

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 22


Corbyn's Pov

"It's been 9 days and still Celeste didn't even looked at my face for a second. She's ignoring me for 9 fucking days like she never knew me in her life, like I don't exist. Every time I call for her name she would look down on the floor and run upstairs to her room. What she's doing is driving me insane. I don't know what to do. I wanna explain myself to her but she's not giving me any chances. It was all out of my hands....All of this is because of Xavier. I don't know how we're even blood related. He's totally ruining the quadruplets...I really don't know what to do and neither Issac nor Zion nor Klaus are helping me....What should I do?" I tightened my grip at the glass of tequila in my hand and looked at the bartender whose eyes is completely widening eyes and his face is in utter shock. It clicked in my head that I told him...a complete stranger what has been happening in my life. Oh my God I'm really drunk..

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything to you...I'm sorry" I said looking at him

He cleared his throat "It's okay...no problem" I nodded at him giving him a tight smile

"Another shot please" He took my glass to fill it...by now I really lost count of how many shots of tequila I drank and it honestly don't matter to me. The bartender came and give me my shot I drank it the second he put it on the bar.

"Another one" I said

"I can't sir. You've already drank way to much I'm sorry" He said apologizing. I huffed and nodded. I took my wallet out of my pocket and gave him money

"Thank you" I said and hiccuped after it. I took out my phone dialing Issac number to pick me up cause I'm not in a state to drive at all

"Where the fuck are you Corbyn?" Issac yelled in the phone

"Shh..Shh don't yell. They could hear us" I whispered...and please don't ask me what I'm saying cause I really don't know

"Huh?Who?" Issac said

"They could hear us" I said hiccuping

"Ahhh...your drunk...again and you're calling me to pick you up...again" He huffed

"Come fast before you find me unconscious on the floor" I said leaning on the wall cause I'm feeling dizzy at the moment

"If you want to throw up..throw up now cause I swear yo God Corbyn if you throw up in my car again I'm gonna kill you" He said in a threatening voice

"Just come fast" I said ending the call. looking down on the floor that going round and round. I blinked twice shaking my head while leaning my head on the wall and closing my lids .I thought about taking out a cigarette and smoking it but Thank God I didn't do it cause one I smoked a lot today and two I think my body can't take all of that. I started thinking about Celeste for the thousandth time on this day.

After minutes feeling like hours Issac came. He got out of the car.

"You're alive. Hallelujah" He said faking a happy voice. He came up to me taking my arm putting it around his shoulder and wrapping his other arm around my waist

"When are you gonna stop?" Issac whispered and I didn't answer him. He opened the passenger seat door.

"Do you wanna throw up?" He said looking at me. I shake my head

"If I-I grabbed your arm...." I suddenly forgot what I was gonna say so I just said what came in my mind first "throw up" I said and nodded. I looked at Issac whose face is really confused

"You're really drunk man..And I really don't get what you said but okay" He said putting me in the passenger and told me to fasten the seatbelt. I did while he was walking to the driver seat.


We arrived at my home. I opened the car door standing up while leaning on Issac.

"You're staying over r-right?" I asked Issac who nodded

"All of us are staying tonight" He said opening the main door pushing me inside gently and turning around to close the door as quiet as possible. The house was pitch black not a single person, not a single voice.

I don't know what happened to me but I felt anger building up. I don't know why the darkness reminded me of Celeste it just like the only thing that I can see right now in this pitch black house, so don't ask me why I did this.

"CELESTE" I screamed her name. Issac immediately put his hand on my mouth

"What the fuck are you doing?" He whisper yelled. I snatched his hand away from my mouth

"S-She has to talk to me. I-I can't take it no more. Everything reminds me of her" I finished taking a deep breath "CELESTE" I screamed again

"Okay okay just shut up. If Xavier heard you he's gonna kill us... and I'm really in no mood to fight or to see you guys fight I've had enough in these days" He finished huffing pushing me away from him. I stumbled but didn't fall thank God.

"I'm gonna help you" He whispered

"Really?How?" I said swallowing the lump that was in my throat feeling relieved and little happy

"Just meet me in front of their room" He said walking in the hallway. I went and walked to her and Starr's room trying to make no sound. I waited for Issac who came shortly after me. He got out a key and unlocked their door. At the sound Celeste and Starr sat up gasping. Issac turned the lights on.

"I can't believe I'm gonna say this but he really needs you right now" He said groaning. I looked at Celeste and found her looking at me with a concerned look in her face. She ran a hand through her beautiful hair while huffing. She took a water bottle from the side tablwalked to me taking a grip of my wrist making me follow her to the balcony. She opened the slide door entering and me after her.

"Drink the water first" She said opening the water cap for me. I took the bottle from still looking at every move she makes. I finished the whole bottle and throw it on the floor.

"I'm sorry" I whispered

"You shouldn't be here" She said shaking her head, still looking at the floor.

"It was all out of my hands" I said keeping my voice low taking a step closer to her

"You're drunk" She said taking a step backwards

"If I didn't get involved. Xavier would have done it in his way and I didn't want for that to happen" I said taking a step forward

"It doesn't matter at the moment" She said nervously taking a step backwards and still looking at the floor. I was getting angry by every single minute passing but I was trying to keep it under control.

"It was all to protect you" I whispered taking a step forward and the moment she took a step backward her back hit the wall. I took a step forward cornering her.

"Look at me" I said and she still looking at floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world

"Just fucking look at me" I raised my voice a little which made her look at me glaring immediately.

"You shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here too. You let me down. You made me let my sisters down. You let my trust for you down" At her last sentence she poked my chest with her finger.

"If I didn't step in Xavier's fucking game. You and your sisters would be in danger" She chuckled at my words

"If you didn't notice we're already in danger" She said glaring " We revealed our freaking identity that we've been hiding since 1963" She said looking down at the floor. She put her hands on my chest to push my away but I didn't bother "We're already in so much danger" She said giving up

"I had to, believe me

I had to. He was already surrounding your sisters with a lot of guards. They were in his hands" I said tilting her chin with my fingers making her look at me.

"Why didn't you warn me?" She asked looking directly in my eyes

"I didn't know I swear to God I didn't know" I whispered running my thumb on her cheek making her blush.

Suddenly the door slid open. Which made Celeste push me away from her. She put her hands on her cheek to hide her red cheek

"Hey Romeo we've to go now I think someone is awake" Issac said in a rushing tone I widened my eyes at his words.

"Okay okay I'm coming" I told him then looked at Celeste.

"I'll convince you that I'm not a liar. I'll show you" After my words. Issac grabbed my elbow pulling me out of the balcony. When I got out, My eyes fell on Starr who was blushing like crazy. Why?

"Good night" Issac said to her made me look at him with furrowed brows.

We ran out of their room. Issac closed their door and locking it. We run on our tip toes down the stairs to the second floor and straight to our rooms. Before going to my room I gripped Issac making him look at me.

"I love you so much bro. Thank you" I told him. He grinned at me.

"No problem. Now go and please shower" He said running to his room.



Xavier's Pov

All of us were sitting together. The girls locked up in their room. Zion and Klaus playing play station and biting each other head off and Issac and Corbyn talking while having a smoke.

My phone rang I looked at who was dialing and it was unknown number which me stand up immediately and took fast steps out of the living room.

"Hello" I said taking a breath

"Is the girls still with you?"


"Are you sure, they're the missing quadruplets?"

"Hundred percent" I said letting out a breath

"Did you know anything from them?"

"Yes...They're immortals. They will be forever 24 years old. As the age that Samara died at. They have special powers that doesn't exist in any witch" I said

"What do you mean?"

"One can control time, One can shape shift, One can control mind and one can contact with ghosts"

"Increase the number of guards in front of their rooms and around the mansion. Keep them with you Xavier"

"Okay" I said

"And Good job"

"Thank you" I said smirking.
