
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Twenty three

"ok now why did you think I'm the target and who the hell is targeting me?", she asked,

"Vanessa you are very emotional, these people find prey easily on those that are emotional, that have fears and weakness, not that no one has fears but you need to be strong. It also takes me some time to get my emotions in order but you just need a strong heart",

Vanessa sighed feeling devastated.

"so you don't even know the person who's targeting me?",

he shrugged, "if a person is targeting you, then it means he or she has been expecting you",

"And what if someone is expecting us?",

"that I have no say of",

"ok. Thanks, you sound more like a guardian angel a few seconds ago", she said smiling,

"huh?, hell no, I can never be a dense girl like you guardian angel",

Vanessa scoffed as if he kidding, she hit him hard on his shoulder,

"ouch...", he faked and chuckled,

"How dare calls me dense!", she yelled at him and pursue him. They kid around for some

times, laughing and teasing each other.

It was dark already, Vanessa sat on the bare floor and cuddled around her knees. She couldn't stop staring at Collins, looking at him admirably as he gathered around fire woods. She held her heart feeling how fast it was beating. She couldn't deny he is such a handsome guy and couldn't stop her head from imagining things.

' Seriously? this is one of the reasons why a girl should never be left alone with a guy, not one that's very attractive as this. What the hell am I thinking ', she screamed in her head after the thought of his pink wet looking lips, the feeling of it on her neck giving her goosebumps.

"Can you stop beating so fast", she scolded her heart, beating it slightly.


the call almost made the heart jump out of her chest, she got yanked off with Collins's call.


"what the hell are you thinking of?",

"<>what ?, I wasn't thinking of anything<>what did you expect me to be thinking of", she rushed her words.

Now Collins was confused,' ok..that doesn't cause her to eye me like that ', he thought, "you just seem lost in thought",

"hm", she gave a silent reply. She felt relieved knowing Collins could read one's mind and what if he successfully reads her mind, then she was doomed. She would just bury herself up.

"set it on fire", he said as he went to sit. She nodded, the pupil and the Iris of her eyes color turned to gold, and set the gathered wood on fire. Collins went back to it and gathered it properly before dusting his hand.

"you are... good at gathering up firewood",

Collins went back to sit beside her," yeah, I get to do some gatherings mostly when I get to go on vacation with my parents or friends. I learned it from Max",

"you seem to have had lots of fun",

"says who?", Collins smiled, "I'm the only child of my parents and... I'm mostly lonely though I make use of those times to cultivate and master my powers when I found out I have one. When last have I even seen my dad, he's a busy man but I do see mum more often. She loves me but also she gat no time",

"so sorry about that", she said," I don't know if my mum is still alive, you know about that right <",

">yeah sure",

" I still have a dad but", she smiled," he's just being overprotective ", she sighed and looked at him, looking eye contact. His heartbeat was irregular and he knew it.

"our friends would be so worried", Collins said not looking away from her,

"and the worst part of it is that we left our phones in the car", she said making use of this as an opportunity to look away. There was silence for some minutes before Collins felt her head on his shoulder, he looked over and see she was fast asleep. He smiled and adjusted her head properly on his shoulder. He adjusted her hair and have a proper look at her face and grinned. She looks adorable and innocent when sleeping.

"you just need to strengthen your heart and no evil will ever dare toy with your feelings".

Max and others stood in front of the house, they got changed into another pair of clean dresses. The sun was scorching but they don't mind, they've not even had their breakfast yet. The time in the real world and where Collins and Vanessa are is very different. Day and night make it more different. Everyone was so worried about their whereabouts, there isn't even any news or information or even a call from any of them.

" I hope they are safe, and not dead", Veronica said with her swollen eyes.

" of course, they can't die just like that, they just can't", Lyndia said,

"then where the hell will they be?", John said also worried. Lissa walked briskly towards them with two phones in her hand.

"they left their cells in the car", Lissa informed, showing them the phones.

"shit!", Max cursed, he has been dialing their contact since the night before.

" it's already a clear sign that the vampires are ready to explore", Lyndia said putting on her eyeglasses," we sure can't rely on our government now, they have no power against them, and now the only saviors? they're nowhere to be found",

" if anything should happen to our friends, I won't forgive them", Lissa said,

Max laughed in his mind looking at who wouldn't forgive the vampires, sure her arm isn't even enough to feed the vampires. He just hoped and wished they were alive, unharmed cause he wouldn't want to just hate the vampires and be powerless and hopeless.

" We shouldn't lose hope yet, I think...I just they're fine", Vero said not knowing what else to say,

" we shouldn't be down, not yet, there's no way we'll be in any way useful if we are this weak, I believe they wouldn't be chosen as saviors if they are gonna die this soon, without even a fight. I think we should just hope they don't get hurt, I can trust Collins but...I don't know how strong Vanessa is but I believe in them", Max said. This heightened their spirit and gave them hope.

" so let's keep fighting, still they are back", Lyndia supported,

"forever a team", the rest chorus, and just then, a black car pulled over in front of the house. They all turned towards the car and watched as Paul alighted from it, looking so angry. Another problem is here. They bowed in respect for him but he responded to none of them.

" Where is my daughter?", he retorted.