

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 23


Celeste pov

I opened my heavy lids meeting the warm sunlight that comes from the balcony that made me remember what happened with Corbyn last night, making my heart aches for a moment I don't know why every time i see him that much anger inside of me slightly dissolve, I can't say that I hundred percent believe that he has nothing to do with us being kidnaped but at the same time I can't say that he is a complete liar too.

I sat up looking at the wall clock that has a date section in it realizing that it been two freaking weeks in this prison that is called a mansion, I've always wanted to live in one but after what happened I hate the sight of it, since we came here all what Luna said was to follow what they say until we gain their trust, but River was saying the opposite, we should try and escape while me and Starr are like in between two fires but we ended up following Luna's plan first.

"Starr, until I finish shower please wake up you take forever to leave the bed" I said tabbing star's shoulders

"Mhmm" hummed covering her face

"Wake up" I said entering the bathroom knowing that she won't move a muscle.

After I finished I got out expecting the sight of Starr still in the bed and hell yeah she is, I was about to wake her up but someone banged on the door making Starr jump and I flinched

"Yes!" I yelled

"Get ready for breakfast" The guard yelled back

"Ok" I rolled my eyes

We headed downstairs and I found Luna and River already sitting down

"Morning" Xavier said teasing me as I was sitting down across of Corbyn who gave me a good stare

We ate in silence for good couple minutes then,

"Did you have a nice talk yesterday?" Xavier said looking at both me and Corbyn

"What?" Corbyn looked at him raising his eyebrows

"What! Didn't that happen?..nice cute little talk in the balcony!" As he said that I chocked looking at Starr's eyes

"And what if that happened what are you gonna do about it ha!" Corbyn stood up

"I thought I said you can't contact any of them" Xavier yelled standing up too

"I thought you knew that I never listen to you" Corbyn said

Xavier clenched his jaw "Harold" He yelled to one of the guards and he came running

"Yes sir"

"Take Celeste to the basement lock her up all day for breaking rules" As he said this immediately River stood in front of me, Luna stood for Xavier and Corbyn walked all the way to Xavier's collar

"Celeste is going no where" Corbyn hissed while Xavier was smirking down at him

"If your filthy guards touched Celeste you're gonna regret it" River said not caring about any rules

"Wow Celeste you have so many fans" Xavier turned his gaze winking at me

Corbyn gripped tightly Xavier's chin tilting his gaze back to him " Listen to me, Celeste belongs to me so everything has to do with her, has to do with me, If you ever thought about bothering her I'm the first one who's gonna stand up to you and you're gonna regret it" Corbyn's tone went deep as he hissed while clenching his teeth that I can see the veins in his neck popping out, His courageous words shocked me, Xavier kept looking at Corbyn in confusion as he is not used to this side of Corbyn

"Xavier end this mess right now" Klaus said with a bored tone then signaled for Harold to leave

"Plus you can't lock her up did you forget about the meeting"

"Meeting?" Luna asked

"Tomorrow night we all are going to a meeting that is held in a club" Xavier said

"Meeting with who?" Corbyn asked

"Jacob" Xavier answered

"Fuck" Corbyn huffed walking upstairs

"Who's this?" Starr asked

"Non of your business, now go back to you rooms" Xavier ordered and we head upstairs

As I head to the end of the stairs with the gaurds behind us I found Corbyn standing next to our door he signaled to the guards to leave and they did

He took some glances from my sisters while they got in River's room then they left me with him

"Thank you" I said looking down

"I really did nothing"

"I just came to give you this" He said grabbing a paper bag from the floor that looks familiar

"I know you miss it" He said handing it to me, I looked in it and found donuts and latte from the cafe I used to had breakfast at every day

I smiled at him mumbling another thank you then

he was tempting to give me a hug but hesitated for a second, I couldn't help and got between his arms not thinking about my pride right now, I felt his chest rising up and down from nervousness and I giggled "What?" He pulled back smiling

"Nothing..I should get in now, bye" I said, he left and I got in

"Whats is this?" River frowned

"It's a latte and some donuts" I said taking a sip from my latte

"Ugh" River rolled her eyes

"Now listen to me very carefully this meeting kinda thing is our chance to get rid of this fucking pathetic life" River added

"What should we do?" Luna asked

"I'll tell you"



It's 7:45 AM and I'm sitting next to Starr on the bed facing the door waiting for the guards knock for breakfast while rehearsing the plan in my mind over and over again.

"I'm scared" Starr said inhaling a deep breath

"Don't be..you're a witch Starr, not just any witch you're a very powerful one" I said still facing the door

Then when the clock arm clicked at 8:00 AM sharp a knock was banged on the door like the guards are robots they always knock on the time.

"Breakfast" He said unlocking the door

"We're coming" I said before leaning down at Starr's ear

"Don't be scared just act normally" She nodded

We head downstairs followed by luna and River and behind all of us are the guards who left as soon as we arrived at the dinning table

"Sir, do you want any additions?" The maid asked Xavier

"No, you can leave now" He answered signaling for her to leave

I looked at Luna who is staring at her plate checking it and i'm here waiting for the plan to start any minute.

I kept looking at her while pretending to eat because honestly i have no appetite then i saw her taking a sip from the smoothie in front of her then she repeated it suddenly

After minutes, I flinched from a loud bang i looked and found luna dropped her fork, she pushed her chair back and started chocking, her face turned red, held her throat while coughing and immediately the air in the room became thicker while all of them stood up and the maids entered. Luna stood up suddenly still choking and coughing

"What is happening?" Xavier asked rushing towards her. She was going to fall on her knees but Xavier held her to his chest still coughing

"Is there any kind of nuts in this smoothie?" River asked in a panic tone

"It is a banana and peanut butter smoothie" One of the maid said

"Oh my god Luna is very allergic to peanuts shit" I said panicking.

"Do witches get allergies?" Zion asked in a very cold tone

"Someone get that thing out of here before I lose my temper" Xavier said rolling his eyes, pulling a chair with a hand and the other is still holding Luna, he pushed her down gently

"Someone bring an Advil immediately" Issac yelled while Luna is still coughing.

Luna sneezed couple of times "I need an inhaler" She said between coughs holding her throat

"I saw one in the kitchen, I will get it" I said running as fast as I can

As I entered my worried face expression was exchanged with a big smile knowing that half of the plan is done, I opened the under sink cabinet to search for the water switch and luckily I found it, I clicked the button to switch from the hemlock water system to the regular water system then snatched the inhaler from the drawer and ran outside giving it to Luna

She inhaled multiple times "Come with me I will give you a good medicine after giving you all the shots" Issac said referring to us to follow him to the kitchen

He did the usual thing to put hemlock water in our system but what he doesn't know that it's just water then he gave Luna a capsule which she didn't swallow she hid it under her tongue till we got up to our rooms she spitted it in the pin

"We did it" I said hugging Luna so tight

"I told you before listen to me and everything will be fine" River said in a proud tone


It's now 9:00 PM we are waiting for the guards to knock on the door to go to that meeting an hour ago a stylist came hear with a makeup artist, I guess Xavier likes everything extra, They brought four dresses that seemed very expensive I wore a baby blue tight silk dress that is over the knees with a low back and V cut, my hair is curled at the end, Starr wore white lace dress with white layer underneath it and her hair was pulled up into a tight neat bun, I still didn't see Luna's and River's dress.

After ten minutes the door was opened and we headed outside and I gasped when I saw Luna's dress, it was a red dress with a very low V neck with a long slit from the side that shows her whole thigh "Oh my God Luna" I giggled in surprise

"Shh don't talk about it please, I've had enough from River" She said rolling her eyes, I looked at River who literally looks like a cat woman She's wearing a black leather jumpsuit that is high neck but has a very low back.

"Why is your dress so slutty?" River said checking my dress from tip to toe

"Why are you asking me they made me wear it, they said the boys picked each dress for a specific girl!" I said shrugging

"I didn't know Corbyn's taste was like that?" River said faking a sultry voice which made me blush instantly

"Stop" I said glaring at her and they all giggled

"Let's head downstairs" Luna leaned her head to the stairs and start walking. The only sound you can hear right now is the ticking of our heels.

I can hear their talking and laughs which made me realize that they're waiting at the end of the stairs, and as soon as they saw us the place went silent and every single one of them gave a different reaction

Zion made a wolf whistle while checking each one of us out, I looked at Xavier who is literally burning Luna with his gazes but his face is like wood with no reaction

"I need someone to remind me all night that I have a girlfriend" Klaus said walking to the door which made all of them chuckle then my eyes met Corbyn's which I found them already scanning me with his mouth slightly open, when he realized that I was staring back, a smile drawn itself into the corner of his lips and I couldn't help but smile.

"I knew that a black jumpsuit will suit your dark personality" Zion said teasing River

"Then it was you who chose this outfit, no wonder why its so unfashionable" River said giving him a disgusted look

"Oh Really" He said mirroring the look on River's face

Xavier cleared his throat "Let's go"
