
Doomsday is online

[Ding–] “The earth and the Planet Guta are 100% integrated. Please welcome the new forces and strive to survive. I wish all humans on earth good luck.” This is the powerful combination of Krypton Gold and Alliance bases. [1v1 + infrastructure + game world + system + doomsday]

Dark_sorcerer · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 9: Dialogue box

It says it was a cookie, but it was like a small cake, not a cookie at all.

"You haven't eaten this either?" Shen Jufeng asked her.

"Well… I have eaten one, and it tastes very good. You can try it."

This was extravagant. Wouldn't it be a waste for him to eat this when he was full of vitality and HP blood, but the look on Lu Jiu's face showed her cookie storage capacity was not low.

Looking at him not eating, Lu Jiu thought it was because he was reluctant: "You can eat it at ease, you have read the information on the colorful cookies, I can afford this one as a gift."

Since the rich woman was so generous, he will not be polite.

As someone who used to run a company, he never expected that one day he would feel like being taken care of by a rich woman.

The colorful cookie was very small and can be eaten in one bite. The taste was delicious, but it was a pity that he didn't feel the process of replenishing 20 vitality and HP blood points in one breath.

He hadn't finished thinking about it here, Lu Jiu lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then took out a token to show him.

"This is a city-building order. After using it, you can have a city-state. I'm afraid that if you want to survive better in the game, you must live in a city-state."

Staying in the wild all day and night, who knows if there will be more and more wild monsters, and the mall has no props to replenish vitality and HP blood. She can't always take out items to replenish vitality and HP blood like this. Setting up a foothold was a king's way.

"Is this not for sale at the beginning?" Shen Jufeng asked.

"No, you can buy it with money. Originally, this is used to establish a guild in the game."

Shen Jufeng thought to himself that this young lady was quite tolerant. She saw so many city-states on the road but didn't make a sound. She simply asked him a lot about the management of the city-states, so she was testing him.

He returned the token to Lu Jiu, "Let's use it. Other people can come in if there are city-states. We saw a lot of city-states along the way. There are so many city-states. The world is gamified now. Maybe in the future, There will be competition for resources, so it's better to build it early."

Lu Jiu glanced at the surrounding wilderness, it seems that it was not good to find such a random place to build.

"Then let's find a good land and use it, after all, it's not good if there is nothing nearby."

She thought that once the city-state was established, it would not be able to move, so it would be better to find a place with a better view.


The two got up and set off, during which time they studied the mail and the frame that seemed to be a dialogue box, where they could speak.

Shen Jufeng moved his mind. He has something he wanted to say in the dialogue box, but when he clicked send, it showed that there was no speaker and the transmission failed.

"What's a speaker?" He asked the game boss next to him.

"It is used to speak in the hall, and can be seen by people on other channels."

It seems that if the speaker was used, the words can be sent out in this dialogue box, and people far away from them can also see them.

To understand the function of the speakers more directly, Lu Jiu directly sent him various speakers by mail.

Now they can add friends, and even have a friend list. There was only Shen Jufeng on Lu Jiu's list. Although she can send things face to face, if there was a distance, people can still send things by mail.

There were several types of speakers, and different types have different functions.

[Small speaker: It can be used in the same city dialog box. ]

[Super Small Speaker: It can be used in the dialog box of the same province, and the font is bright purple and more conspicuous. ]

[Big Speaker: Can be used in the national dialog box. ]

[Romantic Speaker: It can be used in the national dialog box, and the flower-style frame with special effects is more conspicuous. ]

[Sparkling Speaker: Can be used in the global dialog. ]

[Bright Light Year Speaker: It can be used in the global dialog box, and it has a special effect with a dark blue border to make it more conspicuous. ]

[Dawn Speaker: It can be used in the global dialog box, and has a light yellow border effect that is more conspicuous. ]

Shen Jufeng was studying it, and Lu Jiu saw that someone was speaking with a super small speaker.

[Pan Ning: Are there any Lingdong players?]

Lingdong was the name of the game Lu Jiu played, and someone replied soon.

[Wang Lingbai: Yes, yes, what is going on, I almost died, but luckily everything in my backpack is still there!]

[Xu Danyi: Sure enough, I wasn't the only one who has the game backpack. Fortunately, there was food in the backpack, otherwise, I would die.]

More and more players began to cry about what happened these days. Some have small speakers, some have super small speakers. They were on different channels. The font colors were also different, which was easy to distinguish.

Shen Jufeng also saw these conversations, but judging by the names, it seems that there are more female players and few male players. Occasionally, he saw a few boys' names crossed.

"It seems that we can communicate soon, and maybe we can see useful information." Lu Jiu was also looking forward to seeing whether a city-state has been established, so she can get relevant information.

Soon this kind of news appeared. The city-state was established by someone, but it only said that it had a large area and did not introduce anything else. It took a long time to see a useful one.

[Ruan Fanyao: I saw that the people said they established a city-state. I remind you, you must build it in a place with a lot of crops, and don't build it in a place where there is nothing but grass and trees!]

[Ruan Fanyao: Continuing from the above, when the city-state is established, other people can enter the city. If you want to become a permanent resident, you need a corresponding contribution value. If you don't have enough money, you can pay every day, just like renting a house. Wild monsters don't usually attack the city-state that is established unless it is a beast siege, so don't give up strengthening yourself when you get in the city-state! City-states can be breached!]

[Wan Rou: What this sister said is right, some resource needed is not available in the mall. I guess some resources can only be obtained by fighting wild monsters, and also money. It can be seen that everyone is being encouraged to become stronger.]

[Ruan Fanyao: That's right, the wild monsters we encounter are getting stronger and stronger. If you don't become stronger, you will be eliminated one day. Players who have their supplies don't rely too much on equipment, go find a professional card and skill cards, that is, the golden and blue light clusters.]

They got a lot of information from here. Most of the channels use super small speakers to speak, and some from the same city use small speakers to shout that the city-state has been established.

"Hmm… It seems that we need to find a piece of good land before building the city." Lu Jiu sighed.

The two encountered wild monsters on the road, but they instantly kill them and continue on their way. They encountered three waves of wild monsters during the day, all of which were mutated wild monsters.

At night, the two continued to hide in the canopy and sleep and then continued to set off the next day.

Finally, after a few days, they saw a place where large fields of farmland were connected, and they also saw a small hill with sweet potatoes under the soil and a wide lake on the other side.

"This is a good place to build a city!" Lu Jiu immediately decided that this is the place.

Shen Jufeng also agreed. During this period, he found that not everyone was suitable for fighting. Some old people, children, and those with poor physiques were not suitable for fighting even if they have attribute enhancement.

This kind of people were bound to engage in other things to support themselves. Operating a city requires the cooperation of people from various industries.

Lu Jiu used the city-building order, and a city-state was established in this area according to her ideas.

They watched a city slowly expand, and all the giant trees that blocked its expansion disappeared. Seeing this towering city gate, the system prompted Lu Jiu to name it.

"Let's call it City of Hope." Lu Jiu said excitedly.

[System prompt: This name has already been used, please enter another name.]

Lu Jiu: "..."

Shen Jufeng: "..."

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