
Doomsday is online

[Ding–] “The earth and the Planet Guta are 100% integrated. Please welcome the new forces and strive to survive. I wish all humans on earth good luck.” This is the powerful combination of Krypton Gold and Alliance bases. [1v1 + infrastructure + game world + system + doomsday]

Dark_sorcerer · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 8: One arrow, one small wild monster

Without hesitation, Shen Jufeng released the ring of death directly. If there was an advantage to this, it will automatically circle all the monsters to fight with them.

Now the group of monsters can't hide and show up, and they also saw the information about the six monsters.

[Giant Chameleon]

(Normal mutant wild monster)

Vitality: 350

Attack: 36-56

Defense: +6

This was a powerful monster, or a chameleon, no wonder they were attacked without seeing them before.

Lu Jiu just wanted to take out the magic bow to try its power, but Shen Jufeng raised his hand to stop her: "I want to try the actual combat ability of anti-armor, you wait for a while."

"Okay." She wanted to watch the Big Boss fight monsters.

Shen Jufeng did not attack at first, he allowed the three chameleons who were close to attack.

When Shen Jufeng's HP blood loss was -18, the chameleon who attacked him also lost -9 HP blood directly.

This was nice to hear.

Shen Jufeng was very satisfied with the effect after trying it, and turned back to Lu Jiu and said: "Okay, I will kill the three here, and you will deal with the other three."

Lu Jiu took out her bow. She couldn't wait to draw the bowstring to aim at one of the chameleons that opened their mouths to attack. The moment the bowstring was drawn, an arrow was formed automatically.

Although she had the instant hit skill, she still tried her best to aim at the target, then let go of her hand and hit it accurately. Lu Jiu saw that the arrow triggered chaos, but her bow and arrow did too much damage, and the monster died immediately.

Then she raised her hand and shot two more arrows. When all three monsters were dead, she got attribute rewards: 14 points of vitality, 3 points of physical strength, 1 point of agility; 35 copper coins, and a normal-level top.

It seems that fighting mutant monsters does have a chance to drop clothes. Now, the clothes produced on the earth have no attributes. People must wear clothes produced in the game in the future.

Shen Jufeng's side also ended very quickly, and he even triggered the one-hit kill effect on one of the three monsters.

In addition to attribute enhancement, there were two lizard skins. It seems that the most valuable thing about this monster was its skin.

He had so many gold coins and copper coins, so he thought of opening the game shop.

Shen Jufeng looked at her bow and said, "Your weapon is indeed very powerful. It seems that I have to hurry up and get one." Although it was good to fight with bare hands and magic skills, it was still better to have a weapon at hand.

"I paid a lot of money to make this, you probably can't get it." It was just, when using this bow to deal with wild monsters, I always feel uneasy.

These wild monsters can be easily dealt with this weapon. The best equipment they have obtained for killing wild monsters so far was just a dagger with a few points of attack value.

Shen Jufeng looked at the beautifully crafted bow and knew it must be a good thing.

He watched the sky getting darker, and said to Lu Jiu: "It's getting late, let's find something to eat, and then take a good rest to replenish our energy and HP."

Fortunately, although the city was gone, there were many plants and fruit trees, some of which can replenish physical strength, and some can replenish energy and HP blood.

Lu Jiu remembered that she saw ripe rice in the city-state she was passing by. She only wanted to deal with the wild monsters, and there was no shortage of food in her backpack, so she didn't collect them. As for those fruits, she was afraid of being poisoned.

"Let's eat something simple first, I'll go find food tomorrow. It just so happens that I haven't tried gathering plants yet." She was busy fighting monsters and looking for cards.

Lu Jiu handed him a rice ball. Shen Jufeng looked at the rice ball without any packaging and then took a bite uncertainly. Because it was not big, he stuffed it in one bite. It was fresh and slightly sour plum meat, which tasted very good.

Shen Jufeng gave her a few gold coins for food expenses. She just had to give him rice balls on the way.

After eating, 10 points were added to his stamina, and the remaining points will be recovered automatically when the rest.

They were in the wild, so they just looked for a tree to lean against. Fortunately, the chance of encountering wild monsters was not high.

Lu Jiu thought of spending time with the other party. So she wanted to test his attitude, so she didn't hesitate to bring out the somersault cloud: "Before I met you, I used to sleep on this cloud. This belongs to the wings category in my equipment. It can fly, it's pretty safe in the canopy."

Shen Jufeng reached out his hand to feel if the cloud was really solid, but in the end, his hand passed through the cloud. He couldn't feel anything.

"This is my equipment, you won't be able to touch it, but I can give you one."

Hearing that, the corners of his mouth curled up: "This should be rare, but you are just giving it to me?" She didn't take it out during the time they were together, and she only took it out now.

Lu Jiu suddenly showed a mysterious smile: "The wings given to you are considered bad in our game. If I want, I can make another one."

Just like this cloud, she still has 10 colors. Different colors have different special effects. Not to mention, her lucky backpack contains the cloud that was drawn repeatedly.

Lu Jiu directly presented him with a pink cloud, which was cute. It was more popular with girls.

She went to the cloud and lay down, she liked sleeping on Somersault Cloud. Shen Jufeng watched the cloud rise into the canopy of the tree.

He had no choice but to lie down and have a good rest.

After lying down, he found that his whole body seemed to be trapped in the clouds, just like lying on the bed before the great change. Shen Jufeng's thoughts slowly calmed down, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Lu Jiu opened her eyes and recalled Shen Jufeng's every move just now. The other party's eyes were surprised but without the familiar greed. On the surface, the first step of the trial was successful.


Hearing the low roar of wild beasts, Shen Jufeng got up immediately but found that the cloud next to him was gone, and saw that Lu Jiu had already fought several wild monsters under the tree.

It was just Lu Jiu's unilateral crushing, with one arrow and one wild monster neatly.

Hearing someone approaching, Lu Jiu knew that Shen Jufeng had woken up, and she just happened to deal with all the wild monsters.

"You're awake? You can look at the mall, I found the icon of the mall this morning." She woke up early in the morning, and just when she was happy to see the mall, a few wild monsters appeared.

Shen Jufeng paid attention to the icon, and sure enough, he saw the mall, and there was also a mail and a frame where he could speak.

The first thing he sees in the advanced mall were clothes, including suits, tops, bottoms, and shoes.

The second was the accessories. He saw all kinds of wings here, but he didn't see the clouds that Lu Jiu gave him. It seems that this was not a product that the mall will sell.

There was also a mount, which contains various cars, not many but very expensive. The cheapest one costs 420 gold coins.

If he didn't agree to exchange his assets into gold coins, and just rely on the few dozen copper coins the monster drops, then he doesn't know when he will be able to buy a mount.

In the column of items, he bought food to supplement his strength. There were five types in total. Here, he saw the rice balls that Lu Jiu gave him. The simple rice balls here cost 2 copper coins each.

It was estimated that ordinary people can be relieved of their hunger easily in the future. The bad thing was that there were no items to replenish HP blood. At present, they can only rely on automatic recovery of their HP blood.

The items sold in the mall were pitifully small. It was not as good as the types of equipment in Lu Jiu's backpack. Anyway, he gave her gold coins. The rice balls in the mall only cost 2 copper coins each. The food expenses he gave to her were enough for him to last for a long time.

"I didn't expect that there wasn't even a single item to replenish vitality and HP blood. So what is the mall for?" Shen Jufeng thought that with the mall, at least there would be a such item.

"Don't you have any item that can replenish vitality and HP blood?" After all, Lu Jiu didn't take out such items yesterday.

Lu Jiu didn't want to answer at first, but remembering that she wanted to test the attitude of the other party, she stretched out her palm to him, and a palm-sized food suddenly appeared on it: "I wanted to replenish my vitality and HP blood by resting after each fight, so I didn't take this out and eat it."

Shen Jufeng took it over and looked at it, and the information was also displayed in front of his eyes.

[Colorful cookies]

Vitality and blood: +20

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