

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 25

Celeste's Pov

I opened the club door still in this strange girl body and face. I went out and took the left turn when I was finally out of the guards sight that was guarding the club doors. First thing I did was shifting to my normal self. The second thing I did was running. I ran and ran like my life depends on it. I was running and looking around me searching for houses or motels any type or kind of building and I found nothing it was dead silence the only sound was my heels tapping on the floor.

I looked beside me and found a forest. The first that crossed my mind was to run through it maybe I'll go to the other side of the road and that's what I did. I crossed the road looking left and right, searching for any car passing and I found none.

I ran inside the forest fear filling my heart scared to either run into a tree or getting caught. I was running unaware of my surroundings. I stopped leaning into a tree gasping for air and trying to catch my breath. In this utter silence I heard voices of people and the tapping of their shoes in this moment I knew that they were close to me and I will get caught if I didn't run right now. I ran feeling the branches breaking under my feet. After minutes of running, I saw the other side of the road which made me smile

Suddenly I found myself falling and my arms scratched because of the branches and the small bits of rocks which mad me whimper. I huffed trying to stand up but I fell again gasping. I looked at my right feet finding the heel of the high heels broke. I tried to stand up again feeling pain rushing through my feet.

"No no no no not now" I mumbled to myself. The pain that I felt was unbearable. I can't even move my body a bit. A sob fell for my lips trying to stand up again but I just couldn't.

As I was getting ready to do a healing spell.

"I found one of them" I looked beside me and found one of the guard running to my side. I raised my hand at him wanting to hurt him to stay away from me.

"Averte oculos tuos a quo exit-" He cut me off

"Shut up you fucking whore" He yelled throwing hemlock water at me burning my skin which made me scream in utter pain, taking a dose of hemlock water differs from throwing it at you it burns and tear your skin apart which hurt like freaking hell.

Everything around me from the pain that I was feeling went pitch black


I opened my lid a little seeing a blur face then my eyes closed. I opened my lid again only hearing a lock of a door then my eyes closed after whimpering in pain. I opened my eyes and looked around me seeing a lot of blurred faces then my eyes closed.

"I'm going down, let me in" i heard someone shouting from upstairs

"Celeste, Celeste wake up" I opened my eyes

"Look at me" I looked at the talking voice but by looking at the face made me shut my eyes in disgust while groaning "By that look I can tell that you missed my pretty face, didn't ya?" Xavier said in a sarcastic voice.

I tried to sit and I succeeded, I put all my weight on the wall behind me. I looked up and the first thing I laid my eyes on was Corbyn who was running down the stairs looking at Xavier furiously then looked at me with an apologetic look while shaking his head a little which mad my eyes tear a little.

I looked beside me and there were Luna and River sitting on the floor like me but there hands were tied behind them with black cloves on them. I widened my eyes when I realized that they didn't catch Starr and at the idea my body relaxed a little.

I looked in front of me and there was Xavier shouting at luna and I don't know why but I couldn't hear his voice. My body is in total pain and I was still dizzy feeling that I'm gonna be unconscious in any second. Xavier suddenly walked closer to Luna holding her chin tightly in his hand while yelling and Luna was glaring at him.

He came towards me. He got a grip of my wrist pulling me towards him making me stand from the sudden move I closed my eyes and groaned in pain. My knees were giving up but he didn't let me instead he grabbed my waist and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I felt a sharp, cold metal on my throat and it burned my throat because it has hemlock water in it. I sobbed loudly.

"ANSWER ME WHERE THE FUCK IS STARR?" Xavier shouted digging the knife into my throat

"Xavier what the fuck are you doing?" Corbyn said panicking

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not gonna leave her " He said and immediately i heard a gun clicked and I don't know what happened but i heard all the guys gasping

"Corbyn are you out of your mind" one of the boys yelled i'm not sure who

"I swear to god Xavier if you didn't leave her now I'm gonna shot you" As Corbyn said that i gasped understanding that he is the one who is pointing a gun at Xavier's head

Xavier pulled me tighter to him while digging the knife deeper and i screamed "You're raising your gun on your own brother because of her" He said each word in total pain but in a furious mood

"Leave her" Corbyn hissed

"I'm not going to..if you wanna shot go ahead but she is going to the other side with me"

"I SAID LEAVE HER" Corbyn shouted


I looked from the corner of my eyes at Corbyn who caught my glance but then looked up at Xavier, I saw some shadows behind him I narrowed my eyes to see better and found Zion

"Corbyn look out" Luna screamed as i heard the gun fall on the floor and zion took a grip of Corbyn's arm

"ZION" Corbyn screamed

"Forget it..i'm not gonna let you do something you will regret" Zion said pulling Corbyn away

"I swear to God I'm gonna kill her if you didn't tell me NOW" Xavier hissed looking at luna.

"Luna tell him" Corbyn said yelling

"Pleas just leave her she can't even stand up, she's shaking" Luna cried

"Do you wanna see me dragging this knife into her throat" Xavier said in a threatening tone

"No" I breathed letting a tear slip out

"Say it Luna" Corbyn yelled

"I don't know where she is right now but she's supposed to go to the nearest police station from here. Now please just leave Celeste" And he let me fall on the floor. I fell on my knees crying in pain and that they're gonna find Start and catch her.

"Untie us NOW" River said loudly. Corbyn walked to River to untie her

"What do you think you're doing?" Xavier said

"Untying them" Corbyn answering him simply. I closed my eyes but opened it again when I heard River's voice.

"Stay with me okay. Stay with me" She put her hand on the top of my head.

"Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala." She whispered and God the relief that my body got after this spell was relieving itself. I let out a brand still closing my eyes. River was still running her fingers through my hair

"You're okay. Everything is going to be okay" River said in a shaking voice. I looked up at her and found her smiling sadly down at me with tears in her eyes. It's been years since I saw River crying.

"We're going to be okay" She whispered drying her tears while running her hands through my hair

"You're going to make me cry" I whispered

"You're already crying stupid" She said making me chuckle.

"Now stand up" She said standing first then helped me to stand up.

"You okay?" River asked me

"Yeah" I said leaning down to unstrap my heels. Me and River walked toward Luna sitting beside her. Luna was basically glaring at the floor with her hands in tight fists.

"It's okay you know, As long as the four of us safe and sound. Then everything is fine" River said

"I wanted us to get out of this hell is this too much to ask for" Luna said

"We're gonna get through this hell together. We're 326 years old. We've been through a lot of shit our whole life so for sure we're gonna survive this" I said leaning my face so I can look at her beautiful different colored eyes.

"What if something happened to Starr?" Luna asked

"As innocent as Starr looks she's so so sneaky" River said and both me and Luna giggled

"I agree" I said then i heard the guys talking outside so i wanted to listen

"How did you know?" A sound from outside said

"Shh" I put a finger on my lips signaling for my sisters to be quiet then pointed at the door

"Know what?" A familiar voice said back

"Don't act stupid Issac, how did you figure out it was a trap" I assume Corbyn said

"Okay okay chill" Issac said laughing "So I was downstairs drinking and the ladies bathroom was far away on my left side. I saw Celeste entering after a lot of minutes. I heard the fight upstairs and I saw the guards running upstairs, I was going to follow them but I saw a strange girl running out of the toilet but with the same dress Celeste was wearing so I ran pushing the toilet door and found no one there and the window was open so....yeah" I looked at Luna and River and they had the same look on my face which is shock

"How did they managed to do that without us knowing?" Corbyn said

"I don't know...they're pretty smart to be honest. They even switched the hemlock water tap to normal water tap and we didn't even notice that too" Issac said

"Did you see when Luna did that kind of spell?" Corbyn said

"No" Issac said in a whiny voice "but I saw when she closed the door and locked it" He said laughing

"That's so amazing" Corbyn said laughing too. I looked at my sisters

"As much as they got that sharp and dark look on their face. They are pretty ridiculous"Luna said shaking her head


Xavier's Pov

I declined a call from my assistant then concentrated on what I want done next, then Corbyn popped up in my head about what he did today with Celeste, if he thinks I approve this relationship then he is a fool, I headed to his room.

Slammed the door open "We need to talk" I said casually sitting on the chair that is facing his bed

"What do you want?" He said in boredom

"I want to clear something for you" I took a deep breath continuing" I don't approve of what you are doing with Celeste...I let it pass because I wanted to make sure my plan is going on point"

"So?" He asked

"I want you to stay away from her that can't be happening, this is all wrong" I said pinching my bottom lip

"You know I'm not gonna do that right?" He said smugly

"Oh but you're gonna listen" I chuckled "Cause if you didn't the four of them are gonna be killed and I don't fucking care"

"Y-You can't do that we need them" He said nervously

"You know I can, don't tempt me" I said smirking

"I can do well with three witches you know" I added and his mood switched

"I swear if you touched Celeste-" I cut him off

"Don't make me, I don't want to" I smiled "You are a fucking hunter loving a witch is a sin" I yelled

"If this nation of hunters put rules like this, i'm not proud to be one" He hissed

"It doesn't matter if you're proud or not, at the end you're one and you can't change it"I breathed " Do you know what will happed to her if the castle knew about you two! They will end you two, And i'm not ready to lose my brother because of her" I said and left
