
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 64 Rich men really know how to play

"Yeah, I'm sick. The two of us have just come back from the hospital. You have to send me to the school infirmary to recuperate before returning to the office."

He frowned tenderly and looked him up and down: "how come you look sick."

"Are those cancer patients who went to the hospital to find out the terminal stage of cancer because they had illness written on their faces?"

"Bah bah bah," Wen Qing anxiously glared at him, "why don't you say auspicious words, hurry up and spit."

Huo Tingren laughed: "sister-in-law three, you are really superstitious."

Talking tenderly, he raised his hand and patted his head: "if you spit it quickly, you will spit it."

Huo Tingren was speechless, pooh pooh, and then said: "what's the matter, you two fall in love, I'll be the gunman, tsk tsk, hurry up, hurry up, it's too hot."

Smile tenderly, this kid...

When she returned to the office, Mr. Huang said, "Mr. Wen, why are you here? We just finished the morning meeting. Young Master Gao asked you to go to him."

In other words, she was really caught alive this time.

Calm down, be calm.

In Gao Muran's office, the air conditioner is a little low.

He asked with a cold face, "What do you have to say about being late today?"

"I can't be late. The student is sick. I took him to the hospital and just sent him to the infirmary."

"Oh? Which student."

"Huo Tingren."

Gao Muran was displeased: "warmth, you've become cunning."

"What I said is true, you can go to the infirmary to make sure."

"Do you think that you can pass the border safely?"

"You can deduct the points as you like. Anyway, Huo tingshen said that if you are fired, he will support me."

"Tenderness," Gao Muran scolded.

He pursed his lips and smiled: "by the way, I hope that in the future, Mr. Gao, it is better not to call me into your office alone. Last time, your mother was just because you were pulling me in the cafeteria. He also called Huo tingshen to the school on purpose to sue me. Fortunately, Huo tingshen believed in me, otherwise I would not be able to wash myself if I jumped into the Yellow River. "

Gao Muran clenched his fist: "I don't know about this."

"I thought about it, so I took the initiative to remind you."

"Tenderness," Gao Muran's voice was much calmer: "are we really unable to go back? Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, there is no way?"

Looking at his helpless appearance at the moment, he nodded solemnly: "I can't go back, I don't have a chance."

"What if, at all costs, I want to come back to you again?"

"There is no place for you by my side," she said calmly, "I won't give the man who betrayed me a second chance, never."

"But what if I could pull you from hell to heaven again."

Warm eyes turned to the ceiling and breathed.

"No need, someone has already pulled me up. You can deduct the grades. If you want me to leave school today, I will go back and pack up and leave."

After she finished speaking, she went out.

When she opened the door, Gao Muran said, "I won't deduct points for you any more. If I can't even see you at school, then I will really lose you, completely."

Warm footsteps paused, but still opened the door and went out.

When she returned to the office, Teacher Li was chatting gossip with Teacher Huang on her mobile phone.

Teacher Li said: "Rich men really know how to play. So, is Cheng Fei helping others to stop the robbery?"

Teacher Huang responded: "It seems that this woman is Mr. Huo's true love."

Wen Qing walked over, and when he saw the photos on Mr. Li's mobile phone, his face turned green.

This morning, Huo Ting covered his head deeply, and the picture of pushing him into the car was photographed and uploaded to the Internet.

She couldn't figure it out, why upload such a photo that doesn't even show her face?

Seeing that Wen Qing was also watching, Mr. Li looked at her with a heart of gossip and said, "Mr. Wen, have you read the news about Cheng Fei these days?"

Warm and nervous for a while, he tried his best to pretend to be natural and said, "hanging on the headlines every day, it's hard not to see it."

"I heard that you know Cheng Fei, and you asked for Cheng Fei's autograph for your classmates before. Are you familiar with Cheng Fei? What is she like? Whether she and Mr. Huo are true or false, look at this In the photo, why do I think that the one in the photo is Mr. Huo's true love."

She scratched her eyebrows tenderly, and glanced at the photo again. It seemed that they couldn't tell who it was.

Also, her face was covered tightly after all, and she also changed clothes.

She said calmly: "I don't know Cheng Fei. The autographed photo was obtained through a friend of mine. As for her character, I have no way of knowing."

"Oh, what a pity, I wanted to get some gossip from your mouth."

With a warm smile, "I don't know."

Teacher Li looked at Teacher Huang again: "Dear, I dare to promise, this is really true love."

Teacher Huang nodded: "I think so too."

He hesitated for a moment tenderly, and asked, "not necessarily."

"Hey, Mr. Wen, you're still too tender. I heard that in the wealthy circle, the water is deep. This third master Huo is doing a good job in business, but I heard that what he does in life is really not good.

It is entirely possible that he pushed Cheng Fei out of the wall in order to protect his true love, otherwise you see, he and Cheng Fei had an affair, and he didn't come out to clarify, but he maintained the woman in the photo like this.

Well, my keen sense of smell told me that this woman who was hidden by Mr. Huo was definitely not simple. Omg, I really want to dig up the information about this woman. I'm so curious, what kind of person can win such a powerful man. "

Although she really felt that Teacher Li was a little exaggerated.

But I don't know why, when she heard him say this, she just laughed unconsciously.

Really funny.

This person was clearly standing in front of her.

Teacher Li looked at her in confusion: "Mr. Wen, what are you laughing at?"

"Ah?" She paused: "It's nothing, I just thought of something else."

Teacher Huang asked, "Did Mr. Gao deduct points for you just now?"

Wen Qing returned to his desk and sat down: "no, because I sent the student to the hospital, so I don't remember being late."

Teacher Huang nodded: "Be careful in the future. If there is such a thing, give him a call in advance. He has been staring at you so closely recently, so be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years."

"Well," she nodded and smiled at Teacher Huang.

She had just put the bag in the closet when the phone rang.

Seeing that it was Bai Yue calling, she picked up the phone.

Anyway, if she doesn't pick up, she will find the school to come.

The phone was connected, and before she could speak, on the other end of the phone, Bai Yue roared like crazy.

"Wenqing, you bitch, you're as cheap as your mother, aren't you proud? Think about tying the third master and not letting go? Well, let's try it out, I'd like to see, at the end , Is the third master yours or mine, you wait and see, I won't spare you lightly."

After Bai Yue said what she wanted to say, she hung up the phone.

Warm and speechless, she put the mobile phone by the table, is this woman sick?

Thinking of the photo she just saw on Teacher Li's mobile phone, she suddenly realized that this Bai Yue recognized her.

Thinking of the picture that Bai Yue mistakenly thought that Huo tingshen didn't want her anymore, and came to disgust her.

She couldn't help laughing, no wonder that woman was so angry, she deserved it.

At noon, she went to the cafeteria with Teacher Huang for dinner.

After coming out of the cafeteria, just walking to Wutong Road, several boys came forward to surround the two.

Teacher Huang frowned at the children and wondered, "What are you guys doing?"

A boy shouted, "Mr. Huang, come out quickly."

Two boys went to pull Mr. Huang outside the encirclement.

Looking at a few boys tenderly, frowning: "what do you want to say to me?"

One of the boys stepped forward and stood in front of the warmth.

This boy, I know him warmly, is a junior two years younger than her, and a man of the foreign language department. He plays basketball well and can speak four languages.

Because of his height and good looks, he is called Li Yifeng of the foreign language department.

Looking at each other warmly and calmly: "you are Li Yi."

"Sister, you know me."

"Yeah, I've seen you in the student union a few times before, but are you okay?" she pursed her lips tenderly

Huang Yi took a deep breath: "Sister, I like you, can you be my girlfriend?"

Teacher Huang, who was a few steps away, was frightened.

She heard a lot about the students' confession to the teacher.

But most of the girls confessed to the boys.

Moreover, this kind of confession on the spot was really the first time she saw it.

The boys who surrounded the two coaxed: "Accept him, be together, accept him, be together."

Because of their huge momentum, a lot of people quickly gathered around them.

Looking up at the boy tenderly, he pondered for a moment and said, "I won't date boys younger than me."

"I went to school one year later, so I'm only one year younger than Senior Sister, so I'm not too young, and I have confidence, as long as Senior Sister you agree to my pursuit, I will never give up halfway, and I will definitely be right for the rest of my life. Hello, never cheat.

In the future, our real estate deed and car will have your name on it, and my salary card will definitely be handed in. There are so many people here to testify for me. If I don't keep my word, or I cheat one day, let me Not to die. "

The boys continued to boo, and during this period, the number 100 people who quickly gathered around also helped boo.

Warmly said: "do you want to walk with me alone? There are too many people here, and it's inconvenient to say some things. "

The boy nodded, "Okay."

The few good brothers he brought scattered the crowd.

He said to Mr. Huang tenderly, "Mr. Huang, you go back to the office first, and I'll go back in a while."

She left with the boy. Teacher Huang looked at the backs of the two walking away, and couldn't help sighing twice.

Really masculine and feminine.

The beauty of warmth is really a scenery of its own when you stand with anyone.

The two walked farther and quieter and quieter.

Li Yi's face was a little nervous: "Mr. Wen, I know your concerns. You may think that I am an unreliable student, but don't worry, you are my role model, and I have always worked hard in my studies. Besides, my father I am a diplomat, and the road ahead, I will definitely go smoothly, so..."

She interrupted him: "Student Li Yi, I think you are very good, but I'm sorry, you are one step late, I have a boyfriend."

When she returned to the office tenderly, Mr. Huang looked at her.

She smiled and said, "Mr. Huang, are you curious and want to know the result."

"I don't think you should accept him."

"How could you have such an idea."

"Based on what I know about you."

She pursed her lips tenderly. She should not be too familiar with Mr. Huang.


"Then why did you leave with him? It will have a bad influence on you."

"It doesn't matter, my reputation is already stinky anyway."

"I only know that the person with a bad reputation is Young Master Gao, and you didn't do anything wrong."

She shrugged tenderly and smiled, and said nothing.

Because there were too many onlookers, the whole school was discussing this matter all afternoon.

Everyone is very curious about what Wen Qing said to Li Yi.

However, the two parties were silent on the topic discussed at the time.

Warmth is like nothing.

Li Yi also didn't look injured at all.

So some people speculate that the two may have been together.

After work in the afternoon, as soon as she left the school gate, she saw a driver waiting for her.

She walked over, just got in the car, before closing the door, Huo Tingren trotted over and squeezed into the car.

Looking at him tenderly: "are you going home today?"

"Yes, can't you?" Huo Tingren was a little unhappy.

"Okay, that's your home, it's not up to you to decide."

Huo Tingren looked at her and said unhappily, "sister-in-law three, you are not kind."

"I'm not being kind anymore."

"Women who step on two boats are not kind."

Looking at his expression tenderly, he couldn't help smiling, "you didn't tell your third brother about this."

"No, but I'm just going to go home and talk about it. You're done. My third brother is a jealous jar."

"Then you should get out of the car."

Huo Tingren crossed Erlang's legs: "that's not good. If I don't report it, my third brother will take care of me in the future. He is careful."

After he finished speaking, he said to the driver: "Drive."

The driver hurriedly started the car and left, looking at him tenderly: "then I'll tell him about it myself, you're not allowed to pick things up."

"Sister-in-law three, I found out that you are quite afraid of my third brother."

"I'm afraid what is he doing, he can still eat me."

After speaking, she felt a little guilty, that domineering man could really eat her.

He added: "However, it is true that he is unreasonable."

As soon as she finished speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Huo Tingren sometimes thinks that this third sister-in-law is really amazing.

After all, it is difficult for a person like his third brother to accept the approach of others.

But the third sister-in-law not only got close to him, but also got directly into the third brother's heart.

For the third sister-in-law, he truly admired her.

The only regret is... the life experience of the third sister-in-law.

Forget it, the third brother doesn't care, what he wants to do.

The car drove back to the villa and stopped at the door of Huo tingshen's residence.

The two got out of the car and entered the living room together.

Huo tingshen is actually there.

With a cold face, he sat on the sofa, and when he heard the movement at the door, he stared at the two people at the door with a cold gaze.

Seeing this, Huo Tingren whispered in his warm ear, "the atmosphere is not right."

"Same feeling."

She just finished, Huo Tingren stepped forward: "third brother, I have something to report to you, today..."

Staring at Huo tingshen's back tenderly and silently, this boy, the banner fell fast enough.

Huo Ting interrupted him deeply and said coldly, "Tingren, go back to yourself first."

When Huo Tingren heard the order, before turning around and leaving, he took a warm look at him.

Grit your teeth tenderly and not be righteous.

Huo Ting said deeply: "except for warmth, everyone goes out."