
Doomsday is online

[Ding–] “The earth and the Planet Guta are 100% integrated. Please welcome the new forces and strive to survive. I wish all humans on earth good luck.” This is the powerful combination of Krypton Gold and Alliance bases. [1v1 + infrastructure + game world + system + doomsday]

Dark_sorcerer · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 6: Full level boss

After beating the red-eyed rabbits, Lu Jiu found a hidden place to hide. She needed time to take a good look at her backpack.

Although she saw many familiar items and clothes, she was busy running around before, so she didn't look at them carefully from beginning to end.

After looking at them carefully, Lu Jiu realized that she had so much good equipment.

"The money I spent is not wasted, can I say I'm like a full-level boss… …"

Now she guessed that krypton gold was not any ordinary krypton coins, but she also remembers that she was not the only one who plays this game. There may be other players who were in the same situation as herself.

Before the earth greatly changed, she vaguely remembered something. It seemed that she heard a voice asking her if she wanted to exchange her assets.

She remembered that there were 10,000 more krypton gold coins in her backpack. Although she had more than one type of gold coin, only 10,000 were marked with the word gold coins.

Her assets plus her bank deposits were estimated to be about 40 million in total, so the million she spent in the game cannot compare at all.

Now she has 10,000 krypton gold coins as an exchange. It seems that these gold coins should belong to the high-level trading currency.

After setting aside the gold coins, at this time, Lu Jiu was holding a red token with the city building order written on it.

She remembered that she bought a guild token before. At that time, she was going to build a guild in the game but was invited to the guild by a player she met by chance.

She didn't expect this to become a city-building order. Now that the buildings on the earth have been cleared, it was too dangerous to stay in the wild. Maybe a city was the only place the players could take shelter.

Lu Jiu put away the token and focused on looking at the weapon page. These so-called weapons used to be game accessories, but now they have turned into weapons.

There were several weapons that she owns, such as this Dazzling Spirit Bow, which was a synthetic magic accessory. The materials to synthesize this equipment were only open for one month, so there were only very few people who synthesize it in a short period.

At that time, there was only one name displayed on this divine bow.

[Dazzling Divine Spirit Bow](Epic Level)

Attack: +8000

Effect: bows and arrows randomly trigger various attack effects

Even a local tyrant such as Lu Jiu was secretly excited at these extreme effects. Not to mention that she still has six other synthetic magic accessories.

The whole bow was a golden and blue color. The bowstring was also golden, exuding the special effect of golden flowers just like in the game. With a command in Lu Jiu's mind, the light and special effects of the Dazzling Divine Spirit Bow disappear.

At this moment, the Dazzling Divine Spirit Bow looks like an exquisitely crafted bow. It doesn't even feel like it was used for archery, but rather as an ornamental object.

In addition to this, there was also a somersault cloud that can make the user fly. If she can fly into the air, she doesn't need to be afraid of monsters on land. She can also take players to fly with her using this as a mount.

If she can't fight anymore, she can escape by flying into the air with this equipment.

There was also a better-grade magic suit in her backpack, but it was shown that it was temporarily unusable.

To be on the safe side, she was equipped with a wing, which is a cloud, which can be enough for her to lie on it and sleep.

[Somersault Cloud](wings)

Using her wings, Lu Jiu lay on the cloud, and controlled herself to stay in the canopy of the giant tree, so that no one would be able to find her when someone came over.

She once thought it would be good if the equipment in the game can be used in real life, but now it has come true, but she was a little confused.


Tangzhou City, Lin'an Province.

Tangzhou City was originally a plain area, but now, it has disappeared. There were rolling mountains everywhere. Most of the people in the city were lifted by the rising mountains, and they were all scattered.

On a flat ground, with trees and jungles on both sides, a woman standing in the middle, slightly fat, wearing a blue suspender dress, was shining in the dark with special effects.

Facing the chubby woman were five wolves, more ferocious and terrifying than the wolves on Earth.

[Ash Gray Wolf]

(Normal enhancement)

Vitality: 200

Attack: 23-45

Defense: +3

Speed: +2

This was the second batch of monsters she encountered. The first batch was a few ordinary monsters. She didn't expect to encounter the enhanced version now.

But she also found it on purpose, she wanted to try how powerful the game equipment was.

This girl's name was Sang Xiaoxue. She was also a game player like Lu Jiu. She was one of the early gamer players, but the game sucks later on, so she quits the game to play other games. However, she also has tens of thousands of krypton gold.

The blue dress she was wearing was the result of a burst of luck, and her defensive power was not comparable to other equipment.

[Vanilla Cream Puff ](suit set)

Defense: +88

Speed: +15

Dexterity: +10

[Summer Foam Shallow Memories](shoes)

Defense: +55

Speed: +25

As for weapons? She didn't have any. When she played this game, she felt that those accessories were in the way so she didn't buy them. However, in the past two days of collecting white cards, her single-target attack power was not low.

When the five wolves rushed forward, Sang Xiaoxue couldn't help but restrain her inner panic, but she still insisted on fighting. When one of the wolves threw her down, she realized that monster species were different, and even their strength was different!

"I'm going! This a scam!"

The small herbivore monsters she encountered before were just small fry opponents. It was very easy to fight with them. But this ash-gray wolf was different regardless of its size.

Sang Xiaoxue swung her fist and punched hard the monster, trying to kill one first. However, her HP blood loss was shocking.




If this goes on, no matter how much HP blood she has, she won't be able to withstand the consumption of five wolves. Fortunately, her equipment suit has a high defense, otherwise, she won't be able to last this long.

In just a few seconds, Sang Xiaoxue lost more than 50 HP blood. She had no choice but to equip a pink Somersault Cloud immediately.

These wings were available in the bad street in the game. They were compensated to the player at the beginning of the game, but she didn't have good flying gems, so the height she could fly was only 2-3 meters.

Because she equipment the Somersault Cloud, the wolves couldn't reach her as she takeoff. The ash gray wolves stared at her viciously from below. Some of them didn't give up, they ran up and jumped to try to bite her off the clouds.

Sang Xiaoxue turned pale with fright and hurriedly manipulated her Pink Somersault Cloud to leave quickly. Even if she has good equipment, it doesn't mean she can defeat these monsters.

She relied on the food in her backpack to maintain her physical strength from the beginning, but she never found a professional card, so she couldn't use the blue card skills even after learning them.


Lu Jiu was woken up by the sound of insects in the early morning. For a moment, she thought she was still on normal earth.

The canopy of the tree blocked her Somersault Cloud well. After making sure that there was no one around, Lu Jiu got down from the tree, immediately put away her Somersault Cloud, and continued on her way.

Because there was no map as a reference, she didn't know where she had gone, but she saw other people along the road.

Some of them sat on the ground limply recovering their strength and vitality. While some were wiping away their tears. Maybe someone they knew died yesterday, or maybe they were just sad.

After looking around for a while, she didn't find so many light cards. After yesterday's wave of monster attacks, she understood the importance of cards.

Not long after she left, he heard some arguments. Lu Jiu looked over curiously and found that there was a group of people surrounding someone. Their expressions were agitated as if they were about to fight.

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