit Marine. It's really hard to explain." Aokiji sat cross-legged next to Roja.

[In their direction, they could just see the bustling streets of Flevance. ]

["Want to drink?" Aokiji took out a bottle of sherry from his backpack and raised it to Roja. ]

["Although I am very curious about the taste of wine, at my age, it is best not to drink." Roja declined. ]

["That's really a pity. This bottle of wine was given to me by a teacher I admire very much. Normally I would be reluctant to drink it." Aokiji said, opened the wine and drank it directly. ]

[Drinking, drinking, his eyes became deeper and his heart seemed to be completely opened. ]

[He looked at the town in front of him, at the people of Flevance walking in the sunshine with smiles on their faces, and spoke to Roja, as if talking to himself. ]

["Did you know? Roja, I am a war orphan. I have grown up fighting and fighting since I was a child. I know very well the harm that war does to the people and the value of peace to the people."]

["So since I was a child, I have been exercising hard. I have protected the children who were bullied and have a belief in justice. I have met many kind-hearted Marines and received a lot of help from them."]

["I once dreamed of becoming a Marine. I even thought I would stay in the Marine for the rest of my life, just like Fleet Admiral Kong, Mr. Garp, and Mr. Zephyr."]

[Aokiji took a big sip of wine and said to himself: "Three years ago, I got my wish to join the Marines. Fortunately, my Instructor is Teacher Zephyr. He is a very upright person."]

["I once heard that he did not kill pirates. He only started to hate pirates after his family was killed by pirates. However, he still has a high passion for justice and will help people in need. "]

["Teacher Zephyr has talked about his justice countless times. His justice is the justice to protect the people, which stems from his belief in protecting the weak since he was a child."]

["Later, after I came out of the Marine recruit training camp, I followed Mr. Garp. He was very strong and helped me improve my strength. At the same time, he was friendly to the people, treated the Celestial Dragons and the nobles without pretense, and never concealed his disgust for these people."]

["From him, I further confirmed that justice should protect ordinary people, not nobles and Celestial Dragons. However, in the past three years of Marine career, I have also seen a lot of darkness." ]

["I began to know that pirates are not the only ones in the world who are full of darkness. There are also nobles, Celestial Dragons, and Marines. They are not absolutely just. In many cases, they will even do some unjust things."]

["I also know clearly that although Mr. Garp is very cool, there is nothing he can do against the Celestial Dragons. Mr. Garp and Mr. Zephyr will ultimately implement justice under compromise."]

[Speaking of this, Aokiji looked at Roja beside him and said with a smile: "To be honest, if I hadn't met your revolutionary army in the Kingdom of Goa, there is a high probability that I would have become a person like Mr. Garp in the end."]

["Oh?" Roja looked calm and continued to be a good listener. ]

[He could tell that Aokiji's words were trying to persuade his heart to say a complete farewell to the self who had always dreamed of being a Marine for the past twenty-two years.]

["Since that meeting with you, I have been to the Kingdom of Goa many times, and I have learned a lot about your thoughts. The more I understand, the more I feel that you are right."]

["Especially after the incident in the Lvneel Kingdom, I used your methods to conduct an in-depth investigation of the Lvneel Kingdom. You are still right, and Marines are wrong." ]

[ Roja couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard this. ]

[He did not expect Aokiji, the Marine Vice Admiral, to be able to do such an in-depth investigation of the Lvneel Kingdom. He is indeed different from many Marines. ]

[He is indeed very thorough in the methods and ideas of the revolutionary army. ]

["This time again, I really can't accept it. Why do we, Marines, who are supposed to protect the people, go against humanity and do things to destroy a country? Instead, it is you, the rebel party in the mouth of the world government, who are doing your best. To save the people of Flevance."]

["This sense of absurdity makes me completely disappointed in world government."]

[Aokiji felt completely desperate for the World Government, especially after Flevance learned the truth about the whole thing...]

[He is not completely disappointed with Marine, but it makes no difference. ]

[He knew very well that due to the existence of the World government, Marines could never truly enforce justice, and the tragedy of Flevance would continue to happen. This is why he was able to resign from Marine so decisively. ]

["Thank you for listening to what I said, Roja." Aokiji drank the sherry in his hand, took a deep breath, looked at Flevance in front of him and asked: "You need someone who wants to protect you?" Justice Marine?"]

[This is Aokiji's last sentence. When he says this sentence, it means that he has completely cut off from his past self and bid farewell to the Marines under World Government. ]

[This is what he did investigation in Flevance and he made this decision after careful consideration. ]

[This is how he followed the footsteps of the revolutionary army all the way, from the familiarity of the Kingdom of Goa, from the confusion and recognition of the Kingdom of Lvneel, to finally Flevance, the support of the people, which made him finally make his decision. In the end, he firmly believed that the path of the revolutionary army was the path he wanted to embark on. ]

[This time, he is no longer confused, his eyes are firm and powerful. ]

[ Roja did not speak, but stood up and walked to Aokiji. He extended his hand to Aokiji and said with a smile: "Of course you are welcome, Comrade Kuzan, welcome to the revolutionary army."]

[ Aokiji was stunned for a moment, subconsciously stretched out his hand, and then was pulled up by Roja. ]

[ Roja stood in front of Flevance, seeming to pull Aokiji closer to the crowd. ]

[Aokiji looked at the energetic people of Flevance behind Roja, and felt a long-lost sense of security in his heart. ]

[He comes from these people and is destined to blend in with these people. ]

In the chat room.

Robin: Although I had a premonition for a long time, I still felt very moved when I saw this scene.

Of course Robin was moved.

Aokiji is a special existence to her. Seeing that Aokiji can join the revolutionary army, she is also happy for him from the bottom of her heart.

Of course, more importantly, if Aokiji, as the top Vice Admiral who participated in the Ohara Buster Call in history, now joins the revolutionary army, Ohara will be safer.

Rayleigh: Touched? Little girl from Ohara, ask Sengoku if they are touched, hahaha.

Belo betty: The first one to turn from darkness to light has appeared. It depends on how long the remaining two three Admirals will persist.

Lindbergh: Take a longer-term view, maybe Zephyr and Garp will be next.

This sentence is heartbreaking. Aokiji is gone, Kizaru is showing signs of success, Fujitora has been a member of the Revolutionary Army for a long time, needless to say, Garp has always been ambiguous with the Revolutionary Army, Zephyr and the Revolutionary Army their philosophy of justice is very close.

If the Revolutionary Army continues to wield its hoe, Marine will probably be hollowed out sooner or later.

Zephyr: Let me make a statement here. I will join the Revolutionary Army if I get the chance.

Zephyr is born with love and hate. Even though his resentment has dissipated a lot now, he still has a disdain for the Marine and World Government.

Garp:Take me with you.

Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku was looking directly at Garp.

" What are you doing, Garp."

Garp picked his nose: "Don't you want it, Sengoku?"

"Ahem." Sengoku coughed twice: "I have retired."

Garp was speechless.

Even though you are retired and still can't let go, can't you learn from him?

Now that you are retired, you should let yourself go.

[Flevance, Aokiji has join the revolutionary army for two days. ]

[Others welcomed Aokiji's joining. Aokiji is very young, only twenty-two years old this year. ]

[I have only been in Marine for three years, and he is a very upright and enthusiastic Vice Admiral in Marine, with basically no stain. ]

[On the Revolutionary Army side, Fujitora, Naguri and Aokiji had many interactions during the Kingdom of Goa. Dragon and Aokiji still have a very close relationship with each other because they have a relationship with Garp. ]

[In addition, Aokiji has no airs and has very good personality, and he integrated into the revolutionary army very quickly. ]

[On this day, Roja was writing something in the office as usual. ]

[It was getting late, so he put down the pen in his hand and stretched his body. ]

["Finally finished." Roja breathed a sigh of relief. ]

[These things, he has been preparing to look at since the end of the Buster Call war that completely defeated Marine and saved Flevance in a short time. It was not until today that he completed it. ]

[But all the hard work is worth it. ]

[These things will play a vital role in the future development of the Revolutionary Army. They are also the most important report to all Revolutionary Army soldiers to thoroughly determine the way forward. ]

["Sisak, go and call Mr. Issho, Mr. Dragon and the others. We are holding a meeting." Roja said to Sisak who was standing guard at the door. ]

["Yes, Mr. Roja." Sisak responded quickly. ]

[Sisak went to call them, while Roja wrote a few big words on the blackboard. ]

["On the Characteristics of World Revolutionary War and the Strategy for the Future Development of the Revolutionary Army."]