

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 6


Celeste's Pov

I woke up and immediately remembered Luna's words, I fall back to my bed want to drift back to sleep just to forget. I took the pillow that I was hugging and put it back on me and groaned. I don't want to use my powers I wanna be normal. Who are these men and what do they want from us? I don't want to go back to these days again. I hate it. I despise it so much.

I went to take a shower and after 20 minutes I was out of it. I dried my hair and left it slide down my shoulders. I opened my closet taking out black skinny jeans, white shirt and light blue jean jacket. I wore the jeans, tucking my white shirt in it then wearing the jacket. I went downstairs and saw Luna sitting on the counter sipping her coffee.

"Good morning Luna" I said walking to her

"Do you want me to make you some breakfast or you're gonna go to that cafe of yours?" She said getting down the counter smiling at me

"No Thank you I'm going to the cafe...bye" I said going to wear my white converse. As I was leaving I heard Luna calling my name

"Celeste...Be careful and don't trust anyone easily mark my words Cel please" I nodded my head at her words. I got inside my car starting the engine and head towards the cafe. After 10 minutes I was in front of it. I got out of the car and entered the cafe, sitting in my spot.

Mike came up to me opening his note "Your order?"

"Caffè mocha please" I smiled at him and found him pointing his finger towards the table in the corner while winking at me . I looked and found Corbyn sitting staring at his drink.

"Go talk to him" He whispered

"What do I say he seem....sad I guess?" I said still staring at him

"I expected these words from you...you know Celeste you're my friend and everything but I'm gonna use this method with you" Mike grabbed my arms pulling me towards him I gasped at his sudden action

"Stop...Mike stop. I'll go I'll go but please don't embarrass me" I said stopping him. His hand left my arm. I turned around walking slowly to his table. I took a deep breath then inhale it slowly.

"Can I sit?" Corbyn's head snapped at my voice and smiled. He nodded his head and I sat in front of him

"Are you okay?" I said looking at him and it was my first time seeing him wearing casual clothes which is black skinny jeans and red crew neck shirt. He is more handsome with casual clothes.

"I'm...fine" He said looking out of the window. There was black circles around his eyes and that what made me hundred percent sure he was lying.

"Why didn't you come yesterday? You don't seem...fine Corbyn" He looked at me with a small smile on his lips

"I had a fight with my brother the day before and I left the house after it" I nodded

"What kind of fight?" I asked

"I don't wanna talk about it" He shake his head

"Oh I'm sorry it's not of my business I'm sorry" I said wanting to hit myself right now. Mike came putting my drink in front of and winked at me. We stayed silent and I was sipping my mocha. This idea came up to me and I grinned at the thought of it

"Are you going to your work today ?" I asked and Corbyn shake his head with a confused face

"Can you come to my library? I want you to see it" I said and he chuckled at my excitement

"And help you with your work" He said and I nodded my head fast

"Well yea" He said

"Okay lets go" I said getting up and collecting my stuff

"Now?" He said standing up slowly

"Yeah when I get excited about an idea that I have. I won't stop moving around until it happens" He chuckled and brought his stuff and followed me outside we walked a little till we reached my library and expectedly Clara opened it and she's already organizing the new arriving books

"Wait wait i'll help you this is heavy Carla" I said putting all my stuff on my desk quickly to help her because she's pregnant but at the same time she loves her work so much

I bend down holding a punch of books " Corbyn take a seat I'll be right back"

While I was putting the books on the shelf I saw him taking off his jacket "I'll help" He said taking a box from the floor very easily like it's a piece of paper and I couldn't help my eyes that fell on his arm muscles flexing, He stood next to me concentrating on the shelves and I smiled "Thank you, you really didn't have to" he looked down at me " I want to" He smiled and I can say his mood changed to the better


"Ok Celeste see you tomorrow hun...Bye gentle man" Carla waved at us

I rested my back on the chair letting out a breath "The day any new books arrive is the worst" I said

"Luckily I was here to help" He said staring at me i was going to stare back but I blinked fast looking everywhere but him

"What do you do on the weekends?" He asked

"I usually go to yoga classes" I said

"Yoga?" He asked smiling

"Yeah me and my sisters" I said smiling

"You have sisters?" He frowned

"Yea three sisters...We're Quadruplets"

"What? Quadruplets? You have three that look like you" I giggled at his shocked face

"We're not identical" I said shaking my head

"Woah" He breathed

"How did he do it?" I frowned at his question

"Who?" I asked him back

"Your father....four at one time thats a miracle" He asked and I laughed at what he said

"I honestly don't know" I giggled
