
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 65 I can't breathe because of you

Four or five people in the room left with Butler Tong.

With a haze on his face, he looked at her and patted the seat next to him: "Come and sit."

"It's been a day since I've been sitting, so I'd better stand for a while."

"Are you waiting for me to come and hug you?"

Without saying a word about warmth, he walked around the coffee table and sat down not far from him.


Just as she sat down, she was pushed down by Huo tingshen.

She looked at him nervously: "Can't you just say something if you have something to say?"

"How does it feel to be confessed?"

Warm and surprised: "how do you know."

"What do you think?"

Warm and speechless: "Huo Tingren actually lied to me. It's all settled. I'll talk about my own affairs."

It seems that there is indeed a confession: "It's not what he said, but it seems that the two of you have discussed it, okay, let me hear what you want to say."

"Can't we... just sit down and have a good talk, you're pressing me so hard I can't breathe."

Huo Ting sat up deeply: "be honest, otherwise, you know me."

Sitting up tenderly, he straightened his clothes: "you said it wasn't Tingren who said it, could it be It's our principal again? "

"Besides her, who else would take your affairs so seriously."

Warm and unhappy: "she can also listen to her words. She must add fuel to my business. She guesses that I and the male student will go to the woods."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "what she said, I don't believe it. I only believe in you. Now you can talk."

Warm and disdainful, anyway, it's his reason.

"At noon today, a boy confessed to me, because there were too many onlookers at that time, so I left alone with him and went to another place to make it clear."

"Oh?" He hugged his arms, looked coldly, and raised his eyebrows: "It seems that you rejected him."

"Of course I refused, otherwise I would fall in love with a student and get stabbed in the spine?"

"If you want to make it clear, you have to go somewhere else? There are more people watching, isn't it better to make it clear? Just because you went to other places, others will gossip."

"If I reject him in front of so many people, he will definitely be hit hard, and he will be ridiculed by people in the future. He likes me because of his heart and kindness. hurt him."

"There will be more blows in society in the future. Can you help him avoid them?"

"The social blow has nothing to do with me after all. My original intention is very simple, that is, not to let innocent people be hurt because of me."

"Then you don't care what other people point at you?"

Warm Nuzui: "I used to pay special attention to what others said about me, but after I met you, I liked the words you said very much. What do others say about me and what does it have to do with me?"

Huo Ting turned his head to the side and sneered.

He turned to look at him tenderly: "so, what did our principal say about me?"

"Say you didn't know how to behave, seduced junior boys, and after being confessed by the boys in public, you left alone with the man. You don't know what you are doing, so let me be careful about you."

I bite my teeth tenderly, and I'm not happy.

"This Lin Youle, your thoughts are too dirty, you are actually angry with me because of her words? You were so angry just now, obviously you are angry, you are angry because you believed her words, right?"

"I'm angry because you are a woman who attracts so many bees and butterflies, how come you can be targeted by men wherever you go, eh? When you were in the company, a man in your department openly chased you. I heard, There are more than one or two men in the company who see you.

Tingren said that in school, those little boys with no brains regarded you as their goddess. Oh, it's really naive. My woman, why are they regarded as goddesses? I really want to lock you up, only I can watch it. "

Not being trusted, she should have been angry.

But why was he so indignant, as if he was going to explode with anger.

And... does he really have the face to call others naive?

"What's that little boy's name?"

Warm eyebrows: "what do you want to do?"

"It's unpleasant to find me, you say what I want to do."

"Don't mess around. I've made it clear to everyone, and he promised not to mess around again. What's the matter if you come out and mess up? I don't know, I thought I was very concerned about this. What's going on?"

"If you don't give him a good look, how can you make those stinky young men dare not pursue you again in the future?"

"Huo tingshen, don't be bored. I'm so tender that I can't even settle this trivial matter. If you're unhappy, that's your problem. You digest it internally. What reason do you have to blame on others?

If according to what you said, you are now having an affair with Cheng Fei, then those men who regard Cheng Fei as their goddess, should they come out and fight with you together? "

"Do they have that ability?"

"So, you can do whatever you want with your ability?" With a warm face, "it's clear that you are not good enough yourself."

She even accused him, Huo Ting was deeply annoyed, and his expression was also displeased.

But the warmth is clearly not afraid.

"You said that Cheng Fei has nothing to do with you, but your scandal has been going on for so long, and the two of you are having an affair here, and no one has come out to clarify, what is the difference between your current behavior and the default relationship? According to your logic, since You have tacitly agreed to the relationship, why can't the men who like Cheng Fei curse you three times a day?"

After saying warm and righteous words, Huo tingshen raised his eyebrows.

His originally written sullen face suddenly pulled out a smile.

He leaned in front of her: "warmth, how dare you say you're not jealous?"

"I'm just talking about things."

"Well, very good," Huo Ting nodded deeply: "you can continue to deny it."

"I wasn't jealous at all," she said through gritted teeth tenderly, "you were the one who made the untruth first, and I was just refuting you."

Huo Ting looked at her with a doting smile, took out his mobile phone, and called moxinian.

"Xinian, speak to your company's public relations department to clarify the relationship between me and Cheng Fei."


"There is a jar of old vinegar at home, the lid is broken, and the sour smell makes my eyes hurt."

When he said that, his tender face was embarrassed.

She has said it a hundred and eighty times, she is not jealous, really not jealous.

Moxinian is also open and bright. As soon as Huo tingshen said it, he immediately understood the meaning and nodded, "OK, I'll arrange it. You can fix the lid of the vinegar jar with peace of mind."

The two hung up, and Huo tingshen called Lin Shaokang again.

"Immediately have someone make a statement stating that there is no relationship between me and the actor Cheng Fei. If there are rumors in the media, I will definitely use legal means to protect my interests."

After hanging up, he looked at Wen Qing and hooked his lips: "do you know why we didn't clarify the scandal before?"

She pouted: "how would I know."

Compare her to being old and jealous, and ask her questions like everyone else.

He's quite... cheeky.

That's right, she just wants to use idioms indiscriminately to suffocate her.

"There are two reasons. First, I made a small transaction with Xi Nian. He used my identity to help their company make Cheng Fei popular. In the future, our company will use Cheng Fei as a product endorsement, all without endorsement fees.

Second, because I see someone being jealous, I really enjoy it. After all, it's only when someone's jealous that I can feel that I'm really important to someone. "

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "you can rest assured now. Cheng Fei and I didn't know each other."

Warm and disdainful: "two people who don't know each other will go to Bali for vacation together?"

"I said that I'm not jealous, but I haven't missed a single piece of news that I should watch. For the sake of your concern, I'll explain to you. I never went to Bali with Cheng Fei at all. .

I did go to Bali for vacation by myself, and I still go often. As for Cheng Fei, I didn't know until I read the news that she also went to Bali on a flight with me that day, and it seemed that I was staying in the same hotel.

However, from beginning to end, I didn't have a half-point intersection with her. Everything about that day, like you, was learned from the news. "

He finished explaining and listening to the warmth, but he still said stubbornly, "I'll say it for the last time. I'm not jealous. What does this have to do with being jealous? Others have read all the news. "

"Okay, you're not jealous, it's me who's jealous, even if you don't mean that to others, and they just covet you, I'm not happy, so... do you think I want to disfigure you? Anyway, now you are even Not pretty, I want you too."

Glancing at him tenderly, she was insane. She got up and said, "I want to eat, I'm starving to death."

Huo Ting smirked deeply. He called and called Butler Tong back.

Butler Tong asked the aunts to set the table and prepare dinner.

Huo Ting asked deeply, "is the warm room ready?"

"Yes, third master."

Butler Tong said to the warmth: "Miss Wen, we have packed your room, and your change of clothes, according to the third master's request, has been prepared for you and hung in the cloakroom.

In addition, if there is anything you need to use in Dachengjiayuan these days, then you can give me the details, and I will send someone back to fetch it for you. "

After thinking about it tenderly, he said, "my deposit receipts are all placed in the drawer under my bedside table, as well as my graduation certificate. That is my most important thing."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "do you still have a deposit certificate?"

Looking at her tenderly: "do the poor have to be penniless?"

"Those who have certificates of deposit are not even poor."

Warm and speechless: "I'm too lazy to argue with you. I want to go in and change into a comfortable dress."


Warmth is about to enter the room on the first floor where he slept before.

Huo Ting said calmly, "your room has been upgraded to the second floor."

Looking at him tenderly: "why are you going to the second floor?"

"Guess," said Huo tingshen, who had gone upstairs.

Warm and stuffy go upstairs with him.

Huo tingshen stopped at the door next to his bedroom and knocked on the door with his fingers: "you live in this room."

Warmly pushed the door and walked in.

When Huo tingshen was about to go in, he turned back tenderly and said, "I want to change my clothes."

He smiled: "In ten minutes, see you at the dinner table, new neighbor."

Close the door tenderly, with a smile on the corners of his lips, the new neighbor...

Because the clothes prepared by Butler Tong are too expensive.

She also didn't dare to wear it to school, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

So when she was eating, she warmly asked Butler Tong for help, and sent someone to Dacheng Jiayuan to help her pack a few sets of clothes, as well as her 'valuables'. '

After getting the things back, all the warmth was brought into the room.

Huo tingshen followed in and hugged him: "you are a strange woman. The cloakroom that other women dream of is not attractive to you at all?"

"It's not that the cloakroom can't attract me, but now I don't wear these clothes at all." She hung her clothes in the corner one by one.

"I'm a teacher, what do I do in such a fancy dress to attract little boys to pursue me?"

After she said so confidently, Huo Ting deeply hooked her lips, "Well, Ruzi can be taught."

He gave him a warm glance, came out of the cloakroom, picked up his passbook, and planned to put it in the graduation certificate.

Huo tingshen stood next door and was a little surprised when he looked at the numbers on the passbook.

"You actually have 200,000 bank certificates of deposit, isn't it? It seems that the jobs you did before did not disappoint you."

"It's not all my money, some of it was earned by my mother before and kept for me to go to college. Some of it was saved by myself over the years. For me, this is a huge sum of money. ."

"Do you want me to help you use the 200,000 investment?"

"No, who doesn't know that the capitalists have a bad heart. In case you swallow it for me, I'd be more at ease with a huge sum of money."

Looking at his reaction, Huo Ting was speechless. This was the first time he offered to help others to invest, but was rejected.

This woman is really blind.

"The heart of the villain, no matter how bad I am, I can't despise your little money. Are you sure you don't need me? In the entire Beicheng, there should be no one who knows investment better than me. I am a hundred investment."

Looking at him tenderly, he hesitated for a moment before saying, "true or false."

"Do you not trust me as a person, or do you not trust my strength."

After thinking about it tenderly, she also heard people say that it is better to invest, manage money and buy a house with this money in the bank.

If she buys a house, she won't have enough money to stick her teeth between her teeth.

But she doesn't understand investment and financial management at all.

She looked down at her passbook, and then handed it to him: "This is all my sense of security."

"Your sense of security should be me, not it."

He took the passbook and smiled, and being able to give him a sense of security meant that she already believed in herself, which was good.

At noon the next day, when she was about to get off work, Bai Antai called her.

In fact, seeing his number, Wen Qing already thought of Bai Antai's purpose of finding her.

However, for some people, it seems that it is not so simple to simply avoid.

So, she picked up the phone.

"Take advantage of the noon time, come to the company to find me."

"Why should I go to see you?"

"If you don't want me to send someone to bring you over to school, then you'd better come by yourself. After all, we are father and daughter, and I don't want you to be too difficult in your workplace."

He clenched his fist tenderly, but after a while, he said calmly: "for a despicable person like you, I don't expect you to be so elegant. Well, I don't bother to talk to you about this useless tug of war, I'm going, just in time, I also have something to say."