
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Twenty - two

Collins and Vanessa suddenly appeared in a thick forest. They looked around in shock and surprise.

"what's going on? why are we here?", Vanessa asked,

"I seriously don't know, we went through a door and here we are?", Collins couldn't just believe what was happening," if we had known this is what is behind the door, we would have just fought the vampires instead",

"Collins there isn't even a sign of any door",

"I can see that", he replied and turned to her," what are your powers, we have to get out of here",

Vanessa blinked and placed her hand on her waist, "I don't know", she lied,

Collins sighed and began to walk away.

"where are you going to?",

"We can't just stand there, we need to find the way out",

She flashed to catch up with him. Just as they took some steps further, every single blood stain on their body vanished. They looked at themselves, surprised.

"This place is so strange, like how the hell did this happen", Vanessa said taking another look at herself and around,

" I don't know but we should get out of here, like fast", Collins said as his instinct is screaming danger. They kept wandering in the forest when Vanessa suddenly halted,

"what's wrong?", Collins asked,

"ain't you hearing some screams ?",

Collins remains quiet and checks if there's really a scream but everywhere is dead silent.

" I am not hearing any scream, let's just go",

"Seriously, it's getting louder", she said and started panting, the screams became so loud nearly deafened her ear causing her some pain.

"ahhhhhhh", she screams, covering her ear from the tormenting screams.

Evil takes over your soft heart or your fear. Collins recollected and rushed to her said, he removed her hands from her ears and deepened his fingers into her ear, and screamed her name.

"Vanessa!! c'mon, get over yourself", he shouted. Slowly, she began to calm down. Collins didn't waste any time, he quickly pulled her away from that place.

" This is all your fault", Vanessa said after they got to a tree and decided to take some rest. He leaned against a big tree, thankfully the sun isn't so scorching.

" And how's this all my fault?",

" yes, everything I'm going through now is all your fault",

he scoffed," and I just asked, how is it my fault?",

"Why did you have to drag me away with you",



' ho ladies, seriously if she's looking for someone or something to blame did she have to face me ? ', Collins thought. He turned to her and gave her a look of admiration and mischievousness.

"and why did you gladly follow me?",

"huh? I didn't",

"you have your powers and you can always yank yourself free but you didn't",


" It's so clear that someone likes me, isn't that why you followed me",

Vanessa scoffed," stop deceiving yourself, I'll never like you",



Collins lowered his eyelid romantically and said, "then let's see", he took a step forward. Vanessa quickly yelled at him,

"what are we seeing, we are stuck inside the forest and here you are, shamelessly flirting with me", she yelled and stormed away. Collins chuckled and followed her,

"won't you wait for me?", he shouted after her but Vanessa just wants to get away from him.

"Somebody help!!!", they heard a scream. Collins looked at her to see if he was the only one that heard that,

"did you hear that?",


"thank goodness", she heaved a sigh of relief,

"help!!!!!!!!!", they heard again.

"c'mon let's look around", Collins said and they flashed to the direction where the scream was coming from.

From a distance, they saw a woman lying down on a long table. Two men held her down while the third man with a knife tore her cloth with it. The woman kept on screaming for help and looked in the direction where Collins and Vanessa stood. With teary and pleading eyes, she said,

"please help me",

Vanessa was dumbfounded when she saw the woman's face.

"mum?", she called shocked at seeing her mum on a dying table, " mum!!!, mum!!!!", she shouted and ran towards her but Collins quickly pulled her back with his might.

"Collins that's my mother", she struggled to break free from his grip.

"Vanessa calm down, that's not your mother",

They separated her legs.

"Collins let me go, she's my mother, and they are going to hurt her, let me go", she kept on struggling and fighting with tears in her eyes. She's going to hate Collins if they hurt her mum.

"Vanessa please this is an illusion", he tried to convince her.

"no <>mum!!!<>don't you dare touch my mother", she yelled at top of her voice.

The man stabbed her through her vagina causing her to scream in pain.

" mum!!!!!!!!", she hit Collins hard in his torso who released her, groaning in pain. She turned and made to go to her mum's rescue but was shocked to see them laughing hysterically including her mother and they began to fade away until there wasn't any trace of them, not even the table. She felt broken, she felt mocked, she felt lost and fell on her knees crying out her eyes. She was scared, she thought that was her mum, she couldn't stand the pain as she wept.

"I told you it's an illusion",

she stood up and ran into his arms. Hugging him tightly and crying out her eyes. He could understand how she feels, he patted her back,

"it's okay, it's fine now",

"why do I have to be tortured? why Collins?",

"it's clear you are the target of whoever is behind this",

"but why?", she asked and looked at him,

He wiped her tears away with his palm," I'll tell you on one condition", he said smiling,

"What?", she eyed him unbelievably," what's it?",

"smile for me", he said sweetly with a smiling face. He looked even more handsome causing her heart to beat faster, she couldn't try to smile.

"so now, why am I the target, and who's targeting me?", she asked.