
Chapter 7 Talia Aged One Hundred

"Talk about what?"

Talia said warily.

"Three of your clansmen died, and the remaining two women elves were taken back to the goblin tribe."

Carl’s words made Talia tremble.

She knew that what was waiting for her clanswoman would be goblins’ endless harassment, pregnancy, and even death.

This was a great humiliation for the noble elves!

"I don't know how you managed to escape from the church, but goblins are looking for you now."

Carl said calmly, "You can't leave now. You have to hide in my residence. So, what benefits can you give me?"


"Yes, the benefits for me to take you in at the risk of my life. Otherwise, I can drive you out or give you to the goblin high priest. I'm sure it will treat me like a VIP."

"Stupid human, are you threatening the noble elf?"

Anger was written all over Talia's pretty face.

"The so-called noble elves are being violated by the humble goblins."

Carl said sincerely, "Besides, I'm not threatening you. It's a fair deal."

"Master, why do you take her in? Do you have a crush on her?"

Amy said jealously. The woman elf named Talia was so beautiful that even Amy wanted to have her.

Carl didn't answer.

Compared with Talia's beauty, Carl wanted a promise from a powerful race.

"What do you want?" Talia's voice was very beautiful.

"A promise."

Carl said seriously, "A promise that you will protect me at all costs when I escape to the elves’ territory."

"That's it?"

Talia was surprised. She also thought that Carl would covet her beauty, just as the human woman said.

"That's it."

Carl smiled, "If you agree, please swear in the name of the elf queen."

"I agree."

Talia nodded without hesitation and began to make a magic oath.

Carl had a light green leaf appearing on his wrist and soon it disappeared into his body.

"This is the mark. You can turn to any elf you meet for help. They will take you to the elf race."

Talia said.


Carl nodded with satisfaction.

This promise was very important. Even the elf could sense the black dragon's aura from him. What if he provoked revenge from other members of the dragon race?

And the only two races that could fight against the dragon race were the Titans and the elf.

At this moment.

Talia's body became weak and she fell to the ground, with silver blood slowly spilling from the corner of her mouth.

She was seriously injured. She had feigned the tough attitude just now.

Carl looked over.

Talia's face was pale, "Human, I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Blood of an elf?"

Carl shouted, "Amy, find a bottle and put it away. It's a good material for making magic equipment. Don't waste it."

In anger, Talia spat out another mouthful of blood.

She felt that she was so unlucky today. First, she encountered the Titans race chasing after her, and only five of the dozen guards survived.

Then, she met the goblin high priest. Three guards were killed and two were taken away.

When she finally managed to escape from the church, she met another greedy and shameless human.

She was lost in thinking.

Talia finally fainted with anger.

"Master, she is dead!"

"She's not dead. She just faints."


Amy only collected a few milliliters of elf blood. Carl put it away as if it was a treasure.

Carl took out all the magic crystals. There were one hundred inferior magic crystals and three superior magic crystals.

They equaled thirty thousand and one hundred inferior magic crystals. Amy used water magic to clean them all.

Carl picked up a superior magic crystal.

This one alone was enough for Carl to break through to the level-five mage. But to guarantee his upgrading, Carl took two in one breath.

The magic crystals melted the instant when they were put into Carl’s mouth.

A very terrifying magic windstorm formed in Carl’s body. The fourth and the fifth magic inscriptions took shape in an instant.

Even the sixth one had shown a small part.

It took a month.

Carl once again became a level-five mage, which happened at an unimaginable speed for his previous life!

"Is it because of the heart of the black dragon? As long as magic power is enough, there is no bottleneck."

Carl smiled and said, "Amy, if you eat those one hundred inferior magic crystals, you will become a level-three mage."

"Yes, Master."

Amy’s talent in magic was very high but not as high as that of Carl’s. She could only eat ten magic crystals at a time.

After absorption, she continued to eat more.

Half a month later, Amy, who had finished one hundred inferior magic crystals, was already a level-three water mage.


Elf Talia woke up and felt the aura from the human Carl, feeling very uneasy.

Because this human's aura had become stronger!

In the beginning, he could only threaten her, but now he could kill her. After all, the spatial magic could not be defended against at all.

"It will take a month to recover..."

Talia put her right hand on her chest, closed her eyes, and prayed to the elf queen, hoping that this human would protect her according to the agreement.

"Well, Master, it's so comfortable..."

A woman's moan came into Talia's ears, and her long elf ears turned red.

After her waking.

Carl had sex with Amy every day. At first, Talia didn't like it, but later she got used to it.

She turned around and covered her ears, but still couldn't screen Amy's groan.

Talia's heart was beating fast. She left the light tower in a hurry and took a deep breath in front of the sea.

"Humans are even uglier than goblins. They can't resist the abyss of lust!" Talia said in elf’s language.

It was not until the moon rose that Amy's voice disappeared and Talia entered the light tower.

Lying on the bed, Amy fell asleep with a smile on her face. She was only covered with a coat.

Yet Carl was naked and his body was not covered at all. He was having a hot bath in the wooden bathtub.

Talia hurriedly covered her eyes, but she couldn't help looking at Carl’s strong muscles from between her fingers.

This human had a special temperament to male elves.


Yes, it was masculinity.

Some of the male elves were more handsome than female elves, such as her father.

Talia said in hesitation, "Carl, I hope you can cherish Amy in the future. Don't bully her. Don't you see that she is very painful?"


Carl was slightly stunned. He then smiled and said, "Talia, may I ask you a question? Are you still underage, so that you don't understand erotic love?"

"I'm already one hundred years old and I'm an adult!" Talia said with a frown.


Carl appeared stiff in the face.

He had thought that he had taken in a beautiful girl elf, but he didn't expect her to be a great grandmother.

"We elf are different from human beings. According to your human age, I should be twenty-two years old."

Talia said seriously.

When Carl was about to say something, several cawing sounds came from afar.

It was the goblin!