

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 8

Celeste Pov

I opened my home door and invited Corbyn in as I closed the door Starr came out running of the living room towards us

"Hi I'm Starr. Nice to finally meet you" She said putting her hand up

"Corbyn and nice to meet you too" He said shaking her hand

"Luna, River. Celeste and her friend are here" She yelled. Luna came out of the kitchen and River from upstairs

"So Corbyn This is Luna and River" I said pointing at them

"Luna and River This is Corbyn my friend" I said and they begin changing 'the nice to meet you' words

"You can wait in the dining room, Celeste will show it to you...the food is almost ready" She said smiling giving me the plates, then went back to the kitchen

I walked Corbyn to the dining room turning around to make sure he's following me. I put each plate in front of every chair. I turned around and saw Corbyn standing staring at the wall.

"Are you okay?" I said. He cleared his throat " Yea Yea it's just...don't get me wrong the four of you are so pretty I'm sorry but I just had to say it" He said rubbing the back of his head I chuckled at his words, signaling him to sit down which he did.

"Excuse me I'll go get the utensils" I said getting out and walked back to the kitchen I saw my sisters leaning on the counters talking

"What are you guys doing he's waiting inside and you're here talking?" I glared at the three of them taking the utensils

"Okay we're coming in a minute" River said rolling her eyes. I walked into the dining room putting down the utensils then took a seat in front of him

"Hello" I said grinning at him

"Today was a better day for me and I'm very happy that I got to spend it with you" He said smiling

"Yeah, me too" I smiled

"Sometimes I find it crazy that you are talking to me" He chuckled nervously

"Why are you saying that?"

"I don't know but ever since I saw you in that cafe every morning, I wanted to talk to you so bad and I don't know why I didn't do it earlier...I guess I thought you won't be interested"

"I'm interested...and I'm glad you did talk to me"I whispered looking at him. I felt like everything disappeared around us just by looking at his beautiful colored eyes and I can't help it but we just stared at each other mesmerizing. We stayed like this for what felt like 30 seconds and it was broke when River came in with bottles of water putting it on the table and pulling the chair that was beside me but she suddenly stopped and looked at Corbyn with narrowed eyes. I looked back at Corbyn and found him still looking at me and what I found completely shocked me.

Eyes wide open

Eyes is getting darker

Jaw clenched

Hands in tight fists

A groan came out of him and found him suddenly getting up on the table ready to attack me but River was faster than him. She jumped on the table and got a strong grip of his neck and pushed him off of the table. I gasped pushing my chair back and looked at them found out Corbyn on the floor screaming and groaning and River still choking him with veins popping out of her hands and neck while looking directly in his eyes. In a blink of an eye she raised her fist and punched him and he fainted

"Why did you do that?" I yelled

"HE'S A FUCKING HUNTER CELESTE " She screamed at me. Luna and Starr came gasping because of Corbyn and the mess that dining room become

"What happened?" Luna asked looking at Corbyn

"He's a hu-" Before River could continue Luna already knew the answer

"A hunter" She whispered

"What are we gonna do?" Starr said running a hand through her hair

"That's not even a question we're gonna kill him" I widened my eyes at River's answer

"What? No No...Luna?" I said shaking my head

"Celeste he might put all of us in danger we have to" Luna said and her answer made my heart drop

"He doesn't has the intention to kill us" I said

"And how do you know that?" River said rolling our eyes

"I know it believe me"

"Celeste since 1692 till 2019 nobody...I MEAN nobody knew that we were the four witches that went missing that day and no hunter could find us cause the four of us and dad hid our identity so well, SO DON'T COME TO ME or to your sisters acting like we're normal people, acting all romantic and stuff because you just put OUR FUCKING LIFE IN A THIN LINE and you were so near so near to be dead right now if I weren't there no one could take your sorry ass out of his fucking hands you dumbass" River hissed. I shake my head

"Please don't kill him please lets just put him in the basement...I swear I swear if he tried to do anything dangerous to anyone of us I'll be the one who kills him...just please" I said and my eyes start watering

"Celeste you knew that we are in danger since that vision I saw" Luna said

"You said he was blonde with blue eyes. Corbyn is brunette with green eyes...Luna please"

"I think Celeste idea is not bad we can put him in the basement and we can get some information from him at least" I smiled at Starr words and nodded

"Okay I guess" Luna shrugged

"What the fuck are the three of you saying?" River said

"River we're way stronger than him he's obviously hadn't done any training to be a hunter he's not ready" Luna said looking down at Corbyn while River huffed "If something bad happen to us...I don't know what I'm gonna do to all of you"

Corbyn started to stir a bit we knew he's going to wake up. We stood in circle and he was in the middle as soon as he stand up the four of us immediately took a step back. His eyes color was back to normal but when he looked at us it got darker. He clenched his eyes closed and put his hands on his head trying to control himself I guess?

River walked up to him snapping her fingers twice which made Corbyn look at her eyes. She's going to compel him "You are going to follow me and Celeste down to basement and don't fight back. You're going to calm down now" as soon as she said this words his eyes turned back to normal and he let out a breath.

Me and River got out of the dining room. I looked behind me and found him following us silently. We went to the kitchen and Their was the secret door, it wasn't noticeable because the color of the door is the same color as the kitchen walls so it blends with it and there's no door handle you just push it and the pull it towards you and has a tine hole for the key jf you want to lock it.

We walked down the stairs until we were officially in the empty, dusty, grey walled and boring basement. River brought a chair and rope that was thrown in the corner of the room.

She turned around and looked directly into Corbyn's eyes "Sit here" she pointed at the chair and he followed what she said sitting down. She begins to tie him up his arms was tied up to the back of the chair and his legs was also tied up. She finished and took a step back to look at her work of tying him up.

"I'm going to bring him back to reality now. Hope nothing happens" She said snapping her fingers twice. He closed his eyes for couple of seconds and opened them again. He looked at River and then me. He threw his head back groaning loudly.

"He's in pain because of the urge" River sais as she turned around leaving the room. I stayed in place still looking at Corbyn feeling my eyes water.

"Corbyn" I whispered. He looked at me then down at the floor.

"That's why me and my brother got into a fight he wanted to train me...it's not about being ready.... I didn't want to be like him" He whispered with a raspy tired voice

"I didn't wanna be a hunter" He said and my mouth fell open while a tear slipping down my cheek

"I'm sorry" I breathed
