
Chapter 6 The Elves

Carl said vigilantly, "Amy, be careful. The Goblins are missing. It's unusual."

"Yes, Master," Amy replied nervously.

It was only one mile’s walk to the town. The originally prosperous town was cold and quiet, and there was no living person.

Only the mice were eating the bones scattered on the ground, which appeared desolate and terrifying.

"Master, are we the only ones alive in the small town?" Amy asked in a low voice.

"I don't know."

Carl broke the glass of a clothing shop, and Amy chose several clothes.

The two didn't stay long and left in a hurry.

On the way back to the light tower, Carl felt a strong magic fluctuation in front of him. It seemed to be a church.

"You go back to the light tower first, and I'll go and have a look," Carl said.

"I'll go with Master," Amy said firmly.


Soon they arrived at the hill near the church.

Amy was so frightened that her eyes widened. She covered her mouth and almost screamed.

The goblins.

The goblins were everywhere near the church.

They were so many that there were probably tens of thousands of them attacking the doors and windows of the church crazily.

What concerned Carl was the last goblin of the goblin troop.

It held a scepter inlaid with magic crystals, covered in beast hide, and its body was three meters high. It stared straight at the church.

It's the high priest of the goblin race!

In the race, his strength was only second to that of the goblin king, and he was in charge of one hundred thousand goblins.

Carl was confused.

As far as he knew about goblins, the goblin high priest seldom left the territory. How could it lead to the goblins’ attack on the church?


A hot fireball with a diameter of three meters fell from the air and exploded. Its power was comparable to a cannonball, and hundreds of goblins exploded into pieces.

"Caw! Caw! Caw!"

The goblin high priest was in great anger. He pointed at the church with his magic scepter, and the goblin troop continued to attack the church.

Only then did Carl notice that the church was enveloped in a very holy light.

Neither goblins’ bone clubs nor the arrows from afar could hurt the church. They were always blocked outside.

"This is defensive magic and the magic fireball. There are creatures from other races hiding in the church, attracting the goblin high priest."

Carl suddenly understood everything.

Carl gradually smiled.

In his previous life, it was because the black dragon fought with the Titans that he had the chance to devour the heart of the black dragon.

This time, he might also be able to take advantage of the situation.




Groups of fireballs fell into the goblin troop, causing a lot of injuries.

But there were too many goblins to kill.

After an hour's battle, the speed at which fireballs took shape slowed down. Even the holy light enveloping the church became weak and could dissipate at any time.

"They are about to rush in," Amy said worriedly.


A loud sound was heard.

The goblins smashed the church gate.

The next moment, the sound of a fireball explosion came from inside the church, and a large number of goblins died.


The second batch of goblins entered the church and dragged out two women.

They were not human beings at all.

They had sharp ears, wore grass rings on their heads, and exuded a holy aura. They were wearing very exquisite silk robes.


Carl’s eyes twinkled.

The elf race was a very elegant and noble race who loved peace. However, they were the sworn enemies of the goblin race. No wonder the goblin high priest would leave the cave.

Carl waited patiently.

Half an hour later, goblins left with two women elves and the corpses of their goblin fellows.

Carl searched the church and found three headless corpses of men elves. Their heads were crushed by goblins.


The elves’ magic crystals were still in their bodies.

Goblin was only interested in women elves. In their eyes, the male elves’ magic crystals were very dirty.

Collecting three magic crystals, Carl was very happy.

These were three superior magic crystals which were equal to thirty thousand ordinary goblin's magic crystals. They had gained a lot this time.

"Amy, it's time to go."

Carl set out to return to the light tower with Amy. On the way back, they met a lot of goblins who were searching houses and shopping malls. They seemed to be looking for something.

Carl took the opportunity to kill over a hundred goblins and took out all their magic crystals.


When they returned to the light tower, Carl found that the door was locked from inside. Someone was inside!

"Friend, this is my shelter. Please leave now," Carl’s voice was cold.

There was no response from the inside.

"Master, are we going to smash open the door?" Amy asked.


Carl, with ten magic crystals in his mouth, activated magic power and used the spatial transference skill, which was also called teleportation.

Within a hundred meters, he could move freely, even if there was a wall in front of him.

In a flash, he entered the light tower.

Carl swallowed the magic crystals in his mouth so that his consumed magic power would recover.

When Carl was about to use the space dissection to kill his enemy, he saw a white-haired woman elf.

She was even more beautiful than the two women elves taken away by goblins as if she had come out of a movie.

At this moment.

The woman elf held the longbow and pulled it to the full. An arrow made of magic power was aimed at Carl, ready to shoot at any time.

"Do you want to kill me?"

Carl restrained his magic power. The elf race loved peace. He didn’t believe that the elf would take the initiative to attack him.

Carl turned around and pushed the door open. Amy was shocked to see the elf.

"Master, are those goblins looking for her?"

"I suppose so."

Carl looked at the woman elf, "I know you can understand human language. There is a tribe belonging to the goblin high priest nearby. I advise you not to use magic. It will attract them."

The woman elf put down the longbow and took out a dagger from her waist. She looked nervously at Carl and asked in very standard English.

"Who are you?"

"As you can see, a human who survives by a fluke," Carl said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Master, she... She really can speak human language," Amy said in shock.

"Except for the black dragon, no other races can use the spatial magic. I smell something of Saul from you."

The woman elf ignored Amy and continued to stare at Carl.


Was it the name of the black dragon whose heart had been eaten up?

Carl frowned, "First of all, this is my residence. Please tell me your name first."

"Bellamy Talia Artemis. You can also call me Talia."

"Okay, Talia. My name is Carl Wimbledon. Please put down the magic dagger. It's poisoned. There is no antidote here."

Carl said calmly, "Or you can also fight with me. You can either be killed by me or kill me, but it will attract the goblin high priest. As for the result waiting for you... You should know it."

Talia held the dagger tightly but soon let it go. She was convinced.


Carl smiled with satisfaction, "Well, we can talk now."