

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 7


Corbyn's Pov

I opened the library door with my shoulder because my hands are busy holding the coffee and a box of donuts "Morning" I said smiling receiving  the shock expression from Celeste's face

"Oh, What are you doing here?" She said standing up quickly and took the Coffee from my hand

"I thought I should come early so we can have breakfast here instead of the cafe" I said and gave her a side hug

"Thank you...I'm really happy that you came" She said taking the box from my hands putting it on the table behind her

"Where's Carla?" I said sitting down

"I gave her a day off to relax after yesterday" She said taking a bite of the donut

"Um...isn't it weird that I do not know your age till now?" She asked raising her eyebrow

I chuckled "I'm twenty four"

"Same like me, which month?" She asked

"The fifteenth of March, you?"

"The first of November"

" Are you going to your work today or you'll skip again?"

"Is this the twenty questions game?" I smirked and she giggled

"No, I was just wondering "

"No, I won't...I didn't talk to my brother since that day and I won't answer his calls, I only talked to one of my friends"

"Don't take longer, call him tomorrow or go to work, distance only make things worse. He's your brother after all" She said handing me a donut with a smile

"When the time is right I'll do it" I said taking the donut

"What you said yesterday got me interested...It's so rare to have quadruplets That's so impressive and mind blowing"

"What do you wanna know?" She laughed

"Lets start with their names"

"Luna is the oldest then River, Me and Starr, Each one is older than the other by ten minutes"

"Wow the four of you have very unique names"

"Our Dad named us he chose it because he loved nature so much, he loved reading books about space, geology and that stuff actually he was the one that made me love reading and collecting book"

"And here you are having a library, Of course he is proud" l said looking at the library

"He didn't see it, he passed away when I was 20" She said trying to hide her sad face

"Oh...um I'm sorry-"

"It's ok...I know deep down that he is looking at us from above" She cut me off


Celeste's pov

"I miss my dad too..." He said and I know that I turned the mood down without realizing but the sound of the door opening captured my attention when a tall guy entered

"Uh yes, how can I help you?" I said standing up

"Can you please guide me to the history section" He said already walking between the shelves right and left

"What kind of history you want accurately?" I asked and he said "Greece"

"Oh yea, this shelf" I said

"I want that book at the top" He said looking at me in a weird way, I was going to slide the ladder but he preceded to stretch his arm faster to slide it for me that his arm touched my chest while doing it and I'm not sure if he did it on purpose

I cleared my throat and started climbing the ladder and I can feel his eyes scanning my body, I snatched the book fast and start climbing down, as my feet was touching the ground I felt his hands making their way around my waist tugging me to him "HEY" I yelled moving strongly trying to ease his grip

"I just wanna smell your hair not much" He whispered in a creepy way in my ear very quietly that I got goosebumps from disgust "GET OFF OF ME" As I shouted I heard him screaming while his arms fell off me, I looked and found Corbyn pulling him hard from his man bun very strongly that he kneed on the floor from pain

"You fucking bastard"He said and hit him with his leg, the guy stood up fast like a psycho and was about to punch Corbyn but he avoided it and took a grab of his arm putting it behind his back and he groaned in pain "Apologize to her" Corbyn ordered, but he didn't open his mouth

"Corbyn its ok just get him out" I said

"No" Corbyn tightened the grip more " I said apologize" he said once more but in a warning tone

"Ok, ok I'm very sorry" As he said it, Corbyn looked at me to make sure I'm satisfied, I nodded assuring him then he took that guy out of the library and said something to him that made him run in horror

"What did you say to him?" I asked as he was entering

"Something he needed to hear...don't worry about it now, Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine thanks to you" I said fixing my skirt

"It was nothing" As he said my phone rang, it's Starr


"Hey Starr, Is everything ok?"

"I'm calling to inform you that Luna surprisingly is gonna cook dinner today so don't eat in any restaurants"

"Oh Wow! It's been so long since she cooked for us" I said chuckling

"I really don't know, but tell me did you see that handsome guy today?"

"Um yea?"

"Did something happen?"

"Actually he's with me now at the library" I whispered but I can easily say that I flailed Because he looked from the corner of his eye


"No, it's real"


"Uh later starr" I hissed

"Invite him to dinner"


"Yes invite him it will be so much fun and I will finally meet my sister's prince" I rolled my eyes at here dramatic tone

"What about Luna?"

"Leave it on me"

"Ok, bye"

"bye" I hung up

I cleared my throat "..this was Starr" I said feeling my cheeks on fire

"Yea I heard that"

"Um..where are you going to have dinner today?" I asked

"In the hotel as usual" He shrugged

"Well enough with that junk unhealthy food, you're having dinner with us tonight" I said sitting down

"What!!" He smiled

"Yes, Luna is cooking dinner today and I can assure you that it will be delicious" I said waiting from his response and his adorable smile gave me the answer

"That means that you talked to your sisters about me am I right?" He smirked cutely

"What? Um..they know that I have a lot of friends because I'm kinda sociable" I said in hesitation he really knows how to make me nervous

"Oh, and do you invite all your new friends home?" He smiled sitting in front of me

"Of course not all fo them, only the ones who are interested in quadruplets" I said and he laughed knowing that I talk about him

"That was smart"
