
Chapter 8 Leaving the Light Tower

Through the wooden door.

Goblins' voice was getting closer and closer.

Talia instantly picked up the magic bow on the wall and pulled the bowstring, attempting an attack.

Carl was startled. He jumped out of the barrel and pressed down Talia's hands from behind.

Carl scolded, "Are you crazy? What if goblins are bait?"


Talia stopped. It was possible.

Most goblins were not intelligent, but the goblin's royal family was intelligent and their intelligence was extraordinary.

Talia blushed all of a sudden.

At this time, she found that Carl's body as tightly against her back, and a masculine aura came over.

And there was something hot on her buttocks…

Talia knew clearly what it was. Her heart beat faster and her breathing sped up inexplicably.

She was very nervous.

She was more nervous than when she found goblins.

Talia twisted her body and wanted to leave, but she heard Carl lowering his voice:

"Don't move. Don't use magic power. Goblins... Are right outside the door."


Talia froze.

Because when Carl spoke, his hot breath blew on her long ears, and the indescribable electric numbness surged all over her body.

Talia bit her lips hard and let the human behind her touch her noble body.

She didn't know how long she had waited, as if a century had passed. Carl's expression finally relaxed:

"They are gone."

Talia took a few steps forward in panic and said with embarrassment and indignation, "Human, don't touch me again!"

"If I hadn't stop you, the magic arrows you shot would have killed us," Carl said.

"Damned human!"

Talia said the elf's language and glared at Carl.

Carl didn't understand what Talia was talking about, but it must be something bad. He lay down on the bed and closed his eyes with Amy in his arms.

Talia sat in a corner, her beautiful blue eyes brimming with tears.

She missed her home.

She shouldn't have sneaked away from the elf clan with her guards. The outside world was too dangerous.

"Carl, send me back to the elf clan now. The reward is one thousand superior magic crystals."

"That's impossible. Even if you tie the elf queen to my bed, I won't die with you."

"How dare you desecrate the queen!" Talia clenched the magic bow, her eyes filled with killing antagonism.

"I've heard that the elf queen is very beautiful. If I take her as a harem, you may have a chance to become the queen. How about we cooperate?" Carl said.

Talia couldn't believe that the human in front of her was so bold that he wanted to have sex with the elf queen.

If her father knew that a lowly human like goblins wanted to touch her mother, he would kill Carl with the holy sword that had killed the giant dragon.


The real identity of Talia was the princess of the elf race, and the future queen.

But Talia couldn't expose her identity, or it would be very dangerous.

"Forget it if you don't want to. Anyway, I can handle the queen myself," Carl shrugged.

Talia sneered. Ignorant humans would never know how powerful a high-level elf was.

Time lapsed.

After a month, Carl condensed the sixth magic inscription.

He was already a level-six mage. He could easily use spatial teleportation and space dissection magic.

Talia's injury had recovered, but her level hadn't fully recovered. The magic power she could use was even inferior to that of Amy, a level-three mage.

When she fled, she and her clan members were cursed by Titans. The curse could only be removed by soaking herself in the sacred spring. Otherwise, she wouldn't be unable to defeat the humble goblins.

Therefore, during this period, she had been very quiet in the tower and tried her best not to provoke Carl. She was no match for him at all now.

"Talia, goblins have been too quiet recently," Carl said.

Talia's face turned red, because Carl had just made love with Amy, and she had witnessed the whole process.

She snorted, "Maybe they are hiding in the cave and having fun."

"Maybe the high priest has found our location and is planning to attack us. Amy, pack up and we'll leave here in the dark."

"Yes, Master."

There were not many things that could be taken away.

With Amy's water magic, they didn't need to worry about water resources. What they worried about was only food.

"The magic space tool can take away all the food."

Carl felt it a pity that he hadn't been able to open up a space to store things.

He could neither refine gold nor forge magic weapons.

"I have a magic space tool. I can lend it to you for the time being,"

Talia raised her chin proudly, took off a light green necklace from her snow-white neck, and handed it to Carl.

With magic perception, Carl was surprised to find that the inner space of the necklace was as large as a football field.

The value of a magic space tool containing one-cubic-meter space was as much as ten superior magic crystals.

And the magic space tool Talia had was so valuable that its price could not be estimated at all.

"Talia is not an ordinary elf. She must have a very noble identity in the elf clan. Otherwise, she doesn't have the qualifications to own this magic weapon."

Carl suddenly became interested in Talia.

When the night fell, the moon was covered by dark clouds. The whole town was dark without any light.

Carl left the light tower with Amy and Talia. They did not go far but observed the surroundings on the nearby hillside.

"Goblins are used to moving forward at dawn. We can go back after dawn," Carl said.

"Master is so powerful."

Amy's eyes twinkled with excitement.

It was the first time that Talia had heard this. She didn't believe that a mere human would understand goblins' habits.

However, when it was almost dawn that day, a large number of torches appeared at the end of the beach. There were goblins. A large number of them. They quickly besieged the light tower.

"They come!" Talia was surprised.

"Let's go. We can't stay here any longer," Carl said with no nostalgia.

Amy was a little reluctant to leave. This was the place where she met her master, full of all their memories.

"Where are we going now? To the elf clan?" Talia asked expectantly.

"You know how to go?" Carl asked.


Talia didn't say anything. She didn't remember the way.

Carl walked down the mountain. He remembered that there was a dock nearby, and they could take a ship and leave here.

When they arrived at the dock, Carl saw that all the boats were destroyed, none of them intact.

"It's done by goblins? Why did they destroy the ships?" Amy asked.

"Shit! Run!"

Carl suddenly felt that something was wrong.

At this time, a torch suddenly lit up in the nearby forest, and then the second, the third... Soon, hundreds of torches were lit up.

Hundreds of goblins walked out from behind the buildings and trees.

Carl saw a three-meter-high goblin who held a magic scepter, with a mocking smile in his eyes. It was the goblin high priest.


Talia screamed.

Because two naked women elves were sitting in the goblin high priest's arms, with flattering and ingratiating expressions on their faces.

"High priest, she is the princess of our elf clan, Talia, and the future elf queen," one elf said.