
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 66 Bai Yue is more suitable than you

She hung up the phone tenderly, with a sullen face, went back to the office to pick up her bag, and said to Mr. Huang, who invited her to have dinner, "Mr. Huang, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you to the cafeteria today at noon. I have to go out."

"Okay, you're busy."

After she left school, she took a taxi and came to the Bai Group.

She was stopped because she wanted to go upstairs directly.

She walked to the front desk, reported her name and said, "Hello, I'm here to find your president Bai Antai. I have made an appointment with him. Please call to confirm. My name is Wenqing."

"Miss, please wait a moment, I'll call the secretary's office upstairs to confirm."

After waiting for three minutes, the warmth was released.

This is her second time at the company.

The last time I came was five years ago. At that time, my mother was severely depressed and she was overwhelmed. Therefore, for the first time, I thought of asking his nominal father for help.

But that day, he gave her a blow to the head.



She really would rather not.

Under the leadership of the secretary, she walked into Bai Antai's office.

Five years later, it's still the same here.

Before Bai Antai could speak, she walked over by herself and sat down on the sofa.

Bai Antai got up, left the desk, and came to the other end of the sofa.

"I saw the photo."

He was straight to the point.

But warmth doesn't mind, and she didn't come here to catch up with him.

"so what."

"You kid, do you really plan to be so obsessed with self-love? If I advise you so, you can't listen to me once? Isn't it better to leave Huo tingshen, leave Beicheng, and walk far away? "

He sneered tenderly: "in this world, he is the only one who treats me well. I managed to catch a trace of humanity and warmth, and I have a shoulder to rely on. Why should I leave? If you were me, you would keep such a good man No, do you have to take the rough road?

At this point, I think you should be able to understand me. After all, back then, you abandoned your first love girlfriend and joined the Bai family in order to gain the upper hand. You know how to weigh the pros and cons. This is probably the only advantage I have inherited from you. . "

"The matter between me and your mother is not as simple as you think," Bai Antai frowned, "I'm telling you this now for your own good."

"Then, you should put away your kindness, I don't need it at all."

"Xiaoqing," Bai Antai sighed, "I haven't been easy all these years. I'm already at this age, and I still have to sit in this position and work hard every day. In fact..."

"It's not my fault, it has nothing to do with me."

She interrupted him: "Besides, what else do you want to say?"

Bai Antai knew how stubborn the warm temper was, so he nodded: "well, since you don't want to leave, you can stay in Beicheng, but you have to know that you are an illegitimate daughter and you are not worthy of it. Huo tingshen.

Even if he is chasing you now, it's just because of a momentary novelty. After this period of time, he will change to a new target, and you will only be injured. "

"You want to turn the subject back to the original point? If that's the case, then you can shut up. I've been stubborn since I was a child."

"I just want to tell you, you can't do it. You and Huo tingshen are too inappropriate. Give Bai Yue this opportunity. Bai Yue is more suitable to be the young grandma of the Huo family than you."

She sneered disdainfully and looked at Bai Antai's eyes like a sword.

Bai Antai felt uncomfortable when she saw her.

He said calmly: "think about it for yourself, if Huo tingshen's identity is like this, if he marries an illegitimate daughter, will he be pointed at in the future? He can bear it for you for a while, but can he bear it for a lifetime? This label can never be removed, do you understand?"

The warm eyes are full of coolness: "if you don't open your mouth, I will also talk to you about this topic. The reason why I promised to see you today is to ask you to take care of what you see in your eyes in the future, 'knowledgeable and reasonable' The precious daughter Bai Yue who is 'keeping her own' again. Don't let her entangle me with all her face in order to catch men.

If I'm not qualified, then Bai Yue is even less qualified. In Huo tingshen's eyes, I'm not from Bai's family at all, so why is there an illegitimate daughter? Don't say I didn't plan to give up Huo tingshen to Bai Yue, even if I did, Huo tingshen would be willing to accept it.

Do you really think that your daughter is a fairy who descends to earth and is beautiful and delicious? You let her strip and stand in front of Huo tingshen to try. If Huo tingshen wants your daughter, I will quit immediately without saying a word. After all, I don't pick up broken shoes that others have used.

I'll leave it here for you. In the future, don't look for me. I really hate getting involved with your white family. After all, when I see you, it's disgusting. "

After she finished speaking, she got up and walked to the door.

Bai Antai gritted her teeth angrily, "You evil girl."

Wen Qing walked to the door, opened the door and turned back: "don't think of yourself as my father anymore, you feel your own conscience and ask yourself, are you worthy?"

She gave him a cold look and left.

After coming out of the Bai Group, she felt relieved.

Just now, Bai Antai's face was blue and red, and it seemed that she was very angry.

When their white family was not happy, she was happy.

Going down the steps, she saw a lot of people surrounded by the circular flower bed not far away.

When passing by, I heard the sound of fighting inside.

A sharp female voice shouted: "Yu Chengwei, you are not human."

this name...

She stopped in her footsteps and looked in from the crowd.

This Yu Chengwei was really the one she knew.

However, how could the manager of the training department of the dignified Emgrand Group beat someone here.

She squeezed into the crowd, looked down, and lay on the ground. It was either someone else who was being kicked, or Chen Zinuo, who had helped her find a job before.

Chen Zino curled up into a ball, hugged his head, and shouted, "You are not human."

"I'm no longer human, I've helped you, you sold yourself to me, and now you still want to pretend to be arrogant? You bitch, damn bitch, you fucking want to start over? I want to let you My colleagues all know that you are a chicken, and you are a chicken when you give money."

There were many people around, but no one helped.

Probably because of Yu Chengwei's ruthless appearance at the moment, which is quite scary.

She took out her mobile phone tenderly and dialed three numbers. Then, she said in a loud voice: "110, I want to call the police. On the side of the road at the entrance of Bai's Group, a man is beating a woman. It looks like he To kill each other."

Hearing someone calling the police, Yu Chengwei's eyes quickly turned around in the crowd.

He snorted coldly: "Which bastard called the police, get out, bitch, mind your own business."

Just as Wen Qing was about to go forward, Chen Zinuo, who was lying on the ground, immediately shouted: "Yu Chengwei, don't hurry up, the police will come in a while, and I will definitely sue you for attempted murder. Anyway, there are so many witnesses here. Witnesses."

Hearing Chen Zinuo say this, Yu Chengwei spit at Chen Zinuo on the ground, then turned around and left quickly.

He didn't want to get in trouble either.

People around are still watching.

Warmly squeezed into the crowd and helped her up.

At the moment of seeing the warmth, Chen Zinuo's eyes were red, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I feel like you when I hear that voice."

Because there were too many people watching and taking pictures, she helped Chen Zino out of the crowd.

The warmth brought her to the cafe next to the Bai's Group.

Maybe because it was lunch time, there weren't too many people here.

The two sat down on the seats under the umbrellas at the door.

Chen Zinuo said: "warmth, let me invite you to a cup of coffee. In fact, I've always wanted to ask you out. You helped me find such a stable job and solved my urgent needs. I should invite you to dinner. , As a result, last month, just after the salary was paid, I went to the hospital to pay the hospital fee."

She smiled bitterly: "People who are shy in their pockets, how can they be so embarrassed to treat them? I happened to meet them at noon today. I can't treat them, but coffee is fine."

Warm eyebrows: "no, I don't like to owe others. This time you invite me, and next time I will ask back. It's too troublesome."

"You don't owe me anything. I just found out a few days ago that the person who exposed the photo of me and Yu Chengwei was really not you. I always thought you did it. I'm sorry, I wronged you. ."

Wondering tenderly: "who did that?"

"It's Su Pei. She knew about the relationship between me and Yu Chengwei, and she felt that she was being tricked by me, so she couldn't get angry, so she hacked me in the company's forum."

"Did she say it herself?" said tenderly

Chen Zinuo nodded.

"Have you seen her?"

"Yeah, recently... She was also tormented by Yu Chengwei and was about to collapse, so she came to see me once. We had a deep chat and talked about some grievances. In fact, if it wasn't for Yu Chengwei, There was no grudge between me and her.

Yu Chengwei hates women very much recently. He said that women don't have a good thing. Su Pei exposed my affair with him, which ruined his reputation. And because of me, the company started investigating him directly, which caused him to be kicked out by the company. "

"I was kicked out of the company? You mean, Mr. Yu was fired?"

She nodded: "Yes."

Looking at Chen Zinuo's temple and the corner of his mouth, there are bruises on each side. That color should not have been injured just today. She added, "Today, it's not the first time he hit you."

She bit her lip and nodded.

Warm and speechless: "why didn't you call the police?"

"He said, if I called the police, he would tell the police that I was his mistress and cheated him of money, and then I would have to go to jail. Our family was waiting for me to make money to save my life. I was beaten. It's bearable, but not in jail."

Chen Zi Nuo looked at her and said, "I'm already like this, so there's nothing to be afraid of, but now I'm more worried about you. I recognized you just by hearing your voice, I don't know if he can recognize your voice, he Did he see you just now? If he does, he will definitely deal with you, he is crazy now, you must be careful."

"He can't embarrass me."

Chen Zinuo said as if thinking of something: "By the way, the person in the photo yesterday is you, right? I always think that you are the one looking at your body shape."

Looking at her tenderly, she was a little surprised.

She was not surprised that Bai Antai and Bai Yue could recognize her, but how did this Chen Zinuo recognize her?

Before she could ask, Chen Zinuo said again: "The person in the photo has the pair of black leather shoes on his feet, you also have a pair."

She breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that she guessed it from here. Indeed, few people still wear her shoes.

It was probably bought when she was a junior. Before, Hao Hao said that she wore a pair of rustic shoes with a retro taste.

Chen Zinuo said: "I was surprised when I first saw the photo, but then I figured it out. If Director Yang really had something to do with Mr. Huo, he would have been promoted long ago, how could he have survived? It took so many years to become a manager.

But you, before, every time Mr. Huo appeared in front of our department staff, it seemed like you were there. You and the third master are really good at cooperating with this trick. We have all been deceived. "

"For me and him to be exposed, don't worry about it, we will deal with it, but you, what are you going to do on your side?"

This can be regarded as an indirect admission to Chen Zino that she is the woman in the photo.

"I... haven't made up my mind yet."

With a warm sigh, "when did this start?"

"The day after he was fired, he came to me and wanted to do that kind of thing with me, but I refused, because I didn't let him into my house, so he hit me for the first time at the door of my rented house. I."

Chen Zinuo said with a wry smile: "Today is the fourth time, and it is also the first time he has come to the door of the company to make trouble. I think this is probably my retribution. I always have to pay for the mistakes I made in the past. I deserve it."

"Can you stop being so negative, do you think that if you keep silent, he will let you go? If he comes to the company every day to make trouble, will you still be able to do your job? No matter what you did in the past, he will fight now. Human affairs are illegal. If you don't use the weapon of law to protect yourself, he won't let you have a good life in the future."

When she said this tenderly, Chen Zinuo was slightly in a trance: "but if..."

"No ifs, you and Su Pei must fight back, otherwise, he will bully you for the rest of your life. After all, if you dare not speak at first, you may never speak again in the future. Cowardice is a matter of inertia. ."

This was deeply felt by her mother.

"Tenderness, to be honest, I'm in a bit of a mess now, and I really don't know what to do. Do you have any ideas to help us come up with ideas?"

After thinking about it tenderly, he said: "you go to Su Pei, let's join forces, Yu Chengwei will definitely come to the door again, both of you must not panic, you must get his criminal evidence and endure one last time, Then take him to court."

"What if he sued me? After all, I did take his money."

"Even if he wants to sue you, he will have to show evidence and say that you cheated. You have no contract, and you have no documents. How can you say that you cheated? When a man chases a woman, he helps the woman's father to heal and treat the woman. For things like spending money, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. He gave it himself, and it was not forced by you. What are you afraid of?"

Chen Zinuo is a little bit more righteous when he says this kind of warmth, so it's the truth.

She looked at the warmth and was very grateful. She had to admit that she was indeed braver, tougher, and more worthy of being loved than herself.