
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 109

Chapter 109 Roja On Marine

[Akainu, as a soldier, obeying orders is his bounden duty, which is not wrong to a certain extent. ]

[But there is at least one premise, that is, the order itself does not violate the most basic human nature. ]

[Obeying orders is to ensure the combat effectiveness and cohesion of the army, but this combat effectiveness itself should serve the goals established by the army. ]

[For example, Roja established the revolutionary army. What he did was to fight for the liberation of the proletariat around the world and eliminate exploitation and oppression. ]

[Based on this ideal goal, any orders he gives to the revolutionary army in the future cannot violate this idea. ]

[For example, it is impossible for him to say that the revolutionary army should destroy Flevance and all the people in this country. ]

[Let's not talk about whether he will issue such an order. Even if he does issue it, if the revolutionary army implements it, then it will not be a revolutionary army, which means that the revolutionary army has completely changed its nature. ]

[From an army with lofty ideals and excellent ideas, it has become a purely violent institution used by corrupt rulers to maintain their rule. ]

[Marine is completely changed in Roja's opinion. ]

[Marine was not built purely by the world government. Just like you can't say that the construction of a country is accomplished by nobles and leaders. This is wrong. ]

[History itself is created by the people. The founding of Marine should have included the expectations of the people of all countries for peace and their disgust for pirates. ]

[Not just money, but also soldiers from all over the world who join the Marines because of a righteous idea. Some of them are war orphans, and some are the sons and daughters of farmers, shoemakers, workers, and businessmen. ]

[Money gathered from all over the world, and people from all over the world, eventually formed Marine, a huge organization that has no geographical distinction or class distinction. ]

[It should be just and serve the people of all countries. It should never become a purely violent institution. They should not resolutely carry out this task just because the world government says something, even if He is anti-human. ]

[Just like this Flevance incident, the World government only used two ridiculous reasons to launch a Buster Call to destroy Flevance. ]

[One is the so-called collusion with the revolutionary army and the rebel party. Is it necessary to kill all the people in a participating country? ]

[The other is an infectious disease with a very high fatality rate. It's fine if we don't provide assistance. We can just block it and let the people of Flevance save themselves. Killing the patients. Isn't this against humanity? ]

[However, these two ridiculous-sounding reasons actually led Marines to pull up a huge Buster Call and come to destroy a country. ]

[Every human being living in this country seems to be just a number. ]

[Celestial Dragons can think this way, because they don't have empathy with the people at the bottom, and people are just consumables in their eyes, but Marine people can never think this way. ]

[They need to know who supports them, who provides money, and who they should protect. ]

[ Roja told Akainu this, but with little success in the end. This determined man had already regarded them as rebels and did not accept his rhetoric. ]

[In other words, Akainu also thinks that what he said has some truth, but compared to these, he may think that maintaining the law and order of the world government is a more beneficial choice for the vast majority of the people. ]

[To this end, he can mercilessly sacrifice Flevance, an unstable factor. ]

["A firm and powerful guardian of order, an extreme implementer of Marine's 'majority' principle."]

[After Akainu left, Roja wrote in his notebook. ]

[ Roja thought for a while and wrote in the 'majority' principle mentioned before. ]

[The so-called majority principle is that Marine feels that what he is holding in his hand is a thread that represents peace and stability, and underneath this thread are the people. ]

[When the World government tells them that someone violates the order of the World government, their priority is not the rationality of the World government's order. ]

[But the priority is already in my heart, treating these people who violate the order as a minority compared to the majority, and sacrificing them with peace of mind. ]

[In fact, from a class perspective, these sacrificed minorities are always part of the majority class. ]

[Moreover, this choice is extremely anti-human. As time goes by, they even feel that they are righteous, becoming more and more at ease, and becoming more and more extreme. ]

[After thinking about it for a while, Roja continued to write Akainu's evaluation. ]

["As a comrade, with his firm will and iron-blooded style, I believe he must be the most tenacious warrior and he will become the staunchest guardian of the new order."]

["But as an enemy, he must be our key target in a short period of time."]

["The stronger the strength, the firmer the will, and the more reactionary the line is wrong."]

["When the Revolutionary Army is at a disadvantage, he will be our enemy. When the Revolutionary Army takes over the world, this type of Marine, represented by Sakazuki, can still become a staunch supporter of the Revolutionary Army."]

[Roja did not blindly belittle Akainu. In terms of background, if he can join the Marines and wants to contribute to maintaining peace, he is already better than many people in this world. Even if his thoughts are a bit extreme. ]

[So for this kind of people, it is different from Kizaru and others. ]

[ Kizaru and the others can keep wooing them. Maybe when they have hope for the revolutionary army, they will join the revolutionary army and burst out with an astonishing will to resist. ]

[The Akainu type is different. They will only come when the revolutionary army has the upper hand. Some extremists will even destroy the old order together. But once they join the revolutionary army, they will also become determined fighters. ]

[Even from some aspects, they are more determined than Kizaru. However, when facing these people, ideological education must be strengthened to prevent them from going to extremes. ]

[After Kizaru and Akainu, Roja spent a day communicating with some remaining generals and non-commissioned officers. ]

[Except for Kizaru Akainu, there are two types of people. ]

[One type of people has thoroughly seen the darkness of world government. They have a strong passion for the execution of justice. At the same time, their moral and empathy abilities are also very strong. ]

[So it is difficult for this type of people to truly recognize what the World Government is doing, or to just follow the trend. It's just that they have no other better way to realize their ambitions and justice, so they can only temporarily succumb to this. ]

[If they continue to develop, over time they will become people like Kizaru, but before that, they are the easiest people to win over and will become outstanding comrades of the revolutionary army. ]

[The last type of Marine is represented by Vice Admiral Kilger. This type of people does not join Marine for justice, nor for peace, order, etc. ]

[They join the Marines just for power and status. Their bureaucracy is very heavy, and their abuse of power is also serious. ]

[This type of people, Roja calls them opportunists, may choose to join the revolutionary army when it rises. ]

[But after joining, they will not have as high awareness and firm will as the previous types of Marines. They may even affect the atmosphere within the revolutionary army. ]

[Therefore, this type of people must be carefully screened, and some who are degenerate can be recruited. However, after being recruited, necessary suppression and education must be carried out to avoid having a negative impact on the atmosphere within the revolutionary army. ]

[There are also those who have been completely corrupted, such as those who have dominated the local branch bases and oppressed the people. They are absolute enemies. They will be eliminated when they need to be eliminated, and they will not get any mercy. ]

["That's about it. The rest needs to be investigated on the captured Marine soldiers. You need to arrange manpower to do this workload." Roja closed the book and stretched. ]

["Understood, Mr. Roja." Dragon and the others nodded seriously, with some admiration. ]

[They watched Roja spend a day writing such a very useful Marine internal investigation report from scratch. ]

[As soon as this report comes out, they will basically know how to deal with Marine in the future. ]

["When the time comes, this one will be added to the new version of the ideological guidance collection, and together with the Goa Kingdom class analysis and the Lvneel Kingdom analysis and investigation reports, it will be studied as an investigation model." Roja thought in his mind. ]

At this moment, everyone in the chat room was surprised by Roja's investigation report.

Although it is not as shocking as the first time they saw the social class analysis of Goa Kingdom, they still have to admire Roja's ability.

Just by talking to the captured Marine officers, we can summarize the four types of Marine nature, and each type of person has different evaluations, "and attitudes."

This is already very good.

Roja's vision is still as sharp as ever. He can always find these angles that ordinary people can't find, and then make precise results.

It's like investigation and analysis. Everyone is still following his previous social investigation and class analysis step by step, but he has jumped out and made a general analysis from the internal components of Marine.

This is also a successful investigation and analysis.

After the discussion about pirates with Roger this is a relatively popular discussion about Marine.

It's just a pity that this discussion on Marines is not with people like Kong, Sengoku, and Garp who are the most powerful Marines.

"Mr. Roja's eyes are really vicious. Just through a short conversation, he pulled me clean inside and out."

On Egghead, Kizaru couldn't help but say helplessly.

After such a short conversation, Kizaru clearly discovered that he deliberately hid a lot of things when facing Roja on the giant screen.

But it was still cleaned up.

Moreover, his to-the-point summary, to be honest, it would be Kizaru who would defeat him. He would not be able to summarize himself so accurately in such concise words.

"He is really a terrible person, terrible."

Kizaru's tone was frivolous, and he didn't seem to be repelled much.

On the contrary, he even looked forward to when exactly he would join the revolutionary army in another world?

From a movie viewing point of view.

Of the three of them, Aokiji is undoubtedly the most enthusiastic.

He has now resigned from his position as Marine, and is probably only one step away from joining the Revolutionary Army.

As for myself, I am somewhat uncertain, even though I am a prisoner now.

Due to his familiarity with himself, Kizaru could easily tell.

Although the self in the other world has a good feeling about the revolutionary army at the moment, it is simply impossible for him to immediately abandon the darkness and turn to the light.

He did not think that the revolutionary army at this time would be able to break up with the world government.

The ability of the wrist can be clearly seen from the last reminder.

He was not optimistic about the revolutionary army, even though the revolutionary army had just won a beautiful victory.

"Yeah, it's a pity, the gap is still huge at the moment."

Kizaru commented: "I hope they don't get carried away by the victory."

At some point, Kizaru began to think about the problem from the perspective of the revolutionary army.

And in another sea area.

Aokiji had a carefree smile on his face.

He looked at the giant screen: "Have you finally made up your mind to join the revolutionary army?"

Speaking of which, he really envied himself in another world.

Being able to make up his mind so quickly to resign from Marine's position and choose to join the right path.

Unlike him, he didn't meet Roja or the revolutionary army led by Roja.

I was wasted and confused for so long, and even failed for so long in the middle. It was not easy to get excited, but in the end I was not able to seize the opportunity to become a Fleet-Admiral and make changes.

Now in his forties, he is still envious of this giant screen.

On the other hand, my self in another world had early contact with Roja, and had already learned the ideas of the revolutionary army when I was in the Kingdom of Goa.

Even after experiencing confusion many times, I finally made up my mind at a young age.

At the most passionate age, I embarked on the most correct path.

"I'm envious, it's so cool that a man can strengthen his beliefs and stick to them."

Aokiji dug out a bottle of wine from his bicycle backpack.

That was the sherry he imitated from Mr. Zephyr.

Speaking of which, Teacher Zephyr also left the Marines because of unfair treatment. I don't know what he thinks after watching the movie.

Perhaps, with Teacher Zephyr's character, he should also want to join the revolutionary army.

"I don't know when this restriction will be lifted."

Aokiji sighed.

He was addicted to alcohol, and now he suddenly wanted to find Mr. Zephyr and sit across from him and drink.

[The next work of the revolutionary army will revolve around two aspects. ]

[On the one hand, it is to penetrate into the masses of Flevance. This work has been progressing slowly before. One reason is the trust of the people, and the other reason is too few manpower. ]

[Now that both problems have been solved, it is naturally going very smoothly. ]

[The second aspect is centered around this group of Marine prisoners. Roja arranged for a group of comrades to give them lessons. ]

[Marine's grassroots fighters, like many of the people Roja has come into contact with, do not have enough depth of thinking. ]

[ Roja wants them to basically develop the habit of objectively understanding the nature of the world, themselves, and class. The clearer the understanding, the more they will know what is right and What is wrong, what should be done, and what should not be done. ]

[At the same time, they will also know what the revolutionary army does. ]

[This is very important. Marines are not the absolute enemies of the Revolutionary Army. They can even become friends. Roja does not want these Marine soldiers to regard the Revolutionary Army as a large pirat organization. ]

[This will aggravate the conflict between the two parties. ]

[Of course, Roja has repeatedly emphasized that prisoners should be treated well and not treat these Marines as enemies. ]

[In particular, these Marines will be used as Roja's bargaining chip to negotiate with Marines. He will not keep such a large number of captives here for too long. ]

[The vast majority of them have families and live under the rule of the world government. ]

[We are definitely not talking about integrating them now. This is unrealistic. At this moment, they will have a kind of resistance in their hearts. ]

[After Marine pays a sufficient price to redeem them, their feelings about the revolutionary army during this period will gradually spread among Marines. This will be a good Phenomenon. ]

[At least in the future, if the revolutionary army surrounds Marines and wants to persuade thim to surrender, it will be easier. ]

[In addition, Roja is also taking advantage of this time to prepare something. It is time to end the farce caused by World Government in Flevance. ]

[He also already has a clue about the next development of the revolutionary army. ]

[It will be about two days after the dragons and the others return to Flevance. ]

[A soldier from the Revolutionary Army came to report and told Roja a very important piece of news. ]

["Marine Vice Admiral, Kuzan, has just arrived in Flevance." ]