
Doomsday is online

[Ding–] “The earth and the Planet Guta are 100% integrated. Please welcome the new forces and strive to survive. I wish all humans on earth good luck.” This is the powerful combination of Krypton Gold and Alliance bases. [1v1 + infrastructure + game world + system + doomsday]

Dark_sorcerer · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 7: Bold deals

The person being surrounded by a group of people was a man. He was taller than the people surrounding him, so Lu Jiu saw him at a glance.

The man has handsome features, a high nose bridge and soft lips, and gold-rimmed glasses. Making him look elegant and refined, but this doesn't mean that he was a gentle and approachable person.

"Since you take it out to exchange, you know that we don't have such good things. We are all human beings and helping each other is the right way."

The first sentence Lu Jiu heard was this. She couldn't help but wonder why doesn't this person take out his good stuff and give them to others for free.

"What card do you have? Maybe I can exchange it with you."

Shen Jufeng was thinking of leaving here to try other places when he heard a girl asking him.

"A magician professional card, I only exchange professional cards. No skill cards."

He needs to start his professions and skills as soon as possible to deal with the frequent wild monsters appearing.

As soon as she heard that it was a magician's professional card, Lu Jiu decided to change it.

Now she has gold coins. She doesn't know if this person was willing to exchange it for gold. However, if she takes out gold coins, wasn't it too strange? After all, no one she met has ever taken out gold coins.

Thinking about it this way, she can only exchange precious professional cards for professional cards. If she exchanges more than a dozen collection cards, the other party will ignore her.

"I have a warrior profession card, can I change it?"

When she was sitting on the somersault cloud last night, she found two colored cards. One blue and one gold, in the canopy of the giant tree.

Among them, the golden color was the warrior profession card, but archers and warriors cannot be trained at the same time. She originally wanted to keep the warrior profession card to see if she could exchange it for the magician profession card.

Shen Jufeng remained expressionless: "Okay, let's go to another place to change."

The people around heard that they all had professional cards. Although they were jealous, no one did anything.

Lu Jiu was ready to fight and leave, but she didn't expect this group of people to be so knowledgeable.

A group of people watched them leave, but their eyes were extremely fierce. They wished they could scratch them alive.

The two stayed away from the crowd, and then Shen Jufeng took the lead in handing her the career card.

Lu Jiu held the card, raised her head, and asked: "Aren't you afraid that I will immediately activate a skill to trap you?" He gave the card so simply.

Shen Jufeng smiled lightly, with an unclear expression, and said: "Then I will deal with you directly."

Lu Jiu suddenly felt her neck get cold, this was a ruthless person. But it can be seen that this person has more than one magician professional card.

"You're too confident. I don't care who you are. I don't need a warrior professional card, I also don't have much warrior skill card."

Lu Jiu gave it simply, Shen Jufeng looked at the warrior professional card, and immediately used it to start his profession.

Then he looked at Lu Jiu and asked: "What is your other occupation?"

Lu Jiu felt that this man was really smart, and his combat power was not low. So she felt that there was nothing to hide, she replied: "Archer, I just got skills and weapons. I don't want to be a shield guard, so I have been looking for a magician profession card for a long time."

"Would you like to form a team? I will start a profession and have skills." This was the first person he has met in a few days who was pleasing to the eye and her strength should not be low.

Lu Jiu carefully watched him from beginning to end: "Sure, are you a player too?"

The equipment on this man was from the game. Now many people were still wearing their original clothes. People like her who have changed game clothes can be counted with her fingers. But when she saw other players, she just looked at them from a distance. It was the first time she had such close contact.

Shen Jufeng glanced at his clothes: "What player?"

Lu Jiu was stunned. It seemed he didn't want to admit: "Although your equipment is the cheapest set in the mall, I can still recognize it."

She has male equipment, but it was only a few.

Shen Jufeng felt that things became more interesting, "This is what I got from defeating mutant monsters, so can you talk about the game you mentioned?"

This was something she never expected. So far, she has only met three red-eyed rabbits, and she has never seen any mutant ones.

She felt like she pitted herself, but she can't help it. She could only sit down and talk slowly.

"I played a game before. At first, I just thought it was a scam. Much equipment can't be used. I played for a long time. Yesterday, the game suddenly announced to shut down, then the world changed when I woke up the next day."

Shen Jufeng learned about the situation. It turns out that the game has been prepared for a long time, allowing some players to get equipment in advance, and not everyone was a novice.

"It turns out that this is the case, that is to say, you are not the only one like this."

"I don't know about that." Lu Jiu only knew that when the game was closed, there were not many players left.

Shen Jufeng showed his skills to show his sincerity, and only then did Lu Jiu realize that this was a big boss, the kind that relies on strength.

Shen Jufeng was a warrior/magician profession, with only one skill.

[Ring of Death – Shield guard/warrior/magician skill, build a ring of death around the user that covers the battlefield within a range of 50*50 meters, any attack by teammates and the user within the range of the ring will have a random chance of a one-hit kill, that is, the opponent dies immediately, Or the opponent is thrown into chaos for 15 seconds; Cooldown is 15 minutes.]

This was a good skill, worthy of being called the Ring of Death. Although it only has a 1% one-hit kill effect, once it was triggered, it was profitable.

Shen Jufeng could see Lu Jiu's envy, but her skills were also against the sky, even much better than his.

"Actually, I still have a skill card, but I just feel that the group control skill is useless. If you have other skills suitable for my profession, we can exchange them."

After speaking, Shen Jufeng showed her the skill introduction of the card.

[Fog Flower—Magician/Archer Skill, within a range of 50*50 meters, a flower-like mist is transformed into a fog that lasts for 10 minutes to blur the opponent's vision; The normal attack is increased by 10%, a random value of magic damage is added every 10 seconds, and a random trigger one-hit kill effect.]

This was simply a tailor-made skill for her. Although she has an instant hit and is bloodthirsty, she will be stronger with this card. Especially that random chance of a one-hit kill effect, makes her greedy.

"I do have a skill card, which is not suitable for me, but it is very suitable for warriors and shield guards." She said and showed the card to him.

[ Anti-Armor—Shield Guard/Warrior Skill, it can reverse 50% of damage.]

Such a short sentence, but it showed how powerful this skill was. After learning this skill, it will be a great weapon to after entering the battlefield. The opponent's damage attack will be returned in half. Can you still not be happy?

Shen Jufeng was also surprised at how powerful and rogue this skill was: "Are you sure you want to switch with me?"

"Why not? We are both satisfied with each other's card, so it's okay to exchange it." Anyway, she can't use this skill.

The two of them were satisfied to get the skill card they wanted, and they both felt stronger after learning it.

The two of them walked together. Along the road, they encountered various wild monsters and often met people who accompanied them. During this period, Lu Jiu had been observing this temporary teammate.

Especially during their wanderings, they discovered that a city-state had already appeared. When Shen Jufeng saw the management of the city-state, he told her about the shortcomings in management and what kind of hidden dangers there would be in the future.

Lu Jiu felt that he was a professional. She was not even a little bit better than him in terms of management, so she gradually made up her mind.

She has a city-building token. Establishing a city-state was very simple, as long as she wanted to.

She has observed that with the gradual increase in the number of city-states, many people also lived in each city-state. If it was not managed well, it will easy to cause headaches.

After considering this, she didn't decide to settle at once. First, because she didn't find a decent place. Secondly, she believed in the old saying: There are comparatively more bad people in a small community.

Moreover, Lu Jiu gradually learned that her teammate's name was Shen Jufeng. Before the world changed, he was the boss of the company. He was young, promising, wealthy, and handsome. He was the perfect CEO of Mary Su.

He was completely a professional expert in managing city-states. Now, the main important thing was, how will she persuade him and did not let him threaten her.

Shen Jufeng also talked about his affairs. When the world suddenly changed, he was on a business trip and returned home. He just arrived from the airport that morning. On the way home, he heard a voice asking him if he would like to exchange all his assets for gold coins.

Lu Jiu hurriedly asked, "Then did you exchange it? I agreed in a daze."

"Although it's strange where the sound came from, I'm curious about how can it speak in my ear without being discovered. If it's a fraud, I can clean up the other party, so I agreed, and then found a backpack with a lot of gold coins in it ."

Fortunately, he agreed at the time out of curiosity, these gold coins will be useful in the future.

After starting a new profession and new skills, the two decided to walk slowly. It would be best to meet a group of monsters to practice their skills.

Although Lu Jiu has a lot of items and equipment, she doesn't know anything about these monsters, so she can't take it lightly.

Lu Jiu asked Shen Jufeng how to use the skills, she hasn't used the skills until now.

The two were walking together in the forest when suddenly Lu Jiu was attacked. Her HP blood was directly reduced by -25, which meant that something was attacking her, but they hadn't discovered it yet.

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