

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 9

Corbyn's Pov

"I'm sorry" She breathed but I didn't have the time to listen my mind is exploding from inside I'm thinking about a hundred thoughts right now, all I'm thinking about is ways of how to kill her every move she does with her body in front of me makes my heart pump blood in my head faster my veins are gonna explode, I'm drowning in sweat and it hurts every heart beat hurts.

I swear no one can imagine how fucking hard it hurts I guess that's why the feeling of the urge to kill the witch that turned you worse than any other witch you're going to meet it's like I have two personalities inside of me one is screaming 'kill her' and the other is trying to fight it and resist it.

"Corbyn can you say something" She said moving closer

"DON'T COME CLOSER" I said closing my lids strongly groaning from the pain

"What is happening to you?" She asked in a worried tone

"The more you're in front of me the more it hurts" I said literally glancing at her every cell in my body is burning from pain and all I wanna do is chock her to death

"Does it hurt that bad?" She said still fucking coming closer

"It hurts like fucking hell, GO AWAY" I shouted

"Ok, ok i'm sorry" she said running back

"No, I don't wanna see you, seeing you is making it worse"

"Omg" she whispered looking at me and covered her mouth

"What!" I asked trying to read her reaction till i found a drop of blood fell on my thigh so I immediately know that my nose is bleeding and it start to be not just a drop it's a lot I'm bleeding so bad "What is happening to me" I asked in disbelief

"Oh no, no this can't be what I'm thinking it is" She said literally losing it

"LUNA" She screamed and all of her sisters came running down stairs

"What happened" Starr asked and Celeste pointed at me

"Oh lord" Starr said when all of them saw my face

Celeste walked closer to Luna "Luna is this what our dad told us about?"

"I think Dad was right" She said

"No...no no no we can't let this happed" Celeste said starting to cry

"What is going to happen?" I asked

"You're going to slowly die, that is what is going to happed" River said very coldly

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" I yelled tasting blood in my throat

"Don't yell Corbyn please" Celeste begged

"Someone let me know what the fuck is happening" I hissed

"Dad told us ages ago that if an untrained hunter turned and wasn't able to kill the witch who turned him the urge inside that hunter will be the death of him" Starr said

"W-what....that's why Xavier was begging me to train...but I don't wanna kill anyone " I said trying to process what i just heard

"Wait wait, who is Xavier" Luna asked

"And why the fuck do you care" l said

"River compel him. NOW"

"No!" I said And wasn't fast enough to close my eyes as she started at mine and snapped her finger "Who is Xavier?" River asked

"My older brother" I answered completely not controlling what i'm saying

"River ask him to describe him" Luna added

"Describe Xavier for me"

"He's strong, tall, have blue eyes and blonde hair"

"Oh my god, he's the one i saw in the vision" As luna said this River snapped her finger to free me of her mind control

"What do you mean? Is Corbyn the thing that man in your vision wanted?" Celeste asked

"Exactly, we are in danger" Luna whispered but i heard her clear enough

"Can we focus first on the one who is dying here" Starr interrupted

"There's no need to focus he's gonna die anyways" River said

Celeste's pov

"What no" I said looking at him

"Luna we can't let him die, you heard him he said he had no intention to kill anyone and if he died his brother and the other guys won't leave us...we can benefit from this" I added wiping my tear

"How?" Luna asked

"We can figure out a way for him to live and when his brother come we take Corbyn as our escape key...If he took his brother he must not kill us"

"Are you kidding me? He will kill us the second he know we are the four freaking witches, Celeste" River said furiously

"Either way we are losing so lets try" I added

"Celeste is right" Starr said standing next to me

"At least we will try River" Luna said which made me happy she is with me

"How are we going to help him then!" River gave up and I automatically looked at Starr

"What?" Start asked

"You will communicate with Dad or grandma and know from them if there is a cure"

"Oh..um it's been 10 years since I practiced" Starr said getting nervous

"We will help you"

"Okay so lets go upstairs" Luna said and we were starting to head upstairs but we were interrupted by Corbyn's coughing and hell no he's coughing blood now

"We have to hurry up" I panicked running upstairs with them

Each one of us ran to bring something I brought the candles to lit them, luna brought a chair for Starr and river brought the spells book in case we need it, then Starr sat on the floor while we surround her like a circle

"Are you guys ready?" She asked and we nodded

"Incendia" She whispered to lit the candles

"I will link you all to me first" She said the linking spell

"Just do it we will give you the needed power" River said then Starr started concentrating and we will wait until she start talking

"Dad!!" Silence

"Yes, dad we need your help"

"We don't have another choice"

"It's dangerous i know but we need to know is there a cure!!"

"Then what is it?"

Silence. More silence

She gasped "Oh god"

"Is there another solution?"


"DAD DON'T GO NOW" She screamed then we all felt heaviness in our chest which made us know Starr is in pain, After seconds she inhaled a deep breath then opened her eyes, stood up without talking

"What did he say?" I asked predicting that it's bad news from the way she looks

"Um..Dad said there is no solution than he hurt Celeste for one time to reach his satisfaction and his urge will stop killing him"

All of them gasped " WHAT" Luna asked

"No, no no I won't let that happen" River shook her head

"Celeste.." Starr said holding my hand

"I will do it"

"What? no" River ordered

"We don't have a choice"

"No Celeste I won't make you"

"I was the one who brought him here and i have to solve everything all of this is because of me" I said going towards the basement door but Luna took a grip of my shoulder "What if he couldn't control himself and killed you?"

"I will try my best not to let this happen"

"I'm coming with you "River said

"No" I said opening the door then shut it fast, I put a barrier spell so they can't get in, I won't put them in danger

I took a deep breath and walked down the stairs
