

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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Chapter 21

Right after the sacrifice

When all the haunters village did all what they can to try and find the missing four witches along with their father Albert but failed

Horror questions filled the village of what will happen if the four witches grew up like their mother Samara?

What if Samara did any more link spells like the one she did to the princess Elizabeth?

The questions kept repeating and spreading between the citizens in the village that cause a horrible chaos so the king had to give a quick order for the soldiers to do whatever it takes to find and finish those quadruplets

But little did they know that Albert hid their place so well that the strongest army back then couldn't find his place.

When the king knew this upsetting news he ordered The Army chief who happened to be his son Elvis to keep the failing news of finding the quadruplets a secret and Ordered him to spread along the Citizens 'The finding of the four witches in the south of the woods, they got executed and their bodies were burned out'

Which was a total fake news just to low the terrify of the hunters, To the citizens the case was closed and comfort filled their chests but to the Castle, The king, Elvis and the army it's a threatening mystery that must be solved and who really Insisted on solving it was the prince and the army chief Elvis who is insisting in taking his wife's revenge,

He spent two years just digging, searching and contacting with every witch that could ever existed in Shorewick and in England as a whole and if you wonder how did he get all of them to give in and help him it's because of the special treasure that Samara gave to Elvis before her last breath:The hemlock water well.

It was his sharp weapon that can get to the weakness of any Witch

One of the witches in shorewick advised Elvis to go up and search for a very strong witch named Gabriella who lives in Ireland she has the needed power to find what he wants.

So Elvis travelled all the way from England to Ireland with two men that he trusted the most

Amos and Bernard they were Elizabeth's brothers who cared for taking her revenge as much as Elvis.

It took them two days till they crossed overseas to Ireland and their journey began in searching for Gabriella that was hard because her life was so secretive it took them three months until they found her in Avondale Forest, In a rotten wooden house that is cracked and not secure at all but the surprise was that she was married to an irish hunter named Desmond and this incident terrified Elvis, Amos and Bernard.

How on earth there's a hunter that can love a witch and not have an urge to tear her up into pieces?

They didn't believe that he was a hunter and accused him of being such a liar and ordered him to reveal what creature he is.

Immediately Gabriella interrupted and said that she is the witch who turned him and he was an un trained hunter.

Elvis couldn't understand what she was interfering to, so she explained that when an untrained hunter is turned by a witch he immediately dies because of the pain of his urge that will destroy every cell from inside him, but if he beat up that witch until his urge doesn't kill him from inside anymore he will live.

At that specific moment Elvis knew that he was wrong when he thought he know everything about witches and magic, By that Gabriella and Desmond were the first witch and hunter who came over boundaries, laws, nature, genes and loved each other truthfully.

Even though Elvis was still shocked but he brushed it away concentrating on what he came here for in the first place.

As soon as he told Gabriella that he's searching for the quadruplets that belonged to Samara and Albert.

She freaked out, Gabriella that Elvis heard about her a lot of evil things and that she is the strongest Witch alive now, Freaked out and her expression went escapable, she started apologizing for the gentle men saying that she can not include herself ,her husband in something has to do with Samara, She said Samara's past is full of secrets and unknown things that can lead to consequences and punishments then She whispered to Elvis's ear

''Samara's body may have died but her done black magic won't" Her sentence sent goosebumps through Elvis's body then her hand fell on her belly and immediately he understood that she is pregnant and her whispering was referring to the four twins, At that moment Elvis knew that he can't die and leave this Earth without making sure that these four witches dies.

After days Elvis succeeded in convincing Gabriella to help them but in return he promised providing her family with money in addition protecting them from any danger under the supervision of the king himself, Elvis gave her everything he had that belongs to Samara and what he found in the sacrifice place and a shirt that belongs to Albert, Gabriella did a lot of tracking spells with his blood because she said if Samara really loved him that means that he's related to her heart, She did a lot of kinds with different strengths but something weird happens every time his blood goes to this point on the map that it's filled with mountains here in Ireland that no one can ever live in and survive

But when it kept going to the same location every time, Gabriella insisted going there but she warned them this could mean two things First: This could mean that this location has something to do with Elvis

Second: It's a trap from Samara's evil black magic

The next day they were already heading to that abandoned area taking all the supplies they could need.

Confusion filled them not knowing why the map brought them here, there's no signal for a human being to be alive here, but yet again Gabriella did a tracking spell on a map that shows only this area using Elvis's blood again but this time the blood didn't make a line to the location, all the blood drops transferred into a location that's between two mountains accurately on a huge tree there.

They followed the map, and was shocked to the core when they saw how different and big this tree is, it's the biggest tree there and it's shape is different along with it's leaves that are dark green mostly black and it's branches are thick and tangled.

All of them was confused and searched for any sign that a human could be living here but found nothing, Desmond suggested leaving but Elvis refused insisting on staying, and believed his inner feeling that they will find something.

So his order was followed and they slept the night there, but it wasn't peaceful at all, bats were filling the sky and it was raining most of the night, And Gabriella was shaking on the floor until she screamed waking up and the rest woke up from her scream, they started asking her what happened and all what was on her mouth is 'Samara, Samara, I saw Samara, She was here,Samara was here'

It turned out that Gabriella saw a vision and she told them that she saw her digging in that same place the huge tree is standing but there was no tree she dig so deep then threw in a leather book and did a very very strong spell that grew that whole tree up.

Gabriella was freaking out shivering from fear who knows what that felt like when she was seeing Samara! But Elvis didn't care about that he said that he want to have that book right know, coming here was for a reason and that book is that reason, He wanted Gabriella to do a reverse spell.

Gabriella had the power to do that spell but for sure it will get consequences and Desmond knew that very well so he step up for Elvis literally not caring if he is a prince or not, But Elvis used his sharp weapon as usual 'The hemlock water'

He threatened Gabriella if She didn't practice the spell he will empty this bottle in her mouth and at the same time Amos and Bernard held Desmond.

Gabriella didn't have a choice and started the spell that took a whole hour and within every minute passing Gabriella's appearance gets worse it started with her nose bleeding then her mouth then her face went pale but all of that didn't shake Elvis's heart, Within a minute the Tree fell on the floor making a loud bang along with Gabriella's body.

Elvis, Amos and Bernard ran and start digging so deep, while Desmond ran to his wife.

After minutes two gasps filled the air one From Elvis who found the book and one from Desmond who found blood dripping down his wife's leg.

Gabriella lost her baby for the sake of that book.

I bet you can imagine how harsh, hurt and furious Desmond's reaction was on Elvis and the rest

But Elvis managed to calm him down by promising he will Compensates them.

They went back to Gabriella's house and brought a doctor for her that assured that the baby is dead then after two days they grabbed their attention back to the That mysterious book.

They managed to open the book that was locked with hundreds of locks and chains but what they found in the book full of words, symbols and drawing that they can't read or understand, but immediately Gabriella knew what was it, It was a hidden language that must me solved by another powerful Spell.

Gabriella did the spell but the spell didn't translate all the book, it only translated the words but all the symbols and drawings did not.

Gabriella held the book and started reading all the pages translated that concludes:

1:Samara for the first time loved from her heart

2:She said when she loves something she can't leave It for anyone after her

3:She feels like she's going to die soon so she practiced black magic heavily

4:She found a spell that can kill any hunter

5:There is a second part to that book and only her blood line should have it

Elvis, Amos, Bernard and Desmond received the black news with dropping jaws and shook gazes

Elvis knew that he was that true love that filled Samara's black heart and it's like a curse.

From this moment forward Elvis knew that all the haunters nation are in serious danger.

Seven months passed, and during this time, Elvis informed the king of what happened and he understood how dangerous the situation is, Elvis asked for the king's help to build a castle back in Ireland and provide it with soldiers, weapons and enact a law that allow any newborn haunter in shorewick to this castle when they turn seven years old and striving in purging this Earth from witches and when they turn 18 they can leave the castle,

And he asked the king to promote Desmond to a nobleman as a compensation for his loss.

After 8 years, the castle became an important and sacred place.

It's now filled with royals kids and wives

And most importantly The Fathers : Elvis, Amos, Bernard and Desmond

And the one who is protecting the castle from any witches magic is the one and only Gabriella

Who now has a baby girl with Desmond.

Also Elvis got married to an irish woman named Lenora. Who gave birth to seven princess

Six boys and one girl.

Years passed and Elvis was getting older and weaker along with the fathers but destiny played it's games when Gabriella found an immortality spell, She used it on herself, husband, daughter and rest of the fathers except Elvis who refused and said that he got tired of life and he will be rest assured that the castle is kept in good hands

Elvis passed away leaving a line of kings to fill his chair.

Forward to 1994

The haunters nation was that strong that it stayed and survived centuries till now,

With kings passing to another kings filling their great great grandfather Elvis's Chair, That is considered the only variable chair in the castle since  the rest of the fathers are immortal,

At that time the king who was filling the chair is Edmund White Elvis, who was the son of the last king out of the seven Elvis's had

But surly enough he was different from all of his siblings, He was strict, loyal, ambitious, clever, stubborn and most importantly he was the strongest yet he was the youngest.

At 1990 he was announced as the king when his older brother Francisco passed away.

But right away after he became he king things changed as he was very well educated and practiced he ran the castle very well that the rest of the fathers felt like they are wantless

And he didn't trust anyone at all not even in their opinions, he didn't consider any of the father's opinions he saw that they were too old to understand how to run the castle nowadays and did it all by himself but surprisingly the castle was ran so insanely well as if the fathers themselves were running it.

He got married to a princess named Isis back at 1991

And they will blessed with a baby boy who was given the name Xavier.

And after a year they were blessed with another baby boy Corbyn.

But Edmund wasn't lucky enough to get blessed for the third time with a baby because Isis was diagnosed with rare disease that took away her life leaving Edmund with the two toddlers.

At 2001 Xavier became seven years old which is the proper age to start practicing as a hunter which surprised all the castle and children in his age of how strong he was at that young age but no one was shocked because like father like son, he was as strict, loyal, clever as his father.

Right after him at 2002 it was Corbyn's turn when he turned seven to go and practice but for the first time in the castle's history 'A royal haunter refuses to practice' it was a shock yet a shame to all the royal family, all the castle became against him and they tried several times forcing him to practice but somehow he ended up not giving in even his father locked him up in the castle's cell before as a behaving punishment but yet that didn't work with him, guess he took his father's strictness and stubbornness too but in a different way, no one ever believed that Xavier and Corbyn were born from the same womb, having the genes from the same parents.

But as the time passed they all seemed to give up on him, until one night Edmund was asked to lead the army to go on a very serious and dangerous trip to go and try to find the second part of Samara's book, but right after that night he left the castle, he didn't come back, the army returned without him and when they were asked about him no one knows a specific answer, there were so many stories, some said he was killed, some said he was taken as a hostage from another army, some said he fell in a deep hole between the mountains, many many stories and they ended up not knowing if Edmund is still alive out there or died alone.

Unfortunately the life after Edmund became miserable to Xavier and Corbyn as they were left alone without any parents and too many people became what they really are revealing their true  evil faces especially the fathers who were hating on them using Corbyn's action as their main excuse, Xavier did all what he can to prove to the fathers that he was really useful to the castle but every time he tries to take a step forward to win the father's heart someone step up to him who was Ezra Rivera Amos who was one of the most clever royals kids in the castle he was two years older than Xavier, Ezra succeeded on convincing the castle to sent Corbyn away as he was a shame yet burden on the castle.

So Xavier was put in a very enviable position to choose between his brother who is gonna be left alone or his ambitious.

It was a tough decision but Xavier was so like his father in loyalty so he couldn't leave his brother but yet he is strict so he tried several times to negotiate with the fathers to leave the castle when he turn eighteen so he can be fully practiced

And he promised on his life to not let Corbyn bother any of the fathers, so luckily the fathers agreed which was not what Ezra wanted but he can't do anything right now.

On 2012

Xavier turned 18 and immediately was sent out of the castle along with his brother Corbyn who was still 17, He was the first hunter to leave the castle before the proper age, he made history in being the rule breaker, there were 10 other haunters who also turned 18 and left the castle and from these ten were Issac and Zion who made friends with Xavier and Corbyn right after they left the Castle and became really really close, they promised to be together as a family forever because family always wins over everything with it's bond, they were really important to Xavier as he technically doesn't have a family, They discovered the world together out if the castle for the first time, flew back to England, worked vey hard entity And now they got one of the biggest weapons companies.