

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 24


Starr's Pov

The Limo stopped in front of the club, and a man opened for us the door. Me and River got out of the limo first followed by Celeste and Luna and they were followed by Zion, Corbyn, Issac, Xavier and Klaus. Guards were surrounding us completely until we went inside the club.

I flinched in pain because the music was very loud. I felt my ears drums are gonna explode, my heart was pumping so fast, I was so nervous and scared to be honest so I just grabbed Luna's hand to be less nervous. Luna's tightened her grip on my hand when she felt my nervousness.

Our secret that we've been hiding for years since we're literally born is now are going to be in the open. Every single hunter that we've been avoiding as much as we can are gonna know it. My heart ache for me and my sisters, for my dad. I can feel his sadness, his pain, his pity for us from his grave and how much he wants to help us but he just can't. I can feel my mum's anger, furiousness, and pain too from her grave.

We climbed up the stairs following the two guards and the five men are directly behind us. I can feel their eyes burning holes in our back. Please God stay with us, protect us from them and please make our plan work.

The guards opened for us the door. We took slow steps inside followed by them. I raised my eyes from the floor taking a look around us noticing how big and spacious the room is. It was not that crowded but there were a lot of men sitting on the big off white U-shaped sofas with women either beside them or sitting on the men's laps and of course I cringed at the sight. Their was a glass table in the middle and on the top of it all kind of alcohol you desire. Oh God

The moment Xavier, Corbyn, Zion, Issac and Klaus entered the room I don't know why but half of the men and like five women exit the room after nodding in their side for some reason. They walked to the sofa taking a seat. Zion mentioned for us to take a seat beside which we did silently. We sat by each other. Luna's hand is still in mine. Me and Celeste in the middle, Rivers beside her and Luna beside me.

"Hello gentle men. Long time no see" One of the men said. He was giant and muscular with olive skin, his hair was brown with yellow highlights in it. His eyes were sharp and chocolate brown. He has this furrow between his eyebrows.

"How you doin' Jacob?" Xavier said taking a sip from his drink

"Fine" He said shrugging "So from what I'm seeing these beautiful women are suppose to be the missing witches" This Jacob man said and all of them turned to look at us. Xavier nodded looking at his friends.

"Your names?" Jacob asked. Me and my sisters turned to look each other. I looked at Luna and she nodded a little so that's mean that we have to say our name to avoid all the problems.

"Lu-" Luna got cut off by Xavier

"This Lillian" He pointed at Luna who tensed at what he said immediately. He pointed at me "Eliza" He then pointed at Celeste "Hazel" and then pointed at River "Barbara" What he said made me, my sisters and his friends turned to look at him in shock and confusion.

"Beautiful names" Jacob said looking at Xavier with raised brow "Yea...I know" He said looking at us

"Where have you been hiding all these years?" Jacob asked

"They've been traveling all around not staying in a certain place" Xavier said looking at Jacob who's glaring at him

"Man...give them a chance to talk I wanna hear their voices" Jacob said and all his men , friends or whatever chuckled

"Trust me I know them. They'll stutter and mumble. And believe me you won't keep up with this shit" Xavier said looking at Jacob with no emotion on his face at all. Still all of us looking at Xavier with both shock and confusion, and that made me believe that neither Zion nor Issac nor Corbyn nor Klaus knows what Xavier is doing.

"How did the four of you survive all this years without being exposed?" Jacob said

"They h-" Jacob cut Xavier off

"I want them to answer this question" Jacob said still looking at us. We all sat in complete silence everyone waiting for anyone of us to answer

"A-As Xavier said...we've been traveling all around We didn't stay in a certain place...and we look like any normal human being...The o-only thing we've been trying to hide is our immortality thats why we travel a lot" Luna said letting out a deep breath looking at Jacob. We all were shocked at what Luna said. I turned my gaze to Xavier and he was looking at Luna admiring her while smirking.

"And how did you exactly got caught?" Jacob asked looking at luna like she's lunch

"Um..i-"Luna was cut off by Corbyn

"Why do you even care?"

Jacob turned his gaze to Corbyn in a surprise look"Wow the untrained one got a nerve to get into the hunters work"

"That untrained one you're talking about was the main reason these four missing witches were caught, he did what all the fucking hunters couldn't" Xavier interrupted clenching his jaw at Jacob

"From what I'm seeing now, they seem like any typical witches, What makes you sure they are the real missing witches?"Jacob fired at Xavier

"Well we believe they are"Xavier said

"Are you sure?"

"I guess if you doubt it go search and show us the real witches, we will be here praying for you" Xavier fired back.

"I want evidence to believe they are the missing witches" Jacob still sticking in his point

"They can't they have hemlock water in their system now" Zion said loudly clenching his fist

"I don't ca-" Jacob was interrupted by Issac "We said they can't don't you fucking get it" The whole room went through a complete silent. Jacob without warning stood taking his phone out his pocket probably making a phone call

"Can I go to the toilet? This intense conversation made my stomach hurt" I said trying to act normal. Xavier looked at one of the guards signaling for him to come. He whispered something in his ear. The guard looked at me and nodded, I stood up tugging my dress down and followed him, he opened the door looking back making sure that I'm following him. After seconds of going down the stairs and in different turns we stopped in front of the door. I smiled at him before entering the toilet. I walked fast to the mirror looking at myself trying to calm myself before panicking.

I turned around, my back to the mirror. The toilet was big, in light grey color, clean and their were more the one cabin.

"Is there anyone in here?" I said in shaky voice pushing every cabin door making sure there isn't anyone here. After making sure there wasn't anybody here I looked in front of me at the window taking a deep breath remembering Luna's words

"Take a deep breath, calm yourself down. I know you can do it. We all with you with our hearts and souls...The moment you go out call out for help...I love you"

I walked to the window twisting the knob and sliding the glass open. For my bad luck there was a iron barrier. Why can't it be easy? I closed my eyes rising my hand to the window

"O se kwe pe se." I said it twice and after that the barrier fell on the other side which made me smile.

I heard a knock which made me gasp

"You have to be out now or I'll inform Mr. Elvis" He said in a warning tone

"Just a moment please. My stomach really hurts and I think I'm gonna throw up" I said trying to make my voice kinda tired

"Should I inform any of your sisters to come and help you?" He asked. I widened my eyes in happiness

I cleared my throat quietly "Can you please bring Celeste?" I asked. He stayed quiet for a moment

"She's gonna be down any minute"

"Sorry for making you wait" I said and as I expected he didn't answer me. After minutes the door busted open. Celeste came looking for me.

"Are you okay?" She said rushing for me

"I'm f-fine" I said. My heart pumping so fast that I feel it is gonna fall out my chest

"What are you waiting for then?" She whisper yelled

"What if any of us got caught?" I said nervously

"The other call for help... now go. Luna and River are probably making the fight right now" As soon as Celeste finished the words we heard the guards outside

"Adams. Mr. Elvis needs us right now" He said yelling and we heard them running

"Now go" She said

"Can't you just go with me through the window?"

"No, we have to try and go separate ways in case one of us got caught" I said and she sighed

"You're gonna shape-shift to what?" I asked her

"Mutare seu rosto" She mumbled to herself and immediately I saw her face and appearance fading while it's shifting to strange girl's face who is brunette and completely different looking.

"Now Go Starr" She said pointing at the window. I nodded turning around after saying that I love her and my sisters. I jumped from the window and Thank God it wasn't that far.

I start running while feeling tears in my eyes.


Luna's Pov

The moment Celeste went down to Starr. The moment me and River should play our roles. Right now the meeting is dismissed so everyone is doing what they want. I looked at Xavier and he was looking down while drinking his drink. Klaus talking on the phone in the corner, Corbyn and Zion on the bar talking while having a drink and Issac is nowhere to be seen. I looked at River then nodded.

Me and Her stood up walked to other side of the bar making sure beside us were one of Jacob's men.

If you're confused, We're doing this because we want all of them to get distracted and to forget about Celeste and Starr. So we're trying to make them fight so Xavier or Issac or any one of them get us out of that cause obviously they need us so they don't want us hurt in anyway, after that we want to step out and run. The plan will fail if the four of us got caught. If anyone of us is still outside hiding, running and trying to get us help then I'm okay with it if I got caught.

"Ready" River whispered beside and I nodded taking a deep breath. Before Starting River fixed he grown out hair now trying to act normal.

"What the fuck are you doing? I told you to stop" She yelled

"What are you saying woman. I didn't touch you" He yelled back

"Now you're gonna deny that YOU GRABBED MY ASS" She shouted at the last sentence

"I didn't do anything what the fuck are you saying" He said

I gasped loudly "I SAW YOU DOING IT" I yelled standing beside River. All of the people start gathering around us one by one but still waiting for special people's attention. I elbowed River

"Louder" I mumbled

"STOP LYING YOU MORON" She screamed.

"What's going on here?" Xavier shouted walking to us while pushing people that came in front of him followed by Zion, Corbyn and Klaus.

"This asshole right there was harassing my sister and now he's denying it" I yelled

"I told you I didn't do anything" He yelled back at me

"Don't yell at me" I shouted

"If you said a single word I'm gonna kill you" He threatened

"OH Now he's threatening us. You're nothing but a fucking COWARD" She yelled. And suddenly that man came rushing towards us as we expected. River got the glass bottle that was on the bar and smashed on his head making half of the people gasp. The man groaned in pain his face turning into red he came rushing towards and thank God, Zion stepped in holding the man. That man didn't expect Zion because after he punched him, his face went pale. Klaus came behind us gripping our elbow making us stand in the end of the room.

People started shouting and fighting the door is opening and closing, people running out and people coming inside.

As me and River running towards the door we suddenly heard I guess Isaac's voice.

"It's a fucking trap you fucking idiots" He shouted

"Run" I told River I turned around making a spell that made everything in the room fly towards them I closed the door making another spell locking it.
